Cranial Nerves Flashcards
CN I exam?
History of chance in sensation of smell
Use odourants known to patient (OFFER scented bottles)
CN II exam?
Do you have glasses or contacts? Any changes in vision?
OFFER - Stellen’s chart (for acuity), Ishiharo plate (for colour), Fundoscopy.
Visual field confirmation test
Direct and consensual pupillary reflex
CN III, IV + VI exam?
- Motor - (CN III, IV + VI) H test for eye movements
(2. Parasympathetic - assessed by pupillary reflexes - for CN III)
CN V exam?
- Sensory - assess light touch (V1, V2 + V3 areas of face; opthalmic, maxillary, mandibular)
- Motor - assess the muscles of mastication
(3. Corneal reflex and jaw jerk reflexes - OFFER)
CN VII exam?
Any changes in taste?
1. Motor - facial muscles - assess facial muscle actions
OFFER (2. Taste - tongue anterior 2/3 - not tested)
OFFER (3. Parasympathetic - submandibular, sublingual and lacrimal glands - not tested)
CN VIII exam?
any changes in hearing or balance?
- Cochlear part - assess hearing (whisper, Rinne and Weber tests)
OFFER (2. Vestibular part - not tested)
CN IX exam?
Change in taste? Offer salt water ideally
Open mouth, stick tongue out
OFFER (General sensory - post 1/3 of tongue - assessed by ‘gag’ reflex)
CN X exam?
Change in taste?
UVULA - say aaaa, should pull upwards. If deviates, will deviate away from side of lesion.
OFFER cough and swallow
1. Motor - assess action of soft palate
CN XI exam?
- Spinal accessory - motor - assess the strength of sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
- Cranial accessory - motor - pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles - assessed with vagus
Neck muscles - place hand on face, look towards hand.
Trapezius - push shoulders against hand.
CN XII exam?
Motor - tongue (test protrusion)
Stick tongue out. If deviates, will point towards side of lesion.
Place hand on cheek. Ask to push hand with tongue.
Special tests?
- Ophthalmoscopy
- Otoscopy
Movements exam?
- Head - atlanto-axial and atlanto-occipital joints
- Cervical and thoracocolumbar spine
- TM joint and mandible (lower jaw)
- Bone/cartilage in head, neck and spine
- TMJ, cricothyroid space
- Lymph nodes
Arterial pulses?
Superficial temporal
Subclavian arteries
Assessing JVP?
V1, 2 + 3 areas?
Muscles of mastication assessment?
Facial muscle actions?
Raise eyebrows
Screw eyes - don’t let me open them
Puff out cheeks
Smile with teeth
Purse lips
Whisper, Rinne and Weber test?
Whisper - rub fingers in one ear and say number in the other
Rinne - air vs bone - mastoid process and in front of ear
Weber - on forehead - is it same in both ears
Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius assessment?
Shrug shoulders against force
Turn face against my hand each side
Tongue protrusion assessment?
Look for deviation, wasting, fasciculation
Power - push tongue against cheek against force
Test words - “British Constitution”
Weber test results?
Louder in affected ear - conductive hearing loss
Louder in healthy ear - sensorineural hearing loss
Rinne’s test results?
Air>bone - normal
Bone>ear - conductive hearing loss
What to offer for CN II?
Stellen’s chart
Ishiharo plate
Visual field confirmation test?
Cover same eye, look at my nose, whittle fingers and say yes when see it move
Direct and consensual pupillary reflexes?
Light, hold hand in between eyes, look for direct and consensual. Look at both eyes.
Make obvious which eye looking at.
Then do swinging light test
H test?
Let me know if you see any pain or blurring/double vision
test for nystagmus
3rd nerve palsy?
Eye looks down and out
4th nerve palsy?
Superior oblique bad, unable to look down and inwards
6th nerve palsy?
Eye can’t abduct
How to test motor CN V?
Maseter - hold jaw whilst they clench jaw
Hold jaw whilst touching temporalis muscles
Open mouth against resistance
Offer for trigeminal?
Jaw jerk
Cornea reflex
Facial nerve motor tests?
Raise eyebrows
Close eyes (against resistance)
Puff out cheeks (against resistance)
Smile with teeth
Offer for facial nerve?
Taste test - ideally with salt water
Frequency of hearing fork?
512 hz
Rinne test interpretation?
Conductive hearing loss - Rinne louder on bone than ear
Sensorineural - Rinne the same
Weber test interpretation?
Conductive - amplifies Weber in bad ear than normal ear
Sensorineural - amplifies Weber in good ear