Neurological Impairments Flashcards
Traumatic Brain Injury
- Impaired righting reflexes
- Absence of equilibrium reactions
- Muscle weakness
- Decreased endurance
- Ataxia
Decoriate Rigidity
Upper extremities are in spastic flexed position with internal rotation and adduction. Lower extremities are in spastic extended position, internally rotated and adducted
Decerebrate Rigidity
Upper and lower extremities are in spastic extension, adduction, and internal rotation. Wrist and fingers flex, plantar portions of the feet flex and invert, the trunk extends, and the head retracts
Glasgow Coma Scale (3 areas of assessment)
- Motor Responses
- Verbal Responses
- Eye Opening
Glasgow Coma Scales ranges
Below 8 = Severe brain injury
9-12 = Moderate brain injury
Above 13 = Minor brain injury
- Respiratory assistance required
- Complete assistance for personal and domestic care
- Limited head and neck movement
- Sympathetic nervous system compromised
- Electric wheelchair with sip and puff
- Low stamina
- Complete assistance for personal and domestic
- Full head and neck movement, can raise arms and flex elbows (no extension)
- No bowel and bladder control
- Electric wheelchair with hand controls
- Mobile arm support to assist in supporting the weight of the arm during activities
- Moderate assistance for personal care, dependent domestic care
- Full head and neck movement, some wrist flexion
- Little bowel and bladder control
- Electric wheelchair with hand controls, manual wheelchair for short distances
- Low stamina
- Limited assistance for ADLs
- Full head and neck movement, ability to raise arms and flex/extend elbows, wrist flexion/extension, partial finger movement
- Independent transfers, electric wheelchair with hand controls
- Primarily independent with personal care
- Full head and neck movement, ability to raise arms and flex/extend elbows, wrist flexion/extension, partial finger movement
Independent transfers
- Independent with personal care
- Normal UE ROM and strength
- Independent transfers, manual wheelchair
SCI T6-T12
- Normal UE ROM and strength
- Little bowel/bladder control
- Independent transfers
- Normal UE ROM and strength, partial paralysis in hips and legs
- Little bowel/bladder control
- Independent transfers, may walk with braces
- Normal UE ROM and strength, some loss of function in hips and legs
- Little bowel/bladder control
- Walk with assistance or aids
Orthostatic Hypotension
Drop in blood pressure. Can be addressed by positioning the client in supine and elevating the feet above the heart.
Autonomic Dysreflexia
May be addressed by standing the client up, loosening restrictive clothing or devices, and checking the catheter for obstructions
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) Stroke
- Impairment in trunk and postural control
- Impairment in standing activities affecting weight bearing, weight shifting, stepping
- Communication impairment
- Cognitive and perceptual impairments
- UE impairment
- Visual impairments