muscular-skeletal system Flashcards
What are examples of flat bones ?
- sternum
- ribs
- pelvis
- cranium
What are examples of long bones ?
- femur
- radius
- tibia
- humerous
What are examples of short bones ?
- carpals
- tarpals
What are examples of irregular bones ?
- vertebrae
What are examples of sesamoid bones ?
- patella
What is flexion, where can this take place and what is a sporting example ?
Where can this take place:
Sporting example:
What is flexion, where can this take place and what is a sporting example ?
Flexion: Any movement which decreases the angle at a joint
Where can this take place: elbow, knee, wrist, shoulder, hip
Sporting example: upward phase of a bicep curl
What is extension, where can this take place and what is a sporting example ?
Extension: increasing the angle between the bones at a joint
Where can this take place: elbow, knee, wrist, shoulder, hip
Sporting example: downward phase of bicep, kicking a ball
What is abduction, where can this take place and what is a sporting example ?
Abduction: Movement of a body part away form the mid-line of the body
Where can this take place: shoulder, hip
Sporting example: star jump, side kick
What is adduction, where can this take place and what is a sporting example ?
Adduction: Movement of a body part towards the mid-line
Where can this take place: Shoulder, hip
Sporting example: star jumps, gymnastics
What is rotation, where can this take place and what is a sporting example ?
Rotation: Circular action
Where can this take place: ball + socket joints
Sporting example: bowling, butterfly
What is plantar-flexion, where can this take place and what is a sporting example ?
Plantar-flexion: pointing the toes
Where can this take place: ankle
Sporting example: dancing, long jump
What is dorsi-flexion, where can this take place and what is a sporting example ?
Dorsi-flexion: pulling up the toes
Where can this take place: ankle
Sporting example: long jump landing
What is horizontal abduction, where can this take place and what is a sporting example ?
Horizontal abduction: Movement of a limb forwards while it is held parallel to the ground
Where can this take place: arm, leg
Sporting example: Discus
What is horizontal adduction, where can this take place and what is a sporting example ?
Horizontal adduction: Movement of a limb backwards while it is held parallel to the ground
Where can this take place: arm, legs
Sporting example: discus
What is Hyper-extension where can this take place and what is a sporting example ?
Hyper-extension: If the angle increases by more than 180 degrees
Where can this take place: leg, arm
Sporting example: bowling
What are the 3 planes of movement ?
- frontal plane
- sagital plane
- transverse plane
What is the frontal plane ?
- Plane lies vertically
- divides the body into anterior and posterior (front and back)
- examples of the movements are abduction and adduction
What is the sagital plane ?
- plane lies vertically
- divides the body into left and right parts
- e.g flexion, extension, plantar flexion and dorsi flexion (kicking, running, walking)
What is the transverse plane ?
- lies horizontally
- divides the body into superior and inferior (upper and lower)
- rotation
What is the transverse axis ?
Runs from side to side
What is the longitudinal axis ?
Runs from top to bottom
What is the sagital axis ?
Runs from front to back
What axis and plane does flexion, extension, plantar flexion, dorsi flexion and hyper flexion happen on ?
Axis = transverse
Plane = sagital
What axis and plane abduction and adduction happen on ?
Axis = sagital
Plane = frontal
What axis and plane does horizontal abduction and adduction happen on ?
Axis = longitudinal
Plane = transverse
What is an agonist ?
A muscle responsible for creating movement at a joint
What is an antagonist ?
A muscle that opposes the agonist providing a coordinated movement
What is a fixator ?
A muscle that stabilises one part while another causes movement
What are examples of antagonistic pairings ?
- hamstring + quadricep
- hip flexor + gluteus
- pectoralis + latissimus dorsi
What is a hinge joint ?
Sideways movement limited to one plane
Example: Knee, ankle, elbow
What is a ball and socket joint ?
A ball shaped head articulates with a socket to give a large range of motion in all 3 planes
Example: Hip, shoulder
What is a pivot joint ?
Joint that permits rotatory movement around an single axis
Example: Radio-ulna, neck
What is a gliding joint ?
Flat similar sized bones articulate with limited motion
Example: spine
What is a condyloid joint ?
Like a ball and socket joint, flatter bone surface to allow motion in two planes
Example: Wrist
What is a joint ?
Where two bones meet
What is a ligament ?
A tissue that connects two bones together
What is a tendon ?
A tissue that attaches muscle to bone
What is cartilage ?
Strong, flexible connective tissue that protects your joints and bones