Neurological Disorder Pt. 2 Flashcards
Brain tumors Dx and Tx
headaches, visual disturbances, CT, MRI, neurological removal, and chemo
what is a malignant glionoma primary intracerebal tumor
brain tumor
what is an imbalance of neurotransmitter norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin
what is an imbalance in neurotransmitters dopamine, glutamate, and norepinephrine
what are complications of head injuries
immobility syndrome:
- stasis pneumonia
- stasis ulcers
- stress ulcers
- venostasis
- bone demineralization
what are the risk factors for strokes
arterial HTN, smoking, diabetes, polycythemia, presence f lipoprotein, heart disease, and atrial fibrillation
atherosclerotic process
increased plaque in arteries
what are warning signs for transient ischemic attacks (strokes)
weakness, numbness, facial droops, unconsciousness, tonic.clonic seizures, incontinence, and loss of vision
thrombotic stroke
*occlusion of arteries supplying brain or intracranial vessels
*associated w/ atherosclerosis/ inflammation Dx
blood clot that develops in the blood vessels inside the brain
*transient ischemic attack (stroke)
embolic stroke
- fragments breaking from thrombus outside brain
- risks: AF, RHD, prosthetic valves, and carotid defects
- fat emboli (fat content that escape after surgery)
hemorrhagic stroke
- intracerebral
- subarachnoid
- risks: HTN, aneurysm, vascular malformation, bleeding from tumor bed, hemorrhage associated w/ coagulopathy or anticoagulants
what is caused by a blood clot that develops in the blood vessels inside the brain
thrombotic strokes
what are caused by a blood clot or plaque debris that develops elsewhere in the body and travels to vessels through the bloodstream
embolic strokes
right-brain stroke
hemiplegia on left, left sided neglect, spatial perceptual deficits, short attention span, impulsive, impaired judgement, and left homonymous hemianopsia
left-brain stroke
hemiplegia on right, impaired speech, impaired discrimination, slow performance, anxiety, emotional lability, impaired comprehension, and right homonymous hemianopsia
homonymous hemianopsia
condition in which a person see only one side
treatment of stroke
ABC’s, anticoagulation. treatment of hypo/hyperglycemia, treatment of cerebral edema, surgical evacuation, carotid endarterectomy, hemorrhagic (BP control time for reabsorption), and seizures, falls, nutrition, rehab