Neurological System Flashcards
Tone assessment (arm)
Assess in muscle groups of shoulder, elbow and wrist
1. Support patient’s arm by holding hand and elbow
2. Ask patient to relax and allow full control of their movement
3. Shoulder (circumduction), elbow (flexion/extension) and wrist (circumduction)
Tone abnormalities?
Cogwheeling hypotonia
Pyramidal tract lesions
upper motor neurones exhibit inhibitory effect on lower motor neurones, so inhibition of upper MN = exaggerated muscle tone = hypertonia
Extrapyramidal tract lesions (Parkinson’s)
Lower motor neurone lesion
Shoulder abduction myotome, muscle and instruction?
Myotome - C5
Muscles - deltoid
Instruction - flex elbows, apply downward resistance
Shoulder adduction myotome, muscles and instruction?
Myotome - C6 + C7
Muscles - teres major, lat. dorsi, pec. major
Instruction + bring elbows closer to body and apply upwards resistance
Elbow flexion myotome, muscles and instruction?
Myotome - C5/C6
Muscles - biceps brachii
Instruction - apply resistance by pushing forearm away
Elbow extension myotome, muscles and instruction?
Myotome - C7
Muscles - triceps brachii
Instruction - apply resistance by pushing towards
Wrist flexion myotome, muscles and instruction?
Myotome - C6/7
Muscles - flexors of wrist
Instruction - apply resistance downwards
Power scale?
MRC Muscle Power Scale
MRC 0/5?
No movement
MRC 1/5
Barest flicker of movement of muscle, though not enough to move the structure to which it’s attached
MRC 2/5
Voluntary movement which is not sufficient to overcome the force of gravity
MRC 3/5
Voluntary movement capable of overcoming gravity, but not applied resistance
MRC 4/5
Voluntary movement capable of overcoming resistamce
MRC 5/5
Normal strength
Biceps reflex
C5 + 6
Medial aspect of antecubital fossa
place non-dominant hand over tendon and tap thumb with tendon hammer
Triceps reflex?
C7 + 8
Superior to olecranon process of ulna
triceps tendon relaxed, rest elbow in 90 flexion on lap
Supinator reflex
Brachioradialis tendon, found on posterolateral aspect of wrist, 4 inches away proximal to base of thumb
position 2 fingers over tendon, tap fingers with tendon hammer
LMN lesion?
UMN lesion?
C5 sensation?
Lateral aspect of lower edge of deltoid muscle
C6 sensation?
Palmar side of thumb