Neurologic Flashcards
what are ways to assess mental status?
- observe physical appearance and behavior
- assess level of consciousness along a continuum
- investigate cognitive abilities
- assess mood, thought, perception and judgement
- observe speech and language
define AVPU scale
- A = alert
- V = responsive to verbal stimuli
- P = responsive to painful stimuli
- U = unresponive
describe Glasgow coma scale
- assesses level of consciousness
CN I Testing
- Olfactory nerve: damage can occur at epithelium in nose, filaments, bulb or tracts to cortex
–> have patient close eyes and occlude one nostril
–> have patient sniff aroma from a vial
–> lack of recognition can be primary mechanical or metabolic
–> Pt c/o inability to smell and or taste
CN II Testing
- Optic nere - special sensory VISION
- Visual acuity, fundoscopic exam and fields
–> Visual acuity (snellen or rosenbaum eye chart)
–> pupillary response both direct and consensual response
–> Field testing helps you understand defects behind the retina
–> Confrontation testing
- Motor function (tested via extra-ocular movement)
- parasympathetic function (pupillary response)
PERLA: Pupils equal, reactive to light and accommodation (focus on far then near object (Ciliary muscle))
- assess shape of pupil (may be affected by congenital abnormalities)
- Direct and consensual testing - swinging light test
- eye is DOWN AND OUT
- Ptosis
- Dilated pupils
CN IV Test
- Pure motor (internal torsion)
- defects lead to hypertropia (eye moves up)
CN VI test
- Pure motor (lateral eye movements)
- Defects lead to esotropia
CN V test
- Sensory (corneal reflex, facial sensation to light touch/pain and motor)
- corneal reflex = wisp of cotton on cornea
- Facial sensation = Cotton swab and pin to all three branches on both sides
- Ask pt to move jaw up/down and side to side
- Pt c/o pain or jaw weakness with chewing
CN VII test
- Sensory = tase to anterior 2/3 of tongue and soft palate sensation (Salty and sweet)
- Motor = facial movement (observe face while talking)
- Pt c/o facial asymmetry, drooling, eye dry on one side, noises too loud in one ear
- peripheral nerve injury = bell’s palsey (can’t wrinkle forehead on ipsilateral side)
define hyperacusis
- early or initial symptom of peripheral VII nerve palsy
- patient is painful sensitivity to sound
- loss of taste also may occur on affected side
left peripheral VII facial weakness**
- attempt to close eye results in eyeball rolling superiorly exposing sclera but no closure of the lid per se
- patient unable to wrinkle forehead***
- eyelid droops very slightly
- cannot show teeth at all on affected side in attempt to smile and lower lip droops slightly
define left centralVII facial weakness
- incomplete smile with very subtle flattening of affected nasolabial fold
- relative preservation of brow and forehead movement**
Acoustic CN VIII (vestibulocochlear)
- Sensory: hearing and equilibrium
- Testing: whisper test, weber test, rinne test, Dix-hallpike maneuver (vertigo test)
- Pt c/o hearing loss and or dizziness
CN IX test
- motor to stylopharyngeus m
- sensory taste to posterior 1/3 of tongue
- general sensation to tongue and posterior pharynx (GAG REFLEX afferent limb)
- Parasympathetic to parotid gland