Neurology Flashcards
cortex functions in higher brain processes- controls voluntary.
frontal lobe: reasoning, problem solving, parts of speech, movement and emotion
parietal: perception, auditory stimuli, and speech
temporal : memory
occipital : visual
regulates breathing
basal ganglia disorders
movement disorders - it helps with the coordination of movements (dyskinesia, dystonias, parkinson's, huntington;s) behavior control (tourette's and obsessive compusive)
parkinson disease, dopamine antagonistic meds (haldol, metoclopramide),
Lewy body disease- loss of dopaminergic neurons.- recurrent hallucinations that are visual
TRIPTANS cannot be used with
Contraindications to their use include: ischemic heart disease (including coronary artery vasospasm [Prinzmetal angina], angina pectoris, myocardial infarction); stroke, transient ischemic attack, history of hemiplegic or basilar migraine; peripheral vascular disease (including ischemic bowel disease); uncontrolled hypertension; severe hepatic disease, `
negri body
Trigeminal neuralgia
common in MS
viral meningitis
most common cause is enterovirus
mc is herpes simplex
resting tremors
postural tremor
occurs when holding position against gravity
lewy body disease
loss of dopaminergic aneurons- similar to parkinson symptoms - DEMENTIA (due to loss of anticholergic neurons), RECURRENT visual hallucination
caudate nucleus atrophy
-behavioral, chorea, dementia
cerebral and caudate nucleus atrophy
manage chorea- antidopaminergics. benzo for chorea and sleep
essential familial terror
BILATERAL!!!!- hands, forearms, head, neck and voice- worse with emotional stress and intentional movement
shortly relieved with ETOh
dopamine depletion- no inhibition of ACH in basal ganglia- LEW BODIES!!- loss of pigment cells seen in substantia nigra
RESTING TREMOR- pill roll- bradykinesia, rigityt, cogwhell, fixed facial expressions.
MYERSON: tap bridge of nose repetitively causes a sustained blink
TX For parkinsons
levodopa/carbidopa: most effective!!! dopamine agonists: bromocriptine anticholinergics: (cuz parkinsons has too much ACH that are not inhibited- benztropine, trihexyphenidyl)- for the tremors Amantadine- increases dopamine release MA-B inhibits: selegline , rasagiline COMT inhibitors: entacapone, tolcapone
tourette syndrome
ASSOCIATED WITH Obsession compulsions
- too much dopamine also in basal ganglia
BLOCK THE DOPAMINE- haldol, risperdal
ALS lou gherig’s idsease
necrosis of both upper and lower motor neurons- eventual respiratory dysfunction
upper: spasticity, stiffness, hyperreflexia
lower motor neuron: bilateral fasciculations, muscle atrophy, hyporeflexia
SENSATION, URINARY sphincter, and volutnary eye movements ARE SPARED
cerebral palsy
injury during prenatal period= spasticity- UMN- development disability
BACLOFEN for the spasticty
REStless legs syndrome
sleep-related movement disorder
SECONDARY from CNS iron deficiency
- itching, burning, paresthesias in the leg that gives urge to move legs- worse at night- improves with movement
TX; DOPAMINE AGONISTS: pramipexole, ropinirole
GBS guillain barre syndrome
incidence with campylobacter jejuni- MC.
demyelinating polyradiculopathy of the peripheral nerves
SYMMETRIC weakness and paresthesias- immune response reacts with peripheral nerve components
ASCENDING WEAKNESS AND paresthesais - decreased DTR, breathing difficulty
myasthenia gravis
autoimmune PERIPOHERAL nerve disroder
mc in young women
tymic ABNORMALITIES- hyperplasai or thymoma
AUTOIMMUNE ABX against ACETYLCHOLINE postsynaptic receptor at the NEUROMSUCULAR junction!- progressive weakness with repeated muscle use and recovery after periods of REST!
- ocular weakness, generalized ocular weakness- diplpia, eyelid weakness, PTOSIS!!!, generalized msucle weakness throughout the day- gets better with rest. BULGBAR weakess: with prolonged chewing
respiratory uscle wekness- myasthenic crissis!!
myasthenia dx and tx
dx: aceytlcholine receptor antibodies,
edrophonium test: rapid repsonse to short active edrophoium!!
CT SCAN - shows thymomA!!
tx:acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: pyridostigmine!!!!- incresaes acetylchonline!!!
PLASMAPHEREISIS OR IVIG!!- for myasthenic crisis!!
myastehnic syndrome- associate with sall cell lung cancer- weakness IMPROVES WITH REPEATED USE in LAMBERT~
autoimmune- demylination of white amtter!!!
relapsing- remitting disease in the most common
TRIEGMINAL NEURALGIA!!!, worsening symptoms with heat, OPTIC NUERITIS!!!- unilateral eye pain worse with movements, diplolpia, central scotomas, vision loss (COLOR)- MARCUS-gunn pupil- pupils dilate in affected eye- during swinging flashing light
UPPER MOTOR NEURON- spasticitiy and positive babinski!!!
DX of Multiple SCLEROSIS
MRI- WHITE matter plaques!!!!!!!
lumbar puncture: iGG oligoclonal bands in CSF
ACUTE: IV corticosteroids and plasmapheriesis!!!
relapse-remitting: b interferron or glatiramere acetate
bells palsy
CNVII- facial nerve palsy- HEMIFACIAL weakness/paralysis due to infallmmmation and compression
one side ear pain(hyperacusis), unilateral facial paralyasis, unable to lift affected eyebrow, wrinkle froward, smile on affecte side, drooping of the croenr of mouth, TASTE issues (anterior 2/3),
tx: prednisone
artificial TEAR!!!!
tension headaches
bilateral tight, band like vise like
no nausea, vomiting or focal neurologic symptoms
NSAIDS, Aspiprin, acetaminophen, ELAVIL
prophylaxis;: beta blockers
migraine headaches
migraine without aura
or migraien with aura( calssiC)
pulsatile/throbbing headache nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia- egoh, chocolate red wine makes it worse
aurus: visiual changes= light flashes, zig zag lines of light, scotomas, aphasia
auras usually last less than 60 minute!!! and then headache onset!!
tx for migraines
abortive: triptans or ergotamines: vasoconstriction- seratonin 5ht1 agonists!!- CI: CORONARY artery or peripheral vascular disease, unctrolled HTN!
dopamien blockers: METOCLOPRAMIDE!!!, promethazine
mild: nsaids
prophylactic: beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, TCA, anticonvulsants, NSAIDS
Trigeminal neuralgia
brief, episodic, stabbing/lancinated pain- worse with touch, eating, drafts of wind and movements- often UNLITERLA!
cluster headache
unilateral periorobial/temporal pain- less than 2 hours!!!!!
several times a day over 6-8 weeks
ETOH, stress of ingestion of specific foods, WORSE AT NIGHT~
horner’s syndrome (ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis), nasal congestion/rhinorrhea, conjunctivitis and lacriatmation
TX: 100% oxygen, anti migraine meds- SQ sumatriptan!!!!,
VERAPAMIL - first line for propylaxis
pseudotuor cerebri
increased intracranial pressure- worse with strainging, visual changes- may lead to blindenss if not treated
MC I NOBESE children!
CT SCAN , then lumbar pucnture
TX: ACETAZolamidE!!!!!
normal pressure hydrocephalus
normal opening pressure on lumbar puncture- but dilation of the cerebral ventricles DEMENTIA GAIT DISTURBANCE URINARY INCONTINENCE!!!! ventriculoperitnieal shunt- tx
mild traumatic brain injury- alteration in mental status
confusion, amnesia
ehadache, dizzines,s visual, emotional instability, vomiting
ct scan
cognitive and physical rest: tx