Neuronal Migration Flashcards
How does migration lay down layers of cortex?
earliest to migrate lay down first layer
neurons nearest cortical surface were last to migrate
how far can neurons migrate?
up to 5-6mm
3 types of migration
radial glial fibres
bundles of elongated radial glia span entire thickness of cortex
do neurons migrate inwards or outwards along glial track?
radial glial - transient or permanent?
transient - migration complete degenerate of form astrocytes or neurons
how does gliophilic migration ensure neighbour-neighbour relationships?
pre-formed scaffold imposes lateral restraint on neurons
attachments of radial glial fibre
ventricular zone to pial surface
neurophilic migration - where do neurons migrate to?
surface of the pons
what do purkinje cells have?
large dendritic trees
granule cell bodies origin
born in outside of cerebellum, migrates downwards with parallel fibres and neuronal projection to granule cell layer
bipolar - granule cells
horizontal process along parallel fibres of previous granule cell - neurophilic
tripolar - granule cells
vertical process to shaft of bergmann glial fibre - nucleus migrate through own nerve shaft
where is final division of granule cells?
near pial surface
golgi epithelial cell
cell body of bergmann glial fibre in purkinje layer
depth of parallel fibres and time of differentiation
deepest - first to migrate
closes to pial surface = most recent