Neuromuscular System Flashcards
Which of the following parts and divisions of the nervous system is correctly paired?
Autonomic division/ peripheral nervous system.
Which of the following incorrectly describes neurons?
Sensory neurons carry information away from the brain.
Which of the following is correct about muscle contraction?
Actin and myosin filaments slide past each other.
Neurotransmitters stimulate muscle contraction.
Muscle contraction requires ATP.
Sarcomere shorten during contraction.
What is the role of the myelin sheath in the nervous system?
Insulate axons.
Which of the following parts of the brain is responsible for posture, balance and movement coordination?
Which of the following is the basic contractile unit of the skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle contraction is stimulated by the release of which neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction?
Which of the following structures divide and multiply in cases of injury or disease?
Glial cells.
Which of the following describes the role of acetylcholine in muscle contraction?
Acetylcholine binds to the membrane receptor in the sarcolemma and facilitates opening of the sodium channels.
Dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters in the nervous system. What happens when dopamine is released into the nerve synapse?
Binding of dopamine to the membrane receptor of the postsynaptic cell.
Which of the following types of muscles are involuntary?
Cardiac and visceral.
Which of the following functional types of nerves is correctly paired with the impulse it carries?
Afferent/ carry stimulus towards the central nervous system.
Which of the following refers to the process of nerve stimulation wherein the action potential is generated through several stimulations released in rapid succession by a single source?
Temporal summation.
Which of the following parts of neurons is correctly paired with its function?
Axon / sends stimulus to axon terminal.
Which of the following correctly pairs an action with the nervous system that controls it?
Digestion/ autonomic.