Neurologie K&O Flashcards
A mother reports that her 10 month old boy is right handed because he reaches for most objects with that hand. She asks you if this is normal for his age. What should your answer be?
You can respond once
It is normal
It’s a little early but probably normal and don’t worry about it
It’s a little early but probably normal. It’s something that needs to be watched over time
It’s abnormal for a baby to have a hand preference at this age
Voor 1j niet normaal
Motorisch nakijken, discrete L hemiparese, assymetrie bovenste ledematen → ook vooronderste? - op 10m verwachten kunnen staan met steun - tonus beide benen gelijk
In eerste levensjaar symmetrie verwachten - NIET = rode vlag
A mother reports that her 10 month old boy is right handed because he reaches for most objects with that hand. She asks you if this is normal for his age. What should your answer be?
You can respond once
It is normal
It’s a little early but probably normal and don’t worry about it
It’s a little early but probably normal. It’s something that needs to be watched over time
It’s abnormal for a baby to have a hand preference at this age
Upper motor neuron lesion - CZS probleem persisteren primaire en niet aanwezig
Steun voeten en hoofd - poster
At what age would you be concerned about an infant that is not walking?
Response recorded
12 months
14 months
16 months
18 monts
16m rode vlag
18m bijna altijd probleem
Which of the following ages would best fit a child who walks with a wide base and arms held up in front of them above the waist?
Response recorded
24 months
30 months
18 months
14 months
Meest correcte antwoord 14m
Op 18m bij de meeste kinderen een meer matuur stappatroon verwachten
A girl can imitate and draw a vertical or horizontal line but cannot draw a circle or copy a cross. How old is she most likely to be?
You can respond once
18 months
24 months
36 months
48 months
Rond leeftijd 2j - kunnen natekenen, maar rondje of kruis moeilijker
Rondje rond leeftijd van 3j
The acquisition of motor developmental milestones proceeds in a head to toe fashion. Which of the following is the best explanation for this pattern?
You can respond once
The head has the greatest cortical representation.
There are more synaptic connections for motor neurons that control head and upper extremity movements.
The frontal lobes are the first to myelinate.
The shortest axons are the first to myelinate.
None of the above
D) the shortest axons are the first to myelinate
The developmental process that significantly contributes to postnatal brain growth would be which one of the following?
+ volgorde sequentie?
Neuronal proliferation
Dorsal induction
C) myelinasatie
Andere tijdens zwangerschap
Volgorde sequentie
D → A → B → C
Which of the following best describes the normal posture of a newborn in the prone position?
The arms should be in extension with the legs in flexion
The legs and arms should be in extension
The legs should in extension with the arms in flexion
The legs and arms should be in flexion
D) armen en benen in flexie (houding meestal in baarmoeder)
Als heel afwijkend vb volledig uitgestrekt → kijken of probleem in tonus
A 6-month-old girl has the tendency to hold her head to the left. When her head is turned to the left, her left arm and leg extend and stay that way as she fusses. What is the significance of this observation?
You can respond once
The baby has a right visual field deficit therefore prefers looking to the left
The baby has an obligate asymmetric tonic neck reflex
The baby has flattening of the left occiput, which causes her to turn the head to the left (plagiocefalie)
The baby has tightness of the right sternocleidomastoid muscle that causes her to have this posture
C plagiocefalie (frequent zien) zou ook nog kunnen → vaak zuigeling die verkeurshouding → kijken naar volledige plaatje + iets aan doen - implicaties verdere motorische ontwikkeling - fijne ontwikkeling L beter (in gezichtsveld) dan R
==> advies om symmetrie te bewaren
A baby in the prone position is able to lift up his head, look forward and support his weight on his hands. Developmentally, this is most typical for what age baby?
You can respond once
One month old
Three month old
Six month old
Nine month old
C) 6m
Hier al goed steun op handen
Kruipen op 9m → voorbij buiklig met handensteun
Which postural reflex is the last one to be acquired?
Lateral propping
Postural support
Labyrinth rightning
B) parachute
Nodig in stand → stuk motorische repertoire al gebeurd
Om in stand te blijven
The expected language function for a 12-month-old infant would be which one of the following?
You can respond once
He has 6 meaningful words
He has 2 to 3 meaningful words
He has a non-specific dada and mama
He points to 2 pictures
B) 2-3 betekenisvolle + mama/papa
How would you define a fine pincer grasp and what age does it typically appear?
You can respond once
The object is raked into the palm with the fingers. Appears at 5-6 months.
The thumb is used with the fingers to grasp the object. Appears at 6-8 months.
The thumb and the radial fingers are used to grasp the object. Appears at 8-9 months.
The distal thumb and index finger are used to pick up an object. Appears at 10-12 months.
D, meeste kinderen al op 10m - moet op 12m
A baby has a stable sitting posture when placed in the sitting position and catches herself if she goes to fall. What age is this finding developmentally appropriate for?
4 months
6 months
8 months
10 months
6m - beginnen zitten - nog wat inzakken of omvallen
8m - goed stevig zit, blokje kunnen grijpen van de grond
A child can stack 4 blocks. This ability is typical for which of the following ages?
You can respond once
15 months
18 months
2.5 years
3 years
B) meeste kinderen rond 18m
2j - 6blokjes