Neurocritical Care Viva (WM) Flashcards
What are the equivalent doses of hydrocortisone and prednisolone to dexamethasone 0.75mg?
Hydrocortisone 20mg
Prednisolone 5mg
What’s the sequence of the three phases of the triphasic response after pituitary surgery?
DI (axonal injury) –> SIADH (axonal necrosis with ADH release) –> DI (cell death)
Draw the Lassen Curve? (or describe key features)
Y axis
CBF in ml/100g/min - 50 is usual
X axis
Autoregulation between 50 and 150mmHg
Flat with CBF of approx 25 with CO2 of 3kPa
Then goes up until CO2 of abotu 12Kpa with CBF of approx 90ml/100mg/min
PAO2 (no line until 25) then falls from CBF of about 90 until PA02 is about 10 corresponding to CBF of about 50
What’s the CMRO2 of brain (on average and white and grey))
3ml/100g/min (4ml/100g/min grey, 1ml/100g/min white)
What’s cerebral blood flow average (grey and white)
50ml/mg/min average (70ml/mg/min in grey and 30ml/mg/min in white)
What values of P02, PC02 and MAP would you set to optimise a head injury for transfer?
O2 >13
PC02 4.5-5
MAP 80
What are the three peaks of the ICP waveform
P1 (highest) - percussion, arterial pulsation
P2 (middle) - tidal wave, brain compliance
P3 (lowest) - dicrotic wave, closure of aortic valve
How does ICP waveform change in acute brain injury
In acute brain injury compliance starts decreasing resulting in reversal of P1:P2 ratio
What is PRx?
It the correlation coefficient between ICP and CPP over 5 mins
Draw the PRx CPP curve
U shaped curve
PRx on y axis
CPP on x axis
How can you use PRx?
To refine the CPP target (usually 60-70mmHg) from brain trauma foundation
How would you manage a head injury patient?
ATLS A - tube, 30 degrees head up, collar B - SpO2 >93% PAO2>13 PAO2 PAC02 4.5-5 C - MAP 80 CPP 60-70 PRX D - normoglycaemia - but not tight glycaemic control
Would you give anticonvulsants in head injury? What’s the evidence
Reduction in early but not late seizures. Temkin 1990 NEJM Phenytoin
Describe the Marshall classification
I - normal scan
II - shift of less than 5mm, basal cisterns patent, no mass lesion >25cc (diffuse injury)
III - shift less than 5mm, no lesions >25cc, basal cisterns compressed (diffuse with swelling)
IV - shift of >5mm, no lesions 25cc
V - evacuated mass lesion
VI - unevacuated mass lesion >25cc
What bedside tests can you do for ICP compliance?
Jugular venous occlusion (rate of response)
Lie flat
CO2 challenge
Describe lundberg waves
Lundberg A waves - steep increases in ICP lasting 5-20minutes (probably pathological)
Lundberg B waves - 30 second to 2 minutes
Lundberg C waves - 4-8 waves per minute (physiological)
Describe adams classification for DAI
Adams grading 1 - grey white interface 2 - grey white + corpus callosum 3 - brain stem Does not correlate well
What is normal cerebral oxygen extraction fraction?