Neuroimaging Flashcards
MRI scanner
- Incredibly strong magnet: usually 1.5 - 7 tesla
- 1.5 tesla = 15,000 gauss
- Earth’s magnetic field strength = 0.5 gauss
- Exeter MRI scanner = 30,000 X earth’s magnetic field strength
what does BOLD stand for?
Blood Oxygen Level Dependent
BOLD signal
- When neurons become active, blood flows to the part of the brain to provide oxygen to fuel the cells.
- Haemoglobin (the iron-containing oxygen transporting protein present in blood) differs in how it responds to magnetic fields, depending on whether it has a bound oxygen molecule
- The MRI scanner, which is basically a giant magnet, detects these small changes in the magnetic field.
- With fMRI we are not directly measuring brain activation.
- We are measuring blood flow (more precisely, the magnetic properties of oxygenated vs deoxygenated blood)
from raw data to functional ‘activation’ maps
- Design a task to be used in the scanner
- Collect some data
- Preprocess the data
- Analyse the data
- Interpret your results
fMRI experimental design
- BOLD signal is arbitrary: It has no stable baseline - means that the baseline BOLD signal may be something in one session for one subject, and completely different for the same subject on the next day
- Therefore, the most important aspect of any fMRI experiment is that we have to provide both a) an experimental condition and b) a baseline condition.
- Resulting functional brain map reflects the difference between these two conditions.
what is a good baseline?
- One that differs from the experimental condition only by the process of interest
- In general, having the subject rest, i.e. do nothing, is not a good baseline, because there will be so many things differing between that and your experimental condition that you never know what process your brain activation reflects.
- Ideally you want a baseline that differs from the experimental condition only according to the cognitive process you’re interested in.
block designs
- BOLD signal is slow - peaks 4-5 seconds after stimulus onset and takes around 16 seconds to return to baseline
- All fMRI experiments originally employed block designs - long periods of alternating task/baseline performance
disadvantages of block designs
- Block designs often group together lots of trials
- Highly predictable occurrence of stimuli: subjects know what is coming and may alter strategies accordingly (not always a pro)
- Inflexible for more complex tasks: impact of oddball stimuli? or stimuli or events that occur uncontrollably?
- Ecological validity. Does blocking trials change the psychological process you are interested in?
- Can’t separate trials by performance - e.g. to look at activation associated with correct vs incorrect response
event related design
Trials of different conditions are randomly intermixed and occur close together in time
advantages of event-related design
- Flexibility and randomisation - eliminate predictability of block designs - avoid practice effects
- Post hoc sorting - (e.g., correct vs. incorrect, aware vs. unaware, remembered vs. forgotten items, fast vs. slow RTs)
- Can look at novelty and priming - rare or unpredictable events can be measured - e.g., P300
- Can look at temporal dynamics of response - Dissociation of motion artefacts from activation - Dissociate components of delay tasks - Mental chronometry
collect some data
- 2 to 3 seconds to collect a single ‘volume’
- To reference each point in the brain in 3D space we divide image into cubes or ‘voxels’ - Typical voxel size = 3x3x3 mm - Refer to each voxel with coordinates (x, y, z)
preprocess the data
- Correcting for non-task-related variability in experimental data - Getting rid of the ‘noise’
1. High pass filtering
2. Motion correction
3. Slice time correction
4. Co-registration
5. Normalisation
6. Spatial smoothing
high pass filtering
- Remove low frequency oscillations such as scanner drift that introduce noise into your data
- Standard low pass filter is approx 120 secs
- The consequence of this is that we can’t contrast events more than a couple of minutes apart because they will be wiped out by our filter.
slice time correction
- Because it takes a few seconds to collect a whole brain volume, different slices may be acquired up to a couple of seconds apart
- This means that our estimate of the haemodynamic response will be incorrect for slices acquired later
- Slice timing simply corrects this by moving them earlier in time
Each functional image is aligned with the subject’s structural image so that functional maps can subsequently be overlaid and anatomical landmarks identified
- Ultimately we want to do statistics on group activation maps, so we have to get all the brains into a standard space
- To do this we use complex algorithms to warp each subject’s brain into the shape of a template brain
normalisation - standardises space
- Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space - Combination of 352 MRI scans on normal controls
- Can compare activation across subjects and do group analyses.
Application of Gaussian kernel - allows closer neurons to influence the value more strongly than distal ones.
why smooth?
- Because neurons do not fire in isolation.
- If a neuron fires, neurons close to it will tend to fire as well.
- Smoothing attempts to model the data according to this property of neurons.
- Multiple regression is used to determine the effect of a number of independent variables (our conditions) on a single dependent variable (brain activation)
- For each voxel, we use multiple regression to estimate how closely the BOLD signal correlates with the timecourse of each condition.
- Finally perform a contrast - simply a t-test comparing beta condition 1 beta values to condition 2 beta values
- Calculating the t-statistic for each of the 130,000 voxels in the brain is equivalent to asking “in which regions is activation greater in condition 2 than in condition 1?”
- Raw t-map indicates the magnitude of the t-statistic using a colour scale - Yellow = bigger t values
- The threshold we apply defines what we accept as a significant difference in activation between our 2 conditions
- Essentially arbitrary (as it is in any statistical procedure)
- Standard alpha level in psychological research is p < 0.05, i.e. we accept a 5% rate of false positives
multiple regression
Simply a way to find out the explanatory effect of a number of independent variables on a dependent variable.
correction for multiple comparisons
- Brain images divided into up to 130,000 voxels = 130,000 individual t-tests
- Chance of a type 1 error (false positive) increases with every test performed
- With an alpha level of p < 0.05 (standard used in psychological research) with one t-test we have a 5% chance of type 1 error.
- With 100 independent t-tests, we have a 99.4 % chance of type 1 error
- In other words, with 130,000 t-tests and an alpha level of 0.05 we are guaranteed to find some significant voxels simply by chance.
- Very important to correct for multiple comparisons - adjust alpha level (p-value)
different approaches to data analysis
- Whole brain analysis
2. Region of Interest (ROI) analysis
advantages of WBA
- Requires no prior hypotheses about areas involved
- Includes entire brain
disadvantages of WBA
- Can lose spatial resolution with inter-subject averaging
- Can produce meaningless “laundry lists of areas” that are difficult to interpret
- Depends highly on statistics and threshold selected
- Multiple comparisons problem
examine effects on a voxel by voxel basis across the whole brain
ROI analysis
Restrict our analysis to a particular brain region
advantages of ROI analysis
- Hypothesis driven - avoids meaningless ‘laundry lists’ of activated regions.
- Avoids multiple comparisons problem - data summarised in a single number per subject reflecting mean activation across voxels in ROI.
- Simple - data can be exported and treated as any other type of data, requiring no special software for further analysis
- Generalisable - data can easily be compared across studies, e.g. for meta analysis.
disadvantages of ROI
- Easy to miss things going on elsewhere in the brain.
- Not always simple how to define ROIs
limitations of fMRI
- fMRI data is correlative, therefore we can’t say that a region activated during a task/function is essential for that task/function.
- Need converging evidence from TMS/neuropsychology to make stronger inferences about causation.
- Temporal resolution of fMRI is low
- Need converging evidence from EEG/TMS to provide finer grained temporal information.