Neuroanatomy 3 Flashcards
What is the function of the parietal lobe ?
Enables body and touch sensation and understanding where body is in space
What is the function of the frontal lobe ?
Controls cognitive tasks and voluntary movements
What is the function of the temporal lobe ?
Controls memory, hearing and language
What is the function of the occipital lobe ?
Involved in vision
What is the function of the thalamus ?
Important in sensory, motor and cognitive functions with dense connections to the cortex
What is the largest part of the basal ganglia?
Corpus striatum - mass of grey matter
What is the function of the basal ganglia ?
Involved in control of muscle tone, posture and movement
What is the falx cerebri ?
Sheet of dura mater in the great longitudinal fissure
What is the internal capsule ?
It’s a dense sheet of white matter where many fibres are densely packed
What fibres are present in the corpus callosum ?
Commissural fibres
What is the tentorium cerebelli ?
Lies between the cerebellum and occipital lobe
How does info enter the limbic system ?
Directly by the amygdala and indirectly by the hippocampal formation via the entorhinal area
What is the septum pellucidum ?
Forms the medial wall of the lateral ventricles
Thin sheet between corpus callosum
What are the folds of the cerebellar cortex called ?
Why does the development of the cerebral hemispheres form a c shape ?
Due to forward migration of temporal lobe
What is the corona radiata ?
Cortical afferents and efferents pass through it from the cortex to subcortical areas
Examples of subcortical structures..
Corpus striatum
Spinal cord
Where is language almost always processed ?
In the left superior temporal and lateral frontal lobe
Where is Broca’s area ?
Frontal lobe
What is Broca’s aphasias ?
Inability to produce language but they can understand the language being spoken to them
Where is wernickes area ?
Temporal lobe
What is wernickes aphasias ?
Produces an inability to understand language
What does split brain mean and what are the effects caused by it ?
Lesion to the corpus callosum - used to treat epilepsy
They can’t name an object on the left hand side but they can if it is on the right hand side because vision is processed on the opposite side
What are the 2 enlargements of the spinal cord ?
Cervical enlargement - provides innervation for upper limbs via brachial plexus
Lumbar enlargement- provides innervation of lower limb by lumbar plexus and sacral plexus
What effect does the different lengths of the vertebral canal and spinal cord cause ?
Spinal cord segments are not adjacent to their vertebral bodies - apart from cervical region
What is the denticulate ligament ?
Flat membranous continuation of pia mater
Why do higher levels of the spinal cord contain more white matter ?
Because ascending tracts gain more fibres at each successive level
Which levels of the spinal cord contain a lateral horn and what is present here ?
Thoracic and upper lumbar
Contains preganglionic sympathetic neurons