Neurology Flashcards
What headache comes from stress or lack of sleep?
Tension headache
What 2 headaches are due to vasodilation?
Migraine and cluster
Which headache is unilateral?
What’s the first sign of ICP?
Decreased level of consciousness
Assessments for neuro system?
Glasgow coma scale, mini cog test, mini mental status exam.
What is a migraine?
Recurring headache, causes throbbing pain on one side of head (unilateral)
What may migraines cause?
Aura, can be visual hallucinations of bright lights, vision changes or tingling in face, or nausea and vomiting.
What do we do for migraines?
Sumatriptin,Excedrin, Tylenol, ibuprofen, aspirin, propanolol, metoclopramide
Cluster headaches?
Localized around eye, more common in men, triggers: same as migraine plus high altitudes, heat and exertion. Sumatriptan and prednisone given to Tx.
Nerve pain s/s
Causes burning and tingling at site of pain.
Nerve pain interventions?
Pain meds, anticonvulsants (gabapentin, carbamazepine), acetaminophen, ibuprofen, OPIOIDS NOT HELPFUL, antidepressants.
Promote rest, avoid straining w/ bowel movement, promote mobility.
Increased intracrainial pressure can be a result from?
Brain injury, brain tumor, hemorrhage in brain, hydrocephalus.
What happens if ICP is not tx promptly?
Leads to death
First sign of ICP
Confusion, DO NOT ignore confusion in a non confused patient.
What happens to eyes of patient with ICP?
Eyes will dilate due to nerve compression in the eye, causing eye to be unable to constrict.
Symptoms of ICP
Are opposite of shock
Symptoms pt may report with ICP
Diplopia, changes in personality, difficulty thinking, headache, change in LOC, Hiccups, vomiting w/o nausea
Signs you may find in pt with ICP?
Altered LOC, bradycardia, Cheyne-stokes respirations, widened pulse pressure, pupillary changes, hemiplegia, babinski reflex, decorticate or decerebrate posturing
Herniation of brain occurs?
When increased ICP occurs, and the brain has nowhere else to go. (MEDICAL EMERGENCY)
What do we watch for with herniation of brain?
Widening pulse pressure, elevation in systolic BP, bradycardia, cheyne stokes breathing, respiratory paralysis.
How would we diagnose increased ICP?
Check for glucose in nasal fluid, check for halo sign, check CT and MRI, DO NOT DO lumbar puncture may cause herniation, EEG, ICP monitoring device?
ICP should be?
Between 7-15
Medications for Increased ICP
Mannitol, furosemide, bumetanide, dexamethasone, anti seizure meds to prevent seizures
Side effects of diuretics?
Electrolyte imbalance, low blood pressure, increased pulse rate
Nursing interventions for increased ICP
Low fowlers position (30-45 degrees), keep neck in neutral position, no extreme hip flexion, RESTRICT FLUID INTAKE, give stool softener, no valsalva maneuver, avoid suctioning, administer oxygen, keep pt at cool temp.
Management of pt with increased ICP
Find and treat underlying cause of the increased ICP, remove tumor, suture a hemorrhage in the brain, hyper oxygenate pt, my need intubation, mechanical decompression; craniotomy, craniectomy, drainage of hematoma
Most common cause of head trauma?
Falls, followed by motor vehicle accidents and self inflicted head injuries
True or false?
Younger pts will have a harder time recovering from concussion than older pts
(Because in younger pts the nerves are still forming and now will be focused on forming and healing, while in older pts the nerves are formed thus it is only focused on healing.)
Things to watch for in head injuries
Halo sign or glucose sign from the ears or the nose secretions, watch for loss of consciousness, abnormal sensations
What sign do we see if there has been a fracture to the skull?
Battle sign, raccoon eyes and periorbital edema, monitor pupils for abnormalities (may be sign of increased ICP)
Spinal cord injury can cause?
Loss of motor function, sensation, reflex, activity as well as bowl and bladder control, in certain areas of injury, it can also cause lack of ability to breathe on their own.
As soon as you notice that a patient has had injury to spinal cord you would?
Immobilize the patient on a spinal backboard. Keep the neck in neutral position and keep the neck still.
Autonomic dysreflexia
A disorder which occurs with pts later, after spinal shock has slowed down. It happens especially in pts with quadriplegia or paraplegia.disorder where pt has “confused” nerves especially when a pt has distended bladder or when the rectum is full. Can be due to tight pressure on lower abdomen like with belt or sitting too long.
What will autonomic dysreflexia cause?
Sudden onset sever throbbing headaches, hypertension and flushing above the level of the injury, as well as hypotension and pale extremities below the injury.
Autonomic dysreflexia is considered?
A neurological emergency and needs to be treated immediately to prevent pt from having stroke.
If you notice signs of autonomic dysreflexia you will?
Immediately raise the head of the bed, notify the HCP, loosen tight clothing like belts or pants, check for noxious stimuli, administer antihypertensive
What are the two types of strokes?
Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke
What is a stroke?
Also known as CVA is anoxia to the brain
True or false?
Even depriving the brain of oxygen for 10 min can cause irreversible damage.
TRUE (for this reason any suspicion of stroke needs to be treated very seriously)
How can we prevent strokes?
Keep your BP low, manage diabetes, lower cholesterol, drink in moderation, eat healthy, stop smoking, exercise regularly, avoid stress, maintain healthy weight, treat sleep apnea
What is F.A.S.T?
Face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulty, time is critical
Signs of stroke?
Facial drooping, slurred speech, arm weakness, visual changes, headache (worst headache of life), paralysis.
Right Sided stroke will have effect on what side of the body?
The left side
Hemorrhagic stroke are?
Frequently caused by brain injury or elevated BP. Can cause subdural hematoma. There is decreased perfusion to the brain. Increased in ICP due to bleeding into brain.
Symptoms of increased ICP?
Confusion, cushings triad (high BP, low Pulse, low RR), vomiting without nausea, headache
What is an ischemic stroke?
Disrupted blood supply to portion of brain due to clot, fat or cancerous material making its way to the brain. It can be embolic or thrombotic.
What is a TIA?
A mini stroke, usually a warning that the pt has a stroke coming on in the future. Clot obscures perfusion and then stops, usually lasts 15minutes to 24 hours
What do we do if we suspect someone has a TIA?
Since this is still an emergency! We have to treat it like pt is having stroke until we are certain that they are not. Must follow up with doctor
Pt that has a TIA will have a stroke in?
2-5 years (should be given anticoagulant and should be taught to reduce their personal risk factors for stroke)
Someone with right sided stroke would have?
(Think they are always right)
Impaired judgment, impaired concept of time, they are impulsive; have safety problems, left sided neglect, short attention span.
Someone with left sided stroke would have?
(Ask themselves what is left)
Impaired language, impaired right side, slow caution performance
What do we do for ischemic stroke?
We give alteplase (tPA) therapy for up to 4.5 hours after the initial onset, pts who get it within 3 hours have better outcome. Mechanical thrombectomy may be done if the clot is too large for alteplase
What do we do for hemorrhagic stroke?
Surgical decompression
What do we do for subdural hematoma?
Burr holes
S/S of increased ICP
CONFUSION, CUSHINGS TRIAD (high BP, low Pulse, low RR), pupils dilated or anisocoria, vomiting without nausea, hiccups, headache, seizures
What do we do for someone with increased ICP?
Semi fowlers position (30-45 degrees), restrict fluid intake, no suction unless necessary, give eyes is basin, give stool softener, keep neck in a neutral position, medications: mannitol, docusate, phenytoin.
What are the S/S for head trauma?
Symptoms of increased ICP, check for LOC- alert and oriented, did the pt pass out?, monitor CSF Fluid, battle sign- bruising at the back of the head, raccoon eyes
What do we do for a head trauma?
Prep for CT scan and MRI, quiet dark room, monitor for sedation or lethargy, monitor for breathing, monitor for increased ICP
What is a migraine?
A unilateral headache, may experience aura (abnormal smells, lights, etc.)
What is a tension headache?
Pain feels like a band around the head.
What is a cluster headache?
Unilateral usually occurring on one of the eyes
Would we do a CT scan and MRI to rule out underlying problems for migraines, tension and cluster headaches?