Neurology Flashcards
What is the most common cause of septic meningitis?
An 85yrs old patient underwent splenectomy after which he develops meningitis, organism?
A lady with mild sore throat infection died. Autopsy shows B/L adrenal gland enlargement and cortical haemorrhages, organism involved?
Colour of CSF in TB meningitis?
A cat is decerebrated at mid-collicular level, what happens?
Exaggerated stretch and tendon jerk reflex
GTOs detect tension in?
Tendon is struck with a hammer, what is excited?
Nuclear bag at the end of muscle spindle
In patellar reflex what receptors are involved?
Muscle spindle
Response to CNS about muscle stretch to detect changes in?
Muscle spindle
Muscle shortening in response to stretch is?
Predominantly flexors
Both alpha and gamma motor neuron in the descending pathway are excited during?
Voluntary muscle contraction
Stretch muscle will cause contraction of?
Muscle which is stretched
After RTA Pt presents with spinal cord injury, findings will be?
spastic paralysis
During tracheostomy, increased bleeding is due to injury of?
Anterior jugular vein
Infection of the deep investing layer and pretracheal layer will spread to?
Anterior mediastinum
Brain stem not functioning, which function is still spared?
Withdrawl reflex
Which reflex is the polysynaptic reflex arc?
Cremasteric reflex
In reflex arc, which part of the brain is involved?
Cerebral cortex
Which artery passes in the floor of sub-occipital triangle?
Vertebral artery
Submandibular gland lies between?
Anterior belly of digastric and mandible
Structure which separates the superficial and deep part of submandibular gland?
Person can’t shrug his shoulder and has ptosis, meiosis, nerve involved?
accessory nerve and sympathetic chain
In TMJ, dislocation which structure prevents the joint to go back into the cavity?
Lateral pterygoid
Excessive yawning, which muscle?
Lateral pterygoid
Proprioception’s of TMJ, muscle of mastication’s and teeth, hard palate and periodontium are perceived by?
Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
Pt with pain while chewing. Muscle tender on palpation. muscle involved?
Parotid swelling pain is through?
compression of auriculotemporal nerve
The superficial temporal artery is accompanied by which nerve?
Auriculotemporal nerve
Trauma to mandible, lower teeth and chin sensation are lost. nerve compromised?
Inferior alveolar nerve
Pituitary adenoma invades which bone?
Sphenoid bone
A pt. feel swelling in the supraclavicular fossa whenever he coughs. He gives hx. that he was shot in the neck some years back, lesion is in?
Suprapleural membrane
Where does the trigeminal ganglion located in?
lies in the petrous part of temporal bone in middle cranial fossa
Spinal cord at L4 level, what structure will be absent?
Lateral horn
Spinal anaesthesia is given below?
below L2
Lower limit of subarachnoid space extension into?
coccygeal ligament
Anterior and posterior roots of spinal cord from L1-L5=?
Cauda equina
Weakness on right and diplopia on seeing left lesion is in?
Visual issue. infarct present in blood vessel of visual centre, which artery?
Posterior cerebral artery
PICA blockage, part of brain affected?
Dorsolateral part of medulla
Function of preoptic area of hypothalamus?
cooling of body
Heat conservation is carried out by?
Posterior hypothalamus
Body temperature compared with temperature control set point, which area is involved?
Anterior hypothalamus
A boy standing in hot sunny day heat loss is by?
Cutaneous hyperemia
Pituitary hormone which is an opioid peptide?
Which hormone exhibits relation between weight and puberty?
What is the commonest site for pyogenic brain abscess?
frontal lobe
What is the commonest site for pyogenic brain abscess?
Nucleus basalis pf meynert
Perception of disgust by which area?
Left insular cortex
Lesion in the parieto-occipito-temporal lobe causes?