Neuronal Communication Flashcards
dendrons branch off into?
dendrites ?
:Connect to the synaptic knob of the previous neuron, allowing an impulse to be received.
all neurones have?
a cell body - which contains a nucleus and other organelles
Carries neurones away from the cell body to the synapses
lie at the end of the axon and pass the AP onto the next cell
the central nervous system is composed of?
the brain and the spinal cord
describe a sensory neurone?
- An axon on one side of the cell body and a dendron on the other side of the cell body
- cell body is in the MIDDLE
- kind of looks like a spider
how do signals travel in a sensory neurone?
from the dendron (to cell body) then to the axon and onto the next neurone
relay/ intermediate neurones?
carry nerve impulses between neurones
- often have highly branched dendrites and axons
cells that carry out the response, are muscles or glands
- Responsible for the detection of stimulus, relay of impulse and stimulation of response.
- Allow for rapid changes in an organisms internal and external environment.
Long nerve fibre extension leading to the cell body.
Cell Body:
Contains nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and neurotransmitters
Long nerve fibre extension from the cell body through which impulses are transferred. Surrounded by a plasma membrane.
Myelin Sheath:
Myelinated tissue which insulates the nerve fibre helping the impulse travel more quickly.
Nodes of Ranvier:
Gaps in the myelin sheath which only allow depolarisation to occur at distanced intervals, speeding up transmission.
Synaptic Knob:
Neurotransmitters are released from here into the synaptic cleft when action potential stimulates an influx of calcium ions.
what do sensory neurones do?
transmit impulses from a sensory receptor cell to a relay or motor neuron.
Motor Neurons:
Transmit impulses from a relay neuron or sensory neuron to an effector cell such as a muscle or gland.
sensory receptors?
specialised cells in the NS that detect physical stimuli
cells that convert one form of energy into another
sensory receptors role?
convert a type of energy e.g. light into electrical signals.
- These electrical signals are called the generator potential
a generator potential?
is the depolarisation of the membrane of a receptor cell
- dendrons branch into these
dendrites receive signals
how was the resting potential and action potential discovered?
Hodgkin, Huxley and the giant axons of squid. 1952.
RP value?
what does the nervous system allow?
us to react to our surroundings and co-ordinate our behaviour
the parts that comprise our NS?
- Brain
- spinal cord which runs through the spine (CNS)
- peripheral NS - the NS outside the CNS
We have sense organs which?
relate stimuli e.g. heat, pain, noise receptors
Sensory receptors?
tend to be found in sense organs, convert diff forms of energy into APs. They act as transducers.
chemical energy ?
- the energy input causes a change in the membrane potential of the sensory receptor cell
- this potential is causes by the difference in the conc of ions across the membrane
- it can be described as ‘chemical potential energy’ bc the ions are charged
- can be measured as a tiny voltage
e.g.s of sensory receptors?
- hair cells in the cochlea - convert sound energy into APs
- Stretch receptors (cells in muscles and joints) - convert KE into APs
what is the difference between nerve and neuron?
neuron = single
nerve = bundle of neurons (packaged) surrounded by a protective layer called the perineum
neurons = nerve cells
3 types of neurons are?
- motor
- sensory
- intermediate (relay)
what do motor neurons do?
- carry APs away from the CNS (they say “mmm see ya to the CNS” to muscles/ glands
- effectors can the response
- efferent - away from CNS (eff off)
What do sensory neurons do?
carry nerve impulses to CNS (can only hear a snake when its coming towards you)
what do intermediate neurons do?
carry APs within the CNS
MNs: facts
- the dendron can / into multiple terminal branches which synapse with the effector
- each synaptic bulb touches a muscle/ gland
- one output along a long axon, but multiple inputs from multiple RN in CNS
carry to the CB
Come off dendrons
cell body?
Contains nucleus and all other organelles
Carries away from the CB. Can be μm -m long.
terminal branches lead to?
synaptic bulbs
generator potential?
a depolarisation in a SN caused by a stimulus e.g. pressure. If the generator potential reaches threshold potential then APs are generated.
Pacinian corpuscle?
a pressure sensitive receptor
SN in relation to CNS
- the cell body of a SN is found in the dorsal root ganglion of the spinal cord
- a stimulus causes APs to be generated at the dendrites of a SN
- CARRY AFFERENT APs FROM sensory receptors in the PNS ➡ CNS
- spidery looking
Intermediate Neuron info?
- the majority of CNS is formed from them
- each neuron can be connected to up to 10k others
- multiple inputs from multiple dendrites from SN/ other IN
- 1 output via dendron which can / into multiple terminal branches
interconnected INs carry out …
the processing and co-ordination of the afferent and efferent APs - the input and output
some riders can eat rats
stimuli ➡ receptor ➡ (via SN) CNS (RN)➡ (via motor neuron) effector) ➡ response
response is usually?
a skeletal muscle contracting
which type of neuron are never myelinated?
- about 1/3 of all of our MN & SN are myelinated
- Myelin sheath is made up of Schwann cells (20 layers of membranes)
- insulate the axon and ⬆ the speed of the impulse by up to x100
how does myelination keep the membrane in place?
They increase the proportion of cholesterol in the membrane
myelinated dendrons?
- myelinated dendrons and axons are wrapped in Schwann cells which form the myelin sheath
- in between Schwann cells are gaps called nodes of Ranvier where the plasma membrane of the neuron is exposed