neurological diseases Flashcards
what is parkinsons disease?
a neurodegenerative disease where dopamine-producing neurons in the substantia nigra degenerate, this disrupts the normal balance b/w dopamine and acetylcholine in the basal ganglia. dopamine is the neurotransmitter essential for normal functioning of the extrapyramidal motor system, including control of posture, support and voluntary motion. symptoms do not occur until 80% of neurons in the substantia nigra are lost
symptoms: motor- bradykinesia, hypokinesia, tremor, festinating gait,
mood disorders, cognitive changes, hallucinations and delusions, pain, fatigue, vision problems
what is..
- bradykinesia
- hypokinesia
- festinating gait
- sialorrhoea
- dysphagia
- gastroparesis
- slowness of movement
- decreased bodily movement
- quickening and shortening of normal strides
- hypersalivation, drooling/excessive salivation
- difficulty swallowing
- condition that affects the stomach muscles and prevents proper stomach emptying
what is ms?
multiple sclerosis
autoimmune disease, immune system attacks and destroys myelin
results in communication breakdown b/w neurons
results in motor, sensory and cognitive problems
increased intracranial pressure??
increased BP, widening pulse pressure, bradycardia, decreased RR
unpredictable seizures, spectrum condition, some people have auras- seeing, smelling, hearing things.
action potentials- excessive, abnormally synchronised
PREDISPOSING FACTORS: genetic, head injury, raised ICP, alcohol and drugs
transient ischaemic attack- warning stroke or mini stroke
caused by a blockage of blood supply to the brain- usually a clot
face, arms, speech, time to call for help
abscess vs empyemas?
abscesses have defined edges and can usually be drained
common NS investigations??
lumbar puncture- taking CSF CSF examination- clear/straw? thin? puss? blood? CT scan MRI scan FBC/CBC (complete blood count)