Neurology Flashcards
What is aphasia?
inability to comprehend or formulate language because of damage to specific brain regions
What are the characteristics of aphasia?
This damage is typically caused by postoperative cerebral vascular accident (stroke), or head trauma; however, these are not the only possible causes
- postoperative cerebral vascular accident (stroke) - trouble speaking, along with having a numb or drooping face and feeling weak in one arm, is one of the three major signs of stroke
- multiple sclerosis - lesions in areas of the brain responsible for speech can have speech issues that range from mild to severe
- Intracerebral hemorrhage
- migraine headache may cause transient aphasia
- carotid disease
- recurrent laryngeal nerve injury 0.77% of thyroidectomies resulting in hoarseness and aphonia
- apraxia of speech (AOS) is a neurogenic communication disorder affecting the motor programming system for speech production
What is dysarthria?
a motor speech disorder resulting from neurological injury of the motor component of the motor-speech system
What are the characteristics of dysarthria?
- causes include toxic, metabolic, degenerative diseases, traumatic brain injury, or thrombotic or embolic stroke
- degenerative disease include Parkinsonism, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s disease, Niemann-Pick disease, and Friedreich’s ataxia
- toxic and metabolic conditions include: Wilson’s disease, hypoxic encephalopathy such as in drowning, and central pontine myelinolysis
- brain tumor
- cerebral palsy
- Guillain-Barre syndrome
- hypothermia
- Lyme disease
- stroke
- Intracranial hypertension (formerly known as pseudo tumor cerebri)
- Tay-Sachs disease
What is change in vision?
periopertive vision loss is very rare, occurring at a frequency of 0.002% after nonocular surgeries and 0.2% after cardiac and spine surgeries
What are the characteristics of change in vision?
- increased prevalence after cardiac, spine, head and neck, and some orthopedic procedures
- the most common cause of postoperative ocular injury is corneal abrasion, which may or may not be associated with visual loss
- the most common cause of permanent POVL are central retinal artery occlusion, ischemic optic neuropathy, and cerebral vision loss
What is an epidural hematoma?
traumatic head injury, conscious in ER followed by unconsciousness
-epidural hematoma are caused by damage to the middle meningeal artery as it passes through the foramen spinous of the sphenoid bone
What is anterior cord syndrome?
loss of pain and temperature below the level with preserved joint position/vibration sense
What is central cord syndrome?
loss of pain and temperature sensation at the level of the lesion, where the spinothalamic fibers cross the cord, with other modalities preserved (dissociated sensory loss)
What is complete cord transection?
rostral zone of spared sensory levels (reduced sensation caudally, no sensation in levels below injury); urinary retention and bladder distention
What is Brown-Sequard syndrome (hemisection of the cord)?
- loss of joint position sense and vibration sense on the same side as lesion and pain and temperature on the opposite side a few levels below the lesion
- lesion of half-ipsilateral cervical cord lesion
- contralateral sensory findings; pain and temperature loss
What is distal sensory polyneuropathy?
stocking-glove sensory loss is a term used to describe sensory loss affecting the distal lower and upper extremities that is most commonly seen in length-dependent axonal neuropathies
What are axonal neuropathies most frequently due to?
- diabetes mellitus
- alcohol
- vitamin B12 deficiency
- syphilis
- human immunodeficiency virus
- Lyme disease
- uremia
- chemotherapy
- vasculitis
- paraneoplastic neuropathy
- amyloidosis
What are other causes of sensory neuropathy?
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- Guillain-Barre syndrome variant
- Chemotherpy-induced, especially platinum drugs
- Vitamin B6 toxicity
What is subarachnoid hemorrhage?
“worst headache of my life”
-subarachnoid hemorrhage typically occurs due to ruptured berry aneurysms and presents with the “worst headache” of a person’s life
What is a subdural hematoma?
an elderly patient with a history of multiple falls who is now presenting with neurological symptoms - indicative of chronic subdural hematoma
What is vascular disorders (carotid disease)?
carotid stenosis <70% is best managed with anti platelet therapy (aspirin), whereas stenosis > 70% is best managed with carotid endarterectomy