LOC- level of consciousness
ALOC- (abnormal findings)
awake; alert and oriented to person, place, time, situation (A&O x4)
ALOC- lethargic, confused, stuporous, comatose
Abnormal findings
moderate tone, clear with moderate pace
Abnormal findings- slurred, garbled, grunts, moans, aphasic, no response
Mood, feelings, and expressions
Abnormal findings
1) cooperative and friendly, feelings appropriate to situation
2) verbalizes positive feelings regarding others and the future
Abnormal- has suicidal thoughts
Thought process
1) expresses full, free-flowing thoughts
2) expresses realistic perceptions
Long term memory
recalls past events correctly
Abstract reasoning
explains similarities and differences between objects or proverbs correctly
gives answers to questions based on sound rationale
sensory function
correctly identifies sharp and dull stimuli and light touch to distal and proximal parts of all extremities and trunk with eyes closed
motor function
Abnormal findings
1) gag reflex intact
2) swallows without difficulty
3) moves extremities on command
Abnormal findings- unusual, involuntary movements, such as tremors
Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE)
Orientation to time and place
1) year, month, date, time
2) country, town, hospital
repeats 3 unrelated objects
Attention and Calculation
Serial 7s: Subtract 7 from 100, repeat x5
Recalls 3 objects learned from earlier after a 5min period
1) name objects pointed to
2) repeat “no ifs, ands, or buts”
3) give 3-stage command: “place index finger of right hand on your nose then on your left ear”
4) ask pt to obey a written command on a piece of paper stating “close your eyes”
5) ask the pt to write a sentence
Ask pt to copy a pair of intersecting pentagons