Neurological Findings Flashcards
Abulia (inability to make decisions)
stroke, damage to the basal ganglia
Absent Corneal Reflex (no blink to puff of air on eye)
CN V (afferent) or CN VII (efferent) damage
Agnosia (inability to recognize sight, sound or words)
Stroke, dementia or severe head injury
loss of proprioception - dorsal column damage
Anosmia (loss of sense of smell)
CN I damage
Anascoria (unequal pupil size)
CN III, sympathetic or parasympathetic
Aphasia (unable to express oneself with words)
damage to Broca’s speech area
Apraxia (unable to perform learned movement)
cerebellar damage
Asthenocoria (sluggish pupil light reflex Arroyo’s sign)
Addison’s Disease
Ataxia (loss of balance)
Cerebellar, vestibular/dorsal column damage
Athetosis (slow snake like movements)
damage to the putamen in the basal ganglia
Babinski Sign Present (up going plantar response)
UMN lesion in lower limb
Bielschowsky’s Sign (head tilt to the opposite side)
CN IV palsy (superior oblique muscle)
Bitemporal Hemianopia (both temporal halves blind)
CN II damage at optic chiasm pituitary tumor
Cape-like loss of pain and temperature sensation
Causalgia (burning pain after nerve injury)
complex regional pain syndrome
Chorea (quick jerky involuntary movements)
Huntington’s Disease
Rheumatic Fever
Claw Hand
Ulnar Nerve Damage
Klumpke’s Palsy
Clumsiness in Fingers (can’t button a shirt)
cervical myelopathy
Cushings Triad (High BP, low pulse, irregular respiration)
raised intracranial pressure
Dysarthria and Disequilibrium (ataxia)
Cerebellar Damage
Dysarthria (problem saying Kuh La Me properly)
Can’t say Kuh (CN X)
Me (CN V)
abnormal sensation - neuropathies
Flexion of Thumb after Flicking Middle Finger (+ Homan)
UMN lesion in upper limb
Foot Drop (unable to dorsiflex the foot)
Peroneal nerve damage
Charcot Marie Tooth
Froment’s Sign (flexes thumb to grasp paper)
Ulnar nerve damage
Homonymous Hemianopia (same halves on both sides)
damage to contralateral optic radiation
Homonymous Hemianopia + macular sparing
damage to visual cortex
Hyperacusis with ipsilateral facial weakness
Bells Palsy
Hyperreflexia, Clunus and Spasticity
Upper Motor Neuron Lesion
Hyporeflexia, Flaccidity and Atrophy
Lower Motor Neuron Lesion
Loss of the anal reflex
S2, S3 and S4 spinal roots damage
Loss of cremasteric reflex (no testis rise with thigh stroke)
L1-L2 nerve root damage
Loss of the gag reflex
CN IX (afferent) or CN X (efferent) damage
Loss of Stereognosis (recognize objects by feeling)
Dorsal Column Damage
Kernig and Brudzinski Sign
meningitis or subarchnoid hemorrhage
Mittelmeyer Test (march on the spot with eyes closed)
vestibular nerve damage (side turned to)
Pill-rolling (resting) tremor
Parkinson’s Disease
Rigidity Decerebrate (upper limbs in extension)
Brainstem lesion below the red nucleus
Rigidity Decorticare (upper limbs in flexion)
Brainstem lesion above the red nucleus
Rigidity Clasp Knife
Upper Motor Neuron Lesion
Scissors gait from birth
cerebral palsy
Scanning speech, intention tremor and Nystagmus
multiple sclerosis
Sign of the vindication (bishops blessing)
median nerve damage
slow to relax deep tendon reflexes (woltman sign)
Synesthesia (perceiving sounds as different colors)
possible hereditary
Titubation (nodding) not in time with the pulse
cerebellar disease
Tongue deviates to one side
CN XII palsy on same side of deviation
Tremor - intention
multiple sclerosis or cerebellar disease
Tremor - postural (worse when arms are outstretched)
Tremo-resting (pill rolling)
Parkinson Disease
LMN lesion in upper, UMN lesion in lower limbs
Cervical myelopathy
UMN / LMN lesions in at least 3 limbs
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Unilateral facial palsy, can’t to wrinkle forehead
Bell’s Palsy
Unilateral Facial Palsy, but able to wrinkle forehead
Unilateral facial wekness and deafness
Acoustic Neuroma
Uvula Deviates to One Side
CN X damage on the opposite side
Unable to adduct the thumb
Ulnar Nerve Damage
Unable to Extend the Thumb
Radial Nerve Damage
Unable to Oppose the Thumb
median nerve damage
Unable to shrug shoulder
CN XI palsy
Winged Scapula
Long Thoracic Nerve Damage
Wrist Drop
Radial Nerve Palsy
Lead Poisoning