neuromuscular system Flashcards
What is a motor neurone ?
specialised cells transmit nerve impulses to a group of muscle fibres
What is a motor unit ?
A motor neurone and the muscle fibres stimulated by it’s axon
What are the 5 steps that take place for a muscle contraction to occur ?
- impulse sent by the cell body in the cerebellum
- Impulse (action potential) sent down the motor neurone through the motor end plates into the synaptic cleft
- nerve transmitter called acetylcholine is secreted into the synaptic cleft to transmit nerve impulses across the gap
- if the charge is above the threshold, muscle fibre contracts
- Happens in an all or nothing fashion
What is acetylcholine ?
- the neurotransmitter that helps nerve impulse travel across the synaptic cleft
What does motor mean ?
How can we vary the strength of a muscle contraction ?
- correct number of motor units
- correct size of motor units
What is the sympathetic nervous system ?
- speeds things up for exercise (e.g heart rate)
What is the parasympathetic nervous system ?
- slows things down to resting state
- relaxes
What is the all-or-none law ?
Where a sequence of impulses has to be sufficient intensity to stimulate all of the music fibres in a motor unit in order for them to contract.
If not none of them would contract
What are the 3 types of muscle ?
- skeletal muscles
- smooth muscles
- cardiac muscles
What are the 3 types of fibres ?
- slow twitch (type 1) = slow oxidative
- fast twitch (type 2a) = fast oxidative glycolytic
- fast twitch ( type 2b) = fast glycolytic
What are the characteristics of type 1 fibres (slow twitch) ?
- few fibres, small size
- low force produced
- slow contraction speed
- red in colour
- high myoglobin
- high mitochondria
- low resistance to force
What are the characteristics of type 2 fibres (fast twitch type 2a) ?
- many fibres, large fibres
- high force
- fast contraction speed
- pink in colour
- moderate myoglobin
- moderate mitochondria
- moderate resistance to fatigue
What are the characteristics of type 2x fibres (fast twitch type 2b) ?
- many fibres, large fibres
- high force
- very fast contraction
- white colour
- low myoglobin
- low mitochondria
- low resistance to fatigue
What is wave summation ?
Where there is repeated nerve impulse with no time to relax
A smooth, sustained contraction occurs rather than twitches
What is tetanic contraction ?
A sustained muscle contractions caused by a series of fast repeating stimuli
What is spatial summation ?
When the strength of a contraction changes by altering the number and size of the muscles motor units
What are factors affecting flexibility ?
- bony features of a joint
- elasticity
- gender differences
- age
- body composition
What is isometric ?
- a muscle contraction with no movement and no length change
What are the two types of isotonic contractions
- concentric
- eccentric
What do isotonic contractiosn involve ?
The high repetition of movements against a low resistance such as running and swimming
Concentric = shortening
Eccentric = lengthening
What are the steps in PNF ?
- contract
- relax
- antagonist
- contract
What is the stretch reflex action ?
- produced by proprioceptors such as muscle spinales
- stretch reflex causes muscle fibres to contract
- the basis of muscle tore and protects the muscle againstW
What is the difference between strain and sprains ?
strain = t = tear = muscle
sprain = tendon = ligament