Neuromuscular System Flashcards
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular
An advanced stretching technique used to
increase flexibility
Slow oxidative
Slow twitch
Slow contractions
Aerobic activity
e.g. marathon
Fast oxidative glycolytic
Fast twitch
Fast contractions
Fatigue relatively quickly
e.g. 800m
Fast glycolytic
Fast twitch
Very fast contractions
Fatigue very quickly
e.g. 100m
Motor units
consist of a group of one type of muscle fibre and a motor neurone which transmits signals from the brain to the muscle fibres in the
motor unit.
All or none law
For a stimulus to result in a muscle contraction, the stimulus strength must be high enough to reach the threshold for ALL muscle fibres within a motor units
Wave summation
Where a greater frequency in nerve impulses results in a more powerful contraction.
Tetanic contration
a sustained muscle contraction as the impulses are fast enough that they run together and the motor neurone is maximally stimulated.
Spatial Summation
multiple motor units are recruited in order to increase the strength of a muscle contraction
Type of proprioceptors involved
in PNF.
Muslce spindles and golgi tendon organ
Muscle spindles
send a signal to
the medulla
oblongata if a
muscle is
Golgi-tendon organs
detect tension levels
within a muscle to
see if the muscle
Identify the characteristics of fast twitch glycolytic muscle fibres (type IIx)
- Fast motor neurone conduction velocity
- Large muscle fibre diameter
- More sarcoplasmic reticulum development
- High PC stores
- High glycogen stores
- High myosin ATPase/glycolytic enzyme activity