Neurology U WORLD Questions Flashcards
Incidence =
Prevalence =
New case/total-people w/ disease
Drug for Partial and Grand Mal seizures, SJS or TEN risk, GI symptoms common
Lamotrigine, Na+ channels
Visual pathways
First Aid Page 486
Recurrent lapses into sleep strong emotion brief tone loss decress CSF hypocretin 1 Short Rem
White pupillary reflex in young =
Inc risk of?
retarded, asocial, macroorchidism, long face =?
Fragile X
FMR1, CGG repeat, X linked, hypermethlyated
Early Alz
AV septal Defect
duodenal atresia
Down Syndrome
Chrom 21 x3, APP gene multipled (NOT ApoE gene = late Alz)
Neisseria Meningitis recurrent attacks, why? (2)
MAC dysfxn
too much IgA (disseminated infxn
hyperpolarize: Cl- in
Left face, right body loss of pain, temp, ipsilateral ataxia
Wallenberg (Lateral Medullary Syndrome)
CN5 nucleus, Spinothalamic Tract, inferior peduncle
PICA fed by Vertebral (lateral formina of Cervical spine)
Farmer, inc ACh symptoms (SLUDGE)
organophosphate poisoning (covalent bonded)
treat w/ atropine, pralidoxime
Alcoholic presents with confusion, vision loss, unsteady gait
Wernicke-Korsakoff: mamillary body affected
Dec thiamine = dec erythroctye transketolase
give thiamine WITH glucose
Wernicke = reversible
Wernicke Korsakoff = irreversible
Diplopia, no adduction of eye, no corneal reflex =? (nerves)
exit they travel through?
CN3, CN6, CN5, superior ophthalmic vein
Superior orbital fissure
Most important aspect in diagnosing Tetanus
no ABs, cultures, or toxin tests
G+ intracellular motile rod
narrow hemolysis, tumbling
high and low temp multiply
virulence factor
most at risk?
Listeria monocytogenes
listeriolysin O
Cell mediated
neonates and Hodgkins lymphoma
Stiff neck, fever, altered mentation =
Bacterial meningitis
empiric Abx, LP, CSF analysis
Neisseria CNS pathway
Staph Aureus
Strep Pneumo
H Infl
MC adults: pharynx, blood, choroid, meninges
Alpha 1
Beta 1
Beta 2
dilate eye, contract PBS, contract bladder (Ep, NE, phenylephrine, methoxamine)
Inc heart rate (Ep, DA, dobutamine, isopretenol)
dilate PBS, dilate bronchi, relax uterus (Dobutamine, isopretenol, terbutaline, ritodrine)
unpredicatable on/off parkinson’s symptoms
on/off phenom: long term Parkinson’s treatment
inc nigrostriatal degen, dec therapeutic window
SNS to eccrine sweat glands and adrenals
PNS pre gang and post gang
SNS to Renal vessels
SNS to Heart and Vessels
SNS to other sweat glands and vessels
NACh - D1
Wernickes: alpha ketoglutarate
amino group of alanine tansferred to alpha ketoglutarate
then converted to glucose
thiamine is co factor
Short term non-addictive sleep help
Zolpidem: Zs for Zs
same mechanism as benzos (inc freq Cl- channel firing at GABA-A)
GABApentin MOA
voltage gated Ca channels in presynaptic neuron
block fusion and NT vesicle release
also enhances GABA activity
increased AFP and AChE on amniocentesis
failure of fusion of neural plate edges
neonate, MacConkey agar, pink colonies, G- rod=
E coli meningitis
K1 capsule
Rifampin, Carbamezapine, phenobarbitol, phenytoin do what to P450 and serum of drugs metabolized by P450
Fluconazole, cimetidine, omprazole, do what to P450 and serum of drugs metabolized by 450
inc P450, so dec serum level of drugs
block P450, inc serum level of drugs
brachial plexus block affects diaphragm by?
phrenic nerve roots pass through?
ipsilateral diaphragm paralysis
phrenic nerve roots C3-5 pass thru scalenes
No abduction past horizontal, shoulder droop
location of nerve
CN 11 effected
Post Triangle of neck
Ptosis, down and out, fixed and dilated, loss of accomodation =
CN3 lesion
Do secondary messengers play a role in presynaptic release?
no, Ca+ channels
left dysdiadochokinesia?
left cerebellar mass
Parkinson’s drugs that worsen anxiety and agitation
Carbidopa and levodopa
weak wrist flex, add, 4th and 5th digits, claw
place nerve gets compressed
Spinal Levels of nerve?
Ulnar nerve (ulnar claw)
Guyon’s canal
Right nasal hemianopia
Right internal carotid artery, perichiasmal lesion
Symptom treatment
abortive therapy
Sumatriptan 5HT
B blockers, anticonvulsants
young boy/man, ataxia, muscle weakness, kyphoscoliosis, pes cavus, frequent falls
associated disorder?
Friedreich’s Ataxia
AR: frataxin gene, GAA tri nuke repeat, chrom 9 (mitochondrial fxn)
Lipid stained macrophages, how long since stroke?
microglia, 3-5 days post stroke
Loss of CNS myelination =
common sign of MS
MS or multifocal encephalopathy: oligodendrocyte depletion
Oligoclonal IgG bands
asc. bilateral muscle weakness
MC bacteria associated
GBS, immune mediated
Campylobacter Jejuni
Foramen spinosum
Foramen Rotundum
Foramen Ovale
V1 ophthalmic branch, MMA and V
V2 maxillary branch
V3 mandibular branch
Ataxia, recurrent pulmonary infections, telangeictasia =
ataxia telangectasia
ATM: AR: DNA break repair
BPDII mother, child born with neural tube defect
folic acid and valproate: 4 weeks gestation
Ventrolateral nuclei
Ventromedial nuclei
anterior nuclei
posterior Nuclei
arcuate nuclei hormones
Paraventricular nuclei hormones
supra optic nuclei hormones
suprachiasmatic nuclei hormones
hunger: destruction = anorexia
satiety: destruction = hyperphagia
Destory = hypertherm
Destroy = hypotherm
AD, CRH, oxy, TRH
ADH, Oxy secrete
Circadian and pineal fxn
extensor muscle palsy =
crutch palsy, saturday night palsay, radial nerve palsy
worry about everything
B blockers help with?
angina (B1 dec HR and BP)
Asthma/COPD B2 bronchoconstriction
Resting membrane permeable =
Ligand gated
voltage gated
Dementia + HIV
whats affected
HIV associated dementia
subcortical (deep) gray
inflammatory microglial nodules
CN3 palsy ispilateral temporal lobe mass
uncal herniation, downward displacement
Oral thrush + musltiple ring enhancing lesions
HIV, toxoplasmosis
Amitryptilin: type of drug?
side effects?
insomnia, anti ACh (no sludge) urinary retention, confusion, constipation
treatment for toxoplasmosis ring enhancing lesions
pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine (clindamycin if allergy), follinic acid
Mass lesions with HIV and EBV
primary CNS lymphoma, B cells
CN5 neuralgia treatment
Na channels
bone marrow suppress and SIADH
Restless leg syndrome treatment
DA agonist, pramipexole
Fe+ deficient or idiopathic
Cavitary lesion, HTN, deep, hemiparesis
if atherosclerosis
HTN, small lacunar infarct, internal capsule
history of, big stroke
Serotonin syndrome (hyperthermia, tremor, clonus, hyperreflexia)
SSRI OD in depression
Cyproheptadine MOA
block Histamine and serotonin: antipsychotic
DIC w/ adrenal destruction post infection
N. meningitidis, Waterhouse Freidrichson
Hip drop contralateral on Trendelenburg test =
weak Glute Med, lean ipsilateral, superior gluteal nerve injury on standing leg
Gardener w/ mydriasis (dry and dilated eyes)
plant that blocks AChM: atropine poisoning
need physostigmine (AChEI that crosses BBB)
HSV (shingles) CN5 tract: anterior or retrograde?
kinesin or dynein
latent or active phase
anteriorgrage, kinesin, active
retrograde, dynein, latent
dec CO2 =? on ICP
use to treat>
vasoconstrict, = inc vascular resistance = dec in CBF = dec. in
cerebral edema
CN9, 10, 11 ipsilateral syndrome
Venet syndrome, jugular foramen mass
Low 5HT w/ neurodeterioration (retard) =?
due to deficient in ?
treat with ?
BH4 (tetrahydropiopterin) or pheynl-hydroxylase, inc phenylalanine
low phenyl diet and BH4
Mandibular division of CN5 (V3) does?
Maxillary (V2) does?
all mastication muscles and tensor tympani middle ear
Viral LP shows?
normal glucose, inc protein, 90% leukocytes
Treatment for tonic/clonic + absence seizure
Absence alone?
papilledema is due to?
impaired axoplasmic flow in optic nerve
unilateral facial paralysis, dec tearing, hyperacusis, loss of ant. 2/3 taste
Bells palsy
L-R disorientation, agraphia, acalcula, agnosia
Gerstmann syndrome
angular gyrus of dominant parietal lobe
loss of fxn of mammilary body (alcoholic)
short term memory loss
Familial Parkinson’s pathological feature
due to
alpha synuclein lewy bodies
Ubiquitiation problem
Down and out eye, artery involved
muscles active
Posterior communicating artery
lateral rectus, superior oblique
Lateral forearm sensory?
elbow flexion and 6 shooter?
lateral cutaneous nerve
MSK cutaneous nerve
Epidural hematoma (looks like, due to)?
subdural hematoma (looks like, due to)?
lens, MMA rupture
crescent, cortical bridging veins
Hemangioblastoma, kidney liver, pancrease
Hamartomas and cutaneous angiofibromas
PNS tumor, neurofibromas, optic gliomas, caf a luit, iris nodules
Bilateral CN8 Schwannomas and meningiomas
cutaneous facial angiomas, leptomeningial angiomas, retard, seizure, hemipegia, tram track skull
VHL syndrome AD
Von Recklinghuasens (NF1)
Sturg Weber
Osler Weber
Symmetrical ventricle enlargement, tuberculosis infxn can cause?
due to?
communicating hydrocephalus
arachnoid granulation problem
Neuronal shrinkage, cytoplasmic eosinophila?
glial hyperplasia
kid, parkinsons, inc transaminases, dec ceruplasmin
D Penicillamine
BBB: made of
can cross freely?
areas w/ no BBB
Tight jxns, end feet of astrocytes, BM
Nonpolar/lipid soluble
area postrema (vomit), post pituitary (ADH release), organ of lamina terminalis (blood osmolality)
Narcolepsy area of the brain
lab values
lateral hypothalamus: promotes wakefulness and REM
Dec hypocretin 1, 2, orexins A and B
contralateral homonymous hemianopia
occipital cortex
neonate hydrocephalus, IC calcifications, chorioretinitis (yellow) = ?
due to ?
congenital toxo
in utero cat feces
absence seizures treatment
dec Ca++ channel current in thalamic nuclei
Adult polycystic kidney disease associated w/?
treat w/, MOA
Nimodipine (dec. Ca++ current) prevent vasospasm and neurodeficits
decrease accomodation, cant read, drugs used?
1st gen antihistamines (chlorpheniramine, diphenhydramine)
block histamine and ACh at ciliary muscle
central scotomas
lesions of macula
sudden arm up jerking lesion where?
spinal levels
lower trunk brachial plexus, Klumpkes claw hand, intrinsic hand muscles
finger and thumb Extension weakness, repetitive pronation, supination, trauma = ?
radius subluxation, radial nerve, supinator canal
Right sided pure hemisensory loss
posterior lateral
posterior medial
thalamic stroke contralateral
dementia, ataxia, urinary incontenence in older individual
spinal levels
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Traumatic event then neuromptoms
Conversion disorder
CN5, mandible, maxilla, zygoma, incus, malleus, masstication muscles come from?
CN7, stapez, styloid, lesser horn hyoid, facial muscles come from?
neonate missing any of these
1st arch
2nd arch
treacher collins syndrome
Kids w/ stroke like neuro deficits
mitochondrial diseases, heteroplasmy, inc, lactate variability of presentation: MELAS
self mutilation (biting), hyperuricemia, decrease HGPRT, increase PRPP =
Lesch Nylon
inc blood uric acid, kids w/ developmental delays
acute painless monocular vision loss
central retinal artery occulsion: cherry red macula
progressive weakness
MG, AChR Abs, thymoma
esosinophilic staining red neurons
ischemic stroke 12-24hrs ago
parkinsons treatment
direct DA receptor stimulus
pregnant w/ monolike illness
infant at greatest risk for
brady cardia after inferior MI due to?
can cause?
dec Sa and AV node conductance
closed angle glaucoma
kinesin antero or retrograde
affect if missing
dec synaptic vesicles
anxiety treatment
assoicated NT
brain location where NT is produced
SSRI fluoxeteine
Raphe nuclei
ANterior pituitary is produced from?
surface ectoderm
Multiple sclerosis low or hgih neuronal length constant
Late Alzhemiers associated w/? (3)
ApoE4, E4
APP chrom 21
Presenlin 1 (chrom 14), and 2 (chrom 1)
Rapid recovery from propafol anesthesia due to
tissue redistribution of drug
neonate, acidosis, inc anion gap, ketosis, hypoglycemia, inc propionic acid due to
methylmalonyl coa deficit, cant metabolize Val, isoleu, metho, threonine
puffere fish toxin?
Na+ channels, carrdiac and nerve tissue
how to prevent MPTP damage to DA neurons?
MAO-B blocker: selegiline
premie, large anterior fontanels, <1500g, hypotonia, prominent scalp veins
intraventricular hemorrhage
thymoma on CT, large mass
MG, autoantibodies to AChR
Parkinsons treatment
Levodopa (crosses BBB)
Carbidopa (blocks decaroxylase)
Entacapones (blocks COMT
pupil constrict, hypotension, vasodilate, which receptor stimulated
M3 ACh
alpha heli to beta pleated sheet
H bond rearrangement
Focal Seizures:
Partial hemisphere
motor symptoms only (arm jerk)
Motor + absence seizure
carbamazepine, gababpentin, pehnobarbitol, phenytoin
Generalized Seizures
both hemispheres
LOC and jerking
brief jerk
Lamotrigine, levetiracetam, topiramate, valproate, ethosuximide
lymphoma, dec immunity, india ink stain and suocraud agar = ?
Cryptococcal meningitis
Amphotericin B and Flucytosine
recurrent seizures more than 5min
status epilepticus
IV lorazepam (GABA)
IV phenytoin (Na+)
flushing, diaphoresis, nausea after drug taken?
used for?
atonic bladder
volatile anesthetics inc?
Chronic loss of peripheral vision
drugs target
open angle glaucoma = inc IOP and cup/disk ratio
ciliary epithelium
Vomiting and vertigo
vestibular system inner ear
surgery, drug that precipitates opiod withdrawal symptom
Buprenorpohine, only a partial u agonist
antipsychotics with acute dystonic rxn due to
D2 antagonism in nigrostriatal pathway
no vertical gaze, upper lip numb, cheeck, gingiva number
orbital floor fracture: maxilla, infraorbital nerve (V2)
inferior rectus trapped
5 year old, gait problems, posterior fossa mass, primitive cells
rosenthal fibers, low grade
small round, blue cells, high grade
pilocytic astrocytoma
Tetanus, spams: anterior or retrograde
affects WHich NTs
GABA and Glycine in cord
contralateral motor/sensory deficits in LE and urinary incontinence
ACA occlusion
Startle epilepsy, blotchy red ragged muscle fibers on Gomori trichome stain
maternal inherited mitochondrial disease
N meningitidis vaccine
capuslar protein, anticapsular antibodies
low cerebellar tonsils
adolscent, or adult =
neonate, severe, aqueductal stenosis, myelomeningocele, syrinx
Arnold Chiari malformation
Type I
Saddle anesthesia and no anal reflex
S2-4 dermatome
all extensors motor, sensory posterior UE, wrist drop, axilla or mid humerus
FLexion, finger abduction, thumb add
flexion thumb opposition
Radial nerve C5-T1
Ulnar Nerve
Median Nerve
Achilles reflex
extracellular neuritic plaques medial temporal lobe, amyloid beta (APP)
Neurofibrillary tangles cytoplasm
ALzheimers, APP
lacunar stroke damage to subthalamic nucleus
BG output
icepick, unilateral, recurring HA, tearing and runny nose
cluster HA
cystic degeneration of putamen
WIlson’s disease
hypotonia, hepatomegaly, seizure, infant death, VLCFA
peroxisomes defect
South, infxn, rash, stroke symptoms, encepthalitis w/ flaccid paralysis
WNV: flavivirus RNA
insect bite
aggressive, flat, jerky
loss of GABA, atrophy of caudate
Tri repeat HD gene Chrom 4, AD
resperidine, tetrabenzine, haloperidol, benzos
diabetic neuropathy due to?
nonenzymatic glycosylation and endoneural arteriolar hylanziation
HIV, HA, mass, EBV =
PCNS lymphoma, CD20 or 79a cells, high grade
papilledema, HA, vomit
no up gaze, light neer dissection, bilateral eye retraction
Parnaurd syndrome
Germinoma, pineal gland mass
dorsal midbrain
dot or flame retinal hemorrhages
origin of seizure deficits
contralateral pirmary somatosensory coretex (post central gyrus)
elderly, recurrent lobar hemorrhage in occipital and parietal lobes
cerebral amyloid angiopathy
coagulase neg, extracell polysac biofilm virulence
Staph epiderm
loss of prop, stabbing and stumbles, VDRL+ spinal fluid, Argyll pupill
Dorsal columns
+Romberg, prop, fatigue, sensory deficits
B12 deficit
MOA of huntingtons
histone deacetylation = gain of fxn, silence neuronal sruvival genes
treat w/ histone deacetylase inhibitors
lancet G+ cocci pairs
Strep pneumo, most common isolated meningitis
acute hepatitis and centrolobar necrosis can be caused by
halogenated inhaled anesthetics (Flurones): P450
Numbness and tingling after TB treatment w/ isoniazid
competes w/ B6 pyridoxine
Long term pyridostigmine exacerbate
improves w/ endrophonium test (tensilon)
myasthenic or cholinergic crisis
myasthenic, not cholinergic
ANS modulated by
NACh modulated by
cAMP, IP3, or Ions
white around fundoscopic vessels
CMV retinitis
labor, fecal/urinary incontinence =
pudendal nerve stretch injury
sporadic neurolgic symptoms, woman 20-30 yo, IgG, HL
MS, Autoimmune
INF beta
ISchemic injury in brain
ischemic injury not in brain
liquifactive necrosis
coagulative necrosis
antipsychotics, missed periods, nipple discharge: pathway
tuberoinfundibular path, prolactin
K+ on nerve graph
down stroke not peak or resting: most K+ permeable
Decerebrate extesnor posture after brain injury/hemorrhage
decorticate flexor posture
transtentorial/uncal hernation = pons injury, mid brain injury, at or below red nucleus
cerebral hemis or internal capusle, at or above red nucleus
post cardiac arrest lack of pupillary light reflex
upper midbrain axonal injury
meningiomas occur most commonly at
midline falx or tentorium cerebeli
contralateral hemineglect
meningioma in parietal lobe
kid, flaccid paralysis, degen ant horn cells
spinal muscular atrophy, SnRNP spliceosomes, SMN1
hyperacusis in facial nerve palsy
stapedius nerve and stapedius mscle paralysis
liqufactive necrosis due to
lysosomal digeston of tissue
as you move down in spinal cord cord white matter
increase, thicker space in ventral horn
enkaphalenins, dynorphins, endorphins, opiates, ACTH
POMC regions and MSH
<1yo, regression motor skills, macrocepthaly, bright red fovea, w/ white macula
inc GM ganglioside
inc B glucocerebroside
inc sphingomyelin and HSM
lysosomal storage disease
Tay Sachs: AR, no B hexoasminidase A
Miemann Pick
most common viral meningitis 3
Agitation, disorientation, pharyngospasm, photophobia, salivation
virus type
receptor type
ssRNA Rhabdovirus bullet shaped
Carbamazepine, barbituates, phenytoin, rifampin, griseofulvin, St Johns wart, modofinil, cyclophosphamide
CYP450 Inducers: dec drug concn
Amiodarone, Cimetidine, Fluoroquinolones, clarithromycin, azoles, GF juice, Isoniazid, Ritonavir
CYP450 Inhibitors, inc drug concen
opiate induced analgesia
mu recetpor, inc K+ open, hyperpol post synaptic
dec Ca+ influx presynaptic
treatment for essential tremor
propanlol B blocker
SAH berry aneurysms
berry aneurysms w/ down and out eye
near ICA branch point, compress CN3 at PcommA
spontaneous deep intracerebral hemorrhage due to?
lenticulostraite arteries
1st 3 finger sensory deficits: nerve?
wheres it trapped?
between which muscles
Flexor retinaculum
FD superficialis and profundus
Nonsense speech: wordy Wernieckes
MCA (does Brcas)
hearing loss tinnitus, NF2, neuroma location
pontomedullary jxn or CPA
contralateral hemiplegia of fuace and UE and aphasia if dominant
MCA occlusions
hgih blood - gas partition =
low soluble =
slower equilibration w/ brain than NO
rapid onset
PTSD diagnosed after
1month of symptoms
round cells, peripheral nuclei, granular nissl substance =
axonal rxn post wallerian degen
1st 3 digits, tinels + at flexor retinaculum
Carpal tunnel, median nerve compresion
unstable, fatigue, pallor of nails, hands
b12 deficit, serum methylmalonic acid
dysarthria and contralateral ataxic hemiparesis
CN5 lateral aspect mid pons
temporal bone injury, LOC
MMA, epidural hematoma, skull and dura
veicular tender rash on dermatome
latent in?
VZV shingles reactivation
dorsal root ganglion
HIV meningitis, budding yeast, latex agglutination, pneumocystic
Cryptococcus neoformans
LUng tumor, cerebellar degen, dizzy, limb ataxia, dysarthria, visual problems, get better w/ stimulation
autoimmune Lambert Eaton
Anti yo, P/q, Hu
purkinje neurons
succinylcholine for surgery, fever muscle rigitidty, malignant hyperthermia due to?
increase ca++ release
+ babinski, hyperreflexia =
UMN lesion
topical for open angle glaucoma
latonoprost PGE2 inc outflow aq humor uveoscleral
INO disordered conjugate horizontal gaze
MLF lesion ipislateral dorsal pons
Neuro Malignant syndrom =
caused by
treat w/
looks like serotonin syndrome
dantrolene and stop drug
gait and truncal ataxia
acute cerebellar lesion vermis
well differentiated neoplasm, juvenile , hair glial cells, cerebellum, rosenthal fibers, granular eosinophilic bodies
pilocytic astrocytomas
smoker + horners (ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis)
pancost tumor atapex of lung
ciliary ganglia C8-T2
brachial plexus shoulder pain
caudate nucleus: Location and disease
lateral ventricle, Huntingtons
Femoral nerve block =
lidocaine into femoral crease, not ring
appendectomy, loss of sensation over ipsilateral suprapubic area
GenFem nerve?
iliohypogastric n
cremasteric reflex
Benzos MOA
Barbs MOA
inc freq CL- channel open
block NE and 5HT reuptake
Inc duration CL- goben GABA-A
Adductors innervation
Obturator nerve, L2-4
NE made in
Locus ceruleus, posterior rostral pons: near lateral floor 4th ventricle
RAS arousal
dense glial scar due to?
myelin debris persists for years
Wallerian degen
HA, vomit, papilledema, dry skin, HSM< weird diet
Vit A tox
Peripheral facial palsy
Parotid gland mass
shrunken nuclei, no nissl, eosinophilic cytoplasm =
time since injury
irreversible cell injury
red neuron, 12-24 hours
2 years progressive headaches w/ acute onset neuro symptoms = ?
Whorled psammoma bodies
young, visin change, HA, calcified mass, choelsterol =
ant. pituitary, rathke pouch remnant
rapid neuro symptoms, decline and death with dementia w/in months =
vacuolated areas, prion PrP, no treatment
young, reatrd, seizures, pallor of SN, locus ceruleus, vagal nucleus =
dec phenylalanine hydroxylase
loss of sense of tonsillar lining but no hoarseness = ?
CN9 deficits (not 10, 10 is hoarse)
gingival hyperplasia =
deep brain stimulation to globus pallidus or subthalamic nuclei in parkinsons used to
promote thalamo cortical disinhibition
cataracts, gonadal atrophy, frontal baldnes, inability to loose grib, gait disturbance =
myotonic dystrophy
CTG tri nuke repeat
GBS path
endoneural inflammation infiltrate
capsaicin depletes?
results in?
substance P
pain relief but hurts first
rapid hypo Na+ correction =
osmotic demyelinating syndrome
Neisseria meningitidis vaccine against
pili, no adherence to nasopharynx
S100+, biphasic dense-nondense (Anteri A + B), acoustic neuroma
embyro deriv?
also S100+
Schwannoma, NF2
neural crest
decrease in motor end plate potential repeated contractions
Excessive cholinergic stimuation of gut (SLUDGE) due to AChEI treatment
Scopolamine (ANTI M)
myoclonic/tonic clonic seizures treatment
braod spectrum anticonvuslants = valproate
child, febrile seizure best treatment
supportive care (aceto or Ibpu for comfort: block PGE2
after bronchoscopy (atropine) restless, dilated, disoreinte
use physostigmine (BBB), not neostigmine or edrophonium (do not cross BBB)
miosis, bradycardia, dec RR, hypotension, dec mentalfxn and dec bowel sounds =
opiate intox
vomiting chemo trigger zone
front of 4th ventricle = area postrema
foot slap, no eversion, numb dorsal foot, lateral shin =
common peroneal n injury
dec choline acetylatransferase in nucleus basalis and hioppocampus, yellow or green under polarized light after congo red
Substantia nigra =
caudate nucleus =
hearing loss, ipsilateral facial numbness, dec corneal reflex =?
CPA and acoustic schwannoma
big 3rd and lateral ventricles, normal sized 4th
cerebral aqueduct stenosis
butterfly mass, very quick onsset and growth, located in cerebral hemispheres
wide based gait, nonreactive but accomodating reflex, dec DTR Knee/ankle, + romberg
type of bug
accentuated by
Neurosyphilis, tabes dorsalis
helderly w/apparently enlarged ventricles (due to cortical loss)
hydrocephalus ex vacuo
NMDA role in Huntingtons
cell death, chorea, aggressive, memory problems
Tongue Sensory:
General Ant 2/3
General Post 1/3
Gustatory Ant 2/3
Gustatory Post 1/3
Root bud
spongiform transformation of gray matter
CJD PrP prion
opsoclonus, myoclonus, hypotonia, abd. mass, inc catechols
gene amp?
Neuroblastoma adrenal medulla
deep intracerebral hemorrhage due to HTN =
Charcot Bouchard aneurysm (not saccular SAH)
seizures, intracerebral bleeding
cavernous hemangioma
cant walk down stair can walk up, tuck chin and tilt head away from one side
CN4 lesion (SOM
superior/anterior to cerebellum
NF2 protein and chrom
NF1 protein and chrom
merlin, 22
neurofibromin 17
slit lamp test +
Wilsons (ring on eyes)
Old brain infarct =
glial scar (astrocytic processes) on periphery
ipsilateral CN3 palsy, hemiparesis
transtentorial/uncal herniation
days old SAH presenting w/ new neuro symptoms due to?
Nimodipine (Ca channel blocker)
HA, acute blindness one eye, previous fever, shoulder and pelvic pain = ?
Ortho symtoms caused by?
large vessel arteritis (temporal or Multinuclear giant cell arteritis)
polymyalgia rheumatica
clasp knife spasticity (initial resistance then release) due to lesion in
where is lesion if it is in contralateral arm, leg , lower face
UMN, any point in pyramydal motor system
Internal capsule
subdural hematoma and retinal hemorrhages in baby
shaken baby
ataxia, myoclonus, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis due to
type of virus
vaccine is
mealses (rubeola)
ss enveloped RNA hemagglutinin
live atten virus
lesion to CST =
presents as?
spastic hyperreflex
Synaptophysin is a marker for ?
GFAP is a marker for?
LP needle placed at?
anatomical landmark
spinal cord ends at
L3-4, or L4-5
Iliac crest
DM, CN3 down and out, normal reactive pupil, ptosis =
ischemia injury
young, loss of bilateral upper and lower pain and temp sensory loss =
associated w/
scoliosis, Arnold Chiari
diaphragmatic nerves
C3-5 phrenic nerve
baby, lethargy, vomit, tachypnea, inc ammonia, inc propionic acid, acidosis =?
missing enzyme?
congenital methylmalonic acidemia
dec methylmalolyl COA mutase
nausea, dry mouth, ptosis, difficulty swallowing
blocks ACh release presynapse
HIV, lung infxn, then brain, spherical yeast, india ink, thick capsule
Cryptococus neoformans
many people, close quarters, meningitis
N. meningitids
outer lipooligosacch
UMN and LMN motor only symptoms
precentral gyrus, LCST, anterior horn
Riluzole (dec glutamate release)
potency of inhaled anesthetic =
min alveolar concentration, the lower the more potent
drug rxn, facial edema, rash, LAD, eosinophilia 2-8 weeks post drug
sinus infxn followed by CN3,4,5,6 symptoms =
most common bug
cavernous sinus thrombus
S aureus
Pupillary light reflex not present
no optic nerve input
biceps // brachioradialis reflex
1st brain area damaged in cardiac arrest
due to
global cerebral ischemia and hypoperfusion
sensory lateral shoulder, motor deltoid, abduction, C5-6
Axillary nerve
hypoxia w/ bilateral wedge shapes in ACA, MCA, PCA watershed encephalopathy orientation
parallel to cerebral convexity
ulcer, fatigue =
spinal areas affected
B12 deficit
DC, Spinocerebellar tract, LCST
reciting months of year backwards tests
attention and concentration
syringomelia affects
ant white commissure
older paitents with insomnia treatment
rameltion (Melatonin receptor)
PC and LCST affected in women
B12 def
torticolis, subterminal spore formation
CLostridium botulinum
HTN, left temporal himretina
L lateral geniculate body
treatment for MS spasticity
Baclofen (GABA-B), tizanidine (alpha 2)
Broca’s, right hemipareisis, comprehension good, nonfluent, area affected?
inferior frontal gyrus (Brodman 44-45)
home canned food, diplopia (NACh) and dry mouth (MACh)
Rheumatoid arthritis, intubated, then quadriparesis
cervical sublux
contralalteral hemianopia
+ paresthesis and numbness
PCA infarct
Lateral thalamus
MS autoimmune response
T cell mediated
drugs to avoid w/ benzos
sedatives (diphen and chlorphen)
loss of motor fxn 1 side, sense on other side
Brown Sequard (hemisection of spinal cord)
wet age related macular degen due to
dry vs wet
subretinal hemoorrahge and drusen
inc VEGF
Randibizumab, bevacizumab, smoking cessation
gradual, acute
inappropriate behavior
Picks/Frontotemporal dementia
Large AV concentration of anesthetic =
inc tissue solubility = slow onset axn
fibular fracture, foot drop no toe extension, eversion intact =
no eversion =
deep pereoneal nerve
Vit E def looks like?
spine areas affected
Freidrichs ataxia
spinocerebellar tracts, DC, dec DTRs
dilated capillaries in cavernous sinus
hemangioma, shows w/ seizures
contralateral homo hemianopia
optic track lesion
kyphoscoliosis, high plantar arch, heart failure, gait ataxia
tracts affected
Freidreich ataxia
AR, FXN, GAA tri nuke repeat
iron sulfur enzymes