Neurological conditions and management Flashcards
Why does a stroke happen?
happens when the blood supply to the brain is cut off
What does BEFAST stand for?
balance, eyes, face, arms, speech, time.
What are the two stroke types?
ischemic, Haemorrhagic strokes
What causes an ischemic stroke?
caused by thrombus or embolus obstructing the cerebral circulation - blood vessels becoming blocked.
What are the risk factors of an ischemic stroke?
Genetics, smoking, obesity, sickle cell disease, blood pressure, high LCL cholestrol, atrial fibrillation and drugs such as cocaine.
What part of the brain suffers in an ischemic stroke?
Only the portion of the brain distal to the block will suffer.
What are the signs and symptoms of an ischemic stroke?
Tingling in the arms, slurred speech, motor issues, changes in vision, total loss of vision in one eye, dysphasia and facial droop.
How do you assess a possible ischemic stroke?
Primary survey. ABCDE approach and BEFAST.
What should you look at to make sure you have done all the checks for a stroke patient?
stroke care bundle
What is the percentage for ischemic strokes
Approx 85%
What is the second type of stroke
How many main types are there of a Haemorrhagic stroke?
What is the first type of Haemorrhagic stroke?
Bleeding within the brain cavity itself (intercerebral or intercranial haemorrhage)
How does an intercranial haemorrhage work?
Artery within the brain ruptures causing bleeding, leading to a rise in the intercranial pressure.
What is the second main type of Haemorrhagic stroke?
Bleeding on the surface, surrounding the cranium, subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) - MOST COMMON. most often caused by a burst aneurusym.
What risks can cause this type of stroke?