Neurons Fuction and dysfuction Flashcards
Name the speeds for each fiber type
Fiber 1: Myelinated from spindle or golgi tendon organ
Fiber 2: myelinated from spindles and some tactile receptors
Fiber 3: Myelinated conduct crude touch, temperature, and pain
Fiber 4: Unmeylinated, carry pain and temperature
- Fast
- medium fast
- relatively slow
- slowest
Name five types of glia and function
- astrocytes: provide support for neurons, insulate;buffer impulses
- oligodendrocytes: produce myelin in the CNS
- Microglia: immune response
- Ependmal: Absorbtive, transport of hormones to a secretion of CSF fluid
- Schwann Cells-Produce myelin in perphery
Identify each type of neuron.

Yellow: Bipolar
( 2 axons with cell body in center, usually do sensory information, Ex: can be found in retina)
Green: Unipolar
(dendrites arise in axon, very rare, both ends have axon characteristics Ex:dorsal root ganglion cells)
Purple: Multipolar
( most common, 3 or more dendrites, one long axon in brain and cord, ex. alpha motor neuron)
What ending and fibers are considered sensory(afferent)?
Endings: receptors that begin transduction
Fibers: Dendrites
What ending and fibers are considered efferent(motor)?
Endings: terminal bouton, connect to effector organ,
Fibers: axons(conduct info away from cell body towards an effector [muscle or gland])
Describe Guillain-Barre
Auto-immune response linked with prior infection or inflammation
Demyelination of peripheral axons
Progressive motor weakness, sensory loss
May affect face, limbs, trunk, diaphram
Describe Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Autoimmune disease with inflammatory characteristics
Demyelination of CNS axons
Scar formation interferes with signal conduction
Fibers degenerate
Central damage to white matter (cord, cerebellum, and basal ganglia)
Symptoms: tingling, pain, numbness, visual distrubances, speech disturbances, tremor, lack of coordination and unsteady gait
What area of the neuron does each of the following diseases/ toxins damage?
- Alzheimer’s
- Myasthenia Gravis
- Botulin Toxin
- dendrites and cell bodies (loses receptive and info processing parts)
- damage to termonal axon and loss of receptors to specific neurotransmitters
- Prevents depolarization and neurotransmitter release pre-synaptically
Where is the degenearation in Wallerian degeneration?
Axon degneration is distal to site of damage
Ex: if damage to axon near cell body, the rest of the axon to the terminal bouton is damaged
Where is the degeneration occur in Anterograde degeneration?
Damage to one neuron causes degeneration to target cell because the target cell does not get any input from the damaged cell
Where does degeneration occur in retrograde degeneration?
Degeneration of sending neuron when receiving neuron is damaged
When does the CNS begin to develop?
3 weeks post-conception
When does the brain begin to specialize?
6 to 7 weeks post conception
Explain the difference between spina bifida oculta and cystica
Oculta: Characterized by hair tuffed, no neurologica consequences
Cystica: Protrusion of cord and spine which is observed by a cyst. Meningocele and mylomeningocele
Give 2 examples of developmental sensory stimulation that is affected by a “critical period”
Lazy eye correction
Cochlear implants: more affective in younger clients
Name the order of myelination in the brain from first to occur to last
Motor areas
Higher order association areas
Sensory processing areas
- sensory processing areas
- motor areas
- higher order association areas
Where is CSF located?
Between pia and arachnoid mater