Neurology Flashcards
Stages of neural development
Dorsal induction Ventral induction Neuronal proliferation Neuronal migration Cortical organisation Myelination
Myelination on MRI
- Unmyelinated brain has more water than fat content –> relatively dark on T1 and brighter on T2 compared to cortex
- With myelination, this pattern reverses
- Spreads from central to peripheral, posterior to anterior
T1 precedes T2:
- T1 completed by 1 year
- T2 completed by 2 years
Subdural haematoma
Tearing of bridging VEINS (venous bleeding) –> bleeding into potential space
- Crescentic
- Cross sutures
- Follows dural folds
- Outlines subarachnoid space
- Most consistent finding with abusive head injury
Epidural haematoma
Arterial bleed secondary to skull fracture
- Lens-shaped bleeding from stripping of dura from the skull
- Bound by sutures
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
- Extends into sulci and fissures
2. Best seen on T2* or FLAIR MRI
Failure of embryonic forebrain to separate –> fusion of e.g. frontal lobes
*Abnormality of ventral induction i.e. separation
with agyria/pachygyria complex
Smooth brain with increased cortical thickness, cell-sparse layer
Agyria = absence of gyri; pachygyria = thickened cortex
DCX = more severe anteriorly; LIS1 = more severe posteriorly
*Abnormality of neuronal migration
Lots of small gyri = appears nodular
- Can be focal or bilateral
- Overfolded cortex with false impression of cortical thickening
- Associated abnormal deep or elongated sulci
- Any disruptive process to cortex will be lined by polymicrogyria
Full-thickness cleft through hemisphere
- Often lined by polymicrogyria
- Open or closed lip
- Intrauterine neuro insult (~20wk): CMV infection, HIE
- Genetic: COL4A1
Abnormal position of grey matter
*Abnormality of neuronal migration
Focal cortical dysplasia
Subtle focal dysplastic cortex, can manifest as “blurring” of cortex (subtle finding)
*Accelerated myelination
EEG: normal background activity
- Alpha rhythm:
- 8-12Hz - usually gradually increases with age; infancy 6-8Hz, 3yrs >8Hz
- Prominent posteriorly on eye closure - Theta waves:
- 4-8Hz
- Normal in children up to 13yrs and in drowsiness/sleep - Delta waves:
- <4Hz
- Normal in deep sleep (stage 2 and 3)
- Focal finding: can be assoc with structural pathology
- Generalised finding: diffuse encephalopathy - Beta waves:
- >13Hz
- Often prominent in presence of drugs (barbituates, BZD)
- Commonly seen in frontal region
EEG: epileptiform discharges
- Sharply contoured discharges
- Sharp waves <200ms
- Spikes <70ms
- No difference in biological significance between 2 forms - Multiple phases
- Clearly disrupts background activity
- After-coming slow wave
- Sensible electrical field distribution
Genes associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 1
Autosomal dominant inheritance: CMT1A - PMP22 (17p11) CMT1B - Po (1q22) CMT1C - LITAF (16p13) CMT1D - EGR2 (10q21)
Genes associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2 and Type 3
CMT2 - MFN2 (autosomal dominant)
CMT3 - PMP22 (point mutations) - 8q23, 17p11, 10q21
Risk factors for CP
Prematurity - 43% of pts with CP are prem
Low birth weight - 43%
Multiple birth (twins/triplets) - 11%
Birth asphyxia/adverse intrapartum events - 10%
Infection in late pregnancy - sig. RF for term neonates
Previous/multiple MCs - ?genetic, clotting disorders
APGAR score at 1min
Breech position
Maternal smoking, illicit substance use
Genetic component
Strongest predictor of mortality in CP
Profound intellectual disability
- 22% die by 5yrs
- 50% die by 18yrs
GMFCS Level 1
- Can walk independently on all surfaces
- Can run and jump, but speed, co-ordination and balance are reduced
- 35% of CPs
GMFCS Level 2
Walks independently, but:
- Difficulty walking on uneven surfaces, inclines, crowded places
- 24% of CPs
GMFCS Level 3
- Requires assistive mobility devices, orthoses for walking
- Wheelchair required for long distances
- Sits independently, has independent floor mobility
- 12% of CPs
GMFCS Level 4
- Uses power mobility outdoors and in community
- Supported sitting function
- Requires assistance with standing transfers
- Mobility is limited
- 13% of CPs
GMFCS Level 5
- No independent mobility
- Poor antigravity head and trunk postures
- Require tilt in space and seating systems
- 15% of CPs
Selective dorsal rhizotomy
Laminectomy L1-S1 –> dorsal nerve root transection
- 20-30% sensory nerve rootlets from L2-S1
To reduce lower limb spasticity
Indications for selective dorsal rhizotomy
Spastic diplegia: GMFCS II to III
Moderate to severe spasticity
Limited contractures
Motivated patients and parents: intense functional training over 1-2yrs follows
Goal: gait kinematics improvement, spasticity management
- No supporting evidence that it improves function (i.e. general activities) and participation
*Does NOT prevent further need for orthopaedic surgery
Intrathecal baclofen
Indication: severe, generalised spasticity that has failed conservative treatment (including botox)
MOA: GABA agonist - delivered directly around spinal cord, decreases neurotransmission of afferent nerve fibres.
Advantage of IT baclofen c.f. PO
Delivered directly around spinal cord, overcomes side effects secondary to large oral doses
- 1/100th of oral dose
- Small amount crosses BBB
Side effects and withdrawal effects of IT baclofen
- Sedation
- Light-headedness
- Respiratory depression
- Seizures
- LOC/Coma
Withdrawl: life-threatening
- Hyperthermia
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Seizures, coma
- Multiple organ system failure
Indications for Botulinum Toxin A
- Spasticity and dystonia - specific muscle groups
- Interferes with function or cares
- Severe drooling - can inject into salivary glands
Aim: delay surgery
Side effects of BTA
LRTI/URTI in those with pre-existing dysphagia and GMFCS V
Indication for deep brain stimulation in CP
Dyskinetic CP with dystonia and choreoathetosis
- Generalised condition
- Timing of implantation: earlier the better
MOA: disruption of electrical signals of extrapyramidal pathway
Effects: improvement noted subjectively but not on formal assessment
CP Prevention
- Magnesium sulfate: antenatal IV MgSO4 for mothers in premature labour with birth imminent before 32 weeks has shown significant reduction in risk of CP at 2yrs of age
- Cooling term infants with HIE to 33.3 degrees for 3 days starting within 6hrs of birth reduces risk of dyskinetic or spastic quadriplegic forms of CP
Causes of hemiplegic CP
- Injury to white matter in utero 34%
- Focal lesions that may have resulted from stroke 27%
- Infections (e.g. CMV)
- Cortical malformation: lissencephaly, polymicrogyria, schizencephaly, cortical dysplasia
- Focal cerebral infarction secondary to intrauterine or perinatal thromboembolism related to thrombophilic disorders e.g. anticardiolipin Abs
Clinical criteria for neurofibromatosis type 1:
2 or more of…
- 6 or more cafe-au-lait spots
- -> >5mm in prepubertal
- -> >15mm in pubertal
- 2 or more neurofibromas or 1 plexiform neurofibroma
- 2 or more Lisch nodules
- Inguinal/axillary freckling
- Optic glioma
- Distinctive osseous lesions (e.g. sphenoid bone dysplasia)
- 1st degree relative with NF
Features of NF1 more common in <5yo
- CAL (present at birth - increase in size, # and pigmentation)
- Plexiform neurofibromas (present from birth)
- Optic gliomas
- Freckling
- UBOs (increase in # until 10yo, then start disappearing)
Genetics of NF1
Autosomal dominant, but 30-50% are sporadic
Mutation of NF1 gene - loss of function mutation of tumour suppressor gene
- Protein = neurofibromin - regulates cell signal transduction pathways, inhibitor of Ras (oncogene)
Clinical criteria for neurofibromatosis type 2:
1 of…
- Bilateral vestibular schwannomas
- First degree relative with NF2 AND
- Unilateral schwanomma OR
- 2 or more of: meningioma, schwannoma, glioma, neurofibroma or posterior subcapsular lens opacity - Multiple meningiomas (2 or more) AND
- Unilateral schwannoma OR
- 2 or more of: meningioma, schwannoma, glioma, neurofibroma or posterior subcapsular lens opacity
Genetics of NF2
Autosomal dominant, 50% are sporadic NF2 gene on ch 22q1.11 Tumour suppressor gene: merlin Merlin links between membrane proteins and cell cytoskeleton Phenotype depends on type of mutation: - Frameshift/nonsense: severe disease - Missense: milder disease
Management and prognosis of NF2
- Annual MRI scans
- Early surgical treatment of schwannomas, aim = preserve hearing
- Regular ophthal review and monitor vision
- Avastin (bevacizumab) - shrinks vestibular schwannomas
- Average age of death = 36yrs
- Average time from first Sx to death = 15yrs
- Major cause of morbidity = spinal tumours, vestibular schwannomas (pain, tinnitus, hearing loss)
Diagnostic criteria for tuberous sclerosis:
- 2 major criteria or 1 major and 2 minor criteria
Major criteria:
- Skin/eye: >3 hypomelanotic macules, shagreen patch, forehead plaques OR facial angiofibromata, peri(ungal) fibromas, multiple nodular retinal hamartomas
- CNS: subependymal nodules, cortical tubers, subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
- Others: renal angiomyolipoma, cardiac rhabdomyoma, lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM)
Minor criteria:
- Skin/eye: confetti skin lesions, dental enamel pits, intra-oral fibromas, retinal achromic patch
- CNS: cerebral white matter migration lines
- Other: non-renal hamartomas, multiple renal cysts, bone cysts, rectal polyps
Respiratory manifestations of tuberous sclerosis
LAM - lymphangioleioangiomyomatosis
- Proliferation interstitium and dilated lymphatics –> obstruction and subsequent cystic lung changes
- Presents with PTX and dyspnoea
- F»M, poor prognosis
CNS manifestations of tuberous sclerosis
85% of TS have CNS Cx!!!
- Seizures (most significant cause of morbidity - 75%)
- Infantile spasms (20%) - hard to treat
- Myoclonic, focal, GTCS
- Can be refractory to treatment - Intellectual disability (50%)
- 30% are profound - Behavioural issues
- ADHD, autism, sleeping problems, aggression, psychiatric disorders - CNS changes/tumours (>75%)
- Subependymal nodules, giant cell astrocytoma (teens), cortical tubers, white matter radial migration
- Obstructive hydrocephalus
mTOR inhibitors for tuberous sclerosis
- Sirolimus: reduction in size of angiomyolipomas, improved PFTs for LAM pts
- Everolimus: reduced seizure #, reduced subependymal giant cell astrocytomas
- Topical rapamycin: reduce size of facial angiofibromas
Genetics of tuberous sclerosis
Autosomal dominant, 2/3 - sporadic
- TSC1 gene (9q34): hamartin
- TSC2 gene (16p13.3): tuberin
- %proband with TS and confirmed mutation: TSC2 in 69%
- Simplex cases with TS: 60-70%
- If parents of confirmed TS pt is normal, recurrence risk is 2% (due to gonadal mosaicism)
Incidence is 1 in 10000 live births (underestimated due to terminations/stillbirth)
Failure of closure of anterior neural tube
Absence of bilateral hemispheres and hypothalamus
- Absence of pituitary gland –> abnormal development of end-organs and associated Cx e.g. adrenal insufficiency
- Antenatal Ix: USS, maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
Dandy-Walker Malformation
Continuum of posterior fossa anomalies:
- Cystic dilatation of 4th ventricle
- Hypoplasia of cerebellar vermis
- Enlarged posterior fossa with elevation of lateral venous sinuses and tentorium
- Hydrocephalus
DDx for acute hemiplegia
- Transient postictal hemiparesis (Todd’s paralysis): post-ictal phenomenon, usually lasts for 24-48hrs, EEG activity consistent with sz or post-ictal status. Secondary to neuronal exhaustion. MRI shows no acute infarct
- Complex migraine: usually assoc. with a significant headache with focal deficits lasting hours, positive FHx!, MRI shows no acute infarct
- Alternating hemiplegia of childhood: progressive neurological disorder presenting <2yrs, with distinct episodes of hemiplegia lasting minutes to hours where weakness alternates between sides. Seizures are common, but not during periods of weakness. Unknown aetiology.
Greatest risk of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
Lamotrigine: 1/100
Others: CBZ, PHT, OXC - 1-6/10000
Avoid by starting low and going slow
Which AED is associated with SJS in Han Chinese population?
CBZ-SJS strongly associated with HLA-B*1502: Han Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese, Thai
Foetal valproate syndrome
Craniofacial abnormalities, radius/limbs abnormalities, CHD, genitourinary abnormalities (e.g. hypospadias), developmental delay, increased risk of autism
VPA associated with higher risk of teratogenicity and it is dose-dependent (>800mg) - if unavoidable, recommend <330mg daily in combination with LTG
Which AED is associated with the development of neural tube defects?
VPA 1-5%
CBZ 0.5-1%
The greatest risk factor for teratogenicity/malformations…
Polytherapy, high drug levels in 1st trimester
Teratogenic effects of topiramate
CHDs, orofacial clefts, hypospadias
Major cognitive side effects of AEDs
All AEDs can cause fatigue, impaired cognition - compounded by polytherapy
Suicidality risk reported as increased with all AEDs
PHB: long-term cognitive effects even after cessation of drug
LVT: psychosis, suicidality, homicidality
VBG: psychosis, depression
Inducers of CYP450 system
AEDs that are renally excreted
AEDs that undergo hepatic clearance
PHT, PHB (75%), CBZ, OXC, VPA, LTG, BZ (diazepam)
Phenytoin: MOA, Adv, Disadv, SE
- MOA: Na channel blocker > Ca channel blocker
- Adv: widely available, broad spectrum
- Disad: zero order kinetics, drug interactions
- SE: rash, SJS, serum sickness, hirsutism, gum hypertrophy, osteoporosis, headache, nausea, dizziness, somnolence/fatigue, ataxia, macro anaemia (decr. folate absorption)
Carbamazepine: MOA, Ind, Adv, Disadv, SE
- Dose: 5mg/kg/day –> 15-20mg/kg/day
- MOA: Na channel blocker
- Ind: focal sz and GTCs (+/- secondary generalisation)
- Adv: well tolerated, can be used for monotherapy or adjunctive, can be used for both focal and generalised epilepsies
- Disadv: interactions (decr OCP, warfarin) and autoinduction - lowers other AED levels, produces toxic metabolite - epoxide, worsens absence and myoclonus
- SE: rash, SJS (rare), transient leucopenia (10-20%), aplastic anaemia 1/200000, headache, nausea, dizziness, somn/fatigue, ataxia, hyponatremia, hepatotoxicity
Valproate: MOA, Ind, Adv, Disadv, SE
- Dose: 10mg/kg/day –> 20-30mg/kg/day
- MOA: Na channel blocker > Ca channel blocker, GABAergic action
- Ind: focal, GTC, absence sz, myoclonic, tonic
- Adv: broad spectrum (esp effective for generalised), well tolerated, can be given via multiple routes
- Disadv: teratogenicity! Interactions with other AEDs - raises other AED levels as it is a CYP enzyme inhibitor
- SE: weight gain, alopecia, essential tremour, thrombocytopenia/platelet dysfxn, hepatic failure (1/37000 –> esp <2yo, mental retardation and polytherapy), pancreatitis, thyroid dysfxn, other SE assoc. w/ Na channel blockers (headache, nausea etc)
Ethosuximide: MOA, Ind, Adv, Disadv, SE
- MOA: T-type Ca channel blocker
- Ind: CAE and JAE only - thalamo-cortical circuit in 3Hz spike and wave
- Adv: rapid, complete absorption, titrate to response
- Disadv: ineffective for GTC
- SE: rash –> SJS, GI Sx - nausea (33% at onset, requires slow titration), blood dyscrasias
Lamotrigine: MOA, Ind, Adv, Disadv, SE
- Dose: w/o VPA - 0.5mg/kg/day –> 5-15mg/kg/day
- Dose: w/ VPA - 0.2mg/kg/day –> 1-5mg/kg/day
- MOA: Na channel blocker > N-type & P-type Ca blocker
- Ind: GTC, focal, absence, myoclonic, tonic
- Adv: broad spectrum, well tolerated, recommended AED in pregnancy, synergistic with VPA, at right dose - no cognitive Sx
- Disadv: interactions - induced by CBZ & PHT, very slow titration, OCP will decrease levels, exacerbates sz in myoclonic epilepsy of infancy
- SE: rash in 3-5%, SJS in 1:100, severe hypersensitivity
Topiramate: MOA, Ind, Adv, Disadv, SE
- Dose: 1mg/kg/day –> 5-10mg/kg/day
- MOA (multiple!): Na channel blocker, GABA agonist, reduced glutamate > Ca channel blocker, increased GABA transmission
- Ind: LGS, GTC, focal sz, tonic
- Adv: broad spectrum
- Disadv: teratogenicity concerns
- SE: cognitive - somnolence (gradual titration), word finding difficulties, kidney stones 1.5%, anorexia and weight loss, glaucoma, acidosis, anhydrosis, hyperthermia
- -> Nephrolithiasis secondary to carbonic anhydrase activity
Vigabatrin: MOA, Ind, Adv, Disadv, SE
- Dose: 50-150mg/kg/day
- MOA: irreversible inhibition of GABA transaminase (metabolises GABA)
- Ind: first line therapy in TS pts for infantile spasms, infantile spasms - if pred fails after 2-4wks, focal sz and tonic sz
- Adv: renal excretion, no CYP450 effects
- SE: visual loss/visual field defect, irreversible, cumulative effect >6mth; incr myoclonus, weight gain, lethargy, psychosis
BZDs: MOA, Ind, Adv, Disadv, SE
- MOA: increase opening of Cl- channel in GABA receptor –> enhance inhibitory transmission
- Ind: 1st line drug in status, GTC, myoclonic, focal, tonic
- Adv: rapid onset action (lipophilic), can be used as adjunctive drug
- Disadv: short duration in most, rebound sz on withdrawal, tolerance
- SE: respiratory depression, sedation (esp w/ PHB), behavioural change, clonazepam - hypersecretion
Specific BZDs: clonazepam
Short-acting BZD
- Used as “temporising measure” e.g. if uptitrating AED, such as lamotrigine, in setting of high/increasing seizure frequency
- Tachyphylaxis after 6 weeks of use
Specific BZDs: clobazam
Long-acting BZD
- Half life of 18hrs
- Less sedation, active metabolite
- Potent and effective
Gabapentin: MOA, Adv, Disadv, SE
- MOA: increase GABA levels
- Ind: adjunctive therapy for focal seizures
- Adv: no interactions, not teratogenic, well tolerated, renally excreted
- Disadv: TID dosing, expensive, relatively non-potent
- SE: drowsiness, dizziness, weight gain
Levetiracetam: MOA, Ind, Adv, SE
- Dose: 10mg/kg/day –> 25-50mg/kg/day
- MOA: N-type Ca channel blocker, GABA agonist, synaptic vesicle modulation - binds SV2a - vesicular transport proteins
- Indication: refractory focal epilepsy, JME, PME, GTCs
- Adv: well tolerated, mainly renally excreted, no interactions (can use with OCP), rapid titration, broad spectrum
- SE: behavioural Sx, psychosis, suicidality, homicidiality, headache, sleep disturbance
Phenobarbitone: MOA, Ind, Disadv, SE
- Dose: load with 20mg/kg, maintenance 5mg/kg/day
- MOA: GABA agonist > Na channel blocker, N-type Ca blocker, reduced glutamate transmission
- Ind: second line for status epilepticus, neonatal seizures, GTCs, focal sz
- Disadv: interacts with VPA and BZDs
- SE: long-term cognitive effects even after cessation of drug, rash
Oxcarbazepine: MOA, Ind, Adv, Disadv, SE
- Dose: 5mg/kg/day –> 15-25mg/kg/day
- MOA: Na channel blocker, ?Ca channel blocker, converted to MHD
- Not identical to CBZ - has less side effects
- Ind: focal sz, GTCs (+/- secondary generalisation)
- Adv: no hepatic/autoinduction, effective monotherapy and adjunctive Tx for focal seizures
- Disadv: PHT decr OXC metabolite by 1/3, decr with enzyme inducers, expensive, worsens absence and myoclonus
- SE: hyponatraemia, 25% CBZ rash also develop rash with OXC, reversible agranulocytosis
Zonisamide: MOA, Ind Adv, Disadv, SE
- Dose: 2-4mg/kg/day –> 4-8mg/kg/day
- MOA: sulfonamide derivative, multiple mechanisms - blocks Na channel, inhibits T type Ca channel, carbonic anhydrase inhibition
- Ind: focal epilepsy, JME, IGE, LGS, IS, Ohtahara syndrome
- Adv: broad spectrum, renally excreted, good safety profile, no interactions with OCP
- DIsadv: decr by enzyme inducers, expensive
- SE: anorexia, sedation/somnolence, renal stones up to 2%, rarely high fever in kids, rash (hypersensitivity to sulphonamides)
Rufinamide: MOA, Ind, Disadv, SE
- MOA: prolongs inactivation of Na channels
- Ind: LGS
- Disadv: extensive interactions
- SE: hypersesitivity, headaches, nausea, somnolence, dizziness, ataxia
Cannabidiol in Dravet syndrome
- Open label trial in heterogeneous refractory epilepsy showed promise - 1/3 reduction in motor seizures, adequate safety profile
- Long term safety and efficacy not established, but looks promising
- SE: diarrhoea, vomiting, fatigue, pyrexia, somnolence, LFT derangement
Ketogenic diet
- Ind: refractory mixed seizures e.g. LGS
- Best response between 2-6yo
- Ind: refractory mixed sz e.g. LGS, glucose transporter type 1 defect, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency
- Disadv: difficult to initiate and maintain, significant adverse effects
AEDs for focal epilepsies
CBZ - frontal and temporal lobe epilepsies
LVT or PHB - symptomatic focal epilepsies in infants
AEDs for generalised (and focal epilepsies)
VPA - if >3yrs
- If <3yo: LEV, LTG, CLZ
Note: CBZ aggravates most generalised epileptic syndromes
AED for absence epilepsy
For CBZ failure in symptomatic/structural focal epilepsy
- Trial increasing dose of CBZ
- Check levels, SEs - Swap to OXC - similar drug with better SE profile if some benefit from CBZ
- Add: LVT or TPA depending on pt factors/urgency
For CBZ failure in idiopathic focal epilepsy (e.g. benign occipital, significant rolandic e.g. language delay apparent)
- Do not increase dose - can worsen seizures, stop CBZ
- Change to VPA
- If sz ongoing, EEG very active, language delay - consider combination of VPA and CLZ
For VPA failure in idiopathic generalised epilepsy
- Increase dose
- Add lamotrigine, then ethosuximide (if absence) or CLZ/TPA (if GTCs that are difficult to control)
- Aim for smaller doses of all AEDs if multiple agents used
For VPA failure in symptomatic generalised epilepsy
- Consider addition of LTG, TPA, CLZ, PHT
CNS side effects for Na channel blockers
- Blocks voltage-gated Na channels to reduce cortical excitability
- SE seen when given too much or dose titrated too quickly, multiple combinations etc
- Drowsiness, ataxia, tremour, diplopia, headaches, N/V
CNS side effects for GABAergic AEDs
- Potentiates the activity of GABA on post-synaptic neurons
- Adverse behavioural effects are more commonly seen
- SE: hyperactivity, aggression, irritability, mood distrubance, sedation
AEDs that cause weight gain
VPA - major issue due to compliance
AEDs that cause weight loss
TPA, Zonisamide
AEDs implicated in rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis
- Direct effect of medication e.g. PHT
- Increased vit D catabolism by liver induction
- Decreased absorption of Ca
- Increased catabolism of sex steroids
Increases # risk and reduces BMD
Higher risk: developmental delay, wheelchair-bound, PEG fed and on multiple AEDs
AEDs to avoid in renal failure
AEDs to avoid in hepatic failure
AEDs to avoid with behavioural problems
Psychosis: LEV, VGB
VPA and LTG are good mood stabilisers
AED titration rates: rapid titration
Can rapidly titrate +/- give loading dose (PO/IV):
- BZD, PHT, PHB, LEV, VPA, lacosamide
- Therefore, useful in situations where sz control is required quickly e.g. major seizures or very frequent (e.g. daily)
AED titration rates: slow titration
CBZ (wks), OXC (wks), LTG (mths), TPA (mths)
- Rash is a major problem if starting too quickly
- LTG and TPA are difficult to tolerate
Predictors of seizure recurrence (6)
- Intellectual disability (esp severe mental retardation - IQ <50)
- Abnormal neurological examinatinon - underlying brain abnormality/symptomatic aetiology
- Abnormal EEG before or during withdrawal
- Strong family history of epilepsy
- Certain recognised epilepsy syndromes
- Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, photosensitive epilepsies, idiopathic generalised epilepsies, temporal/frontal lobe epilepsies - Recurrence after previous attempts to withdraw AEDs
Predictors of good outcome for seizure remission (4)
- NOVA SCOTIA Camfield et al
- Age of onset <12yrs
- Normal intelligence
- Lack of preceding neonatal seizures
- <21 seizures before diagnosis
If all present, by 10yrs after Dx, chance of remission was ~80%. If one factor absence, chance of remission was ~40%
Best predictors of outcome for seizure remission (4)
- Sillanpaa and colleagues
- 64% had 5yr terminal remission
- Cause of seizures
- Initial response to medication
- 75-100% reduction in seizure frequency by 3mth of Tx
- Best predictor - Initial seizure frequency
- Seizure type (remote symptomatic vs idiopathic)
Approach to an AED resistant epilepsy
- Review diagnosis - seizure and syndrome
- Identify and remove triggers, modify lifestyle
- Check pt compliance
- Check AED - is it the best medication for the sz type/syndrome?
- Trial maximum tolerated dose (depending on medication)
- Consider medication combinations
- Is it a surgically remediable epilepsy syndrome?
- Consider alternative therapies e.g. ketogenic diet
Focal lesional epilepsies
- Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis
- Neocortical epilepsy secondary to tumours, focal cortical dysplasias (e.g. in frontal lobe), malformations, vascular malformations
- Hypothalamic harmatomas (gelastic seizures)
- Multilesional/unifocal epilepsies: tuberous sclerosis
Indications for vagal nerve stimulator
- Intractible epilepsy
- E.g. tonic drop attacks in LGS, recurrent status/clustering, frequent epileptic crises - Not surgical candidate for resection
- Consideration of callosotomy
- May benefit from seizure termination
- Fail appropriate AEDs
Efficacy of vagal nerve stimulator
- 50% have >50% of seizure REDUCTION
- <10% chance of seizure FREEDOM
- Will require to stay on AEDs
- Improvement in SEVERITY of seizures as evidenced by: not injuring themselves, reduction in AED doses, improvement in mood, not requiring hospitalisation
Indications and CI for ketogenic diet
- Some refractory childhood epilepsies: generalised epilepsy, refractory myoclonic or absence epilepsy
- Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
- GLUT transporter defect
- -> Need E to reach brain –> ketone bodies
- Metabolic diseases with fatty oxidation defects or produce lactic acidosis e.g. organic acidurias, carnitine deficiency, mitochondrial disorders
Reasons to avoid VPA in <2yo (2)
- Hepatic failure (esp multiple AEDs, ID)
- If undiagnosed metabolic condition can unmask mitochondrial disorders
- VPA is a mitochondrial toxin
West Syndrome - associated gene mutations
Good prognostic indicators for West Syndrome (4)
- Normal development prior to/at the onset of spasms with preservation of visual function
- No symptomatic aetiology - normal neuroimaging
- 4-8mths of age
- Symmetrical epileptic spasms and symmetrical EEG hypsarrhythmia
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome - clinical manifestations
- Acquired epileptic aphasia: first Sx is verbal auditory agnosia (inability to comprehend speech) –> complete word deafness and non-linguistic sound agnosia
- Occurs in a child who previously achieved language milestones appropriately - Cognitive and behavioural abN: ADHD very common, severe disinhibition, psychosis
- Seizures: nocturnal sz that are heterogeneous e.g. GTCs, focal, atypical absence, atonic, automatisms etc
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome - EEG
Continuous bitemporal spike wave activity
Continuous status epilepticus of sleep
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome - prognosis
Seizures and EEG abN cease in adolescence/adulthood, but aphasia often persists
Significant speech abN in adulthood - 50%, better prognosis if onset is older (>6yo) and early initiation of speech Tx
Gelastic seizures
- Associated with hypothalamic hamartoma - intrinsic epileptogenicity within lesion that causes seizures
- Sz: “mirthless laughter” at inappropriate times, 10-30sec, can be associated with dacrystic (crying) episodes, sudden onset and termination, daily occurrence. Can occur with other sz types - usually generalised sz
- Autonomic Sx can occur with laughter
- Precocious puberty
- Develop progressive cognitive and behavioural impairment
Pathognomonic seizure for Dravet Syndrome
Hemiclonic seizures
Most effective AED in Dravet Syndrome
- Increases GABAergic activity
- Inhibits LDH
- Interferes with reuptake and metabolism of GABA
Features suggestive of Dravet Syndrome
Febrile convulsions that are:
- Prolonged >15min
- Unilateral, mainly clonic
- Frequent
- Precipitated by low-grade fever (<38 deg)
- Early onset (before 1yr of age)
- Concurrent with non-febrile seizures
Dx is nearly certain if intractable myoclonic jerks and mental deterioration occur within 1 or 2 years from onest
AEDs to avoid in Dravet Syndrome
Sodium channel blockers: CBZ and PHT (esp if in status) - can exacerbate seizures
Remember: Dravet due to mutation in SCN1A - mutant sodium channels show remarkably attenuated/barely detectable inward Na currents –> no depolarisation
Generalised epilepsy
GTC: - >3yo: VPA - <3yo: LTG, LEV, CLZ Absence: - Ethosuximide Myoclonic: - VPA, CLZ
Focal epilepsy
Avoid CBZ in HLA-B*1502 pos pts
Child absence epilepsy
First line: ethosuximide
Second line: VPA, LTG
Third line: LEV, CLZ, acetazolamide
Refractory: ketogenic diet, steroids
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
First line: VPA
Second line: LTG, LEV, TPM
Benign Rolandic Epilepsy
First line: CBZ (low dose), LTG
Second line: VPA, LEV
West Syndrome
First line: high dose prednisolone/ACTH, then taper
Second line: VGB, ketogenic diet
If TS, first line: VGB
If lesion: surgery
Dravet Syndrome
First line: VPA, CLZ
Second line: TPM, LEV, stiripentol (most effective)
Refractory: VNS, ketogenic diet
Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
First line: VPA, CLZ
Second line: rufinamide, LTG, TPM, felbamate, ketogenic diet
Refractory: surgery/callosotomy, VNS
Doose Syndrome
First line: steroids, ketogenic diet
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
First line: high dose VPA +/- CLZ +/- LEV
Second line: steroids
Refractory: IVIG, surgery
Symptomatic Focal Epilepsies (temporal, frontal)
First line: CBZ, PHT (temporal lobe epilepsy)
Second line: VNS, surgery
Interictal EEG patterns seen in neonates
- Electrocerebral inactivity of a flat or almost flat EEG of severe brain damage
- Burst suppression pattern of neonatal epileptic encephalopathies (Ohtahara, early myoclonic enceph), certain drugs or ischaemic encephalopathy (transient)
- Persistently focal sharp or slow waves in localised lesions
- Quasi-periodic focal or multifocal pattern in neonatal herpes simplex encephalitis
- Periodic complexes in glycine encephalopathy
Ohtahara Syndrome
- Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy - onset around first 10 days of life (up to 3mth)
- M>F
- Intractible sz of tonic spasms, erratic focal clonic sz, hemiclonic sz, myoclonic sz, spasms
- Aetiology: cortical malformation, genetic (same as West) and metabolic (rare)
- Usually transforms into West Syndrome as a rule in pts who survive infancy
- Grave prognosis: mortality rate of 50% with severe neurodevelopmental delay in survivors
- EEG: burst suppression pattern with continuous EEG abnormalities seen in awake and sleep states c.f. early myoclonic enceph where only seen in sleep EEG
- Mx: refractory, zonisamide, VBG, ?ACTH vs steroids, trial pyridoxine
Features suggestive of GEFS+ (5)
- Early onset (<6mo) of febrile convulsions
- Persistence of febrile convulsions beyond 6yrs (can be both febrile and afebrile sz)
- Association with afebrile sz e.g. GTCs, absence, myoclonic, myoclonic atonic sz, focal sz (frontal or temporal)
- FHx
- Multiple episodes of febrile convulsions
Febrile convulsions
Simple febrile convulsion (70%): occur in neurologically healthy children 6mo-5yr, brief (<15min), generalised (80%), occurs once in a 24hr period of febrile illness
Complex febrile convulsion (30%): neurologically normal OR focal onset, prolonged (>15min), repetitive (16%) with 2 or more within 24hrs
Febrile convulsion: recurrence risk
- Febrile seizures will recur in approx 30% of those experiencing first sz
- Major RF: <12mo, low grade febrile illness, short duration of illness before sz (fever duration <24hr)
- Minor RF: complex febrile sz, FHx of FS or epilepsy, day care, male, lower Na at presentation, persistent neuro abN
- 0 RF = recurrence risk 12%; 1 RF = 25-50%; 2 RF = 50-59%; 3 or more RF = 73-100%
Significance of family history and febrile convulsions
FHx of febrile convulsions are associated with 25% increments in absolute risk of recurrent febrile seizure
Febrile convulsion: RF for first febrile seizure
Risk is approximately 30% if any 2 of the following present:
- First or second degree relative with febrile convulsions
- Delayed neonatal discharge >28 days of life
- Parental reports of slow development
- Attending daycare
Risk factors for development of epilepsy after febrile convulsions
Baseline risk of epilepsy in general population 1.5%
Children with no risk factors have 2.5% chance of developing afebrile sz by 25yrs
Risk factors:
- Recurrent febrile seizures 4%
- Complex febrile sz (>15min or >2 in 24hrs) 6-8%
- Fever <1hr before sz 11%
- FHx of epilepsy 18%
- Complex febrile seizure (focality): 29%
- Neurodevelopmental abN prior to febrile sz 33%
- Complex febrile sz with all 3 features: 49%
Febrile convulsion and impact on intellect/behaviour
There is NO DIFFERENCE btwn children with febrile sz and their peers (in neurologically normal kids) in terms of:
- Academic progress
- Attention
- Intellect, neurocognitive function
- Behaviour
When do you do an EEG for a pt with febrile convulsions?
- If epileptic syndrome is highly suspected
- In febrile status epilepticus: focal slowing obtained within 72hrs of status has been shown to be highly associated with MRI evidence of acute hippocampal injury
- Nonepileptic twilight state: helpful to distinguish between ongoing sz activity and prolonged post-ictal period
EEG findings in simple febrile convulsions
- Spikes during drowsiness often seen in chlidren with febrile sz, esp >4yo - does NOT predict later epilepsy
- EEG performed within 2/52 of febrile sz will show nonspecific slowing posteriorly
- Not indicated if simple febrile sz and otherwise neurologically normal
Viruses implicated in febrile status epilepticus
HHV-6B and HHV-7 infections accounted for 1/3 of cases
Definition of status epilepticus
> 5min of continuous clinical and/or electrographic sz activity or recurrent sz activity without recovery (clusters)
Importance of T1 and T2 in status epilepticus
T1: time when the seizure is unlikely to abort spontaneously = 5min
- Abortive treatment should be introduced (e.g. midaz)
T2: time to neuronal injury = 30min
- Determines need to escalate to more aggressive therapy
Management of status epilepticus
- Seizure >5min: IV 0.1mg/kg midazolam OR buccal/IN 0.5mg/kg midazolam
- 10min after midaz: repeat dose if sz ongoing
- Optional step: PR paraldehyde whilst preparing PHT/PHB if required - 10min after second midaz: IV 20mg/kg phenytoin (if not on phenytoin) OR IV 20mg/kg phenobarbitone (if on phenytoin), both over 20min
- 20min after start of infusion: if still fitting, requires RSI with thiopentone
Genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures + spectrum: genetics
- ?AD, complex inheritance, penetrance 60%
- Genes involved: SCN1A, SCN1B, SCN2A, GABRG2 gene
- -> Encodes subunits of voltage gated Na channels and GABAa receptor subunit
- Mutation does not always predict phenotype, variable within families, modifier genes
Spectrum: febrile sz, GEFS+, Dravet Syndrome
Epileptiform pattern on EEG: Ohtahara syndrome
Burst suppression in both sleep and awake states (bursts of high amplitude spikes/sharp and slow waves, alternate with periods of flat/almost flat EEG)
Epileptiform pattern on EEG: West syndrome
Hypsarrhythmia (disorganised, multifocal sharp waves, high amplitude)
Epileptiform pattern on EEG: Lennox Gastaut Syndrome
Bianterior generalised slow (<2.5Hz) spike and waves with abnormal background
Epileptiform pattern on EEG: Absence epilepsy
Generalised 3Hz spike and wave (increases with photic stimuli and hyperventilation)
Epileptiform pattern on EEG: Childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes
Centrotemporal spikes (unilateral or bilateral)
Epileptiform pattern on EEG: Temporal lobe epilepsy
Temporal sharp waves/multifocal spikes/slowing
Epileptiform pattern on EEG: Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Irregular bursts of polyspike-waves bursts (4-6Hz) - evoked by photic stimulation
Epileptiform pattern on EEG: GTCs
Generalised spike and wave (4Hz) on normal background
Epileptiform pattern on EEG: Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
Continuous temporal spike and waves
Epileptiform pattern on EEG: Dravet Syndrome
Similar progression to clinical state: normal (initially in 80%) to severely abnormal
- Background deteriorates with diffuse theta or delta waves
- Asymmetrical paroxysms of generalised polyspike and slow wave discharges
Which of these features are associated with NF1?
- Severe mental retardation
- Shortened life expectancy (50% of normal)
- Hypertrophy of 1 limb
- Precocious puberty
Precocious puberty
Porencephalic cyst
Cystic degeneration and encephalomalacia –> cystic structures within brain
Secondary to trauma, infection, antenatal haemorrhage or COL4A1 mutation leading to porencephaly
Rate of congenital malformations associated with Sodium Valproate