Developmental Milestones Flashcards
what age: scribbles on paper
10-12 mo
what age?: prewriting and handwriting: imitates horizontal, vertical, and circular marks
2 years
copies a vertical line, horizontal line, and circle
3 years
copies a cross, right oblique line, square, left diagonal line, left oblique cross, some letters and numbers possibly can write their own name
4-5 years
copies a triangle, prints own name, copies most letters
5-6 years
the whole hand or extended fingers and a pronated forearm are used to hold writing utensil. the writing moment comes from the shoulder
primitive grip
writing a utensil is held with flexed fingers with pronated former and radial side down and then progresses to a supinated forearm position
transitional grip
the writing utensil is stabilized by the distal phalanges of the thumb, middle, and index finger. the ring finger may also be used. wrist is slightly extended, and the supinated forearm rests on the table.
mature grip
the pencil rests against distal phalanx of the radical side of the middle finger, and the pads of the fingers control the movement. the thumb is opposed to the index finger.
dynamic tripod
the pencil rests against the radial side of the middle finger, and the pads of the fingers control the mvmt. the thumb is not opposed to the index finger and rests on the distal interphalangeal joint.
lateral tripod
the pencil rests against the distal phalanx of the radial side of the ring finger and the pads of the fingers control the mvmt. the thumb is opposed to the index finger.
dynamic quadupod
the pencil rests against the radial side of the ring finger and the pads of the fingers control the movement. the thumb is not opposed to the index finger and rests on the distal interphalangeal joint.
lateral quadruped
dressing age 1:
assists with dressing by cooperating during the activity. pulls off shoes and removes socks
dressing age 2:
able to doff coat after easterners have been unfastened. removes shoes if not tied. beings to help with pulling down pants. can locate armholes in shirt.
dressing age 2.5
able to pull down pants with an elastic waistband. helps with putting on socks, coat, and shirt, able to unbutton large buttons
dressing age 3:
able to don a pullover shirt with little assistance. able to put on own shoes (needs help with tying). able to put on socks. able to zip zipper once its engaged. can button large buttons
dressing age 3.5:
knows front and back of clothing, can manage snaps and hooks. can unzip zipper completely. can button buttons and beings to buckle buckles. can put on mittens. dresses with supervision
dressing age 4:
removes pullover garment independently. can buckle buckles can zip zipper completely. may lace shoes but needs assistance for tying
dressing age 4.5:
able to weave belt through belt loops
dressing age 5:
can tie and untie knots; can dress without supervision
dressing age 6:
can tie bows and can manage fasteners in the back of garments.
toiling age 4-5
mobility: age 7 mo
able to bear weight thru both LE. being to transition from sitting to kneeling
mobility age 9 mo.
able to stand while holding on to a surface or a piece of furniture. the infant also beings to crawl
mobility age 10 mo.
taking purposeful steps while holding on to an adults hands for assistance.
mobility age 12 mo.
beginning to walk independently.