neuromuscular block agents m&M 200 Flashcards
depolarizing muscle relaxants are _________
compet agonists
ND muscle relax are
compet antagonists.
chronic decrease in ach release ——-(stimulat compensatory increase in ACH receptors within muscle membrane and promote expression of the immature ACH receptor) EXAMPLE of the condition
Muscle denervation injury
response in muscle depol injury by depolerizers and non depolarizers.
exaggerated response to Sux and resistance to ND.
Downregulation example of the condition
Myasthenia Gravis
response to Downregulation
resistance to Depolarizer and increased sensitivity to ND.
Drugs interfere w opening and closing of Sodium cannels of Ach receptor.Ach receptor- Lipid membrane interface is an imp site of action. Examples are
Inhaled anesthetics, Ketamine , Local anesthetic.
Drugs physically plugs up channal
In Lab, Neostigmine , Antibiotics,cocaine,quinidine
Prejunctional receptors are blocked .What will happen to TOF
delayed response.
The only time Neostigmine reverses sux block
phase 2 block and suficint time pass after sux
first NM ralxant bind agt
cemical degrdn, ultrashort act NM blk agt
cholineestrase inhib can inc succ induced NMB. how?
By increasing Ach at NMJ and inhib Sux metab by psudoch
hydrolyzed in plasma and liver by psuedocholin, which drug
Fade , grad diminution of evoked response durng prolonged or rpt nerve stim. Signifcans
ND blk or Phase 2 blk odf Sux.
Prejunctional receptors are blocked by NMB. Called
Sust tet stim or double burst stim is fav than TOF or rept twitches, To detrmine
adeq of recov or block , response Fade due to prejunctinal and post jntional dec of Ach. recept block and dec of ach.
to inc the evoked resp to subseq twitch in teatnic stim due to Ach surge
post tet potrntiation
No POST TET pot , Fade w TOF , condiotion
phase 1 depol by sux
constant but diminshd resp to TOF, tetany , or DBS but absent post tet potrntion. Condition
Phase 1 depol Sux