Neuroanatomy Flashcards


Connection of posterior columns to thalamus
A. Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
B. Lateral lemniscus
C. Medial lemniscus
D. Medial longitudinal fasciculus


A. Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
B. Lateral lemniscus
C. Medial lemniscus
D. Medial longitudinal fasciculus

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Carries bers involved with eye movements and has vestibular input
A. Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
B. Lateral lemniscus
C. Medial lemniscus
D. Medial longitudinal fasciculus


A. Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
B. Lateral lemniscus
C. Medial lemniscus
D. Medial longitudinal fasciculus

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A part of the auditory pathway
A. Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
B. Lateral lemniscus
C. Medial lemniscus
D. Medial longitudinal fasciculus


A. Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
B. Lateral lemniscus
C. Medial lemniscus
D. Medial longitudinal fasciculus

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Connects the periventricular hypothalamus and mammillary bodies to the midbrain’s central gray matter
A. Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
B. Lateral lemniscus
C. Medial lemniscus
D. Medial longitudinal fasciculus


A. Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
B. Lateral lemniscus
C. Medial lemniscus
D. Medial longitudinal fasciculus

Th e dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (A), or d orsolateral fascicu lu s, car r ies bers from the hypothalamus to the autonomic nuclei and reticular formation of the brainstem’s central gray matter to in uence activities such as chewing, swallow ing, and shivering. The lateral lemniscus (B) is part of the auditory pathway, carrying second-order bers arising from the cochlear nucleus that ascend to the inferior colliculus. The medial lemniscus (C) connects the second-order neurons of nucleus gracilis and cuneatus (dorsal columns) to the ventral posterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus. The medial longitudinal fasciculus (D) carries p roject ion s from th e su perior collicu lu s to th e ocu lom otor, trochlear, and abducens nuclei and contributes to re ex m ovem ents of the eyes in response to visual, auditory, and somatic stimuli.

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Stimulation of caudal regions of the paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) produces
A. Conjugate horizontal deviation of the eyes to the opposite side
B. Conjugate horizontal deviation of the eyes to the same side
C. Deviation of only the contralateral eye to the same side
D. Deviation of only the ipsilateral eye to the opposite side
E. Deviation of only the ipsilateral eye to the same side


A. Conjugate horizontal deviation of the eyes to the opposite side
B. Conjugate horizontal deviation of the eyes to the same side
C. Deviation of only the contralateral eye to the same side
D. Deviation of only the ipsilateral eye to the opposite side
E. Deviation of only the ipsilateral eye to the same side

Th e p ar a m e d ia n p on t in e ret icu lar for m at ion (PPRF) m e d iat es h or izon t al eye movements in response to head movement. Stimulation of the caudal PPRF causes conjugate horizontal deviation of the eyes to the same side (B).

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Stimulation of the caudal PPRF
A. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. Vertical eye movements
D. None of the above


A. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. Vertical eye movements
D. None of the above

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Stimulation of the rostral PPRF
A. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. Vertical eye movements
D. None of the above


A. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. Vertical eye movements
D. None of the above

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Stimulation of the superior colliculus
A. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. Vertical eye movements
D. None of the above


A. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. Vertical eye movements
D. None of the above

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Stimulation of the middle frontal gyrus
A. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. Vertical eye movements
D. None of the above


A. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the opposite side
B. Conjugate horizontal deviation to the same side
C. Vertical eye movements
D. None of the above

Th e ce n t e r for h or izon t al ga ze (t h e a b d u ce n s n u cle u s) a n d t h e ce n t e r for ve rtical gaze (the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus [RiMLF]) are joined physiologically by the param edian pontine reticular for m at ion (PPRF), w h ich lies rost ral to t h e abd u cen s n u cleu s. St im u lat ion of the caudal and rostral PPRF produces conjugate horizontal eye deviation (B) and vertical eye m ovem ents (C), resp ect ively. Fibers from th e cau dal PPRF project to the ipsilateral abducens nucleus, and bers from the rostral PPRF project uncrossed bers to the RiMLF, which in turn projects to the ipsilateral oculomotor nuclear complex. Lesions of the caudal PPRF may cause paralysis of horizontal eye movements, whereas lesions of the rostral PPRF can cause paralysis of vertical eye movements. Extensive lesions may a ect both types of eye movements. Stimulation of the frontal eye eld, located in the caudal part of the middle frontal gyrus, usually results in conjugate deviation of the eyes to the opposite side (A). St im u lat ion of t h e su p er ior collicu lu s resu lt s in contralateral conjugate deviation of the eyes (A)

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Which of the following is true of th e occipital eyefield?
A. It is localized to a relatively small area.
B. It subserves pursuit eye movements that are largely voluntary.
C. Lesions in this area are associated with transient deviation of the eyes away from the side of the lesion.
D. The threshold for excitation in this area is lower than in the frontal eye elds.
E. With lesions in this area, the patient can direct the eyes to a particular location on command.


A. It is localized to a relatively small area.
B. It subserves pursuit eye movements that are largely voluntary.
C. Lesions in this area are associated with transient deviation of the eyes away from the side of the lesion.
D. The threshold for excitation in this area is lower than in the frontal eye elds.
E. With lesions in this area, the patient can direct the eyes to a particular location on com m and.

Th e occip it a l eye eld s a re n ot as w ell d e n e d a s t h e fron t al eye eld s a n d contribute to sm ooth pursuit m ovem ents w hen tracking objects. With lesions of the occipital eye elds, which are located near the junction of the occipital lobes w ith the posterior tem poral and parietal lobes, the patient can direct the eyes to a particular location on command (E). 2

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The intracranial dura is innervated by
I. Cranial nere V
II. Upper cervical spinal nerves
III. Cranial nerve X
IV. Cranial nerve VII


E. All of the above

Th e su p r at e n t or ial d u ra is in n e r vat e d by CN V. V1 su p p lies th e an ter icranial fossa, V2 supplies the m iddle fossa, and V3 supplies the supratentorposterior fossa. The infratentorial dura is innervated by the upper cervicroots (C2, C3) an d CN X. 3

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Descending bers of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) arise from all of the following structures except the
A. Inferior colliculus
B. Cajal’s interstitial nucleus
C. Medial vestibular nucleus
D. Pontine reticular formation
E. Superior colliculus


A. Inferior colliculus
B. Cajal’s interstitial nucleus
C. Medial vestibular nucleus
D. Pontine reticular formation
E. Superior colliculus

Th e MLF car r ies b e r s ar isin g from Ca ja l ’s i n t e r s t i t i a l n u c l e u s ( B) , t h e medial vestibular nucleus (C), t h e paramedian pontine reticular formation (D), as well as the superior colliculus (E). Project ion s from th e inferior colliculus (A) do not contribute the MLF. 1,2

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Which structure does not p a s s t h r o u g h t h e o rb it a l t e n d in o u s r in g (Zin n ’s a n u lu s )?
A. Frontal nerve
B. Superior division of III
C. Abducens nerve
D. Nasociliary nerve
E. Inferior division of III


A. Frontal nerve
B. Superior division of III
C. Abducens nerve
D. Nasociliary nerve
E. Inferior division of III

Th e an n u lar t e n d on of Zin n d ivid es t h e su p e r ior or b it a l ssu re (SOF) in t o lateral, central, and inferior segm ents. The lateral sector contains the trochlear, frontal (A), an d lacrim al n er ves, w h ich all p ass ou t sid e th e an n u lar ten don of Zinn. The superior ophthalmic vein also passes inferior to the nerves in this portion of the ssure to reach the cavernous sinus. The central portion of the SOF (oculomotor foramen) contains the oculomotor nerve (B and E), nasociliary nerve (D), abducens nerve (C), an d root s of t h e ciliar y gan glion — all of which pass through the annulus of Zinn. The optic nerve and ophthalmic artery course medially to the oculomotor foramen through part of the annular tendon that is attached to the optic foramen. 4

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All of the following can be seen in ulnar nerve entrapment at the wrist except
A. Motor de cits in the adductor pollicis
B. Motor de cits in the deep head of the exor pollicis brevis
C. Motor de cits in the third and fourth lumbricals
D. Sensory de cits in the dorsum of the hand
E. Sensory de cits in the palmar surface of the hypothenar eminence


A. Motor de cits in the adductor pollicis
B. Motor de cits in the deep head of the exor pollicis brevis
C. Motor de cits in the third and fourth lumbricals
**D. Sensory de cits in the dorsum of the hand **
E. Sensory de cits in the palmar surface of the hypothenar eminence

Th e se n sor y b r an ch t o t h e d or su m of t h e h an d leaves t h e u ln ar n e r ve in t h e forear m an d is n ever involved in u ln ar n er ve en t rap m en t at t h e w r ist . Th e su per cial head of the abductor pollicis brevis is innervated by the median nerve. 5

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The thalamus is fed by (the)
I. Med ial p oster ior ch oroid al ar t er y
II. An ter ior ch oroid al ar ter y
III. Basilar ar ter y bran ch es
IV. Middle cerebral ar ter y bran ch es


E. All of the above

Th e t h alam u s is a lso fe d by t h a la m op e r for at or s a r isin g fr om t h e p ost e r ior com m unication (PCom m ) arteries. There is generally no contribution to thalam ic blood supply by the m iddle cerebral artery or its branches.

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The anterior choroidal artery supplies portions of each of the following structures except th e
A. Amygdala
B. Globus pallidus
C. Hippocampus
D. Hypothalamus
E. Internal capsule


A. Amygdala
B. Globus pallidus
C. Hippocampus
D. Hypothalamus
E. Internal capsule

Th e an t e r ior ch or oid a l ar t e r y is a b r a n ch of t h e in t e r n al carot id ar t e r y t h at arises 2–4 mm distal to the PComm artery. It courses posteromedially to supply several structures including the amygdala (A), hippocampus (C), internal capsule (E), an d globus pallidus (B). Th e an ter ior ch oroidal ar ter y d oes not provide blood supply to the hypothalamus (D), w h ich is su p p lied by p erforators ar isin g from t h e an ter ior cerebral ar t er y an d an t er ior com m u n icat in g (ACom m ) ar ter ies. 3

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Connects the amygdala to the hypothalamus
A. Central tegmental tract
B. Lamina terminalis
C. Medial forebrain bundle
D. Stria medullaris
E. Stria terminalis


A. Central tegmental tract
B. Lamina terminalis
C. Medial forebrain bundle
D. Stria medullaris
E. Stria terminalis

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he closed rostral end of the neural tube
A. Central tegmental tract
B. Lamina terminalis
C. Medial forebrain bundle
D. Stria medullaris
E. Stria terminalis


A. Central tegmental tract
B. Lamina terminalis
C. Medial forebrain bundle
D. Stria medullaris
E. Stria terminalis

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Connects the gustatory brainstem nucleus to the thalamus
A. Central tegmental tract
B. Lamina terminalis
C. Medial forebrain bundle
D. Stria medullaris
E. Stria terminalis


A. Central tegmental tract
B. Lamina terminalis
C. Medial forebrain bundle
D. Stria medullaris
E. Stria terminalis

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Connects the septal area, hypothalamus, olfactory area, and anterior thalamus to the habenula
A. Central tegmental tract
B. Lamina terminalis
C. Medial forebrain bundle
D. Stria medullaris
E. Stria terminalis


A. Central tegmental tract
B. Lamina terminalis
C. Medial forebrain bundle
D. Stria medullaris
E. Stria terminalis

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Connects the septal area, hypothalamus, olfactory area, and hippocampus to the midbrain, pons, and medulla
A. Central tegmental tract
B. Lamina terminalis
C. Medial forebrain bundle
D. Stria medullaris
E. Stria terminalis


A. Central tegmental tract
B. Lamina terminalis
C. Medial forebrain bundle
D. Stria medullaris
E. Stria terminalis

Th e central tegmental tract (A) connects the gustatory brainstem nucleus (rostral nucleus solitarius) to the thalam us. The medial forebrain bundle (C) is a bidirectional pathway between the hypothalam us/septal area and the midbrain, pons, and medulla that is thought to be involved in motivation and sense of smell. The stria medullaris thalami (D) con n ect s t h e h yp ot h alam u s, septal area, and olfactory area to the habenula. The bers of the stria terminalis (E) project from the amygdala to the hypothalamus. The lamina terminalis (B) represen ts th e rostral boun dar y of th e n eu ral t ube. 1,3

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Efferent fibers from the dentate nuclei
A. Are somatopically arranged in the thalamus with the head represented laterally and caudal body parts medially
B. Influence activity of motor neurons in the contralateral cerebral cortex
C. Leave the cerebellum via the middle cerebellar peduncle
D. Mainly terminate in the red nucleus
E. Project to the ipsilateral ventral lateral thalamic nuclei


A. Are somatopically arranged in the thalamus with the head represented laterally and caudal body parts medially
**B. Influence activity of motor neurons in the contralateral cerebral cortex **
C. Leave the cerebellum via the middle cerebellar peduncle
D. Mainly terminate in the red nucleus
E. Project to the ipsilateral ventral lateral thalamic nuclei

Th e b u lk of t h e b e r s fr om t h e d e n t at e n u cle u s p a ss arou n d t h e re d n u cle u s and project to the contralateral thalamus via the superior cerebellar peduncle, w hereas the bulk of bers from the interposed nuclei project to the caudal two thirds of the red nucleus. In the thalamic nuclei, the head is represented medially and the caudal parts of the body laterally. 1

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The pulvinar has well-defined projections to the
I. Occipital cortex
II. Pariet al cortex
III. Temporal cortex
IV. Frontal cortex


E. All of the above

Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h alam u s is in volve d in t h e in t egr at ion of visu al, a u d it or y, and somatosensory information. For this reason, it necessarily shares projections with the association areas of the occipital, parietal, and temporal lobes. Th ey in clu d e p roje ct ion s t o t h e occip it a l cor t ex (ar eas 1 7 , 1 8 , a n d 1 9 ), t h e inferior parietal lobule (areas 39 and 40), and the superior temporal gyrus. 1,2

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Each of the following is true of the fornix except
A. It is the main efferent fiber system of the hippocampus.
B. Postcommissural fibers of the fornix project to the mammillary bodies.
C. The columns of the fornix lie anterior to the anterior commissure.
D. The body of the fornix runs to the rostral margin of the thalamus.
E. The fornical commissure (psalterium) is rostral to the anterior commissure.


A. It is the main efferent fiber system of the hippocampus.
B. Postcommissural fibers of the fornix project to the mammillary bodies.
C. The columns of the fornix lie anterior to the anterior commissure.
D. The body of the fornix runs to the rostral margin of the thalamus.
E. The fornical commissure (psalterium) is rostral to the anterior commissure.

Th e for n ix is t h e main e erent pathway from the hippocampal form ation (A). At t h e level of th e an ter ior com m issu re, th e forn ix is d ivided into a precommissural and postcommissural part, which lie anterior and posterior to the anterior commissure, respectively (C is false). Th e p recom missural bers arise primarily from the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and project to the septal area and basal forebrain while the postcommissural bers arise from the subiculum and project primarily to the mammillary bodies (B). Th e body of the fornix runs to the rostral margin of the thalamus (D); the crura of the fornix meet in the midline at the forniceal com missure (psalterium), which is rostral to the anterior commissure (E). 1,2

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The e erent projections of the arcuate nucleus are most closely associated with the
A. Mammillary bodies
B. Median eminence
C. Nucleus of the diagonal band
D. Posterior hypophysis
E. Supraoptic nucleus


A. Mammillary bodies
B. Median eminence
C. Nucleus of the diagonal band
D. Posterior hypophysis
E. Supraoptic nucleus

Th e e e re n t p roje ct ion s of t h e a rcu at e n u cle u s h ave b e e n t ra ce d t o t h e external layer of the median eminence. Chemical substances from the arcuate nucleus (including dopamine) play a major role in the regulation of hormonal output from the anterior pituitary. 2

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Regions of the striate cortex that do not contain ocular dominance columns are those representing the
I. Fovea
II. Blind spot of t h e retina
III. Macula
IV. Monocular temporal crescent of the visual feld


E. All of the above

Th e b lin d sp ot of t h e ret in a a n d t h e m on ocu lar t e m p ora l cresce n t , b ot h re ce iving only m onocular visual input, do not contain ocular dom inance colum ns. 2

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Each of the following is true of the supplemental motor cortex (MII) except
A. Some of the neurons project directly to the spinal cord.
B. The body is somatopically represented.
C. The neurons in this area exhibit movement-related activity only if the motor task is performed with the contralateral limbs.
D. The threshold for stimulation is higher than for the primary motor cortex (MI).
E. Unilateral ablations produce no permanent de cit in the maintenance of posture or capacity for movement.


A. Some of the neurons project directly to the spinal cord.
B. The body is somatopically represented.
**C. The neurons in this area exhibit movement-related activity only if the motor task is performed with the contralateral limbs. **
D. The threshold for stimulation is higher than for the primary motor cortex (MI).
E. Unilateral ablations produce no permanent de cit in the maintenance of posture or capacity for movement.

Motor tasks performed with either the ipsilateral or the contralateral limbs can elicit m ovem ent-related activity in the supplem entary area (C is false). Th e ot h e r resp on ses a re cor re ct : some neurons of the SMA project directly to the spinal cord (A), the body is somatopically represented (B), the threshold for stimulation is higher than for primary motor cortex (D), an d unilateral ablations produce no permanent de cit in the maintenance of posture or capacity for movement (E). 2

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Each of the following is true of dorsolateral fibers entering the dorsolateral spinal cord except
A. Root bers of spinal ganglia separate into a medial and lateral bundle.
B. The central processes of each dorsal root ganglion divide into both ascending and descending branches.
C. The lateral bundle conveys impulses from free nerve endings.
D. The medial bundle consists of thinly myelinated or unmyelinated bers, whereas the lateral bundle is thickly myelinated.
E. The medial bundle conveys impulses from Golgi tendon organs.


A. Root bers of spinal ganglia separate into a medial and lateral bundle.
B. The central processes of each dorsal root ganglion divide into both ascending and descending branches.
C. The lateral bundle conveys impulses from free nerve endings.
**D. The medial bundle consists of thinly myelinated or unmyelinated bers, whereas the lateral bundle is thickly myelinated. **
E. The medial bundle conveys impulses from Golgi tendon organs.

Th e dorsal roots separate into a lateral and medial bundle (A). Th e m ed ial
bundle of dorsal root a erents entering the dorsolateral spinal cord consists
of large myelinated bers while the lateral bundle consists of thin, unmyelinated

bers (D is false). Th e lateral bundle conveys information from
free nerve endings (C) while the medial bundle transmits impulses from
encapsulated receptors, such as Golgi tendon organs (E), to th e p osterior
colum ns.

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Which of the following does the ulnar nerve innervate?
I. Pronator quadrat s
II. Flexor pollicis longus
III. Opponens pollicis
IV. Adductor pollicis


E. All of the above

Th e p ron at or qu a d r at u s a n d exor p ollicis lon gu s are in n e r vat e d by t h e an terior interosseous nerve (a purely motor branch of the median nerve). The opponens pollicis (a thenar muscle) is innervated by the median nerve. The adductor pollicis is innervated by the ulnar nerve.

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Anterior nuclear group

A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex


A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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Lateral dorsal nucleus

A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex


A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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Lateral geniculate nucleus

A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex


A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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Lateral posterior nucleus

A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex


A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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Medial geniculate nucleus

A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex


A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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Mediodorsal nucleus

A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex


A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex


A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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Centromedian nucleus

A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex


A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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Ventral lateral nucleus

A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex


A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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Ventral posterolateral nucleus

A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex


A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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Ventral posteromedial nucleus

A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex


A. Areas 1, 2, 3
B. Area 4
C. Striatum
D. Areas 5, 7
E. Area 17
F. Areas 18, 19
G. Areas 41, 42
H. Cingulate gyrus
I. Prefrontal cortex

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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Eferent fibers project to the neurohypophysis.

A. Supraopticohypophysial tract
B. Tuberoinfundibular tract
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Supraopticohypophysial tract
B. Tuberoinfundibular tract
C. Both
D. Neither

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Efferent fibers project to the anterior pituitary.
A. Supraopticohypophysial tract
B. Tuberoinfundibular tract
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Supraopticohypophysial tract
B. Tuberoinfundibular tract
C. Both
D. Neither

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Eferent fibers project to the hypophyseal portal vessels.
A. Supraopticohypophysial tract
B. Tuberoinfundibular tract
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Supraopticohypophysial tract
B. Tuberoinfundibular tract
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e ve n t r a l p ost e rom e d ia l (VPM) an d ve n t r al p ost e rolat e r al (VPL) n u cle i of the thalamus are part of the lateral tier of the lateral thalamic nuclei and are part of the sensory thalamus. They receive input from the trigeminothalamic (VPM) and lateral spinothalam ic tracts (VPL) and relay this inform ation to the primary sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, Bro dm an n’s areas 1, 2, an d 3 (A). Th e ven t ral lateral n u cleu s of th e t h alam u s (VL) is also part of the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and receives a erents from the basal ganglia and cerebellum. The VL nucleus in uences somatic motor activity via projections to the supplementary motor area (Brodm ann’s area 6) as well as the primary motor cortex, Brodmann’s area 4 (B). Th e cen t rom ed ian n u cleu s is classi ed w ith t h e in t ralam in ar nuclei of the thalamus, which represent the rostral continuation of the brainstem reticular activating system into the thalamus. The centromedian nucleus is primarily concerned with sensorimotor integration receiving a erents from the globus pallidus, prem otor, and prim ar y m otor area and sending the majority of its projections to the striatum (C). Th e lateral p osterior n u cleu s (LP) of the thalam us is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, is closely related to the pulvinar, and is involved w ith sensory integration. The LP s e n d s p r o j e c t i o n s p r i m a r i l y t o t h e superior parietal lobule, Brodmann’s areas 5 and 7 (D). Th e lateral gen icu late n u cleu s (LGN) receives bers of th e optic tract and projects to primary visual cortex, Brodmann’s area 17 (E). Th e p u lvin ar of t h e t h a lam u s is a m e m b e r of t h e d or sal t ie r of t h e lat e r al nuclear group and integrates visual, auditory, and somatosensory information, projecting to association areas of the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes—Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19 (F). Th e m ed ial gen icu late n u cleu s (MGN) receives auditory pathway input and projects to primary auditory cortex, Brodmann’s areas 41 and 42 (G). Th e an ter ior n u clear grou p of t h e thalamus is closely associated with the limbic system, and as such sends its projections to the cingulate gyrus (H). Th e lateral d orsal (LD) n u cleu s of th e thalamus is part of the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, but represents the caudal continuation of the anterior nuclear group, and may be involved in the expression of em otions, projecting to the cingulate gyrus (H) of the lim bic system . The m edial dorsal (MD) or dorsom edial (DM) nucleus of the thalamus is a member of the medial nuclear group and functions in the processing of em otion. The MD nucleus sends its projections prim arily to the prefrontal cortex (I). 1

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Connects the globus pallidus interna to the thalamus (travels around the internal capsule)
A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro exus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)


A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro exus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)

Th e ansa lenticularis (A) represents a bundle of pallidothalamic bers that courses posteriorly, looping around the posterior lim b of the internal capsule from the globus pallidus to the thalam us. Another group of pallidothalam ic bers, the lenticular fasciculus (C), p roject s from t h e globu s p allid u s an d traverses the posterior limb of the internal capsule to reach the thalamus. The thalamic fasciculus (F) r e p r e s e n t s t h e co n u e n ce o f t h e ansa lenticularis (A) and the lenticular fasciculus (C) as they reach the thalam us. The fasciculus retro exus (B) connects the habenula to the midbrain and interpeduncular nuclei. Th e for n ix is t h e m ain e e re n t p at h w ay from t h e h ip p oca m p al for m at ion . At t h e le ve l o f t h e a n t e r io r co m m is s u r e , t h e fo r n ix is d iv id e d in t o a precommissural and postcommissural part, which lie anterior and posterior to the anterior commissure, respectively. The precommissural bers (E) arise primarily from the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and project to the septal area and basal forebrain while the postcommissural bers (D) arise from the subiculum of the hippocampus and project primarily to the mammillary bodies and hypothalamus. 1,3

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Connects the globus pallidus interna to the thalamus (travels through the internal capsule)
A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro exus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)


A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro exus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)

Th e ansa lenticularis (A) represents a bundle of pallidothalamic bers that courses posteriorly, looping around the posterior lim b of the internal capsule from the globus pallidus to the thalam us. Another group of pallidothalam ic bers, the lenticular fasciculus (C), p roject s from t h e globu s p allid u s an d traverses the posterior limb of the internal capsule to reach the thalamus. The thalamic fasciculus (F) r e p r e s e n t s t h e co n u e n ce o f t h e ansa lenticularis (A) and the lenticular fasciculus (C) as they reach the thalam us. The fasciculus retro exus (B) connects the habenula to the midbrain and interpeduncular nuclei. Th e for n ix is t h e m ain e e re n t p at h w ay from t h e h ip p oca m p al for m at ion . At t h e le ve l o f t h e a n t e r io r co m m is s u r e , t h e fo r n ix is d iv id e d in t o a precommissural and postcommissural part, which lie anterior and posterior to the anterior commissure, respectively. The precommissural bers (E) arise primarily from the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and project to the septal area and basal forebrain while the postcommissural bers (D) arise from the subiculum of the hippocampus and project primarily to the mammillary bodies and hypothalamus. 1,3

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Combination of the ansa lenticularis, lenticular fasciculus, and cerebellothalamic tract
A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro exus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)


A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro exus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)

Th e ansa lenticularis (A) represents a bundle of pallidothalamic bers that courses posteriorly, looping around the posterior lim b of the internal capsule from the globus pallidus to the thalam us. Another group of pallidothalam ic bers, the lenticular fasciculus (C), p roject s from t h e globu s p allid u s an d traverses the posterior limb of the internal capsule to reach the thalamus. The thalamic fasciculus (F) r e p r e s e n t s t h e co n u e n ce o f t h e ansa lenticularis (A) and the lenticular fasciculus (C) as they reach the thalam us. The fasciculus retro exus (B) connects the habenula to the midbrain and interpeduncular nuclei. Th e for n ix is t h e m ain e e re n t p at h w ay from t h e h ip p oca m p al for m at ion . At t h e le ve l o f t h e a n t e r io r co m m is s u r e , t h e fo r n ix is d iv id e d in t o a precommissural and postcommissural part, which lie anterior and posterior to the anterior commissure, respectively. The precommissural bers (E) arise primarily from the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and project to the septal area and basal forebrain while the postcommissural bers (D) arise from the subiculum of the hippocampus and project primarily to the mammillary bodies and hypothalamus. 1,3

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Connects the habenula to the midbrain and interpeduncular nuclei

A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro plexus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)


A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro plexus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)

Th e ansa lenticularis (A) represents a bundle of pallidothalamic bers that courses posteriorly, looping around the posterior lim b of the internal capsule from the globus pallidus to the thalam us. Another group of pallidothalam ic bers, the lenticular fasciculus (C), p roject s from t h e globu s p allid u s an d traverses the posterior limb of the internal capsule to reach the thalamus. The thalamic fasciculus (F) r e p r e s e n t s t h e co n u e n ce o f t h e ansa lenticularis (A) and the lenticular fasciculus (C) as they reach the thalam us. The fasciculus retro exus (B) connects the habenula to the midbrain and interpeduncular nuclei. Th e for n ix is t h e m ain e e re n t p at h w ay from t h e h ip p oca m p al for m at ion . At t h e le ve l o f t h e a n t e r io r co m m is s u r e , t h e fo r n ix is d iv id e d in t o a precommissural and postcommissural part, which lie anterior and posterior to the anterior commissure, respectively. The precommissural bers (E) arise primarily from the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and project to the septal area and basal forebrain while the postcommissural bers (D) arise from the subiculum of the hippocampus and project primarily to the mammillary bodies and hypothalamus. 1,3

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Connects the hippocampus to the septal nuclei

A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro plexus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)


A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro exus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)

Th e ansa lenticularis (A) represents a bundle of pallidothalamic bers that courses posteriorly, looping around the posterior lim b of the internal capsule from the globus pallidus to the thalam us. Another group of pallidothalam ic bers, the lenticular fasciculus (C), p roject s from t h e globu s p allid u s an d traverses the posterior limb of the internal capsule to reach the thalamus. The thalamic fasciculus (F) r e p r e s e n t s t h e co n u e n ce o f t h e ansa lenticularis (A) and the lenticular fasciculus (C) as they reach the thalam us. The fasciculus retro exus (B) connects the habenula to the midbrain and interpeduncular nuclei. Th e for n ix is t h e m ain e e re n t p at h w ay from t h e h ip p oca m p al for m at ion . At t h e le ve l o f t h e a n t e r io r co m m is s u r e , t h e fo r n ix is d iv id e d in t o a precommissural and postcommissural part, which lie anterior and posterior to the anterior commissure, respectively. The precommissural bers (E) arise primarily from the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and project to the septal area and basal forebrain while the postcommissural bers (D) arise from the subiculum of the hippocampus and project primarily to the mammillary bodies and hypothalamus. 1,3

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Connects the hippocampus to the hypothalamus, mammillary bodies, anterior
thalamus, septal nuclei, and cingulate gyrus

A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro plexus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)


A. Ansa lenticularis
B. Fasciculus retro exus
C. Lenticular fasciculus (FF H2)
D. Postcommissural fornix
E. Precommissural fornix
F. Thalamic fasciculus (FF H1)

Th e ansa lenticularis (A) represents a bundle of pallidothalamic bers that courses posteriorly, looping around the posterior lim b of the internal capsule from the globus pallidus to the thalam us. Another group of pallidothalam ic bers, the lenticular fasciculus (C), p roject s from t h e globu s p allid u s an d traverses the posterior limb of the internal capsule to reach the thalamus. The thalamic fasciculus (F) r e p r e s e n t s t h e co n u e n ce o f t h e ansa lenticularis (A) and the lenticular fasciculus (C) as they reach the thalam us. The fasciculus retro exus (B) connects the habenula to the midbrain and interpeduncular nuclei. Th e for n ix is t h e m ain e e re n t p at h w ay from t h e h ip p oca m p al for m at ion . At t h e le ve l o f t h e a n t e r io r co m m is s u r e , t h e fo r n ix is d iv id e d in t o a precommissural and postcommissural part, which lie anterior and posterior to the anterior commissure, respectively. The precommissural bers (E) arise primarily from the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus and project to the septal area and basal forebrain while the postcommissural bers (D) arise from the subiculum of the hippocampus and project primarily to the mammillary bodies and hypothalamus. 1,3

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Which of the following structures is not present on a transverse section of the medulla taken at midolive?

A. Accessory cuneate nucleus
B. Dorsal nucleus of X
C. Nucleus ambiguus
D. Nucleus of the solitary tract
E. Superior vestibular nucleus


A. Accessory cuneate nucleus
B. Dorsal nucleus of X
C. Nucleus ambiguus
D. Nucleus of the solitary tract
E. Superior vestibular nucleus

Th e su p e r ior vest ib u lar n u cle u s is fou n d at t h e level of t h e p on s.

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Which of the following fiber tracts is not a part of th e lim bic system ?

A. Diagonal band of Broca
B. Fornix
C. Mammillothalamic tract
D. Medial forebrain bundle
E. Thalamic fasciculus


A. Diagonal band of Broca
B. Fornix
C. Mammillothalamic tract
D. Medial forebrain bundle
E. Thalamic fasciculus

Th e t h alam ic fa scicu lu s con t a in s p allid ot h ala m ic b e r s an d asce n d in g b e r s from the contralateral deep cerebellar nuclei. It is not a com ponent of the lim bic system

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The secondary somatic sensory area (SII) is located on the
A. Medial surface of the superior frontal gyrus
B. Medial surface of the superior parietal lobule
C. Superior bank of the lateral sulcus
D. Ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus
E. Same area as the primary somatic sensory area


A. Medial surface of the superior frontal gyrus
B. Medial surface of the superior parietal lobule
C. Superior bank of the lateral sulcus
D. Ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus
E. Same area as the primary somatic sensory area

Th e se con d a r y som at ose n sor y cor t ex (SII, Brod m an n ’s area 4 3 ) is locat e d on the superior bank of the lateral ssure at the inferior extent of the primary motor and sensory areas. 1

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Which of the following is not seen w ith a lesion of the facial nerve im m ediately distal to the geniculate ganglion?
A. Hyperacusis
B. Impairment of lacrimation
C. Impairment of salivary secretions
D. Loss of taste in the anterior two-thirds of the tongue
E. Paralysis of ipsilateral facial muscles


A. Hyperacusis
B. Impairment of lacrimation
C. Impairment of salivary secretions
D. Loss of taste in the anterior two-thirds of the tongue
E. Paralysis of ipsilateral facial muscles

Fib e r s in n e r vat in g t h e la cr im a l gla n d a r ise fr o m p o st ga n glio n ic b e r s fr o m the pterygopalatine ganglion, which is linked to the geniculate ganglion via the greater super cial petrosal nerve. A lesion distal to the geniculate ganglion would not impair lacrimation (B is false). A lesion to t h e facial n er ve ju st distal to the geniculate ganglion would cause paralysis of ipsilateral facial muscles due to disruption of somatic motor neurons (E), hyperacusis due to disruption of the facial nerve proximal to the take-o of the nerve to the stapedius muscle (A), an d impairment of salivary secretions and loss of taste in the anterior two-thirds of the tongue d u e t o d isr u p t ion of t h e facial nerve proximal to the take-o of the chorda tympani nerve (C and D). 1

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The external urethral sphincter is innervated by
A. Parasympathetic pelvic nerves
B. Somatic pudendal nerves
C. Sympathetic hypogastric nerves
D. A an d B
E. B an d C


A. Parasympathetic pelvic nerves
B. Somatic pudendal nerves
C. Sympathetic hypogastric nerves
D. A an d B
E. B an d C

Th e ext e r n al u ret h ra l sp h in ct e r is in n e r vat e d by som at ic m ot or b e r s su p p lie d by the pudendal nerve (S2–S4). The internal urinary sphincter is innervated by sympathetic bers supplied by the vesical (pelvic) nerve plexus. 6

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Regions of the brain devoid of a blood–brain barrier (circumventricular organs) include each of the follow ing except
A. Indusium griseum
B. Median eminence
C. Organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis
D. Pineal gland
E. Subfornical organ


A. Indusium griseum
B. Median eminence
C. Organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis
D. Pineal gland
E. Subfornical organ

Re g io n s o f t h e b r a in d e vo id o f a b lo o d – b r a in b a r r ie r in clu d e t h e median eminence (B), the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (C), the pineal gland (D), the subfornical organ (E), t h e area p ost rem a, an d t h e neurohypophysis. The indusium griseum (or supracallosal gyrus) is a vestigial convolution of the dentate gyrus. 1,2,3

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Uncrossed fibers of the optic tract terminate on which layers of the lateral geniculate?
A. 1, 3, and 5
B. 1, 4, and 6
C. 2, 3, and 5
D. 2, 4, and 6
E. 2, 5, and 6


A. 1, 3, and 5
B. 1, 4, and 6
C. 2, 3, and 5
D. 2, 4, and 6
E. 2, 5, and 6

Un crosse d b e r s of t h e op t ic t ract t e r m in at e in layers 2, 3, and 5 (C) of the lateral geniculate nucleus while crossed bers terminate in layers 1, 4, and 6 (B). 2,3

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Substances can cross theblood–brain barrier via
I. Act ive t ran sp or t
II. Car r ier-m ed iated t ran sp or t
III. Di u sion
IV. Vesicular t ransport


E. All of the above

Su bst an ces can cross t h e b lood –b rain b ar r ie r (for m e d by cap illar y e n d ot h elial tight junctions) via active transport, carrier-mediated transport, or di usion. Su bst an ces d o n ot cross t h e blood –brain bar r ie r via vesicu lar t ran sp or t mechanisms. 2,3

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Connects septal nuclei to the amygdala
A. Arcuate fasciculus
B. Diagonal band of Broca
C. Tapetum
D. Uncinate fasciculus


A. Arcuate fasciculus
B. Diagonal band of Broca
C. Tapetum
D. Uncinate fasciculus

The arcuate fasciculus (A) connects Wernicke’s to Broca’s area. The diagonal
band of Broca (B) connects the septal (paraolfactory) area to the amygdala.
The tapetum (C) is a posterior sect ion of the corpus callosum connect ing
the temporal and occipital lobes. The uncinate fasciculus (D) connects the
anterior temporal lobe to the orbitofrontal gyrus.

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Connects Wernicke’s area to Broca’s area
A. Arcuate fasciculus
B. Diagonal band of Broca
C. Tapetum
D. Uncinate fasciculus


A. Arcuate fasciculus
B. Diagonal band of Broca
C. Tapetum
D. Uncinate fasciculus

The arcuate fasciculus (A) connects Wernicke’s to Broca’s area. The diagonal
band of Broca (B) connects the septal (paraolfactory) area to the amygdala.
The tapetum (C) is a posterior sect ion of the corpus callosum connect ing
the temporal and occipital lobes. The uncinate fasciculus (D) connects the
anterior temporal lobe to the orbitofrontal gyrus.

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Connects temporal and occipital lobes
A. Arcuate fasciculus
B. Diagonal band of Broca
C. Tapetum
D. Uncinate fasciculus


A. Arcuate fasciculus
B. Diagonal band of Broca
C. Tapetum
D. Uncinate fasciculus

The arcuate fasciculus (A) connects Wernicke’s to Broca’s area. The diagonal
band of Broca (B) connects the septal (paraolfactory) area to the amygdala.
The tapetum (C) is a posterior sect ion of the corpus callosum connect ing
the temporal and occipital lobes. The uncinate fasciculus (D) connects the
anterior temporal lobe to the orbitofrontal gyrus.

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Connects the temporal lobe to the frontal lobe
A. Arcuate fasciculus
B. Diagonal band of Broca
C. Tapetum
D. Uncinate fasciculus


A. Arcuate fasciculus
B. Diagonal band of Broca
C. Tapetum
D. Uncinate fasciculus

The arcuate fasciculus (A) connects Wernicke’s to Broca’s area. The diagonal
band of Broca (B) connects the septal (paraolfactory) area to the amygdala.
The tapetum (C) is a posterior sect ion of the corpus callosum connect ing
the temporal and occipital lobes. The uncinate fasciculus (D) connects the
anterior temporal lobe to the orbitofrontal gyrus.

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Located in the supraoptic region
A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither

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Located in the tuberal region
A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither

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Consists of several distinct cell groups
A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither

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Composed mainly of uniformly large cells
A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither

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Immunohistocytochemically large cells in this nucleus contain either vasopressin or oxytocin.
A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither

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Regions of this nucleus give rise to descending axons projecting to the brainstemand all levels of the spinal cord.
A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Paraventricular nucleus
B. Supraoptic nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e supraoptic (B) and paraventricular (A) nuclei of the hypothalamus are both located in the supraoptic region and synthesize vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone [ADH], arginine vasopressin [AVP]) and oxytocin. The supraoptic nucleus is comprised of uniformly large cells (magnocellular). The paraventricular nucleus contains a diverse group or neurons, some of which project to the brainstem and spinal cord. Neither of these structures is located in the tuberal region, which contains the arcuate nucleus, the dorsomedial nucleus, the ventromedial nucleus, and the lateral hypothalamic nucleus. 1

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Each of the following is true of corticobulbar bers except
A. Fibers projecting to the posterior column nuclei leave the pyramids and enter these nuclei via the medial lemniscus or reticular formation.
B. Fibers projecting to trigeminal sensory nuclei and the nucleus solitarius are derived predominantly from frontoparietal cortical areas.
C. Pseudobulbar palsy can result from unilateral lesions involving corticobulbar fibers.
D. The supranuclear innervation of motor cranial nerve nuclei is largely bilateral.
E. Unilateral lesions involving corticobulbar bers produce paralysis of contralateral lower facial muscles only.


A. Fibers projecting to the posterior column nuclei leave the pyramids and enter these nuclei via the medial lemniscus or reticular formation.
B. Fibers projecting to trigeminal sensory nuclei and the nucleus solitarius are derived predominantly from frontoparietal cortical areas.
**C. Pseudobulbar palsy can result from unilateral lesions involving corticobulbar bers. **
D. The supranuclear innervation of motor cranial nerve nuclei is largely bilateral.
E. Unilateral lesions involving corticobulbar bers produce paralysis of contralateral lower facial muscles only.

Pseudobulbar palsy (characterized by weakness of the m uscles involved in chew ing, swallow ing, breathing, and speaking, w ith loss of em otional control) results from bilateral lesions of the corticobulbar bers. 1

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The palmar interosseus muscles
A. Abduct the fingers
B. Adduct the fingers
C. Extend the metacarpophalangeal joints and ex the interphalangeal joints
D. Flex the metacarpophalangeal joints and extend the interphalangeal joints
E. Perform none of the above


A. Abduct the fingers
B. Adduct the fingers
C. Extend the metacarpophalangeal joints and ex the interphalangeal joints
D. Flex the metacarpophalangeal joints and extend the interphalangeal joints
E. Perform none of the above

Ad d u c t io n o f t h e n g e rs (B) is performed by the palmar interosseus muscles, innervated by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve. Fi n g e r a b d u c t i o n (A) is perform ed by the dorsal interossei, also innervated by the ulnar nerve. The lum bricals (m edian nerve) ex the metacarpophalangeal joints while extending the interphalangeal joints (D) of th e 2n d–5th digits. 6

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The sciatic nerve supplies each of the following muscles in part or in whole except t h e
A. Adductor magnus
B. Biceps femoris (short head)
C. Gluteus maximus
D. Semimembranosus
E. Semitendinosus


A. Adductor magnus
B. Biceps femoris (short head)
C. Gluteus maximus
D. Semimembranosus
E. Semitendinosus

Th e gluteus maximus (C) is innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve. A portion of the adductor magnus (A) is also innervated by the obturator nerve. Th e sciat ic n e r ve in n e r vat es a ll m u scles o f t h e p ost e r ior com p a r t m e n t of the thigh including biceps femoris (B), semimembranosus (D), an d semitendinosus (E). 6

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The syndrome of posteroinferior cerebellar artery (PICA) occlusion consists of each of the following except
A. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature in the body
B. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature in the face
C. Ipsilateral paralysis of the pharynx and larynx
D. Ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome
E. Persistent hiccup


A. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature in the body
B. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature in the face
C. Ipsilateral paralysis of the pharynx and larynx
D. Ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome
E. Persistent hiccup

Th e syn d rom e of PICA occlu sion , or Walle n b e r g lat e ra l m e d u llar y syn d r om e, is characterized by contralateral pain and temperature loss over the body (A), ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome (D), ipsilateral paralysis of the pharynx and larynx (C), an d hiccup (E). Ip silateral, n ot con t ralateral, loss of p ain an d temperature in the face occurs in the syndrome of posteroinferior cerebellar artery (PICA) occlusion (B is false). 7

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Location of the corticobulbar fibers
A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above


A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above

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Location of corticospinal fibers
A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above


A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above

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Location of anterior thalamic radiation
A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above


A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above

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Location of superior thalamic radiation
A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above


A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above

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Location of medial forebrain bundle fibers
A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above


A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above

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Location of corticofugal fibers
A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above


A. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
B. Genu of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. None of the above

Th e anterior limb of the internal capsule (A) contains the anterior thalam ic radiation and the prefrontal corticopontine tract. The genu of the internal capsule (B) con t ain s cort icobu lbar an d cor t icoret icu lar bers. Th e posterior limb of the internal capsule (C) con t ain s th e su p erior th alam ic rad iat ion , th e fron topontine tract, corticospinal bers, as well as corticorubral and corticotectal projections. The medial forebrain bundle is not part of the internal capsule. 3

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Auditory system
A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion


A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion

Th e ciliary ganglion (A) receives parasym pathetic bers of CN III and projects to the pupillary constrictor and ciliary muscle mediating the e erent limb of the pupillary light and accommodation re exes. The gasserian ganglion (B) is also known as the semilunar or trigeminal ganglion and is associated with CN V, w h i c h p r o v i d e s s e n s o r y i n n e r v a t i o n t o t h e f a c e . Th e geniculate ganglion (C) is associated w ith the facial nerve, and transm its inform ation regarding taste (chorda tympani) and visceral sensation from the m iddle ear, nasal cavity, and soft palate, as well as a small area of skin over the external auditory meatus. Th e otic ganglion (D) co n ve ys p a r a sym p at h e t ic m e ssage s t r a n s m it t e d b y CN IX to the parotid gland. Scarpa’s ganglio n (E) includes the superior and inferior vestibular ganglia and is involved in equilibrium . The sphenopalatine ganglion (F) is also known as the pterygopalatine ganglion and transm its parasym pathetics from the facial nerve (via the greater super cial petrosal nerve and vidian nerve) to the lacrimal gland and glands of the nasal cavity and palate. Th e spiral ganglion (G) is associated w ith the organ of Corti and transm its infor m at ion regard in g sou n d to t h e d orsal an d ven t ral coch lear n u clei via CN XIII. Th e submandibular ganglion (H) t ran sm it s p arasym p at h et ic sign als from t h e facial n er ve (ch orda t ym p an i) to t h e su bm an d ibu lar an d su blingu al glan d s. 1

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Vestibular system
A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion


A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion

Th e ciliary ganglion (A) receives parasym pathetic bers of CN III and projects to the pupillary constrictor and ciliary muscle mediating the e erent limb of the pupillary light and accommodation re exes. The gasserian ganglion (B) is also known as the semilunar or trigeminal ganglion and is associated with CN V, w h i c h p r o v i d e s s e n s o r y i n n e r v a t i o n t o t h e f a c e . Th e geniculate ganglion (C) is associated w ith the facial nerve, and transm its inform ation regarding taste (chorda tympani) and visceral sensation from the m iddle ear, nasal cavity, and soft palate, as well as a small area of skin over the external auditory meatus. Th e otic ganglion (D) co n ve ys p a r a sym p at h e t ic m e ssage s t r a n s m it t e d b y CN IX to the parotid gland. Scarpa’s ganglio n (E) includes the superior and inferior vestibular ganglia and is involved in equilibrium . The sphenopalatine ganglion (F) is also known as the pterygopalatine ganglion and transm its parasym pathetics from the facial nerve (via the greater super cial petrosal nerve and vidian nerve) to the lacrimal gland and glands of the nasal cavity and palate. Th e spiral ganglion (G) is associated w ith the organ of Corti and transm its infor m at ion regard in g sou n d to t h e d orsal an d ven t ral coch lear n u clei via CN XIII. Th e submandibular ganglion (H) t ran sm it s p arasym p at h et ic sign als from t h e facial n er ve (ch orda t ym p an i) to t h e su bm an d ibu lar an d su blingu al glan d s. 1

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Parotid gland
A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion


A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion

Th e ciliary ganglion (A) receives parasym pathetic bers of CN III and projects to the pupillary constrictor and ciliary muscle mediating the e erent limb of the pupillary light and accommodation re exes. The gasserian ganglion (B) is also known as the semilunar or trigeminal ganglion and is associated with CN V, w h i c h p r o v i d e s s e n s o r y i n n e r v a t i o n t o t h e f a c e . Th e geniculate ganglion (C) is associated w ith the facial nerve, and transm its inform ation regarding taste (chorda tympani) and visceral sensation from the m iddle ear, nasal cavity, and soft palate, as well as a small area of skin over the external auditory meatus. Th e otic ganglion (D) co n ve ys p a r a sym p at h e t ic m e ssage s t r a n s m it t e d b y CN IX to the parotid gland. Scarpa’s ganglio n (E) includes the superior and inferior vestibular ganglia and is involved in equilibrium . The sphenopalatine ganglion (F) is also known as the pterygopalatine ganglion and transm its parasym pathetics from the facial nerve (via the greater super cial petrosal nerve and vidian nerve) to the lacrimal gland and glands of the nasal cavity and palate. Th e spiral ganglion (G) is associated w ith the organ of Corti and transm its infor m at ion regard in g sou n d to t h e d orsal an d ven t ral coch lear n u clei via CN XIII. Th e submandibular ganglion (H) t ran sm it s p arasym p at h et ic sign als from t h e facial n er ve (ch orda t ym p an i) to t h e su bm an d ibu lar an d su blingu al glan d s. 1

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Parasympathetic to eye
A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion


A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion

Th e ciliary ganglion (A) receives parasym pathetic bers of CN III and projects to the pupillary constrictor and ciliary muscle mediating the e erent limb of the pupillary light and accommodation re exes. The gasserian ganglion (B) is also known as the semilunar or trigeminal ganglion and is associated with CN V, w h i c h p r o v i d e s s e n s o r y i n n e r v a t i o n t o t h e f a c e . Th e geniculate ganglion (C) is associated w ith the facial nerve, and transm its inform ation regarding taste (chorda tympani) and visceral sensation from the m iddle ear, nasal cavity, and soft palate, as well as a small area of skin over the external auditory meatus. Th e otic ganglion (D) co n ve ys p a r a sym p at h e t ic m e ssage s t r a n s m it t e d b y CN IX to the parotid gland. Scarpa’s ganglio n (E) includes the superior and inferior vestibular ganglia and is involved in equilibrium . The sphenopalatine ganglion (F) is also known as the pterygopalatine ganglion and transm its parasym pathetics from the facial nerve (via the greater super cial petrosal nerve and vidian nerve) to the lacrimal gland and glands of the nasal cavity and palate. Th e spiral ganglion (G) is associated w ith the organ of Corti and transm its infor m at ion regard in g sou n d to t h e d orsal an d ven t ral coch lear n u clei via CN XIII. Th e submandibular ganglion (H) t ran sm it s p arasym p at h et ic sign als from t h e facial n er ve (ch orda t ym p an i) to t h e su bm an d ibu lar an d su blingu al glan d s. 1

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Majority of facial sensation
A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion


A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion

Th e ciliary ganglion (A) receives parasym pathetic bers of CN III and projects to the pupillary constrictor and ciliary muscle mediating the e erent limb of the pupillary light and accommodation re exes. The gasserian ganglion (B) is also known as the semilunar or trigeminal ganglion and is associated with CN V, w h i c h p r o v i d e s s e n s o r y i n n e r v a t i o n t o t h e f a c e . Th e geniculate ganglion (C) is associated w ith the facial nerve, and transm its inform ation regarding taste (chorda tympani) and visceral sensation from the m iddle ear, nasal cavity, and soft palate, as well as a small area of skin over the external auditory meatus. Th e otic ganglion (D) co n ve ys p a r a sym p at h e t ic m e ssage s t r a n s m it t e d b y CN IX to the parotid gland. Scarpa’s ganglio n (E) includes the superior and inferior vestibular ganglia and is involved in equilibrium . The sphenopalatine ganglion (F) is also known as the pterygopalatine ganglion and transm its parasym pathetics from the facial nerve (via the greater super cial petrosal nerve and vidian nerve) to the lacrimal gland and glands of the nasal cavity and palate. Th e spiral ganglion (G) is associated w ith the organ of Corti and transm its infor m at ion regard in g sou n d to t h e d orsal an d ven t ral coch lear n u clei via CN XIII. Th e submandibular ganglion (H) t ran sm it s p arasym p at h et ic sign als from t h e facial n er ve (ch orda t ym p an i) to t h e su bm an d ibu lar an d su blingu al glan d s. 1

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A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion


A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion

Th e ciliary ganglion (A) receives parasym pathetic bers of CN III and projects to the pupillary constrictor and ciliary muscle mediating the e erent limb of the pupillary light and accommodation re exes. The gasserian ganglion (B) is also known as the semilunar or trigeminal ganglion and is associated with CN V, w h i c h p r o v i d e s s e n s o r y i n n e r v a t i o n t o t h e f a c e . Th e geniculate ganglion (C) is associated w ith the facial nerve, and transm its inform ation regarding taste (chorda tympani) and visceral sensation from the m iddle ear, nasal cavity, and soft palate, as well as a small area of skin over the external auditory meatus. Th e otic ganglion (D) co n ve ys p a r a sym p at h e t ic m e ssage s t r a n s m it t e d b y CN IX to the parotid gland. Scarpa’s ganglio n (E) includes the superior and inferior vestibular ganglia and is involved in equilibrium . The sphenopalatine ganglion (F) is also known as the pterygopalatine ganglion and transm its parasym pathetics from the facial nerve (via the greater super cial petrosal nerve and vidian nerve) to the lacrimal gland and glands of the nasal cavity and palate. Th e spiral ganglion (G) is associated w ith the organ of Corti and transm its infor m at ion regard in g sou n d to t h e d orsal an d ven t ral coch lear n u clei via CN XIII. Th e submandibular ganglion (H) t ran sm it s p arasym p at h et ic sign als from t h e facial n er ve (ch orda t ym p an i) to t h e su bm an d ibu lar an d su blingu al glan d s. 1

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A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion


A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion

Th e ciliary ganglion (A) receives parasym pathetic bers of CN III and projects to the pupillary constrictor and ciliary muscle mediating the e erent limb of the pupillary light and accommodation re exes. The gasserian ganglion (B) is also known as the semilunar or trigeminal ganglion and is associated with CN V, w h i c h p r o v i d e s s e n s o r y i n n e r v a t i o n t o t h e f a c e . Th e geniculate ganglion (C) is associated w ith the facial nerve, and transm its inform ation regarding taste (chorda tympani) and visceral sensation from the m iddle ear, nasal cavity, and soft palate, as well as a small area of skin over the external auditory meatus. Th e otic ganglion (D) co n ve ys p a r a sym p at h e t ic m e ssage s t r a n s m it t e d b y CN IX to the parotid gland. Scarpa’s ganglio n (E) includes the superior and inferior vestibular ganglia and is involved in equilibrium . The sphenopalatine ganglion (F) is also known as the pterygopalatine ganglion and transm its parasym pathetics from the facial nerve (via the greater super cial petrosal nerve and vidian nerve) to the lacrimal gland and glands of the nasal cavity and palate. Th e spiral ganglion (G) is associated w ith the organ of Corti and transm its infor m at ion regard in g sou n d to t h e d orsal an d ven t ral coch lear n u clei via CN XIII. Th e submandibular ganglion (H) t ran sm it s p arasym p at h et ic sign als from t h e facial n er ve (ch orda t ym p an i) to t h e su bm an d ibu lar an d su blingu al glan d s. 1

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Salivation (nonparotid)
A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion


A. Ciliary ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Otic ganglion
E. Scarpa’s ganglion
F. Sphenopalatine ganglion
G. Spiral ganglion
H. Submandibular ganglion

Th e ciliary ganglion (A) receives parasym pathetic bers of CN III and projects to the pupillary constrictor and ciliary muscle mediating the e erent limb of the pupillary light and accommodation re exes. The gasserian ganglion (B) is also known as the semilunar or trigeminal ganglion and is associated with CN V, w h i c h p r o v i d e s s e n s o r y i n n e r v a t i o n t o t h e f a c e . Th e geniculate ganglion (C) is associated w ith the facial nerve, and transm its inform ation regarding taste (chorda tympani) and visceral sensation from the m iddle ear, nasal cavity, and soft palate, as well as a small area of skin over the external auditory meatus. Th e otic ganglion (D) co n ve ys p a r a sym p at h e t ic m e ssage s t r a n s m it t e d b y CN IX to the parotid gland. Scarpa’s ganglio n (E) includes the superior and inferior vestibular ganglia and is involved in equilibrium . The sphenopalatine ganglion (F) is also known as the pterygopalatine ganglion and transm its parasym pathetics from the facial nerve (via the greater super cial petrosal nerve and vidian nerve) to the lacrimal gland and glands of the nasal cavity and palate. Th e spiral ganglion (G) is associated w ith the organ of Corti and transm its infor m at ion regard in g sou n d to t h e d orsal an d ven t ral coch lear n u clei via CN XIII. Th e submandibular ganglion (H) t ran sm it s p arasym p at h et ic sign als from t h e facial n er ve (ch orda t ym p an i) to t h e su bm an d ibu lar an d su blingu al glan d s. 1

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Each of the following characterizes a pathway involved in the pupillary light re ex except

A. Crossed and uncrossed fibers of the optic tract terminate on the lateral geniculate body.
B. Efferent bers from the pretectal olivary nucleus cross in the posterior com m issure and end in visceral cell colum ns of the oculom otor nerve com plex.
C. Efferent bers from the pretectal olivary nucleus cross ventral to the cerebral aqueduct and end in the visceral cell colum ns of the oculom otor com plex.
D. Postganglionic bers from the ciliary ganglion project to the sphincter of the iris.
E. Preganglionic bers from the nuclei of the oculomotor complex travel with bers of the third nerve and synapse in the ciliary ganglion.


**A. Crossed and uncrossed fibers of the optic tract terminate on the lateral geniculate body. **
B. Efferent bers from the pretectal olivary nucleus cross in the posterior com m issure and end in visceral cell colum ns of the oculom otor nerve com plex.
C. E erent bers from the pretectal olivary nucleus cross ventral to the cerebral aqueduct and end in the visceral cell colum ns of the oculom otor com plex.
D. Postganglionic bers from the ciliary ganglion project to the sphincter of the iris.
E. Preganglionic bers from the nuclei of the oculomotor complex travel with bers of the third nerve and synapse in the ciliary ganglion.

Th e lat e r a l ge n icu lat e b od y is n ot in volve d in t h e p u p illar y ligh t re ex. 1

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The choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle can be found
I. In t h e cau d al asp ect of t h e roof (in fer ior m ed u llar y velu m )
II. In t h e cran ial asp ect of t h e roof (su p er ior m ed u llar y velu m )
III. In t h e lat eral recess (of Lu sch ka)
IV. On th e floor


E. All of the above

Ch o r o id p le x u s is lo c a t e d in t h e ca u d a l a s p e c t o f t h e r o o f o f t h e fo u r t h ve n t r icle
near the midline, and laterally extends through the lateral recesses of Luschka.

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The median nerve innervates each of the following muscles except th e
A. Adductor pollicis
B. Flexor carpi radialis
C. Opponens pollicis
D. Palmaris longus
E. Pronator teres


A. Adductor pollicis
B. Flexor carpi radialis
C. Opponens pollicis
D. Palmaris longus
E. Pronator teres

Th e adductor pollicis (A) is innervated by the ulnar nerve. The other structures listed are innervated by the median nerve: exor carpi radialis (B), opponens pollicis (C), palmaris longus (D), an d pronator teres (E). 6

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A erent sources of ber pathways to the septal nuclei include the
I. Am ygd ala
II. Haben u lar n u clei
III. Hip p ocam p u s
IV. Basal ganglia


E. All of the above

Th e amygdala p ar t icip ates in lim bic m od u lat ion of t h e hyp oth alam u s by t w o
major pathways that project to the septal nuclei: the stria terminalis and the
ventral am ygdalofugal pathway. The habenular nuclei send projections to
the septal nuclei via the stria medullaris thalami. The hippocampus projects
to the septal area via the fornix.

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The anterior choroidal artery supplies parts of the
I. Cau d ate n u cleu s
II. Op t ic t ract
III. Th alam u s
IV. An terior lim b of th e in tern al capsule


E. All of the above

Th e an t e r ior ch oroid a l a r t e r y su p p lies ve n t rolat e r al p a r t s of t h e p ost e r ior lim b of the internal capsule and the retrolenticular internal capsule, not the anterior limb. Th e an terior lim b of t h e in tern al cap su le is su p p lied by t h e lateral striate branches of the m iddle cerebral artery and the m edial striate artery. The anterior choroidal artery may supply a portion of the tail of the caudate and a portion of the thalamus as well as the optic tract. Th e syn drome of anterior choroidal artery infarction consists of contralateral hemiplegia, hemihypesthesia, and homonymous hemianopia. 3,7

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A lesion a ecting the left optic tract will be manifested by a deficit in the
A. Nasal half of the visual eld of both eyes
B. Nasal half of the right visual eld and temporal half of the left visual eld
C. No de cit unless the right optic tract was also a ected
D. Temporal half of the visual eld of both eyes
E. Temporal half of the right visual eld and nasal half of the left visual field


A. Nasal half of the visual eld of both eyes
B. Nasal half of the right visual eld and temporal half of the left visual eld
C. No de cit unless the right optic tract was also a ected
D. Temporal half of the visual eld of both eyes
E. Temporal half of the right visual eld and nasal half of the left visual eld

A le s io n t o t h e o p t ic t r a c t r e s u lt s in a co n t r a la t e r a l h o m o n ym o u s h e m ia n o p sia (E), w h ich w ou ld a ect th e tem p oral h alf of th e con t ralateral visu al eld and the nasal half of the ipsilateral visual eld. B describes a left-sided hom onymous hemianopsia, which would occur with a lesion to the right optic tract. D d escr ib es a b it e m p oral h e m ian op sia a s t yp ically occu r s w it h ch iasm al lesions w ith com pression of crossing bers from the nasal retina (temporal eld). A lesion of the occipital cortex typically results in a homonymous hemianopsia with macular sparing. 1

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Which of the following is not an a eren t con n ection of th e basal ganglia?
A. Cerebral cortex to globus pallidus
B. Cerebral cortex to putamen
C. Substantia nigra to caudate nucleus
D. Subthalamic nucleus to globus pallidus
E. Thalamus to caudate nucleus


A. Cerebral cortex to globus pallidus
B. Cerebral cortex to putamen
C. Substantia nigra to caudate nucleus
D. Subthalamic nucleus to globus pallidus
E. Thalamus to caudate nucleus

Th e st r iat u m (cau d at e an d p u t am e n ) re p rese n t t h e m ajor in p u t ce n t e r s for t h e basal ganglia. There are no direct cortical projections from the cerebral cortex to the globus pallidus (A is false). Co r t i c a l i n p u t s t o t h e b a s a l g a n g l i a ( c o r ticostriate bers) terminate in the caudate and putamen (B) and represent the principle input to the basal ganglia. Thalamostriate bers are the second major input to the basal ganglia arising in the intralaminar nucleus of the thalamus and projecting to the striatum (E). Su bcor t ical st r u ct u res su ch as the subthalamic nucleus project to the globus pallidus (D). Dop am in ergic n igrostriatal bers project from the substantia nigra to the caudate nucleus (C) and have been implicated in the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease. 1

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Most of the fibers of the stria terminalis originate from the


A. Amygdala
B. Anterior hypothalamus
C. Arcuate nucleus
D. Habenula
E. Septal nuclei

Th e amygdala (A) projects to the hypothalamus via two pathways, the stria terminalis and the ventral amygdalohypothalamic tract. This is not to be confused w ith the stria m edullaris w hich projects from the habenula (D) to the septal nuclei and anterior hypothalamus. 1

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Connects inferior colliculi
A. Trapezoid body
B. Probst’s commissure
C. Inferior collicular commissure


A. Trapezoid body
B. Probst’s commissure
C. Inferior collicular commissure

Th e trapezoid body (A) co n n e ct s t h e ve n t r a l co ch le a r n u cle i t o t h e co n t r a la t e r a l superior olive. Probst’s com m issure (B) con n ects th e n uclei of th e lateral lem niscus. The inferior collicular commissure (C) connects th e in ferior colliculi. 3

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Connects nuclei of lateral lemniscus
A. Trapezoid body
B. Probst’s commissure
C. Inferior collicular commissure


A. Trapezoid body
B. Probst’s commissure
C. Inferior collicular commissure

Th e trapezoid body (A) co n n e ct s t h e ve n t r a l co ch le a r n u cle i t o t h e co n t r a la t e r a l superior olive. Probst’s com m issure (B) con n ects th e n uclei of th e lateral lem niscus. The inferior collicular commissure (C) connects th e in ferior colliculi. 3

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Connects ventral cochlear nucleus to superior olive
A. Trapezoid body
B. Probst’s commissure
C. Inferior collicular commissure


A. Trapezoid body
B. Probst’s commissure
C. Inferior collicular commissure

Th e trapezoid body (A) co n n e ct s t h e ve n t r a l co ch le a r n u cle i t o t h e co n t r a la t e r a l superior olive. Probst’s com m issure (B) con n ects th e n uclei of th e lateral lem niscus. The inferior collicular commissure (C) connects th e in ferior colliculi. 3

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Bilateral lesions here produce hyperphagia.
A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus


A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus

Th e p re op t ic an d an t e r ior h yp ot h alam u s is in volve d in re gu lat ion of b od y temperature. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can result in hyperthermia. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can also result in decreased parasympathetic tone. The lateral hypothalamus (B), or “feed in g center,” causes an increase in appetite w hen stim ulated. The posterior hypothalamus (C) is responsible for sympathetic tone; lesions to this area can result in inability to regulate temperature (poikilotherm ia), decreased sympathetic tone, lethargy, and sleepiness. The ventrom edial nucleus (D) of the hypothalamus is responsible for satiety—lesions here may produce hyperphagia and weight gain.

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Bilateral lesions here produce poikilothermia.
A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus


A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus

Th e p re op t ic an d an t e r ior h yp ot h alam u s is in volve d in re gu lat ion of b od y temperature. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can result in hyperthermia. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can also result in decreased parasympathetic tone. The lateral hypothalamus (B), or “feed in g center,” causes an increase in appetite w hen stim ulated. The posterior hypothalamus (C) is responsible for sympathetic tone; lesions to this area can result in inability to regulate temperature (poikilotherm ia), decreased sympathetic tone, lethargy, and sleepiness. The ventrom edial nucleus (D) of the hypothalamus is responsible for satiety—lesions here may produce hyperphagia and weight gain.

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Tumors in this region can result in hyperthermia.
A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus


A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus

Th e p re op t ic an d an t e r ior h yp ot h alam u s is in volve d in re gu lat ion of b od y temperature. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can result in hyperthermia. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can also result in decreased parasympathetic tone. The lateral hypothalamus (B), or “feed in g center,” causes an increase in appetite w hen stim ulated. The posterior hypothalamus (C) is responsible for sympathetic tone; lesions to this area can result in inability to regulate temperature (poikilotherm ia), decreased sympathetic tone, lethargy, and sleepiness. The ventrom edial nucleus (D) of the hypothalamus is responsible for satiety—lesions here may produce hyperphagia and weight gain.

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Together with the lateral region, this area controls sympathetic responses.
A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus


A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus

Th e p re op t ic an d an t e r ior h yp ot h alam u s is in volve d in re gu lat ion of b od y temperature. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can result in hyperthermia. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can also result in decreased parasympathetic tone. The lateral hypothalamus (B), or “feed in g center,” causes an increase in appetite w hen stim ulated. The posterior hypothalamus (C) is responsible for sympathetic tone; lesions to this area can result in inability to regulate temperature (poikilotherm ia), decreased sympathetic tone, lethargy, and sleepiness. The ventrom edial nucleus (D) of the hypothalamus is responsible for satiety—lesions here may produce hyperphagia and weight gain.

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Lesions here produce emotional lethargy and sleepiness.
A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus


A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus

Th e p re op t ic an d an t e r ior h yp ot h alam u s is in volve d in re gu lat ion of b od y temperature. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can result in hyperthermia. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can also result in decreased parasympathetic tone. The lateral hypothalamus (B), or “feed in g center,” causes an increase in appetite w hen stim ulated. The posterior hypothalamus (C) is responsible for sympathetic tone; lesions to this area can result in inability to regulate temperature (poikilotherm ia), decreased sympathetic tone, lethargy, and sleepiness. The ventrom edial nucleus (D) of the hypothalamus is responsible for satiety—lesions here may produce hyperphagia and weight gain.

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The feeding center
A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus


A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus

Th e p re op t ic an d an t e r ior h yp ot h alam u s is in volve d in re gu lat ion of b od y temperature. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can result in hyperthermia. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can also result in decreased parasympathetic tone. The lateral hypothalamus (B), or “feed in g center,” causes an increase in appetite w hen stim ulated. The posterior hypothalamus (C) is responsible for sympathetic tone; lesions to this area can result in inability to regulate temperature (poikilotherm ia), decreased sympathetic tone, lethargy, and sleepiness. The ventrom edial nucleus (D) of the hypothalamus is responsible for satiety—lesions here may produce hyperphagia and weight gain.

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Together with the medial region, this area controls parasympathetic responses.
A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus


A. Anterior hypothalamus
B. Lateral hypothalamus
C. Posterior hypothalamus
D. Ventromedial hypothalamus

Th e p re op t ic an d an t e r ior h yp ot h alam u s is in volve d in re gu lat ion of b od y temperature. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can result in hyperthermia. Lesions to the anterior hypothalamus (A) can also result in decreased parasympathetic tone. The lateral hypothalamus (B), or “feed in g center,” causes an increase in appetite w hen stim ulated. The posterior hypothalamus (C) is responsible for sympathetic tone; lesions to this area can result in inability to regulate temperature (poikilotherm ia), decreased sympathetic tone, lethargy, and sleepiness. The ventrom edial nucleus (D) of the hypothalamus is responsible for satiety—lesions here may produce hyperphagia and weight gain.

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Ear sensation to CN IX
A. Nodose ganglion
B. Jugular ganglion
C. Petrosal ganglion
D. Superior ganglion of cranial nerve (CN) IX


A. Nodose ganglion
B. Jugular ganglion
C. Petrosal ganglion
D. Superior ganglion of cranial nerve (CN) IX

Th e in fe r ior ga n glion of CN IX is calle d t h e petrosal ganglion (B) an d re ce ives input from the carotid sinus and body as well as from taste receptors in the posterior one-third of the tongue. The superior ganglion of CN IX (D) contains the cell bodies of neurons that provide general somatic sensory innervation to the pinna of the ear and a portion of the external acoustic meatus. The inferior ganglion of cranial nerve CN X is called the nodose ganglion (A) and receives taste and other visceral information. The superior ganglion of CN X is called the jugular ganglion (B) an d h ou ses th e cell bodies of gen eral som atic a erent neurons innervating a portion of the external acoustic meatus and tympanic membrane via the vagus nerve. Both superior ganglia are involved with somatic sensation. 1,3

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Ear sensation to CN X
A. Nodose ganglion
B. Jugular ganglion
C. Petrosal ganglion
D. Superior ganglion of cranial nerve (CN) IX


A. Nodose ganglion
B. Jugular ganglion
C. Petrosal ganglion
D. Superior ganglion of cranial nerve (CN) IX

Th e in fe r ior ga n glion of CN IX is calle d t h e petrosal ganglion (B) an d re ce ives input from the carotid sinus and body as well as from taste receptors in the posterior one-third of the tongue. The superior ganglion of CN IX (D) contains the cell bodies of neurons that provide general somatic sensory innervation to the pinna of the ear and a portion of the external acoustic meatus. The inferior ganglion of cranial nerve CN X is called the nodose ganglion (A) and receives taste and other visceral information. The superior ganglion of CN X is called the jugular ganglion (B) an d h ou ses th e cell bodies of gen eral som atic a erent neurons innervating a portion of the external acoustic meatus and tympanic membrane via the vagus nerve. Both superior ganglia are involved with somatic sensation. 1,3

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Carotid sinus and body input
A. Nodose ganglion
B. Jugular ganglion
C. Petrosal ganglion
D. Superior ganglion of cranial nerve (CN) IX


A. Nodose ganglion
B. Jugular ganglion
C. Petrosal ganglion
D. Superior ganglion of cranial nerve (CN) IX

Th e in fe r ior ga n glion of CN IX is calle d t h e petrosal ganglion (B) an d re ce ives input from the carotid sinus and body as well as from taste receptors in the posterior one-third of the tongue. The superior ganglion of CN IX (D) contains the cell bodies of neurons that provide general somatic sensory innervation to the pinna of the ear and a portion of the external acoustic meatus. The inferior ganglion of cranial nerve CN X is called the nodose ganglion (A) and receives taste and other visceral information. The superior ganglion of CN X is called the jugular ganglion (B) an d h ou ses th e cell bodies of gen eral som atic a erent neurons innervating a portion of the external acoustic meatus and tympanic membrane via the vagus nerve. Both superior ganglia are involved with somatic sensation. 1,3

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Visceral input to CN X
A. Nodose ganglion
B. Jugular ganglion
C. Petrosal ganglion
D. Superior ganglion of cranial nerve (CN) IX


A. Nodose ganglion
B. Jugular ganglion
C. Petrosal ganglion
D. Superior ganglion of cranial nerve (CN) IX

Th e in fe r ior ga n glion of CN IX is calle d t h e petrosal ganglion (B) an d re ce ives input from the carotid sinus and body as well as from taste receptors in the posterior one-third of the tongue. The superior ganglion of CN IX (D) contains the cell bodies of neurons that provide general somatic sensory innervation to the pinna of the ear and a portion of the external acoustic meatus. The inferior ganglion of cranial nerve CN X is called the nodose ganglion (A) and receives taste and other visceral information. The superior ganglion of CN X is called the jugular ganglion (B) an d h ou ses th e cell bodies of gen eral som atic a erent neurons innervating a portion of the external acoustic meatus and tympanic membrane via the vagus nerve. Both superior ganglia are involved with somatic sensation. 1,3

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The telencephalon gives rise to each of the following except the
A. Amygdala
B. Caudate
C. Claustrum
D. Globus pallidus
E. Putamen


A. Amygdala
B. Caudate
C. Claustrum
D. Globus pallidus
E. Putamen

Th e t ele n ce p h alon is t h e an t e r ior - m ost p or t ion of t h e p rose n ce p h alon a n d gives rise to the cerebral hem ispheres. The hippocampal form ation, cerebral hemispheres and cortex, as well as the amygdala (A), caudate (B), putamen (E), an d claustrum (C) are telen cep h alic st r u ct u res. Th e cau dal p or t ion of t h e prosencephalon, the diencephalon, gives rise to the thalamus, globus pallidus (D), p oster ior hyp op hysis, in fu n d ibu lu m , opt ic n er ve, ret in a, p oster ior com missure, and habenular commissure. 1,3

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Weakness of the coracobrachialis muscle results from impairment of the
A. Axillary nerve
B. Dorsal scapular nerve
C. Median nerve
D. Musculocutaneous nerve
E. Suprascapular nerve


A. Axillary nerve
B. Dorsal scapular nerve
C. Median nerve
D. Musculocutaneous nerve
E. Suprascapular nerve

Th e musculocutaneous nerve (D) in n e r vat es t h e m u scles of t h e an te r ior com partment of the arm including the coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, and brachialis m uscles. The axillary nerve (A) innervates the teres m inor and deltoid muscles. The dorsal scapular nerve (B) in n e r vat e s t h e r h o m b o id s. Th e median nerve (C) innervates the muscles of the anterior compartm ent of the forearm except the exor carpi ulnaris and the ulnar half of the exor digitorum profundus, as well as ve hand intrinsics on the thenar aspect of the hand. The suprascapular nerve (E) in n er vates th e su praspin at u s an d in fraspin at u s m u scles. 6


Cells that give rise to commissural bers that interconnect homologous cortical areas via the corpus callosum are found in layer
A. I
E. V


A. I
E. V

Ce lls t h a t g ive r is e t o co m m is s u r a l b e r s t h a t in t e r co n n e c t h o m o lo go u s co r t ic a l areas via the corpus callosum are found in layer III (C) of the cerebral cortex (the external pyram idal layer). La y e r I (A) is th e p lexifor m m olecu lar layer an d consists m ainly of nerve cell processes. La y e r II ( B) is t h e ext e r n al gran u lar layer comprised mostly of small granule cells. La y e r IV ( D) , t h e in ter n al gran u lar layer, is important for a erent signaling and is thicker in the prim ary sensory area. La y e r V ( E) , th e in tern al pyram idal layer, is t h e sou rce of th e m ajorit y of output bers for the cerebral cortex. Layer VI is the fusiform layer and lies adjacent to underlying w hite m atter and consists prim arily of association neurons. 1


Neural crest derivatives include all of the following except th e
A. Adrenal medulla
B. Dorsal root ganglion of cranial and spinal nerves
C. Neurons of the cerebral cortex
D. Pigmented layers of the retina
E. Sympathetic ganglia of the autonomic nervous system


A. Adrenal medulla
B. Dorsal root ganglion of cranial and spinal nerves
C. Neurons of the cerebral cortex
D. Pigmented layers of the retina
E. Sympathetic ganglia of the autonomic nervous system

Th e n e u r al crest is a n a r row st r ip of cells at t h e e dge of t h e d evelop in g n e u ra l plate that gives rise to several structures including, neurons of the dorsal root ganglia of cranial and spinal nerves (B), adrenal medulla (A), melanocytes of the retina (D), Sch w an n cells, m en in ges, as w ell as t h e sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia (E). Co r t i c a l n e u r o n s ( C) are derived from neuroectoderm that forms from the neural tube. 1


Which of the following progressions from primary vesicle to secondary vesicle to adult derivative is correct?
A. Mesencephalon to rhombencephalon to medulla
B. Prosencephalon to diencephalon to midbrain
C. Prosencephalon to telencephalon to thalami
D. Rhombencephalon to metencephalon to cerebellum
E. Rhombencephalon to myelencephalon to pons


A. Mesencephalon to rhombencephalon to medulla
B. Prosencephalon to diencephalon to midbrain
C. Prosencephalon to telencephalon to thalami
D. Rhombencephalon to metencephalon to cerebellum
E. Rhombencephalon to myelencephalon to pons

Th e p r im ar y b r ain d ivision s in clu d e t h e rh om b e n ce p h alon (h in d b r ain ), m esencephalon (midbrain), and prosencephalon (forebrain). The rhombencephalon gives rise to the myelencephalon and m etencephalon. The prosencephalon gives rise to the diencephalon and telencephalon. The myelencephalon gives rise to the medulla and inferior cerebral peduncles. The metencephalon gives rise to the pons, cerebellum, and middle and superior cerebellar peduncles. Th e m ese n ce p h a lon gives r ise t o t h e ce reb ra l p e d u n cles, m id b ra in t e ct u m , and tegmentum. The diencephalon gives rise to the epithalamus, thalamus, and hypothalamus. The telencephalon gives rise to the cerebral hemispheres including the corpus striatum and rostral aspect of the hypothalam us. D is t h e only correct response. 1


Major striatal efferent projections include
A. Amygdala and globus pallidus
B. Globus pallidus and substantia nigra
C. Substantia nigra and amygdala
D. Substantia nigra and thalamus
E. Thalamus and globus pallidus


A. Amygdala and globus pallidus
B. Globus pallidus and substantia nigra
C. Substantia nigra and amygdala
D. Substantia nigra and thalamus
E. Thalamus and globus pallidus

Eff e r e n t t r a n sm issio n fr o m t h e st r iat u m is lim it e d t o o n ly t w o t a r ge t s: the globus pallidus and substantia nigra (B) via the striatopallidal bers and striatonigral bers. The striatum does not have any direct projections to the amygdala (A, C) or thalamus (D, E). 1


Fibers from the nucleus ambiguus make contribution to
I. Cran ial n er ve IX
II. Cran ial n er ve XI
III. Cran ial n er ve X
IV. Cran ial n er ve VII


E. All of the above

Th e n u cle u s am b igu ou s con t r ib u t es b e r s t o cra n ial n e r ves IX, X, an d XI, b u t not VII. The contribution of the nucleus ambiguous to the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) is special visceral e erent bers to the stylopharyngeus and pharyngeal constrictor muscles as well as receiving general visceral a erent input from the m iddle ear, phar ynx, tongue, and carot id sinus. The nucleus am biguous provides special visceral e erent bers to the vagus nerve (X) fo r m u scle s of the larynx and pharynx. The nucleus ambiguous provides special visceral e erent bers to the spinal accessory nerve (XI) for the control of laryngeal muscles. The facial nerve (VII) is n ot a sso ciat e d w it h t h e n u cle u s a m b igu o u s. 1


Functional components of the facial and intermediate nerves include
I. General somatic a eferent fibers
II. Gen eral visceral a eren t bers
III. Sp ecial visceral a eren t bers
IV. Special visceral e eren t bers


E. All of the above

Fu n c t io n a l co m p o n e n t s o f t h e fa cia l n e r ve a n d n e r v u s in t e r m e d iu s in clu d e special visceral e erent bers to th e m u scles of facial exp ression an d st apedius muscles, general visceral e erent (parasympathetic) bers to the lacrimal and sublingual glands, special visceral a erent input from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, general visceral a erent inputs from the middle ear, nasal cavity, and soft palate, as well as general somatic a erents from the external auditory meatus and posterior auricular area.


The infundibular recess of the third ventricle is located
A. Dorsal to the mammillary bodies
B. Dorsal to the habenula
C. Lateral to the infundibulum
D. Ventral to the infundibulum
E. Ventral to the mammillary bodies


A. Dorsal to the mammillary bodies
B. Dorsal to the habenula
C. Lateral to the infundibulum
D. Ventral to the infundibulum
E. Ventral to the mammillary bodies

Th e in fu n d ib u lar re cess of t h e t h ird ve n t r icle is locat e d in t h e oor of t h e t h ird ventricle ventral to the m am illary bodies (E).


Lesions of the lateral lemniscus produce
A. Bilateral complete deafness
B. Bilateral partial deafness, greater in the contralateral ear
C. Bilateral partial deafness, greater in the ipsilateral ear
D. Unilateral, contralateral deafness
E. Unilateral, ipsilateral deafness


A. Bilateral complete deafness
B. Bilateral partial deafness, greater in the contralateral ear
C. Bilateral partial deafness, greater in the ipsilateral ear
D. Unilateral, contralateral deafness
E. Unilateral, ipsilateral deafness

Th e m ajor it y of se con d - ord e r n e u ron s fr om t h e coch lear n u cle i d e cu ssat e in the trapezoid body to the contralateral superior olivary nucleus, w hile a smaller number of bers ascend to the ipsilateral superior olivary nucleus. Th is b ilat e r al in p u t t o t h e su p e r ior oliva r y n u cle i con t r ib u t es t o sou n d localization and determ ination of directional intensity. The lateral lem niscus is the m ain ascending pathway of the auditory system in the brainstem . Due to the presence of both crossed and uncrossed bers, a lesion to the lateral lem niscus causes bilateral partial deafness, worse in the contralateral ear (B). 1


The superior orbital ssure is traversed by which combination of cranial nerves?
A. III, IV, and VI only
B. III, IV, VI, and V1 only
C. III, IV, VI, V1, and V2 only
D. II, III, IV, VI, V1, and V2 only
E. II, III, IV, VI, and V1 only


A. III, IV, and VI only
B. III, IV, VI, and V1 only
C. III, IV, VI, V1, and V2 only
D. II, III, IV, VI, V1, and V2 only
E. II, III, IV, VI, and V1 only

Th e lat e ra l se ct or of t h e su p e r ior or b it a l ssu re (SOF) con t a in s t h e trochlear (IV), frontal (branch of V1), an d lacrimal nerves (branch of V1), w h ich all pass outside the annular tendon of Zinn. The superior ophthalmic vein also passes inferior to the nerves in this portion of the ssure to reach the cavernous sinus. The central portion of the SOF (oculomotor foramen) contains the oculomotor nerve (III), nasociliary nerve (branch of V1), abducens nerve (VI), an d root s of t h e ciliar y ganglion —all of w h ich p ass th rough th e an n u lu s of Zinn. The optic nerve and ophthalmic artery course medially to the oculomotor foramen passing through the optic foramen. The maxillary nerve (V2) exits the cranial vault via foramen rotundum before entering the orbit via the inferior orbital ssure, not the superior orbital ssure. 4


Nasociliary nerve

A. Inferior orbital ssure
B. Foramen magnum
C. Foramen ovale
D. Superior orbital fissure
E. None of the above


A. Inferior orbital ssure
B. Foramen magnum
C. Foramen ovale
D. Superior orbital ssure
E. None of the above

Th e superior orbital ssure (D) transm its cranial nerves (CN) III, IV, V1, and VI. Th e inferior orbital ssure (A) transmits CN V2 (maxillary nerve) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via the foramen rotundum. The foram en ovale (C) t r a n sm it s CN V3 (m a n d ib u la r n e r ve ), a n d t h e foram en m agnum (B) transmits CN XI as it ascends to join the vagus nerve prior to exiting the skull through the jugular foramen. 1


Lacrimal nerve

A. Inferior orbital ssure
B. Foramen magnum
C. Foramen ovale
D. Superior orbital fissure
E. None of the above


A. Inferior orbital ssure
B. Foramen magnum
C. Foramen ovale
D. Superior orbital ssure
E. None of the above

Th e superior orbital ssure (D) transm its cranial nerves (CN) III, IV, V1, and VI. Th e inferior orbital ssure (A) transmits CN V2 (maxillary nerve) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via the foramen rotundum. The foram en ovale (C) t r a n sm it s CN V3 (m a n d ib u la r n e r ve ), a n d t h e foram en m agnum (B) transmits CN XI as it ascends to join the vagus nerve prior to exiting the skull through the jugular foramen. 1


Maxillary nerve

A. Inferior orbital ssure
B. Foramen magnum
C. Foramen ovale
D. Superior orbital fissure
E. None of the above


A. Inferior orbital ssure
B. Foramen magnum
C. Foramen ovale
D. Superior orbital ssure
E. None of the above

Th e superior orbital ssure (D) transm its cranial nerves (CN) III, IV, V1, and VI. Th e inferior orbital ssure (A) transmits CN V2 (maxillary nerve) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via the foramen rotundum. The foram en ovale (C) t r a n sm it s CN V3 (m a n d ib u la r n e r ve ), a n d t h e foram en m agnum (B) transmits CN XI as it ascends to join the vagus nerve prior to exiting the skull through the jugular foramen. 1


Mandibular nerve
A. Inferior orbital ssure
B. Foramen magnum
C. Foramen ovale
D. Superior orbital ssure
E. None of the above


A. Inferior orbital ssure
B. Foramen magnum
C. Foramen ovale
D. Superior orbital ssure
E. None of the above

Th e superior orbital ssure (D) transm its cranial nerves (CN) III, IV, V1, and VI. Th e inferior orbital ssure (A) transmits CN V2 (maxillary nerve) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via the foramen rotundum. The foram en ovale (C) t r a n sm it s CN V3 (m a n d ib u la r n e r ve ), a n d t h e foram en m agnum (B) transmits CN XI as it ascends to join the vagus nerve prior to exiting the skull through the jugular foramen. 1


Spinal accessory nerve

A. Inferior orbital ssure
B. Foramen magnum
C. Foramen ovale
D. Superior orbital ssure
E. None of the above


A. Inferior orbital ssure
B. Foramen magnum
C. Foramen ovale
D. Superior orbital ssure
E. None of the above

Th e superior orbital ssure (D) transm its cranial nerves (CN) III, IV, V1, and VI. Th e inferior orbital ssure (A) transmits CN V2 (maxillary nerve) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via the foramen rotundum. The foram en ovale (C) t r a n sm it s CN V3 (m a n d ib u la r n e r ve ), a n d t h e foram en m agnum (B) transmits CN XI as it ascends to join the vagus nerve prior to exiting the skull through the jugular foramen. 1


A. Pudendal nerve
B. Splanchnic nerve
C. Nervi erigentes


A. Pudendal nerve
B. Splanchnic nerve
C. Nervi erigentes

Th e pudendal nerve (A) arises from S2, 3, and 4 and provides som atic innervation to the skin of the perineum and of the m uscles of the perineum and pelvic oor including the external urethral and anal sphincters. The sacral splanchnic nerves (B) provide sympathetic innervation to the pelvis. The nervi erigentes (C), or p elvic sp lan ch n ic n er ves, p rovid e p arasym p ath et ic in nervation to the structures of the pelvis. 6



A. Pudendal nerve
B. Splanchnic nerve
C. Nervi erigentes


A. Pudendal nerve
B. Splanchnic nerve
C. Nervi erigentes

Th e pudendal nerve (A) arises from S2, 3, and 4 and provides som atic innervation to the skin of the perineum and of the m uscles of the perineum and pelvic oor including the external urethral and anal sphincters. The sacral splanchnic nerves (B) provide sympathetic innervation to the pelvis. The nervi erigentes (C), or p elvic sp lan ch n ic n er ves, p rovid e p arasym p ath et ic in nervation to the structures of the pelvis. 6


A. Pudendal nerve
B. Splanchnic nerve
C. Nervi erigentes


A. Pudendal nerve
B. Splanchnic nerve
C. Nervi erigentes

Th e pudendal nerve (A) arises from S2, 3, and 4 and provides som atic innervation to the skin of the perineum and of the m uscles of the perineum and pelvic oor including the external urethral and anal sphincters. The sacral splanchnic nerves (B) provide sympathetic innervation to the pelvis. The nervi erigentes (C), or p elvic sp lan ch n ic n er ves, p rovid e p arasym p ath et ic in nervation to the structures of the pelvis. 6


Fibers arising here are grouped into three acoustic striae.
A. Cochlear nucleus
B. Inferior colliculus
C. Lateral lemniscus
D. Medial geniculate
E. Superior olivary nucleus


A. Cochlear nucleus
B. Inferior colliculus
C. Lateral lemniscus
D. Medial geniculate
E. Superior olivary nucleus

Fir st - o r d e r n e u r o n s o f t h e a u d it o r y p at h w ay p r oje ct fr o m t h e sp ir a l ga n glio n and terminate in the ipsilateral cochlear nucleus (A). Secon d -ord er bers from the cochlear nucleus m ay either ascend to the ipsilateral superior olivary nucleus or decussate in the trapezoid body to form three acoustic striae: the dorsal, intermediate, and ventral acoustic striae. The superior olivary nucleus (E) projects third-order neurons into both the ipsilateral and bilateral lateral lemniscus (C). Th e inferior colliculus (B) receives inp u t from t h e lateral lem niscus and is involved in sound localization. The inferior colliculus then projects to the ipsilateral medial geniculate nucleus (D) via the brachium of the inferior colliculus. The m edial geniculate nucleus gives o the auditory radiations, which project to the auditory cortex. 1


The most proximal source of tertiary auditory fibers
A. Cochlear nucleus
B. Inferior colliculus
C. Lateral lemniscus
D. Medial geniculate
E. Superior olivary nucleus


A. Cochlear nucleus
B. Inferior colliculus
C. Lateral lemniscus
D. Medial geniculate
E. Superior olivary nucleus

Fir st - o r d e r n e u r o n s o f t h e a u d it o r y p at h w ay p r oje ct fr o m t h e sp ir a l ga n glio n and terminate in the ipsilateral cochlear nucleus (A). Secon d -ord er bers from the cochlear nucleus m ay either ascend to the ipsilateral superior olivary nucleus or decussate in the trapezoid body to form three acoustic striae: the dorsal, intermediate, and ventral acoustic striae. The superior olivary nucleus (E) projects third-order neurons into both the ipsilateral and bilateral lateral lemniscus (C). Th e inferior colliculus (B) receives inp u t from t h e lateral lem niscus and is involved in sound localization. The inferior colliculus then projects to the ipsilateral medial geniculate nucleus (D) via the brachium of the inferior colliculus. The m edial geniculate nucleus gives o the auditory radiations, which project to the auditory cortex. 1


Projects bers into the lateral lemniscus
A. Cochlear nucleus
B. Inferior colliculus
C. Lateral lemniscus
D. Medial geniculate
E. Superior olivary nucleus


A. Cochlear nucleus
B. Inferior colliculus
C. Lateral lemniscus
D. Medial geniculate
E. Superior olivary nucleus

Fir st - o r d e r n e u r o n s o f t h e a u d it o r y p at h w ay p r oje ct fr o m t h e sp ir a l ga n glio n and terminate in the ipsilateral cochlear nucleus (A). Secon d -ord er bers from the cochlear nucleus m ay either ascend to the ipsilateral superior olivary nucleus or decussate in the trapezoid body to form three acoustic striae: the dorsal, intermediate, and ventral acoustic striae. The superior olivary nucleus (E) projects third-order neurons into both the ipsilateral and bilateral lateral lemniscus (C). Th e inferior colliculus (B) receives inp u t from t h e lateral lem niscus and is involved in sound localization. The inferior colliculus then projects to the ipsilateral medial geniculate nucleus (D) via the brachium of the inferior colliculus. The m edial geniculate nucleus gives o the auditory radiations, which project to the auditory cortex. 1


Fibers from this structure project bilaterally to stapedius motor neurons.
A. Cochlear nucleus
B. Inferior colliculus
C. Lateral lemniscus
D. Medial geniculate
E. Superior olivary nucleus


A. Cochlear nucleus
B. Inferior colliculus
C. Lateral lemniscus
D. Medial geniculate
E. Superior olivary nucleus

Fir st - o r d e r n e u r o n s o f t h e a u d it o r y p at h w ay p r oje ct fr o m t h e sp ir a l ga n glio n and terminate in the ipsilateral cochlear nucleus (A). Secon d -ord er bers from the cochlear nucleus m ay either ascend to the ipsilateral superior olivary nucleus or decussate in the trapezoid body to form three acoustic striae: the dorsal, intermediate, and ventral acoustic striae. The superior olivary nucleus (E) projects third-order neurons into both the ipsilateral and bilateral lateral lemniscus (C). Th e inferior colliculus (B) receives inp u t from t h e lateral lem niscus and is involved in sound localization. The inferior colliculus then projects to the ipsilateral medial geniculate nucleus (D) via the brachium of the inferior colliculus. The m edial geniculate nucleus gives o the auditory radiations, which project to the auditory cortex. 1


The bers of the stria medullaris of the thalamus arise in the
I. Hyp ot h alam u s
II. Lateral p reopt ic region
III. Sep t al n u clei
IV. Am ygdala
E. All of the above


E. All of the above

Th e st r ia m e d u llar is t h alam i is a b id ire ct ion a l p at h w ay t h at con n e ct s t h e hypothalamus, preoptic region, and septal nuclei with the habenula. The stria medullaris does not contain bers from the amygdala.


Each of the following is true of striatal a erents except
A. Cells in the centromedian nucleus project to the caudate.
B. Corticostriate projections use glutamate as their transmitter.
C. Nigrostriatal bers arise from cells in the pars compacta.
D. Serotonergic projections arise from the dorsal nucleus of the raphe.
E. Thalamostriate bers arise largely from cells in the centromedian parafascicular nucleus


**A. Cells in the centromedian nucleus project to the caudate. **
B. Corticostriate projections use glutamate as their transmitter.
C. Nigrostriatal bers arise from cells in the pars compacta.
D. Serotonergic projections arise from the dorsal nucleus of the raphe.
E. Thalamostriate bers arise largely from cells in the centromedian parafascicular nucleus

Ce lls in t h e ce n t r o m e d ia n n u cle u s p r o je c t t o t h e p u t a m e n (A is false), an d cells in the parafascicular nucleus project to the caudate. The other responses are true. Corticostriate projections use glutamate as their transmitter, nigrostriatal bers arise from cells in the pars compacta, serotonergic projections arise from the dorsal nucleus of the raphe, and thalamostriate bers arise largely from cells in the centrom edian parafascicular nucleus. 1,2


Consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face. Th e motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) contains the cell bodies of the neurons that innervate the muscles of mastication. Th e p ri n c i p l e s e n s o ry nucleus (C) is homologous to the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigem inal sensory nuclei, and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The ventral trigem inothalam ic tract carries projections from the m ain sensory nucleus to the thalam us regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain an d tem perat ure sen se. Th e trigeminal ganglion (E) houses cell bodies of pseudounipolar sensory neurons; it lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


Lesions in this structure can result in a loss of pain and temperature sense.
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face. Th e motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) contains the cell bodies of the neurons that innervate the muscles of mastication. Th e p ri n c i p l e s e n s o ry nucleus (C) is homologous to the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigem inal sensory nuclei, and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The ventral trigem inothalam ic tract carries projections from the m ain sensory nucleus to the thalam us regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain an d tem perat ure sen se. Th e trigeminal ganglion (E) houses cell bodies of pseudounipolar sensory neurons; it lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


A erent bers of this nucleus convey proprioceptive information.
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face. Th e motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) contains the cell bodies of the neurons that innervate the muscles of mastication. Th e p ri n c i p l e s e n s o ry nucleus (C) is homologous to the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigem inal sensory nuclei, and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The ventral trigem inothalam ic tract carries projections from the m ain sensory nucleus to the thalam us regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain an d tem perat ure sen se. Th e trigeminal ganglion (E) houses cell bodies of pseudounipolar sensory neurons; it lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


Second-order neurons of the ventral trigeminothalamic tract are found in the principal sensory nucleus and here.
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face. Th e motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) contains the cell bodies of the neurons that innervate the muscles of mastication. Th e p ri n c i p l e s e n s o ry nucleus (C) is homologous to the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigem inal sensory nuclei, and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The ventral trigem inothalam ic tract carries projections from the m ain sensory nucleus to the thalam us regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain an d tem perat ure sen se. Th e trigeminal ganglion (E) houses cell bodies of pseudounipolar sensory neurons; it lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


Second-order neurons of the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract are found here.
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face. Th e motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) contains the cell bodies of the neurons that innervate the muscles of mastication. Th e p ri n c i p l e s e n s o ry nucleus (C) is homologous to the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigem inal sensory nuclei, and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The ventral trigem inothalam ic tract carries projections from the m ain sensory nucleus to the thalam us regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain an d tem perat ure sen se. Th e trigeminal ganglion (E) houses cell bodies of pseudounipolar sensory neurons; it lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


This nucleus and the motor nucleus are involved in the jaw jerk.
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face. Th e motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) contains the cell bodies of the neurons that innervate the muscles of mastication. Th e p ri n c i p l e s e n s o ry nucleus (C) is homologous to the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigem inal sensory nuclei, and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The ventral trigem inothalam ic tract carries projections from the m ain sensory nucleus to the thalam us regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain an d tem perat ure sen se. Th e trigeminal ganglion (E) houses cell bodies of pseudounipolar sensory neurons; it lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


Cells here have large receptive elds and respond to a wide range of pressure stimuli.
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face. Th e motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) contains the cell bodies of the neurons that innervate the muscles of mastication. Th e p ri n c i p l e s e n s o ry nucleus (C) is homologous to the nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigem inal sensory nuclei, and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The ventral trigem inothalam ic tract carries projections from the m ain sensory nucleus to the thalam us regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain an d tem perat ure sen se. Th e trigeminal ganglion (E) houses cell bodies of pseudounipolar sensory neurons; it lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


Which is true of den tate n ucleus projection s?
A. They indirectly project to the ipsilateral cerebellar cortex.
B. They indirectly project to the ipsilateral primary motor cortex.
C. They leave the cerebellum via the middle cerebellar peduncle.
D. They project somatotopically on the ventral anterior thalamic nucleus.
E. They project to the ipsilateral red nucleus.


A. They indirectly project to the ipsilateral cerebellar cortex.
B. They indirectly project to the ipsilateral primary motor cortex.
C. They leave the cerebellum via the middle cerebellar peduncle.
D. They project somatotopically on the ventral anterior thalamic nucleus.
E. They project to the ipsilateral red nucleus.

E e r e n t b e r s fr o m t h e d e n t at e n u cle u s le ave via t h e su p e r io r ce r eb ella r peduncle (C is false), d ecu ssate in t h e cau d al m esen cep h alon , an d p roject to the contralateral red nucleus (B and E are false) and ventral lateral and ventral posterolateral thalam ic nuclei (D is false). Th ese t h alam ic n u clei th en project to the primary motor cortex. Fibers forming the descending part of the superior cerebellar peduncle project to reticular nuclei and the inferior olivary nucleus, which in turn projects back to the ipsilateral cerebellar cortex (A is true). 1


Adductor magnus
A. Superior gluteal nerve
B. Inferior gluteal nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Femoral nerve


A. Superior gluteal nerve
B. Inferior gluteal nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Femoral nerve


A. Superior gluteal nerve
B. Inferior gluteal nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Femoral nerve


A. Superior gluteal nerve
B. Inferior gluteal nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Femoral nerve

Th e superior gluteal nerve (A) innervates gluteus m edius, gluteus m inim us, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. Th e inferior gluteal nerve (B) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (C) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot. The adductor magnus is in the medial compartment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve. The adductor part of adductor magnus is innervated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (C). Th e fem oral nerve (D) innervates the muscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius). 6


Tensor fascia lata
A. Superior gluteal nerve
B. Inferior gluteal nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Femoral nerve


A. Superior gluteal nerve
B. Inferior gluteal nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Femoral nerve

Th e superior gluteal nerve (A) innervates gluteus m edius, gluteus m inim us, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. Th e inferior gluteal nerve (B) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (C) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot. The adductor magnus is in the medial compartment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve. The adductor part of adductor magnus is innervated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (C). Th e fem oral nerve (D) innervates the muscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius). 6


Gluteus maximus
A. Superior gluteal nerve
B. Inferior gluteal nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Femoral nerve


A. Superior gluteal nerve
B. Inferior gluteal nerve
C. Sciatic nerve
D. Femoral nerve

Th e superior gluteal nerve (A) innervates gluteus m edius, gluteus m inim us, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. Th e inferior gluteal nerve (B) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (C) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot. The adductor magnus is in the medial compartment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve. The adductor part of adductor magnus is innervated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (C). Th e fem oral nerve (D) innervates the muscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius). 6


The nerve that supplies the teres major originates here.
A. Lateral cord
B. Medial cord
C. Posterior cord
D. Radial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve


A. Lateral cord
B. Medial cord
C. Posterior cord
D. Radial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve

Th e lateral cord (A) is formed by the anterior divisions of the superior and middle trunks and gives rise to the lateral pectoral nerve, the musculocutaneous nerve, and the lateral root of the median nerve. The medial cord (B) consists of the anterior division of the inferior trunk and gives rise to the medial pectoral nerve, the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm, and the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm; the medial cord (B) ultimately terminates into the ulnar nerve and the m edial root of the m edian nerve. The posterior cord (C) receives contributions from the posterior divisions of the superior, middle, and inferior trunks, and ultimately branches into the axillary and radial nerves. The posterior cord (C) gives o th e u p p er an d low er su bscap u lar nerves (teres major muscle) and the thoracodorsal nerve (latissimus dorsi muscle). The radial nerve (D) is the larger terminal branch of the posterior cord and innervates the extensor com partm ents of the arm and forearm . The ulnar nerve (E) is the larger terminal branch of the medial cord and innervates exor carpi ulnaris, the ulnar half of exor digitorum profundus, and most of the intrinsic muscles of the hand. 6


The medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm originates here.
A. Lateral cord
B. Medial cord
C. Posterior cord
D. Radial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve


A. Lateral cord
B. Medial cord
C. Posterior cord
D. Radial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve

Th e lateral cord (A) is formed by the anterior divisions of the superior and middle trunks and gives rise to the lateral pectoral nerve, the musculocutaneous nerve, and the lateral root of the median nerve. The medial cord (B) consists of the anterior division of the inferior trunk and gives rise to the medial pectoral nerve, the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm, and the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm; the medial cord (B) ultimately terminates into the ulnar nerve and the m edial root of the m edian nerve. The posterior cord (C) receives contributions from the posterior divisions of the superior, middle, and inferior trunks, and ultimately branches into the axillary and radial nerves. The posterior cord (C) gives o th e u p p er an d low er su bscap u lar nerves (teres major muscle) and the thoracodorsal nerve (latissimus dorsi muscle). The radial nerve (D) is the larger terminal branch of the posterior cord and innervates the extensor com partm ents of the arm and forearm . The ulnar nerve (E) is the larger terminal branch of the medial cord and innervates exor carpi ulnaris, the ulnar half of exor digitorum profundus, and most of the intrinsic muscles of the hand. 6


The axillary nerve is a branch of this structure.
A. Lateral cord
B. Medial cord
C. Posterior cord
D. Radial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve


A. Lateral cord
B. Medial cord
C. Posterior cord
D. Radial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve

Th e lateral cord (A) is formed by the anterior divisions of the superior and middle trunks and gives rise to the lateral pectoral nerve, the musculocutaneous nerve, and the lateral root of the median nerve. The medial cord (B) consists of the anterior division of the inferior trunk and gives rise to the medial pectoral nerve, the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm, and the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm; the medial cord (B) ultimately terminates into the ulnar nerve and the m edial root of the m edian nerve. The posterior cord (C) receives contributions from the posterior divisions of the superior, middle, and inferior trunks, and ultimately branches into the axillary and radial nerves. The posterior cord (C) gives o th e u p p er an d low er su bscap u lar nerves (teres major muscle) and the thoracodorsal nerve (latissimus dorsi muscle). The radial nerve (D) is the larger terminal branch of the posterior cord and innervates the extensor com partm ents of the arm and forearm . The ulnar nerve (E) is the larger terminal branch of the medial cord and innervates exor carpi ulnaris, the ulnar half of exor digitorum profundus, and most of the intrinsic muscles of the hand. 6


The musculocutaneous nerve is a branch of this structure.
A. Lateral cord
B. Medial cord
C. Posterior cord
D. Radial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve


A. Lateral cord
B. Medial cord
C. Posterior cord
D. Radial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve

Th e lateral cord (A) is formed by the anterior divisions of the superior and middle trunks and gives rise to the lateral pectoral nerve, the musculocutaneous nerve, and the lateral root of the median nerve. The medial cord (B) consists of the anterior division of the inferior trunk and gives rise to the medial pectoral nerve, the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm, and the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm; the medial cord (B) ultimately terminates into the ulnar nerve and the m edial root of the m edian nerve. The posterior cord (C) receives contributions from the posterior divisions of the superior, middle, and inferior trunks, and ultimately branches into the axillary and radial nerves. The posterior cord (C) gives o th e u p p er an d low er su bscap u lar nerves (teres major muscle) and the thoracodorsal nerve (latissimus dorsi muscle). The radial nerve (D) is the larger terminal branch of the posterior cord and innervates the extensor com partm ents of the arm and forearm . The ulnar nerve (E) is the larger terminal branch of the medial cord and innervates exor carpi ulnaris, the ulnar half of exor digitorum profundus, and most of the intrinsic muscles of the hand. 6


The middle and lower trunks both contribute to this structure.
A. Lateral cord
B. Medial cord
C. Posterior cord
D. Radial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve


A. Lateral cord
B. Medial cord
C. Posterior cord
D. Radial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve

Th e lateral cord (A) is formed by the anterior divisions of the superior and middle trunks and gives rise to the lateral pectoral nerve, the musculocutaneous nerve, and the lateral root of the median nerve. The medial cord (B) consists of the anterior division of the inferior trunk and gives rise to the medial pectoral nerve, the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm, and the medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm; the medial cord (B) ultimately terminates into the ulnar nerve and the m edial root of the m edian nerve. The posterior cord (C) receives contributions from the posterior divisions of the superior, middle, and inferior trunks, and ultimately branches into the axillary and radial nerves. The posterior cord (C) gives o th e u p p er an d low er su bscap u lar nerves (teres major muscle) and the thoracodorsal nerve (latissimus dorsi muscle). The radial nerve (D) is the larger terminal branch of the posterior cord and innervates the extensor com partm ents of the arm and forearm . The ulnar nerve (E) is the larger terminal branch of the medial cord and innervates exor carpi ulnaris, the ulnar half of exor digitorum profundus, and most of the intrinsic muscles of the hand. 6


Each of the following is true of ber tracts leaving the cerebellum and terminating in the thalam us except
A. Fibers terminate on the ventral lateral and ventral posterolateral thalamic nuclei.
B. In the thalamus, the extremities are represented dorsally and the back ventrally.
C. In the thalamus, the head is represented medially and the caudal thorax laterally.
D. Some bers project to the rostral interlaminar nuclei.
E. These bers originate from both the dentate and the interposed nuclei.


A. Fibers terminate on the ventral lateral and ventral posterolateral thalamic nuclei.
B. In the thalamus, the extremities are represented dorsally and the back ventrally.
C. In the thalamus, the head is represented medially and the caudal thorax laterally.
D. Some bers project to the rostral interlaminar nuclei.
E. These bers originate from both the dentate and the interposed nuclei.

Th e ext re m it ies are re p rese n t e d ve n t ra lly a n d t h e b ack d or sally in t h e t h a la mus (B is false). Th e ot h er st atem en t s regard in g cerebellar p roject ion s to t h e thalamus are true. Fibers terminate on the ventral lateral and ventral posterolateral thalam ic nuclei (A), in t h e t h alam u s th e h ead is rep resen ted m ed ially and the caudal thorax represented laterally (C), som e bers p roject to th e rostral interlaminar nuclei (D), an d th ese bers origin ate from th e d en t ate and interposed nuclei (E). Fibers from t h e fast igial n u cleu s p roject to eith er the lateral or inferior vestibular nuclei or the brainstem reticular formation. 1


All of the following subcortical nuclei are considered part of the limbic systemexcept th e
A. Amygdala
B. Centromedian nucleus of the thalamus
C. Epithalamus
D. Hypothalamus
E. Septal nuclei


A. Amygdala
B. Centromedian nucleus of the thalamus
C. Epithalamus
D. Hypothalamus
E. Septal nuclei

Th e centromedian nucleus of the thalamus (B) is most closely related to motor functions in that it receives input from the motor and premotor cortex and from the globus pallidus and projects mainly to the striatum. The other responses are considered part of the lim bic system including the amygdala (A), epithalamus (C), hypothalamus (D), an d septal nuclei (E). 1


Central nervous system melanocytes are concentrated in the
A. Choroid plexus
B. Red nuclei
C. Region of the amygdala
D. Septum pellucidum
E. Ventral medulla


A. Choroid plexus
B. Red nuclei
C. Region of the amygdala
D. Septum pellucidum
E. Ventral medulla

Melanocytes are located in the pia mater and are concentrated in the region of the ventral medulla and upper spinal cord. These may represent the cells of origin for melanom as seen in patients with no history of prim ary skin m elanom a. 8


A lesion in the medial lemniscus produces
A. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature
B. Contralateral loss of position and vibration
C. Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature
D. Ipsilateral loss of position and vibration
E. Loss of pain and temperature bilaterally


A. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature
B. Contralateral loss of position and vibration
C. Ipsilateral loss of pain and temperature
D. Ipsilateral loss of position and vibration
E. Loss of pain and temperature bilaterally

In for m at ion regard in g p osit ion an d vibrat ion is car r ied in t h e d orsal colu m n s via rst-order sensory neurons that then synapse in the nucleus gracilis or nucleus cuneatus. These second-order neurons decussate in the caudal m edulla as the internal arcuate bers before ascending in the medial lemniscus before synapsing in the ventral posterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus. A lesion to the medial lemniscus would cause contralateral loss of position and vibration sense (B). A lesion to t h e d orsal colu m n s at t h e level of t h e sp in al cord w ou ld cause an ipsilateral loss of position and vibration sense (D). Th e d ecu ssat ion for t h e sp in ot h alam ic t ract (p ain an d t em p erat u re) occu rs in t h e an te r ior com missure of the spinal cord, so a unilateral lesion to the spinal cord or brainstem would cause contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation (A). 9


Each of the following is considered a part of the diencephalon except th e
A. Fornix
B. Hypothalamus
C. Mammillary bodies
D. Pineal gland
E. Stria medullaris thalami


A. Fornix
B. Hypothalamus
C. Mammillary bodies
D. Pineal gland
E. Stria medullaris thalami

Th e d ie n ce p h a lon is t h e cau d a l p or t ion of t h e p rose n ce p h a lon (foreb r ain ) a n d gives rise to the epithalam us (habenula [D], stria medullaris [E], an d pineal gland [D]), thalamus, and hypothalamus (B). Th e telen cep h alon is t h e rost ral portion of the prosencephalon and gives rise to the cerebral hemispheres including the hippocam pal form ation and fornix (A). 1


Inferior orbital ssure
A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery


A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery

Th e su p e r ior or b it al ssu re t ra n sm it s cr an ia l n e r ves (CN) III, IV, V1 , an d VI (D). Th e in fe r ior or b it a l ssu re t r an sm it s CN V2 ( m a x i l l a r y n e r v e [ A] ) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via foramen rotundum. The foramen ovale transm its CN V3 ( m a n d i b u l a r n e r v e [ C] ) . Th e nasopalatine nerve (B) traverses the incisive foramen and the mental nerve (E) t raverses t h e m en t al foram en . Th e middle meningeal artery (F) enters the skull via foramen spinosum. The abducens (D) n er ve t raverses Dorello’s can al as p ar t of it s lon g intracranial course. 1


Superior orbital ssure
A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery


A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery

Th e su p e r ior or b it al ssu re t ra n sm it s cr an ia l n e r ves (CN) III, IV, V1 , an d VI (D). Th e in fe r ior or b it a l ssu re t r an sm it s CN V2 ( m a x i l l a r y n e r v e [ A] ) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via foramen rotundum. The foramen ovale transm its CN V3 ( m a n d i b u l a r n e r v e [ C] ) . Th e nasopalatine nerve (B) traverses the incisive foramen and the mental nerve (E) t raverses t h e m en t al foram en . Th e middle meningeal artery (F) enters the skull via foramen spinosum. The abducens (D) n er ve t raverses Dorello’s can al as p ar t of it s lon g intracranial course. 1


Foramen spinosum
A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery


A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery

Th e su p e r ior or b it al ssu re t ra n sm it s cr an ia l n e r ves (CN) III, IV, V1 , an d VI (D). Th e in fe r ior or b it a l ssu re t r an sm it s CN V2 ( m a x i l l a r y n e r v e [ A] ) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via foramen rotundum. The foramen ovale transm its CN V3 ( m a n d i b u l a r n e r v e [ C] ) . Th e nasopalatine nerve (B) traverses the incisive foramen and the mental nerve (E) t raverses t h e m en t al foram en . Th e middle meningeal artery (F) enters the skull via foramen spinosum. The abducens (D) n er ve t raverses Dorello’s can al as p ar t of it s lon g intracranial course. 1


Foramen rotundum
A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery


A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery

Th e su p e r ior or b it al ssu re t ra n sm it s cr an ia l n e r ves (CN) III, IV, V1 , an d VI (D). Th e in fe r ior or b it a l ssu re t r an sm it s CN V2 ( m a x i l l a r y n e r v e [ A] ) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via foramen rotundum. The foramen ovale transm its CN V3 ( m a n d i b u l a r n e r v e [ C] ) . Th e nasopalatine nerve (B) traverses the incisive foramen and the mental nerve (E) t raverses t h e m en t al foram en . Th e middle meningeal artery (F) enters the skull via foramen spinosum. The abducens (D) n er ve t raverses Dorello’s can al as p ar t of it s lon g intracranial course. 1


Foramen ovale
A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery


A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery

Th e su p e r ior or b it al ssu re t ra n sm it s cr an ia l n e r ves (CN) III, IV, V1 , an d VI (D). Th e in fe r ior or b it a l ssu re t r an sm it s CN V2 ( m a x i l l a r y n e r v e [ A] ) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via foramen rotundum. The foramen ovale transm its CN V3 ( m a n d i b u l a r n e r v e [ C] ) . Th e nasopalatine nerve (B) traverses the incisive foramen and the mental nerve (E) t raverses t h e m en t al foram en . Th e middle meningeal artery (F) enters the skull via foramen spinosum. The abducens (D) n er ve t raverses Dorello’s can al as p ar t of it s lon g intracranial course. 1


Dorello’s canal
A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery


A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery

Th e su p e r ior or b it al ssu re t ra n sm it s cr an ia l n e r ves (CN) III, IV, V1 , an d VI (D). Th e in fe r ior or b it a l ssu re t r an sm it s CN V2 ( m a x i l l a r y n e r v e [ A] ) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via foramen rotundum. The foramen ovale transm its CN V3 ( m a n d i b u l a r n e r v e [ C] ) . Th e nasopalatine nerve (B) traverses the incisive foramen and the mental nerve (E) t raverses t h e m en t al foram en . Th e middle meningeal artery (F) enters the skull via foramen spinosum. The abducens (D) n er ve t raverses Dorello’s can al as p ar t of it s lon g intracranial course. 1


Incisive foramen
A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery


A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery

Th e su p e r ior or b it al ssu re t ra n sm it s cr an ia l n e r ves (CN) III, IV, V1 , an d VI (D). Th e in fe r ior or b it a l ssu re t r an sm it s CN V2 ( m a x i l l a r y n e r v e [ A] ) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via foramen rotundum. The foramen ovale transm its CN V3 ( m a n d i b u l a r n e r v e [ C] ) . Th e nasopalatine nerve (B) traverses the incisive foramen and the mental nerve (E) t raverses t h e m en t al foram en . Th e middle meningeal artery (F) enters the skull via foramen spinosum. The abducens (D) n er ve t raverses Dorello’s can al as p ar t of it s lon g intracranial course. 1


Mental foramen
A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery


A. Maxillary branch of CN V
B. Nasopalatine nerve
C. Mandibular branch of CN V
D. Abducens nerve
E. Mental nerve
F. Middle meningeal artery

Th e su p e r ior or b it al ssu re t ra n sm it s cr an ia l n e r ves (CN) III, IV, V1 , an d VI (D). Th e in fe r ior or b it a l ssu re t r an sm it s CN V2 ( m a x i l l a r y n e r v e [ A] ) into the orbit after it has exited the skull via foramen rotundum. The foramen ovale transm its CN V3 ( m a n d i b u l a r n e r v e [ C] ) . Th e nasopalatine nerve (B) traverses the incisive foramen and the mental nerve (E) t raverses t h e m en t al foram en . Th e middle meningeal artery (F) enters the skull via foramen spinosum. The abducens (D) n er ve t raverses Dorello’s can al as p ar t of it s lon g intracranial course. 1


The largest of the vestibular nuclei
A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus


A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus

Th e inferior vestibular nucleus (A) r e ce ive s b e r s fr o m t h e in fe r io r ve s t ib u la r ganglion and sends projections to the reticular form ation and cerebellum . Th e i n t e rs t i t i a l n u cl e u s o f t h e ve s t i b u l a r n e rve ( B) consists of cell bodies that lie among bers of the vestibular root. The lateral vestibular nucleus (C), Deiter’s n ucleus, receives input from th e superior vest ibu lar ganglion an d for m s t h e lateral vest ibu losp in al t ract , w h ich p roject s to all sp in al levels and is responsible for extensor tone. The medial vestibular nucleus (D), Sch w a lb e’s n u cle u s, is t h e la r gest of t h e vest ib u la r n u cle i an d se n d s p roje ctions to contralateral extraocular nuclei via the MLF. The superior vestibular nucleus (E), Bech terew ’s n u cleu s, gives rise to u n crossed ascen d in g bers to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei traveling in the MLF. Second-order vestibulocerebellar projections arise from the caudal aspect of the inferior cerebellar nucleus and the medial vestibular nucleus (D). 1,2


Cells of the superior vestibular ganglion, which innervate the utricular macule, project to this nucleus.
A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus


A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus

Th e inferior vestibular nucleus (A) r e ce ive s b e r s fr o m t h e in fe r io r ve s t ib u la r ganglion and sends projections to the reticular form ation and cerebellum . Th e i n t e rs t i t i a l n u cl e u s o f t h e ve s t i b u l a r n e rve ( B) consists of cell bodies that lie among bers of the vestibular root. The lateral vestibular nucleus (C), Deiter’s n ucleus, receives input from th e superior vest ibu lar ganglion an d for m s t h e lateral vest ibu losp in al t ract , w h ich p roject s to all sp in al levels and is responsible for extensor tone. The medial vestibular nucleus (D), Sch w a lb e’s n u cle u s, is t h e la r gest of t h e vest ib u la r n u cle i an d se n d s p roje ctions to contralateral extraocular nuclei via the MLF. The superior vestibular nucleus (E), Bech terew ’s n u cleu s, gives rise to u n crossed ascen d in g bers to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei traveling in the MLF. Second-order vestibulocerebellar projections arise from the caudal aspect of the inferior cerebellar nucleus and the medial vestibular nucleus (D). 1,2


Cells of the inferior vestibular ganglion, which innervate the posterior part of the saccular macule, project to this nucleus.
A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus


A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus

Th e inferior vestibular nucleus (A) r e ce ive s b e r s fr o m t h e in fe r io r ve s t ib u la r ganglion and sends projections to the reticular form ation and cerebellum . Th e i n t e rs t i t i a l n u cl e u s o f t h e ve s t i b u l a r n e rve ( B) consists of cell bodies that lie among bers of the vestibular root. The lateral vestibular nucleus (C), Deiter’s n ucleus, receives input from th e superior vest ibu lar ganglion an d for m s t h e lateral vest ibu losp in al t ract , w h ich p roject s to all sp in al levels and is responsible for extensor tone. The medial vestibular nucleus (D), Sch w a lb e’s n u cle u s, is t h e la r gest of t h e vest ib u la r n u cle i an d se n d s p roje ctions to contralateral extraocular nuclei via the MLF. The superior vestibular nucleus (E), Bech terew ’s n u cleu s, gives rise to u n crossed ascen d in g bers to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei traveling in the MLF. Second-order vestibulocerebellar projections arise from the caudal aspect of the inferior cerebellar nucleus and the medial vestibular nucleus (D). 1,2


Gives rise to the vestibulospinal tract
A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus


A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus

Th e inferior vestibular nucleus (A) r e ce ive s b e r s fr o m t h e in fe r io r ve s t ib u la r ganglion and sends projections to the reticular form ation and cerebellum . Th e i n t e rs t i t i a l n u cl e u s o f t h e ve s t i b u l a r n e rve ( B) consists of cell bodies that lie among bers of the vestibular root. The lateral vestibular nucleus (C), Deiter’s n ucleus, receives input from th e superior vest ibu lar ganglion an d for m s t h e lateral vest ibu losp in al t ract , w h ich p roject s to all sp in al levels and is responsible for extensor tone. The medial vestibular nucleus (D), Sch w a lb e’s n u cle u s, is t h e la r gest of t h e vest ib u la r n u cle i an d se n d s p roje ctions to contralateral extraocular nuclei via the MLF. The superior vestibular nucleus (E), Bech terew ’s n u cleu s, gives rise to u n crossed ascen d in g bers to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei traveling in the MLF. Second-order vestibulocerebellar projections arise from the caudal aspect of the inferior cerebellar nucleus and the medial vestibular nucleus (D). 1,2


Ascending bers from this nucleus are predominantly crossed and project bilaterally to the extraocular nerve nuclei.
A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus


A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus

Th e inferior vestibular nucleus (A) r e ce ive s b e r s fr o m t h e in fe r io r ve s t ib u la r ganglion and sends projections to the reticular form ation and cerebellum . Th e i n t e rs t i t i a l n u cl e u s o f t h e ve s t i b u l a r n e rve ( B) consists of cell bodies that lie among bers of the vestibular root. The lateral vestibular nucleus (C), Deiter’s n ucleus, receives input from th e superior vest ibu lar ganglion an d for m s t h e lateral vest ibu losp in al t ract , w h ich p roject s to all sp in al levels and is responsible for extensor tone. The medial vestibular nucleus (D), Sch w a lb e’s n u cle u s, is t h e la r gest of t h e vest ib u la r n u cle i an d se n d s p roje ctions to contralateral extraocular nuclei via the MLF. The superior vestibular nucleus (E), Bech terew ’s n u cleu s, gives rise to u n crossed ascen d in g bers to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei traveling in the MLF. Second-order vestibulocerebellar projections arise from the caudal aspect of the inferior cerebellar nucleus and the medial vestibular nucleus (D). 1,2


Gives rise to the uncrossed ascending bers in the medial longitudinal fasciculus projecting to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei
A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus


A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus

Th e inferior vestibular nucleus (A) r e ce ive s b e r s fr o m t h e in fe r io r ve s t ib u la r ganglion and sends projections to the reticular form ation and cerebellum . Th e i n t e rs t i t i a l n u cl e u s o f t h e ve s t i b u l a r n e rve ( B) consists of cell bodies that lie among bers of the vestibular root. The lateral vestibular nucleus (C), Deiter’s n ucleus, receives input from th e superior vest ibu lar ganglion an d for m s t h e lateral vest ibu losp in al t ract , w h ich p roject s to all sp in al levels and is responsible for extensor tone. The medial vestibular nucleus (D), Sch w a lb e’s n u cle u s, is t h e la r gest of t h e vest ib u la r n u cle i an d se n d s p roje ctions to contralateral extraocular nuclei via the MLF. The superior vestibular nucleus (E), Bech terew ’s n u cleu s, gives rise to u n crossed ascen d in g bers to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei traveling in the MLF. Second-order vestibulocerebellar projections arise from the caudal aspect of the inferior cerebellar nucleus and the medial vestibular nucleus (D). 1,2


Cells of this nucleus lie among bers of the vestibular root.
A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus


A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus

Th e inferior vestibular nucleus (A) r e ce ive s b e r s fr o m t h e in fe r io r ve s t ib u la r ganglion and sends projections to the reticular form ation and cerebellum . Th e i n t e rs t i t i a l n u cl e u s o f t h e ve s t i b u l a r n e rve ( B) consists of cell bodies that lie among bers of the vestibular root. The lateral vestibular nucleus (C), Deiter’s n ucleus, receives input from th e superior vest ibu lar ganglion an d for m s t h e lateral vest ibu losp in al t ract , w h ich p roject s to all sp in al levels and is responsible for extensor tone. The medial vestibular nucleus (D), Sch w a lb e’s n u cle u s, is t h e la r gest of t h e vest ib u la r n u cle i an d se n d s p roje ctions to contralateral extraocular nuclei via the MLF. The superior vestibular nucleus (E), Bech terew ’s n u cleu s, gives rise to u n crossed ascen d in g bers to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei traveling in the MLF. Second-order vestibulocerebellar projections arise from the caudal aspect of the inferior cerebellar nucleus and the medial vestibular nucleus (D). 1,2


Secondary vestibulocerebellar projections arise from the caudal aspect of the infer ior vest ibu lar n u cleu s an d t h is n u cleu s.
A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus


A. Inferior vestibular nucleus
B. Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve
C. Lateral vestibular nucleus
D. Medial vestibular nucleus
E. Superior vestibular nucleus

Th e inferior vestibular nucleus (A) r e ce ive s b e r s fr o m t h e in fe r io r ve s t ib u la r ganglion and sends projections to the reticular form ation and cerebellum . Th e i n t e rs t i t i a l n u cl e u s o f t h e ve s t i b u l a r n e rve ( B) consists of cell bodies that lie among bers of the vestibular root. The lateral vestibular nucleus (C), Deiter’s n ucleus, receives input from th e superior vest ibu lar ganglion an d for m s t h e lateral vest ibu losp in al t ract , w h ich p roject s to all sp in al levels and is responsible for extensor tone. The medial vestibular nucleus (D), Sch w a lb e’s n u cle u s, is t h e la r gest of t h e vest ib u la r n u cle i an d se n d s p roje ctions to contralateral extraocular nuclei via the MLF. The superior vestibular nucleus (E), Bech terew ’s n u cleu s, gives rise to u n crossed ascen d in g bers to the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei traveling in the MLF. Second-order vestibulocerebellar projections arise from the caudal aspect of the inferior cerebellar nucleus and the medial vestibular nucleus (D). 1,2


The most rostral of the nuclei
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face; it is the most rostral of the nuclei listed. The motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) co n t a in s t h e cell b o d ie s o f t h e n e u r o n s t h at in n e r vat e t h e m u scle s o f mastication. Th e p ri n c i p a l s e n s o ry n u cl e u s ( C) is h om ologou s t o t h e n u cle u s gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense; it receives ascending processes from trigem inal ganglion cells. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigeminal sensory nuclei and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The pars caudalis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the most caudal of the nuclei listed and receives descending bers from the trigeminal ganglion cells. The ventral trigeminothalamic tract carries projections from the main sensory nucleus to the thalamus regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain and temperature sense. The trigeminal ganglion (E) h ou se s cell b od ie s o f p se u d o u n ip o la r se n sory neurons. It lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


Extends the most caudally
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face; it is the most rostral of the nuclei listed. The motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) co n t a in s t h e cell b o d ie s o f t h e n e u r o n s t h at in n e r vat e t h e m u scle s o f mastication. Th e p ri n c i p a l s e n s o ry n u cl e u s ( C) is h om ologou s t o t h e n u cle u s gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense; it receives ascending processes from trigem inal ganglion cells. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigeminal sensory nuclei and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The pars caudalis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the most caudal of the nuclei listed and receives descending bers from the trigeminal ganglion cells. The ventral trigeminothalamic tract carries projections from the main sensory nucleus to the thalamus regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain and temperature sense. The trigeminal ganglion (E) h ou se s cell b od ie s o f p se u d o u n ip o la r se n sory neurons. It lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


A erent bers of this nucleus convey pressure and kinesthetic sense from the teeth.
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face; it is the most rostral of the nuclei listed. The motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) co n t a in s t h e cell b o d ie s o f t h e n e u r o n s t h at in n e r vat e t h e m u scle s o f mastication. Th e p ri n c i p a l s e n s o ry n u cl e u s ( C) is h om ologou s t o t h e n u cle u s gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense; it receives ascending processes from trigem inal ganglion cells. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigeminal sensory nuclei and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The pars caudalis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the most caudal of the nuclei listed and receives descending bers from the trigeminal ganglion cells. The ventral trigeminothalamic tract carries projections from the main sensory nucleus to the thalamus regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain and temperature sense. The trigeminal ganglion (E) h ou se s cell b od ie s o f p se u d o u n ip o la r se n sory neurons. It lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


Central processes from the trigeminal ganglion cells ascend to this nucleus.
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face; it is the most rostral of the nuclei listed. The motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) co n t a in s t h e cell b o d ie s o f t h e n e u r o n s t h at in n e r vat e t h e m u scle s o f mastication. Th e p ri n c i p a l s e n s o ry n u cl e u s ( C) is h om ologou s t o t h e n u cle u s gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense; it receives ascending processes from trigem inal ganglion cells. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigeminal sensory nuclei and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The pars caudalis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the most caudal of the nuclei listed and receives descending bers from the trigeminal ganglion cells. The ventral trigeminothalamic tract carries projections from the main sensory nucleus to the thalamus regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain and temperature sense. The trigeminal ganglion (E) h ou se s cell b od ie s o f p se u d o u n ip o la r se n sory neurons. It lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


Central processes from the trigeminal ganglion cells descend to this nucleus.
A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion


A. Mesencephalic nucleus
B. Motor nucleus
C. Principal sensory nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Trigeminal ganglion

Th e mesencephalic nucleus (A) is unique because it is a sensory ganglion containing the cell bodies of pseudounipolar neurons that are responsible for conveyin g p rop r iocep t ive in for m at ion from t h e m u scles of t h e face; it is the most rostral of the nuclei listed. The motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve (B) co n t a in s t h e cell b o d ie s o f t h e n e u r o n s t h at in n e r vat e t h e m u scle s o f mastication. Th e p ri n c i p a l s e n s o ry n u cl e u s ( C) is h om ologou s t o t h e n u cle u s gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and sends the dorsal trigeminothalamic tract to the ipsilateral VPM of the thalamus, conveying tactile and pressure sense; it receives ascending processes from trigem inal ganglion cells. The spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the largest of the trigeminal sensory nuclei and consists of a pars oralis, pars interpolaris, and pars caudalis. The pars caudalis of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) is the most caudal of the nuclei listed and receives descending bers from the trigeminal ganglion cells. The ventral trigeminothalamic tract carries projections from the main sensory nucleus to the thalamus regarding tactile and pressure sense, and carries projections from the spinal trigeminal nucleus (D) regarding pain and temperature sense. The trigeminal ganglion (E) h ou se s cell b od ie s o f p se u d o u n ip o la r se n sory neurons. It lies in Meckel’s cave in the petrous temporal bone. 1


The solitary tract is formed from bers of cranial nerve(s)

E. All of the above


E. All of the above

Th e solit ar y t ra ct is for m e d by visce r al a e re n t b e r s from t h e vagu s, glosso pharyngeal, and facial (intermediate) nerves. The hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) is associated with the hypoglossal nucleus, not the nucleus of the solitary tract. 1


A femoral nerve injury results in weakness of
A. Hip extension
B. Hip flexion
C. Knee exion
D. Thigh abduction
E. Thigh adduction


A. Hip extension
B. Hip flexion
C. Knee exion
D. Thigh abduction
E. Thigh adduction

Th e fe m ora l n e r ve in n e r vat es t h e m u scles of t h e an t e r ior t h igh , w h ich con sist primarily of hip exors (B) and knee extensors such as pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius). 6


The pars tuberalis is a part of the
A. Anterior lobe of the pituitary
B. Diaphragma sellae
C. Intermediate lobe of the pituitary
D. Pituitary stalk
E. Posterior lobe of the pituitary


A. Anterior lobe of the pituitary
B. Diaphragma sellae
C. Intermediate lobe of the pituitary
D. Pituitary stalk
E. Posterior lobe of the pituitary

Th e p ar s t u b e r a lis, a p a r t of t h e a n t e r ior p it u it ar y (ad e n oh yp op h ysis), surrounds the lower portion of the pituitary stalk and is derived from Rat h ke ’s p o u ch , a lon g w it h p a r s d ist a lis a n d p a r s in t e r m e d ia . Th e n e u r oh ypophysis (median eminence, pituitary stalk, and pars nervosa) arises from the infundibulum.


The dentate nuclei project to each of the following, directly or indirectly, except t h e
A. Cerebellar cortex
B. Inferior olive
C. Red nucleus
D. Reticulotegmental nucleus
E. Subthalamic nucleus


A. Cerebellar cortex
B. Inferior olive
C. Red nucleus
D. Reticulotegmental nucleus
E. Subthalamic nucleus

Th e m ajor ou t p u t fr om t h e d e n t at e n u cle u s is via t h e b r ach iu m con ju n ct ivum to the contralateral VL nucleus of the thalamus. The VL sends projections to the motor and premotor areas of the cerebral cortex, which then project back to the cerebellar cortex (A). A p or t ion of th e bers leave th e dentate nucleus via the brachium conjunctivum, decussate and synapse on the red nucleus (C). Th e red n u cleu s t h en sen d s p roject ion s to t h e ip silateral inferior olivary nucleus (B). In d irect p roject ion s also arr ive in t h e reticulotegmental nucleus (D), so th e d en t ate m ay p ar t icip ate in regu lat ion of saccadic eye m ovements. The dentate nucleus does not send projections to the subthalamic nucleus (E). 1,2


Fibers in the superior cerebellar peduncle synapse in which of the following thalam ic nuclei?
I. Ven t ral an ter ior
II. Ven t ral lateral
III. Rost ral in t erlam in ar n u clei
IV. Ven t ral lateral posterior (VLp)
E. All of the above


E. All of the above

Th e su p e r ior ce reb ellar p e d u n cle con t ain s m ost ly e e re n t b e r s from t h e ce r ebellum including the dentorubrothalamic, interpositorubrothalamic (both in the brachium conjunctivum), fastigiothalamic, and fastigiovestibular tracts. Th e ventral lateral (VL) a n d ventral anterior (VA) n u cle i se r ve as m ot or relay stations. The VL nucleus is divided into an anterior and posterior portion: ventral lateral anterior (VLa) and ventral lateral posterior (VLp). Th e VLp receives projections from the contralateral dentate nucleus via the brachium conjunctivum . The VLp should not be confused w ith the ventral posterior lateral nucleus (VPL), w hich is a sensory relay station that receives spinothalam ic inputs. The ventral anterior nucleus of the thalam us (VA) receives input from the substantia nigra and the globus pallidus, not the cerebellum . Th e rostral intralam inar nuclei receive their input from the ascending sensory systems and basal ganglia primarily, not the cerebellum. 1


The limbic lobe is composed of all the following except th e
A. Amygdala
B. Cingulate gyrus
C. Dentate gyrus
D. Parahippocampal gyrus
E. Subcallosal gyrus


A. Amygdala
B. Cingulate gyrus
C. Dentate gyrus
D. Parahippocampal gyrus
E. Subcallosal gyrus

Th e amygdala (A) is p a r t o f t h e lim b ic s yst e m b u t n o t t h e lim b ic lo b e . Th e lim bic system consists of the limbic lobe plus all subcortical nuclei and pathways. Th e lim b ic lob e con sist s of t h e cingulate gyrus (B), subcallosal gyrus (E), parahippocampal gyrus (D), an d h ip p ocam p al form at ion . Th e h ip p ocam pal formation includes the dentate gyrus (C), t h e h ip p ocam p u s p rop er, an d the subiculum. 1


The most signi cant contribution to the nasal septum is made by the
A. Ethmoid and frontal bones
B. Ethmoid and sphenoid bones
C. Ethmoid and vomer bones
D. Frontal and vomer bones
E. Sphenoid and vomer bones


A. Ethmoid and frontal bones
B. Ethmoid and sphenoid bones
C. Ethmoid and vomer bones
D. Frontal and vomer bones
E. Sphenoid and vomer bones

Th e n asa l se p t u m is com p r ise d of a b on y p ar t a n d a ca r t ilagin ou s p ar t . Th e bony nasal septum is comprised primarily of perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone and the vomer bone. 6


The posterior interosseus nerve innervates the
A. Abductor pollicis brevis
B. Abductor pollicis longus
C. Adductor pollicis
D. Flexor pollicis longus
E. Opponens pollicis


A. Abductor pollicis brevis
B. Abductor pollicis longus
C. Adductor pollicis
D. Flexor pollicis longus
E. Opponens pollicis

Th e p ost e r ior in t e rosse ou s n e r ve (PIN) is t h e m ot or b r a n ch of t h e r ad ial nerve in the forearm providing innervation to all muscles located in the posterior compartment of the forearm including the abductor pollicis longus (B). Th e a b d u c t o r p o l l i c i s b re v i s (A) and opponens pollicis (E) are thenar muscles innervated by the recurrent branch of the median nerve. The adductor pollicis (C) is a t h en ar m u scle in n er vated by t h e d eep bran ch of t h e ulnar nerve. The anterior interosseous nerve, a branch of the median nerve, innervates the exor pollicis longus (D), t h e rad ial h alf of t h e exor d igito rum profundus, and the pronator quadratus. 6


The internal cerebral vein receives each of the following veins except th e
A. Choroidal vein
B. Epithalamic vein
C. Great cerebral vein of Galen
D. Septal vein
E. Thalamostriate vein


A. Choroidal vein
B. Epithalamic vein
C. Great cerebral vein of Galen
D. Septal vein
E. Thalamostriate vein

Th e p a ire d in t e r n al ce reb r al ve in s are for m e d by t h e u n ion of t h e thalamostriate (E), choroidal (A), septal (D), epithalamic (B), an d lateral ven tricular veins. They run in the tela choroidea in the roof of the third ventricle before coursing over the thalamus into the quadrigeminal cistern where they join to contribute to the vein of Galen (C). 3


The striate cortex corresponds to area
A. 17
B. 18
C. 19
D. 41
E. 42


A. 17
B. 18
C. 19
D. 41
E. 42

Th e st r iat e cor t ex refe r s t o t h e p r im a r y visu a l cor t ex, Bro dm an n’s area 17 (A). Are as 1 8 (B) an d 1 9 (C) are visu al associat ion cor tex. Are as 4 1 (D) and 42 (E) are primary auditory cortex. 1


The internal capsule is supplied by branches of the
I. Mid d le cerebral ar t er y
II. An ter ior cerebral ar ter y
III. In ter n al carot id ar ter y
IV. Posterior cerebral arter y
E. All of the above


E. All of the above

Th e in t e r n al cap su le re ce ives b lood su p p ly from t h e anterior cerebral artery via the recurrent artery of Huebner, the middle cerebral artery via lenticulostriate perforators, and the internal carotid artery via the anterior choroidal artery. The posterior cerebral artery does not contribute to the internal capsule. 3


Connects the orbital frontal gyri with anterior parts of the temporal lobe
A. Anterior commissure
B. Arcuate fasciculus
C. Cingulate fasciculus
D. Corpus callosum
E. Uncinate fasciculus


A. Anterior commissure
B. Arcuate fasciculus
C. Cingulate fasciculus
D. Corpus callosum
E. Uncinate fasciculus

Th e anterior commissure (A) connects the temporal lobes of the two hem ispheres. The arcuate fasciculus (B) lin ks Broca’s area to Wern icke’s area. Th e cingulate fasciculus (C) connects the anterior perforated substance to the parahippocampal gyrus. The corpus callosum (D) connects the bilateral cerebral hemispheres; the tapetum is a subset of bers connecting the temporal and occipital lobes. The uncinate fasciculus (E) co n n e ct s t h e a n t e r io r t e m p o ral lobe to the orbitofrontal gyrus. 1,3


onnects the medial frontal and parietal lobes with the parahippocampal region
A. Anterior commissure
B. Arcuate fasciculus
C. Cingulate fasciculus
D. Corpus callosum
E. Uncinate fasciculus


A. Anterior commissure
B. Arcuate fasciculus
C. Cingulate fasciculus
D. Corpus callosum
E. Uncinate fasciculus

Th e anterior commissure (A) connects the temporal lobes of the two hem ispheres. The arcuate fasciculus (B) lin ks Broca’s area to Wern icke’s area. Th e cingulate fasciculus (C) connects the anterior perforated substance to the parahippocampal gyrus. The corpus callosum (D) connects the bilateral cerebral hemispheres; the tapetum is a subset of bers connecting the temporal and occipital lobes. The uncinate fasciculus (E) co n n e ct s t h e a n t e r io r t e m p o ral lobe to the orbitofrontal gyrus. 1,3


Connects the superior and middle frontal gyri to the temporal lobe
A. Anterior commissure
B. Arcuate fasciculus
C. Cingulate fasciculus
D. Corpus callosum
E. Uncinate fasciculus


A. Anterior commissure
B. Arcuate fasciculus
C. Cingulate fasciculus
D. Corpus callosum
E. Uncinate fasciculus

Th e anterior commissure (A) connects the temporal lobes of the two hem ispheres. The arcuate fasciculus (B) lin ks Broca’s area to Wern icke’s area. Th e cingulate fasciculus (C) connects the anterior perforated substance to the parahippocampal gyrus. The corpus callosum (D) connects the bilateral cerebral hemispheres; the tapetum is a subset of bers connecting the temporal and occipital lobes. The uncinate fasciculus (E) co n n e ct s t h e a n t e r io r t e m p o ral lobe to the orbitofrontal gyrus. 1,3


The tapetum is derived from these fibers.
A. Anterior commissure
B. Arcuate fasciculus
C. Cingulate fasciculus
D. Corpus callosum
E. Uncinate fasciculus


A. Anterior commissure
B. Arcuate fasciculus
C. Cingulate fasciculus
D. Corpus callosum
E. Uncinate fasciculus

Th e anterior commissure (A) connects the temporal lobes of the two hem ispheres. The arcuate fasciculus (B) lin ks Broca’s area to Wern icke’s area. Th e cingulate fasciculus (C) connects the anterior perforated substance to the parahippocampal gyrus. The corpus callosum (D) connects the bilateral cerebral hemispheres; the tapetum is a subset of bers connecting the temporal and occipital lobes. The uncinate fasciculus (E) co n n e ct s t h e a n t e r io r t e m p o ral lobe to the orbitofrontal gyrus. 1,3


Interconnects regions of the middle and inferior temporal gyri between hemispheres
A. Anterior commissure
B. Arcuate fasciculus
C. Cingulate fasciculus
D. Corpus callosum
E. Uncinate fasciculus


A. Anterior commissure
B. Arcuate fasciculus
C. Cingulate fasciculus
D. Corpus callosum
E. Uncinate fasciculus

Th e anterior commissure (A) connects the temporal lobes of the two hem ispheres. The arcuate fasciculus (B) lin ks Broca’s area to Wern icke’s area. Th e cingulate fasciculus (C) connects the anterior perforated substance to the parahippocampal gyrus. The corpus callosum (D) connects the bilateral cerebral hemispheres; the tapetum is a subset of bers connecting the temporal and occipital lobes. The uncinate fasciculus (E) co n n e ct s t h e a n t e r io r t e m p o ral lobe to the orbitofrontal gyrus. 1,3


Superior cerebellar peduncle
A. Restiform body
B. Juxtarestiform body
C. Brachium conjunctivum
D. Brachium pontis


A. Restiform body
B. Juxtarestiform body
C. Brachium conjunctivum
D. Brachium pontis

Th e restiform (A) an d ju xtarestifo rm (B) body m ake up the inferior cerebellar peduncle. The restiform body (A) contains a erent bers from the spinal cord and brainstem . The ju xtarestifo rm bo dy (B) contains mostly a erent bers but also some e erent bers from the cerebellum. The brachium conjunctivum (C) travels in the superior cerebellar peduncle and represents the principle e erent pathway from the cerebellum (dentorubrothalamic and interpositorubrothalamic pathways). The brachium pontis (D) is the middle cerebellar peduncle and consists of a erent bers from the pons— pontocerebellar bers. 1,3


Middle cerebellar peduncle
A. Restiform body
B. Juxtarestiform body
C. Brachium conjunctivum
D. Brachium pontis


A. Restiform body
B. Juxtarestiform body
C. Brachium conjunctivum
D. Brachium pontis

Th e restiform (A) an d ju xtarestifo rm (B) body m ake up the inferior cerebellar peduncle. The restiform body (A) contains a erent bers from the spinal cord and brainstem . The ju xtarestifo rm bo dy (B) contains mostly a erent bers but also some e erent bers from the cerebellum. The brachium conjunctivum (C) travels in the superior cerebellar peduncle and represents the principle e erent pathway from the cerebellum (dentorubrothalamic and interpositorubrothalamic pathways). The brachium pontis (D) is the middle cerebellar peduncle and consists of a erent bers from the pons— pontocerebellar bers. 1,3


Portion of the inferior cerebellar peduncle containing only a erent bers from the inferior olive and pons
A. Restiform body
B. Juxtarestiform body
C. Brachium conjunctivum
D. Brachium pontis


A. Restiform body
B. Juxtarestiform body
C. Brachium conjunctivum
D. Brachium pontis

Th e restiform (A) an d ju xtarestifo rm (B) body m ake up the inferior cerebellar peduncle. The restiform body (A) contains a erent bers from the spinal cord and brainstem . The ju xtarestifo rm bo dy (B) contains mostly a erent bers but also some e erent bers from the cerebellum. The brachium conjunctivum (C) travels in the superior cerebellar peduncle and represents the principle e erent pathway from the cerebellum (dentorubrothalamic and interpositorubrothalamic pathways). The brachium pontis (D) is the middle cerebellar peduncle and consists of a erent bers from the pons— pontocerebellar bers. 1,3


A discrete unilateral lesion of the abducens nucleus produces paralysis of movement of
A. Both eyes away from the lesion
B. Both eyes toward the lesion
C. The contralateral eye toward the lesion
D. The ipsilateral eye away from the lesion
E. The ipsilateral eye toward the lesion


A. Both eyes away from the lesion
B. Both eyes toward the lesion
C. The contralateral eye toward the lesion
D. The ipsilateral eye away from the lesion
E. The ipsilateral eye toward the lesion

Th e ab d u ce n s n u cle u s con t a in s t w o su bset s of n e u ron s. On e set is m ad e u p of motor neurons and projects to the ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle, and the other population is made up of interneurons that project to the contralateral oculomotor nucleus via the MLF. Therefore, damage to the abducens nucleus causes lateral gaze paralysis ipsilateral to the side of the lesion (B). A lesion to the abducens nerve causes an ipsilateral lateral rectus palsy (E). It is the only cranial nerve in which lesions of the root bers and nucleus do not produce the same e ects. 1


Postganglionic parasympathetic bers destined for the lacrimal gland are derived from the
A. Geniculate ganglion
B. Otic ganglion
C. Pterygopalatine ganglion
D. Sublingual ganglion
E. Submandibular ganglion


A. Geniculate ganglion
B. Otic ganglion
C. Pterygopalatine ganglion
D. Sublingual ganglion
E. Submandibular ganglion

Postganglionic parasym path et ic bers dest in ed for th e lacrim al glan d are derived from the pterygopalatine ganglion (C). Preganglion ic p arasym p at h et ic bers from the superior salivatory nucleus run in the nervus intermedius (along w ith pseudounipolar SVA taste bers from the tongue and GSA bers from the ear). The parasym pathet ics for the lacrim al gland run w ith the greater super cial petrosal nerve, which branches in the facial canal proximal to the geniculate ganglion. The bers of the GSPN join the bers of the nerve of the pterygoid canal (vidian nerve) and synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion (C). Th ese bers reach th e lacrim al glan d via t h e lacrim al n er ve. Th e geniculate ganglion (A) is associated w ith general and special visceral a erent and general somatic a erent bers traveling with the facial nerve and mediates taste and nasopharyngeal sensation. The otic ganglion (B) transmits parasympathetic signals from the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) to the parotid gland. The submandibular (D) and sublingual (E) ganglia convey parasympathetics transmitted from CN VII via the chorda tympani nerve. 1


Fibers originating in the substantia nigra synapse on each of the following structures except th e
A. Caudate
B. Globus pallidus
C. Putamen
D. Superior colliculus
E. Thalamus


A. Caudate
B. Globus pallidus
C. Putamen
D. Superior colliculus
E. Thalamus

Th e su bst an t ia n igr a se n d s p roje ct ion s t o t h e thalamus (E), t h e st r iat u m (caudate [A] and putamen [C]), t h e superior colliculus (D), an d tegm en t al area. Th e substantia nigra does not send direct projections to the globus pallidus (B).


The blood–brain barrier is formed by (the)
A. Astrocytic foot processes
B. Basement membrane
C. Ependymal lining cells
D. Microglia
E. Tight junctions of the capillary endothelium


A. Astrocytic foot processes
B. Basement membrane
C. Ependymal lining cells
D. Microglia
E. Tight junctions of the capillary endothelium

Th e b lood – b r a in b ar r ie r is for m e d by t igh t ju n ct ion s of ca p illar y e n d ot h eliu m .


Which of the following ligaments is a continuation of the posterior longitudinal ligam ent?
A. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
B. Apical ligament
C. Cruciate ligament
D. Tectorial ligament
E. Transverse ligament


A. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
B. Apical ligament
C. Cruciate ligament
D. Tectorial ligament
E. Transverse ligament

Th e tectorial ligament (D) is the rostral extension of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The anterior atlanto-occipital membrane (A) is the rostral extension of the anterior longitudinal ligament. The apical ligament (B) extends from the tip of the dens to the basion. The transverse ligament (E) extends between the tubercles of the lateral masses of C1 and holds the dens against the anterior arch of C1. The cruciate ligaments (C) em erge from the transverse ligament, connecting the transverse ligament to the posterior basion and posterior body of C2. 3


Betz cells account for this proportion of the corticospinal bers.
A. 3%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 90%


A. 3%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 90%

Gian t pyram idal cells, or Bet z cells, m ake u p ap p roxim ately 3% of corticospinal bers and are located exclusively in primary motor cortex. Ap p r ox im a t e ly 30% arise from area 4, 30% from area 6, and the remainder (40%) arise from the parietal lobe. Approximately 40% of corticospinal tract axons are poorly myelinated. 1


The approximate percentage of corticospinal bers arising from area 4
A. 3%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 90%


A. 3%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 90%

Gian t pyram idal cells, or Bet z cells, m ake u p ap p roxim ately 3% of corticospinal bers and are located exclusively in primary motor cortex. Ap p r ox im a t e ly 30% arise from area 4, 30% from area 6, and the remainder (40%) arise from the parietal lobe. Approximately 40% of corticospinal tract axons are poorly myelinated. 1


The approximate percentage of corticospinal bers arising from area 6
A. 3%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 90%


A. 3%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 90%

Gian t pyram idal cells, or Bet z cells, m ake u p ap p roxim ately 3% of corticospinal bers and are located exclusively in primary motor cortex. Ap p r ox im a t e ly 30% arise from area 4, 30% from area 6, and the remainder (40%) arise from the parietal lobe. Approximately 40% of corticospinal tract axons are poorly myelinated. 1


The approximate percentage of corticospinal bers arising from the parietal lobe
A. 3%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 90%


A. 3%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 90%

Gian t pyram idal cells, or Bet z cells, m ake u p ap p roxim ately 3% of corticospinal bers and are located exclusively in primary motor cortex. Ap p r ox im a t e ly 30% arise from area 4, 30% from area 6, and the remainder (40%) arise from the parietal lobe. Approximately 40% of corticospinal tract axons are poorly myelinated. 1


The approximate percentage of corticospinal bers that are poorly myelinated
A. 3%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 90%


A. 3%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 60%
E. 90%

Gian t pyram idal cells, or Bet z cells, m ake u p ap p roxim ately 3% of corticospinal bers and are located exclusively in primary motor cortex. Ap p r ox im a t e ly 30% arise from area 4, 30% from area 6, and the remainder (40%) arise from the parietal lobe. Approximately 40% of corticospinal tract axons are poorly myelinated. 1


The facial nerve innervates all of the following muscles except the
A. Anterior belly of the digastric
B. Buccinator
C. Platysma
D. Stapedius
E. Stylohyoid


A. Anterior belly of the digastric
B. Buccinator
C. Platysma
D. Stapedius
E. Stylohyoid

Th e facial n e r ve in n e r vat es a ll of t h e m u scles of facia l exp ression in clu d in g the buccinator (B) a n d platysma (C). Th e facial n er ve also in n er vates t h e p osterior belly of the digastric, the stylohyoid (E), an d m ylohyoid m u scles. Th e nerve to the stapedius (D) leaves CN VII in the facial canal to innervate the stapedius muscle. CN V innervates the anterior belly of the digastric (A) an d the muscles of mastication. 3


The nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disk is formed from the
A. Chondri cation of the centrum of the vertebral body
B. Myotome
C. Notochord
D. Primitive streak
E. Sclerotome


A. Chondri cation of the centrum of the vertebral body
B. Myotome
C. Notochord
D. Primitive streak
E. Sclerotome

Th e n u cle u s p u lp osu s of t h e in t e r ve r t eb ra l d isks a re for m e d by notochord remnants (C). Notoch ord rem n an t s are also th ough t to be t h e cells of origin for chordomas. 3


The primary olfactory cortex is located in the
A. Anterior perforated substance
B. Entorhinal cortex
C. Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus
D. Orbitofrontal cortex
E. Pyriform cortex


A. Anterior perforated substance
B. Entorhinal cortex
C. Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus
D. Orbitofrontal cortex
E. Pyriform cortex

Th e p y ri fo rm c o rt e x ( E) (lateral olfactory gyrus) and periamygdaloid areaconstitute the prim ary olfactory cortex, and the entorhinal cortex (B) constitutes the secondary olfactory cortical area. 1


Each of the following cell groups is derived from the alar plate except th e
A. Nucleus ambiguus
B. Principal sensory nucleus of CN V
C. Solitary nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Vestibular nucleus


A. Nucleus ambiguus
B. Principal sensory nucleus of CN V
C. Solitary nucleus
D. Spinal trigeminal nucleus
E. Vestibular nucleus

Th e ve n t ra l b a sal p lat e a n d d or sa l a la r p lat e are d ivid e d by t h e su lcu s lim itans. The basal plate tends to di erentiate toward motor functions and the alar plate tends to di erentiate toward sensory functions (Alar 5 A erent). Th e nucleus ambiguus (A) contains special visceral e erent m otor bers involved in the swallow ing re ex and is a basal plate derivative. The basal plate of the metencephalon gives rise to the nucleus of the abducens nerve, parasympathetics of the facial nerve, and motor nuclei of trigeminal and facial nerves. The alar plate of the metencephalon gives rise to the neurons of the trigeminal (B, D) and vestibulocochlear (E) nerves. Basal plate of the mesencephalon gives rise to the red nucleus, substantia nigra, oculomotor, and trochlear nuclei. The nucleus of the tractus solitarius (C) receives a erent bers and is a product of the alar plate. 1


A unilateral lesion of the trochlear nerve produces maximal diplopia on
A. Downgaze to the opposite side
B. Downgaze to the same side
C. Upgaze to the opposite side
D. Upgaze to the same side
E. Lateral gaze to the opposite side


A. Downgaze to the opposite side
B. Downgaze to the same side
C. Upgaze to the opposite side
D. Upgaze to the same side
E. Lateral gaze to the opposite side

Th e t roch lea r n e r ve is u n iqu e b e ca u se it is t h e on ly cr an ia l n e r ve t o or igin at e totally from the contralateral nucleus and the only cranial nerve to emerge from the dorsal aspect of the brainstem . A lesion to the trochlear ner ve causes an ipsilateral superior oblique palsy, while a lesion to the trochlear nucleus causes a contralateral superior oblique palsy. Norm al contraction of the superior oblique muscle results in intorsion with simultaneous depression and lateral m ovem ent of the eye (dow n and out). This diplopia is exacerbated by downward, medial (contralateral) gaze, particularly when descending stairs or reading. 1


Part of the auditory system
A. Superior olive
B. Inferior olivary complex
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Superior olive
B. Inferior olivary complex
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e superior olivary nuclear complex (A) is involved in the processing of auditory information and helps determine the direction that a sound is coming from and the sound’s intensity. The inferior olivary nucleus (B) is a relay nucleus of the cortico-olivocerebellar pathway, functions as a cerebellar relay nucleus, and is important for learning new motor tasks. 1


Part of the cerebellar system
A. Superior olive
B. Inferior olivary complex
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Superior olive
B. Inferior olivary complex
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e superior olivary nuclear complex (A) is involved in the processing of auditory information and helps determine the direction that a sound is coming from and the sound’s intensity. The inferior olivary nucleus (B) is a relay nucleus of the cortico-olivocerebellar pathway, functions as a cerebellar relay nucleus, and is important for learning new motor tasks. 1


General visceral e erent fibers arise here.
A. Superior salivatory nucleus
B. Inferior salivatory nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Superior salivatory nucleus
B. Inferior salivatory nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e superior (A) and inferior (B) salivatory nuclei both transmit general visceral e erent parasympathetic bers and are located in the brainstem reticular formation. The superior salivatory nucleus (A) sen d s it s bers via t h e nervus intermedius of the facial nerve; a portion of its bers travel to the pterygopalatine ganglion via the GSPN and vidian nerve, and another portion travels to the submandibular ganglion via the chorda tympani nerve. The inferior salivatory nucleus (B) sen ds it s bers w ith th e lesser pet rosal n er ve of the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) to ultimately reach the otic ganglion and parotid gland. 1


Preganglionic parasympathetic bers from this nucleus travel with the intermediate nerve.
A. Superior salivatory nucleus
B. Inferior salivatory nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Superior salivatory nucleus
B. Inferior salivatory nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e superior (A) and inferior (B) salivatory nuclei both transmit general visceral e erent parasympathetic bers and are located in the brainstem reticular formation. The superior salivatory nucleus (A) sen d s it s bers via t h e nervus intermedius of the facial nerve; a portion of its bers travel to the pterygopalatine ganglion via the GSPN and vidian nerve, and another portion travels to the submandibular ganglion via the chorda tympani nerve. The inferior salivatory nucleus (B) sen ds it s bers w ith th e lesser pet rosal n er ve of the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) to ultimately reach the otic ganglion and parotid gland. 1


Preganglionic parasympathetic bers from this nucleus travel with the lesser petrosal nerve.
A. Superior salivatory nucleus
B. Inferior salivatory nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Superior salivatory nucleus
B. Inferior salivatory nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e superior (A) and inferior (B) salivatory nuclei both transmit general visceral e erent parasympathetic bers and are located in the brainstem reticular formation. The superior salivatory nucleus (A) sen d s it s bers via t h e nervus intermedius of the facial nerve; a portion of its bers travel to the pterygopalatine ganglion via the GSPN and vidian nerve, and another portion travels to the submandibular ganglion via the chorda tympani nerve. The inferior salivatory nucleus (B) sen ds it s bers w ith th e lesser pet rosal n er ve of the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) to ultimately reach the otic ganglion and parotid gland. 1


Located in the reticular formation
A. Superior salivatory nucleus
B. Inferior salivatory nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Superior salivatory nucleus
B. Inferior salivatory nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e superior (A) and inferior (B) salivatory nuclei both transmit general visceral e erent parasympathetic bers and are located in the brainstem reticular formation. The superior salivatory nucleus (A) sen d s it s bers via t h e nervus intermedius of the facial nerve; a portion of its bers travel to the pterygopalatine ganglion via the GSPN and vidian nerve, and another portion travels to the submandibular ganglion via the chorda tympani nerve. The inferior salivatory nucleus (B) sen ds it s bers w ith th e lesser pet rosal n er ve of the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) to ultimately reach the otic ganglion and parotid gland. 1


Fibers originating here eventually divide into two groups that pass to the pterygopalatine and subm andibular ganglia, respectively.
A. Superior salivatory nucleus
B. Inferior salivatory nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Superior salivatory nucleus
B. Inferior salivatory nucleus
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e superior (A) and inferior (B) salivatory nuclei both transmit general visceral e erent parasympathetic bers and are located in the brainstem reticular formation. The superior salivatory nucleus (A) sen d s it s bers via t h e nervus intermedius of the facial nerve; a portion of its bers travel to the pterygopalatine ganglion via the GSPN and vidian nerve, and another portion travels to the submandibular ganglion via the chorda tympani nerve. The inferior salivatory nucleus (B) sen ds it s bers w ith th e lesser pet rosal n er ve of the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX) to ultimately reach the otic ganglion and parotid gland. 1


Short ciliary nerves
A. Parasympathetic
B. Sympathetic
C. Both


A. Parasympathetic
B. Sympathetic
C. Both


Long ciliary nerves
A. Parasympathetic
B. Sympathetic
C. Both


A. Parasympathetic
B. Sympathetic
C. Both

Th e sh or t ciliar y n e r ves are m a in ly com p ose d of p ar asym p at h et ic b e r s from the ciliary ganglion to the eye, but some sympathetic bers are also present. The long ciliary nerves carry sympathetic bers that m ediate pupillary dilatation. 1


Arises from the dorsal nucleus of Clarke
A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract


A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract

Th e lateral spinothalamic tract (D) arises from cells in laminae I, IV, and V, and transmits pain and temperature sensation. Fibers in this tract cross in the anterior white commissure, usually within one spinal segment. The anterior spinothalamic tract (A) a ls o a r is e s fr o m ce lls in la m in a e I, IV, a n d V, a n d cr o s s es in a decussation that involves several segments. It transmits light touch. The dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) is u n crosse d a n d a r ises from cells of t h e d orsal nucleus of Clarke (from C8 to L2). The ventral spinocerebellar tract (E) is crossed, whereas the cuneocerebellar (B) tract is uncrossed. The latter three tracts transmit unconscious exteroceptive impulses concerned with movement and posture. The cuneocerebellar tract (B) transmits impulses from the upper extremity, whereas the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) transm its im pulses from the lower extrem ity. 2


The upper limb equivalent of the dorsal spinocerebellar tract
A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract


A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract

Th e lateral spinothalamic tract (D) arises from cells in laminae I, IV, and V, and transmits pain and temperature sensation. Fibers in this tract cross in the anterior white commissure, usually within one spinal segment. The anterior spinothalamic tract (A) a ls o a r is e s fr o m ce lls in la m in a e I, IV, a n d V, a n d cr o s s es in a decussation that involves several segments. It transmits light touch. The dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) is u n crosse d a n d a r ises from cells of t h e d orsal nucleus of Clarke (from C8 to L2). The ventral spinocerebellar tract (E) is crossed, whereas the cuneocerebellar (B) tract is uncrossed. The latter three tracts transmit unconscious exteroceptive impulses concerned with movement and posture. The cuneocerebellar tract (B) transmits impulses from the upper extremity, whereas the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) transm its im pulses from the lower extrem ity. 2


Transmits light touch
A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract


A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract

Th e lateral spinothalamic tract (D) arises from cells in laminae I, IV, and V, and transmits pain and temperature sensation. Fibers in this tract cross in the anterior white commissure, usually within one spinal segment. The anterior spinothalamic tract (A) a ls o a r is e s fr o m ce lls in la m in a e I, IV, a n d V, a n d cr o s s es in a decussation that involves several segments. It transmits light touch. The dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) is u n crosse d a n d a r ises from cells of t h e d orsal nucleus of Clarke (from C8 to L2). The ventral spinocerebellar tract (E) is crossed, whereas the cuneocerebellar (B) tract is uncrossed. The latter three tracts transmit unconscious exteroceptive impulses concerned with movement and posture. The cuneocerebellar tract (B) transmits impulses from the upper extremity, whereas the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) transm its im pulses from the lower extrem ity. 2


Crossed; cells of origin receive input from group Ib afferents
A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract


A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract

Th e lateral spinothalamic tract (D) arises from cells in laminae I, IV, and V, and transmits pain and temperature sensation. Fibers in this tract cross in the anterior white commissure, usually within one spinal segment. The anterior spinothalamic tract (A) a ls o a r is e s fr o m ce lls in la m in a e I, IV, a n d V, a n d cr o s s es in a decussation that involves several segments. It transmits light touch. The dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) is u n crosse d a n d a r ises from cells of t h e d orsal nucleus of Clarke (from C8 to L2). The ventral spinocerebellar tract (E) is crossed, whereas the cuneocerebellar (B) tract is uncrossed. The latter three tracts transmit unconscious exteroceptive impulses concerned with movement and posture. The cuneocerebellar tract (B) transmits impulses from the upper extremity, whereas the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) transm its im pulses from the lower extrem ity. 2


Crossed within one or two spinal segments; cells in laminae I, IV, and V give rise to most of the axons in this tract
A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract


A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract

Th e lateral spinothalamic tract (D) arises from cells in laminae I, IV, and V, and transmits pain and temperature sensation. Fibers in this tract cross in the anterior white commissure, usually within one spinal segment. The anterior spinothalamic tract (A) a ls o a r is e s fr o m ce lls in la m in a e I, IV, a n d V, a n d cr o s s es in a decussation that involves several segments. It transmits light touch. The dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) is u n crosse d a n d a r ises from cells of t h e d orsal nucleus of Clarke (from C8 to L2). The ventral spinocerebellar tract (E) is crossed, whereas the cuneocerebellar (B) tract is uncrossed. The latter three tracts transmit unconscious exteroceptive impulses concerned with movement and posture. The cuneocerebellar tract (B) transmits impulses from the upper extremity, whereas the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) transm its im pulses from the lower extrem ity. 2


Enters the cerebellum via the superior cerebellar peduncle
A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract


A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract

Th e lateral spinothalamic tract (D) arises from cells in laminae I, IV, and V, and transmits pain and temperature sensation. Fibers in this tract cross in the anterior white commissure, usually within one spinal segment. The anterior spinothalamic tract (A) a ls o a r is e s fr o m ce lls in la m in a e I, IV, a n d V, a n d cr o s s es in a decussation that involves several segments. It transmits light touch. The dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) is u n crosse d a n d a r ises from cells of t h e d orsal nucleus of Clarke (from C8 to L2). The ventral spinocerebellar tract (E) is crossed, whereas the cuneocerebellar (B) tract is uncrossed. The latter three tracts transmit unconscious exteroceptive impulses concerned with movement and posture. The cuneocerebellar tract (B) transmits impulses from the upper extremity, whereas the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) transm its im pulses from the lower extrem ity. 2


First-order neurons are found from L1 to S2.
A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract


A. Anterior spinothalamic tract
B. Cuneocerebellar tract
C. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
D. Lateral spinothalamic tract
E. Ventral spinocerebellar tract

Th e lateral spinothalamic tract (D) arises from cells in laminae I, IV, and V, and transmits pain and temperature sensation. Fibers in this tract cross in the anterior white commissure, usually within one spinal segment. The anterior spinothalamic tract (A) a ls o a r is e s fr o m ce lls in la m in a e I, IV, a n d V, a n d cr o s s es in a decussation that involves several segments. It transmits light touch. The dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) is u n crosse d a n d a r ises from cells of t h e d orsal nucleus of Clarke (from C8 to L2). The ventral spinocerebellar tract (E) is crossed, whereas the cuneocerebellar (B) tract is uncrossed. The latter three tracts transmit unconscious exteroceptive impulses concerned with movement and posture. The cuneocerebellar tract (B) transmits impulses from the upper extremity, whereas the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (C) transm its im pulses from the lower extrem ity. 2


The majority of bers descend only to cervical levels.
A. Corticospinal tract
B. Reticulospinal tract
C. Rubrospinal tract
D. Tectospinal tract
E. Vestibulospinal tract


A. Corticospinal tract
B. Reticulospinal tract
C. Rubrospinal tract
D. Tectospinal tract
E. Vestibulospinal tract

Th e corticospinal tract (A) divides into a large crossed lateral corticospinal tract, small uncrossed anterior corticospinal tract, and a minute ( 2% of bers) uncrossed anterolateral corticospinal tract at the junction of the medulla and spinal cord. The tectospinal tract (D) arises from cells in the superior colliculus, terminates in the upper four cervical levels, and mediates re ex postural movements in response to visual stimuli. The rubrospinal tract (C) arises from the magnocellular region of the red nucleus, and its most important function is in the control of exor muscle tone. The vestibulospinal tract (E) arises mainly from the lateral vestibular nucleus. Th is t r act fa cilit at es sp in a l re ex act ivit y an d sp in a l m e ch an ism s t h at con trol extensor tone. The tectospinal and rubrospinal tracts are both crossed, whereas the vestibulospinal tract is uncrossed. The reticulospinal tracts (B) arise from the pontine tegm entum (pontine reticulospinal tract) and the medulla (medullary reticulospinal tract). The former is uncrossed, whereas the latter consists of crossed and uncrossed components. Stimulation of the brainstem reticular formation can facilitate and inhibit voluntary movement, cortically induced m ovem ent, and re ex activity, am ong other e ects. 2


Cells of origin reside in the pontine tegmentum and medulla.A. Corticospinal tract
B. Reticulospinal tract
C. Rubrospinal tract
D. Tectospinal tract
E. Vestibulospinal tract


A. Corticospinal tract
B. Reticulospinal tract
C. Rubrospinal tract
D. Tectospinal tract
E. Vestibulospinal tract

Th e corticospinal tract (A) divides into a large crossed lateral corticospinal tract, small uncrossed anterior corticospinal tract, and a minute ( 2% of bers) uncrossed anterolateral corticospinal tract at the junction of the medulla and spinal cord. The tectospinal tract (D) arises from cells in the superior colliculus, terminates in the upper four cervical levels, and mediates re ex postural movements in response to visual stimuli. The rubrospinal tract (C) arises from the magnocellular region of the red nucleus, and its most important function is in the control of exor muscle tone. The vestibulospinal tract (E) arises mainly from the lateral vestibular nucleus. Th is t r act fa cilit at es sp in a l re ex act ivit y an d sp in a l m e ch an ism s t h at con trol extensor tone. The tectospinal and rubrospinal tracts are both crossed, whereas the vestibulospinal tract is uncrossed. The reticulospinal tracts (B) arise from the pontine tegm entum (pontine reticulospinal tract) and the medulla (medullary reticulospinal tract). The former is uncrossed, whereas the latter consists of crossed and uncrossed components. Stimulation of the brainstem reticular formation can facilitate and inhibit voluntary movement, cortically induced m ovem ent, and re ex activity, am ong other e ects. 2


Divides into three tracts at the spinomedullary junction
A. Corticospinal tract
B. Reticulospinal tract
C. Rubrospinal tract
D. Tectospinal tract
E. Vestibulospinal tract


A. Corticospinal tract
B. Reticulospinal tract
C. Rubrospinal tract
D. Tectospinal tract
E. Vestibulospinal tract

Th e corticospinal tract (A) divides into a large crossed lateral corticospinal tract, small uncrossed anterior corticospinal tract, and a minute ( 2% of bers) uncrossed anterolateral corticospinal tract at the junction of the medulla and spinal cord. The tectospinal tract (D) arises from cells in the superior colliculus, terminates in the upper four cervical levels, and mediates re ex postural movements in response to visual stimuli. The rubrospinal tract (C) arises from the magnocellular region of the red nucleus, and its most important function is in the control of exor muscle tone. The vestibulospinal tract (E) arises mainly from the lateral vestibular nucleus. Th is t r act fa cilit at es sp in a l re ex act ivit y an d sp in a l m e ch an ism s t h at con trol extensor tone. The tectospinal and rubrospinal tracts are both crossed, whereas the vestibulospinal tract is uncrossed. The reticulospinal tracts (B) arise from the pontine tegm entum (pontine reticulospinal tract) and the medulla (medullary reticulospinal tract). The former is uncrossed, whereas the latter consists of crossed and uncrossed components. Stimulation of the brainstem reticular formation can facilitate and inhibit voluntary movement, cortically induced m ovem ent, and re ex activity, am ong other e ects. 2


Associated with the control of tone in exor muscle groups
A. Corticospinal tract
B. Reticulospinal tract
C. Rubrospinal tract
D. Tectospinal tract
E. Vestibulospinal tract


A. Corticospinal tract
B. Reticulospinal tract
C. Rubrospinal tract
D. Tectospinal tract
E. Vestibulospinal tract

Th e corticospinal tract (A) divides into a large crossed lateral corticospinal tract, small uncrossed anterior corticospinal tract, and a minute ( 2% of bers) uncrossed anterolateral corticospinal tract at the junction of the medulla and spinal cord. The tectospinal tract (D) arises from cells in the superior colliculus, terminates in the upper four cervical levels, and mediates re ex postural movements in response to visual stimuli. The rubrospinal tract (C) arises from the magnocellular region of the red nucleus, and its most important function is in the control of exor muscle tone. The vestibulospinal tract (E) arises mainly from the lateral vestibular nucleus. Th is t r act fa cilit at es sp in a l re ex act ivit y an d sp in a l m e ch an ism s t h at con trol extensor tone. The tectospinal and rubrospinal tracts are both crossed, whereas the vestibulospinal tract is uncrossed. The reticulospinal tracts (B) arise from the pontine tegm entum (pontine reticulospinal tract) and the medulla (medullary reticulospinal tract). The former is uncrossed, whereas the latter consists of crossed and uncrossed components. Stimulation of the brainstem reticular formation can facilitate and inhibit voluntary movement, cortically induced m ovem ent, and re ex activity, am ong other e ects. 2


Associated with the control of tone in extensor muscle groups
A. Corticospinal tract
B. Reticulospinal tract
C. Rubrospinal tract
D. Tectospinal tract
E. Vestibulospinal tract


A. Corticospinal tract
B. Reticulospinal tract
C. Rubrospinal tract
D. Tectospinal tract
E. Vestibulospinal tract

Th e corticospinal tract (A) divides into a large crossed lateral corticospinal tract, small uncrossed anterior corticospinal tract, and a minute ( 2% of bers) uncrossed anterolateral corticospinal tract at the junction of the medulla and spinal cord. The tectospinal tract (D) arises from cells in the superior colliculus, terminates in the upper four cervical levels, and mediates re ex postural movements in response to visual stimuli. The rubrospinal tract (C) arises from the magnocellular region of the red nucleus, and its most important function is in the control of exor muscle tone. The vestibulospinal tract (E) arises mainly from the lateral vestibular nucleus. Th is t r act fa cilit at es sp in a l re ex act ivit y an d sp in a l m e ch an ism s t h at con trol extensor tone. The tectospinal and rubrospinal tracts are both crossed, whereas the vestibulospinal tract is uncrossed. The reticulospinal tracts (B) arise from the pontine tegm entum (pontine reticulospinal tract) and the medulla (medullary reticulospinal tract). The former is uncrossed, whereas the latter consists of crossed and uncrossed components. Stimulation of the brainstem reticular formation can facilitate and inhibit voluntary movement, cortically induced m ovem ent, and re ex activity, am ong other e ects. 2


Adductor brevis
A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial


A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial

Th e superior gluteal nerve (G) innervates gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. The inferior gluteal nerve (C) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (E) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot (via it s bran ch es). Th e ad d u ctor m agn u s is in t h e m ed ial com p ar t ment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve (D). Th e ad d u ctor p ar t of ad d u ctor m agn u s is in n er vated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (E). Th e fem oral nerve (B) innervates the m uscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as iliopsoas, pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus fem oris, vastus lateralis, vastus m edialis, and vastus interm edius). A portion of the adductor magnus is also innervated by the obturator nerve. The sciatic nerve branches into the tibial nerve (H), w h ich su p p lies t h e m u scles of the posterior compartment of the leg such as gastrocnemius and exor digitorum longus, and the peroneal nerve. Th e p eron eal n er ve h as a su p er cial and a deep branch. The super cial peroneal nerve (F) supplies the m uscles of the lateral compartment of the leg such as peroneus longus and brevis. The deep peroneal nerve (A) supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg including the extensor hallucis longus. 6


Biceps femoris
A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial


A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial

Th e superior gluteal nerve (G) innervates gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. The inferior gluteal nerve (C) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (E) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot (via it s bran ch es). Th e ad d u ctor m agn u s is in t h e m ed ial com p ar t ment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve (D). Th e ad d u ctor p ar t of ad d u ctor m agn u s is in n er vated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (E). Th e fem oral nerve (B) innervates the m uscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as iliopsoas, pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus fem oris, vastus lateralis, vastus m edialis, and vastus interm edius). A portion of the adductor magnus is also innervated by the obturator nerve. The sciatic nerve branches into the tibial nerve (H), w h ich su p p lies t h e m u scles of the posterior compartment of the leg such as gastrocnemius and exor digitorum longus, and the peroneal nerve. Th e p eron eal n er ve h as a su p er cial and a deep branch. The super cial peroneal nerve (F) supplies the m uscles of the lateral compartment of the leg such as peroneus longus and brevis. The deep peroneal nerve (A) supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg including the extensor hallucis longus. 6


Extensor hallucis longus
A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial


**A. Deep peroneal **
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial

Th e superior gluteal nerve (G) innervates gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. The inferior gluteal nerve (C) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (E) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot (via it s bran ch es). Th e ad d u ctor m agn u s is in t h e m ed ial com p ar t ment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve (D). Th e ad d u ctor p ar t of ad d u ctor m agn u s is in n er vated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (E). Th e fem oral nerve (B) innervates the m uscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as iliopsoas, pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus fem oris, vastus lateralis, vastus m edialis, and vastus interm edius). A portion of the adductor magnus is also innervated by the obturator nerve. The sciatic nerve branches into the tibial nerve (H), w h ich su p p lies t h e m u scles of the posterior compartment of the leg such as gastrocnemius and exor digitorum longus, and the peroneal nerve. Th e p eron eal n er ve h as a su p er cial and a deep branch. The super cial peroneal nerve (F) supplies the m uscles of the lateral compartment of the leg such as peroneus longus and brevis. The deep peroneal nerve (A) supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg including the extensor hallucis longus. 6


Gluteus medius
A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial


A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial

Th e superior gluteal nerve (G) innervates gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. The inferior gluteal nerve (C) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (E) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot (via it s bran ch es). Th e ad d u ctor m agn u s is in t h e m ed ial com p ar t ment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve (D). Th e ad d u ctor p ar t of ad d u ctor m agn u s is in n er vated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (E). Th e fem oral nerve (B) innervates the m uscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as iliopsoas, pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus fem oris, vastus lateralis, vastus m edialis, and vastus interm edius). A portion of the adductor magnus is also innervated by the obturator nerve. The sciatic nerve branches into the tibial nerve (H), w h ich su p p lies t h e m u scles of the posterior compartment of the leg such as gastrocnemius and exor digitorum longus, and the peroneal nerve. Th e p eron eal n er ve h as a su p er cial and a deep branch. The super cial peroneal nerve (F) supplies the m uscles of the lateral compartment of the leg such as peroneus longus and brevis. The deep peroneal nerve (A) supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg including the extensor hallucis longus. 6


Gluteus maximus
A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial


A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial

Th e superior gluteal nerve (G) innervates gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. The inferior gluteal nerve (C) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (E) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot (via it s bran ch es). Th e ad d u ctor m agn u s is in t h e m ed ial com p ar t ment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve (D). Th e ad d u ctor p ar t of ad d u ctor m agn u s is in n er vated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (E). Th e fem oral nerve (B) innervates the m uscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as iliopsoas, pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus fem oris, vastus lateralis, vastus m edialis, and vastus interm edius). A portion of the adductor magnus is also innervated by the obturator nerve. The sciatic nerve branches into the tibial nerve (H), w h ich su p p lies t h e m u scles of the posterior compartment of the leg such as gastrocnemius and exor digitorum longus, and the peroneal nerve. Th e p eron eal n er ve h as a su p er cial and a deep branch. The super cial peroneal nerve (F) supplies the m uscles of the lateral compartment of the leg such as peroneus longus and brevis. The deep peroneal nerve (A) supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg including the extensor hallucis longus. 6


A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial


A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial

Th e superior gluteal nerve (G) innervates gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. The inferior gluteal nerve (C) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (E) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot (via it s bran ch es). Th e ad d u ctor m agn u s is in t h e m ed ial com p ar t ment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve (D). Th e ad d u ctor p ar t of ad d u ctor m agn u s is in n er vated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (E). Th e fem oral nerve (B) innervates the m uscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as iliopsoas, pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus fem oris, vastus lateralis, vastus m edialis, and vastus interm edius). A portion of the adductor magnus is also innervated by the obturator nerve. The sciatic nerve branches into the tibial nerve (H), w h ich su p p lies t h e m u scles of the posterior compartment of the leg such as gastrocnemius and exor digitorum longus, and the peroneal nerve. Th e p eron eal n er ve h as a su p er cial and a deep branch. The super cial peroneal nerve (F) supplies the m uscles of the lateral compartment of the leg such as peroneus longus and brevis. The deep peroneal nerve (A) supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg including the extensor hallucis longus. 6


A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial


A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial

Th e superior gluteal nerve (G) innervates gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. The inferior gluteal nerve (C) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (E) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot (via it s bran ch es). Th e ad d u ctor m agn u s is in t h e m ed ial com p ar t ment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve (D). Th e ad d u ctor p ar t of ad d u ctor m agn u s is in n er vated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (E). Th e fem oral nerve (B) innervates the m uscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as iliopsoas, pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus fem oris, vastus lateralis, vastus m edialis, and vastus interm edius). A portion of the adductor magnus is also innervated by the obturator nerve. The sciatic nerve branches into the tibial nerve (H), w h ich su p p lies t h e m u scles of the posterior compartment of the leg such as gastrocnemius and exor digitorum longus, and the peroneal nerve. Th e p eron eal n er ve h as a su p er cial and a deep branch. The super cial peroneal nerve (F) supplies the m uscles of the lateral compartment of the leg such as peroneus longus and brevis. The deep peroneal nerve (A) supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg including the extensor hallucis longus. 6


Flexor digitorum longus
A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial


A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial

Th e superior gluteal nerve (G) innervates gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. The inferior gluteal nerve (C) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (E) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot (via it s bran ch es). Th e ad d u ctor m agn u s is in t h e m ed ial com p ar t ment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve (D). Th e ad d u ctor p ar t of ad d u ctor m agn u s is in n er vated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (E). Th e fem oral nerve (B) innervates the m uscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as iliopsoas, pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus fem oris, vastus lateralis, vastus m edialis, and vastus interm edius). A portion of the adductor magnus is also innervated by the obturator nerve. The sciatic nerve branches into the tibial nerve (H), w h ich su p p lies t h e m u scles of the posterior compartment of the leg such as gastrocnemius and exor digitorum longus, and the peroneal nerve. Th e p eron eal n er ve h as a su p er cial and a deep branch. The super cial peroneal nerve (F) supplies the m uscles of the lateral compartment of the leg such as peroneus longus and brevis. The deep peroneal nerve (A) supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg including the extensor hallucis longus. 6


Peroneus longus and brevis
A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial


A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial

Th e superior gluteal nerve (G) innervates gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. The inferior gluteal nerve (C) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (E) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot (via it s bran ch es). Th e ad d u ctor m agn u s is in t h e m ed ial com p ar t ment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve (D). Th e ad d u ctor p ar t of ad d u ctor m agn u s is in n er vated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (E). Th e fem oral nerve (B) innervates the m uscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as iliopsoas, pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus fem oris, vastus lateralis, vastus m edialis, and vastus interm edius). A portion of the adductor magnus is also innervated by the obturator nerve. The sciatic nerve branches into the tibial nerve (H), w h ich su p p lies t h e m u scles of the posterior compartment of the leg such as gastrocnemius and exor digitorum longus, and the peroneal nerve. Th e p eron eal n er ve h as a su p er cial and a deep branch. The super cial peroneal nerve (F) supplies the m uscles of the lateral compartment of the leg such as peroneus longus and brevis. The deep peroneal nerve (A) supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg including the extensor hallucis longus. 6


A. Deep peroneal
B. Femoral Nerve
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial


A. Deep peroneal
**B. Femoral Nerve **
C. Inferior Gluteal Nerve
D. Obutrator Nerve
E. Sciatic
F. Super cial peroneal
G. Superior gluteal
H. Tibial

Th e superior gluteal nerve (G) innervates gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor of the fascia lata, which adduct and medially rotate the thigh. The inferior gluteal nerve (C) innervates gluteus maximus, which extends the thigh at the hip. The sciatic nerve (E) innervates no gluteal muscles, all muscles of posterior thigh, and all the muscles of the leg and foot (via it s bran ch es). Th e ad d u ctor m agn u s is in t h e m ed ial com p ar t ment of the thigh and is considered to be one of the ve adductors of the thigh. The medial compartment of the thigh is innervated primarily by the obturator nerve (D). Th e ad d u ctor p ar t of ad d u ctor m agn u s is in n er vated by the obturator nerve, but the hamstrings part of adductor magnus is innervated by the sciatic nerve (E). Th e fem oral nerve (B) innervates the m uscles of the anterior thigh, which consist primarily of hip exors and knee extensors such as iliopsoas, pectineus, iliacus, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (rectus fem oris, vastus lateralis, vastus m edialis, and vastus interm edius). A portion of the adductor magnus is also innervated by the obturator nerve. The sciatic nerve branches into the tibial nerve (H), w h ich su p p lies t h e m u scles of the posterior compartment of the leg such as gastrocnemius and exor digitorum longus, and the peroneal nerve. Th e p eron eal n er ve h as a su p er cial and a deep branch. The super cial peroneal nerve (F) supplies the m uscles of the lateral compartment of the leg such as peroneus longus and brevis. The deep peroneal nerve (A) supplies the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg including the extensor hallucis longus. 6


Movement of molecules across the blood–brain barrier involves
A. Active transport requiring energy
B. Carrier-mediated transport
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Active transport requiring energy
B. Carrier-mediated transport
C. Both
D. Neither

Molecules also move across the blood–brain barrier by di usion. Substances that cross the blood–brain barrier by di usion include water and alcohol. D-glucose and large neutral am ino acids are transported into the brain by carrier-m ediated transport. Active transport is used to m ove weak organic acids, halides, and extracellular K 1 from the brain and cerebrospinal uid into plasm a. 2


Which of the following most closely characterizes the tuberohypophysial tract?
A. Arcuate nucleus to median eminence
B. Arcuate nucleus to posterior hypophysis
C. Dorsomedial nucleus to posterior hypophysis
D. Supraoptic nucleus to median eminence
E. Supraoptic nucleus to posterior hypophysis


A. Arcuate nucleus to median eminence
B. Arcuate nucleus to posterior hypophysis
C. Dorsomedial nucleus to posterior hypophysis
D. Supraoptic nucleus to median eminence
E. Supraoptic nucleus to posterior hypophysis

Th e t u b e roh yp op h ysial or t u b e roin fu n d ib u la r t r act a r ises from t h e t u beral region (mainly the arcuate nucleus) and can be traced to the median eminence (A) and infundibular stem where hormones are released into the hypophyseal portal system . The supraopticohypophyseal tract carries oxytocin or vasopressin from the supraoptic and periventricular nuclei to the posterior hypophysis (E). 1


Dens to basion
A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament


A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament

Th e tectorial membrane (D) is the rostral extension of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The anterior atlanto-occipital membrane (G) is the rostral extension of the anterior longitudinal ligament. The apical ligament (A) extends from the tip of the dens to the basion. The alar ligament (B) exten d s from the dens to the lateral foram en m agnum . The transverse ligament (H) extends between the tubercles of the lateral masses of C1 and holds the dens against the anterior arch of C1. The cruciate ligaments emerge from the transverse ligament, connecting the transverse ligament to the posterior basion (superior cruciate ligaments [E]) and posterior body of C2 (inferior cruciate ligaments [F]). Th e dentate ligaments (C) are bilateral extensions of pia connecting the lateral spinal cord to the dura.


Dens to lateral foramen magnum
A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament


A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament

Th e tectorial membrane (D) is the rostral extension of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The anterior atlanto-occipital membrane (G) is the rostral extension of the anterior longitudinal ligament. The apical ligament (A) extends from the tip of the dens to the basion. The alar ligament (B) exten d s from the dens to the lateral foram en m agnum . The transverse ligament (H) extends between the tubercles of the lateral masses of C1 and holds the dens against the anterior arch of C1. The cruciate ligaments emerge from the transverse ligament, connecting the transverse ligament to the posterior basion (superior cruciate ligaments [E]) and posterior body of C2 (inferior cruciate ligaments [F]). Th e dentate ligaments (C) are bilateral extensions of pia connecting the lateral spinal cord to the dura.


Pia to dura
A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament


A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament

Th e tectorial membrane (D) is the rostral extension of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The anterior atlanto-occipital membrane (G) is the rostral extension of the anterior longitudinal ligament. The apical ligament (A) extends from the tip of the dens to the basion. The alar ligament (B) exten d s from the dens to the lateral foram en m agnum . The transverse ligament (H) extends between the tubercles of the lateral masses of C1 and holds the dens against the anterior arch of C1. The cruciate ligaments emerge from the transverse ligament, connecting the transverse ligament to the posterior basion (superior cruciate ligaments [E]) and posterior body of C2 (inferior cruciate ligaments [F]). Th e dentate ligaments (C) are bilateral extensions of pia connecting the lateral spinal cord to the dura.


Continuous with posterior longitudinal ligament
A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament


A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament

Th e tectorial membrane (D) is the rostral extension of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The anterior atlanto-occipital membrane (G) is the rostral extension of the anterior longitudinal ligament. The apical ligament (A) extends from the tip of the dens to the basion. The alar ligament (B) exten d s from the dens to the lateral foram en m agnum . The transverse ligament (H) extends between the tubercles of the lateral masses of C1 and holds the dens against the anterior arch of C1. The cruciate ligaments emerge from the transverse ligament, connecting the transverse ligament to the posterior basion (superior cruciate ligaments [E]) and posterior body of C2 (inferior cruciate ligaments [F]). Th e dentate ligaments (C) are bilateral extensions of pia connecting the lateral spinal cord to the dura.


Continuous with anterior longitudinal ligament
A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament


A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament

Th e tectorial membrane (D) is the rostral extension of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The anterior atlanto-occipital membrane (G) is the rostral extension of the anterior longitudinal ligament. The apical ligament (A) extends from the tip of the dens to the basion. The alar ligament (B) exten d s from the dens to the lateral foram en m agnum . The transverse ligament (H) extends between the tubercles of the lateral masses of C1 and holds the dens against the anterior arch of C1. The cruciate ligaments emerge from the transverse ligament, connecting the transverse ligament to the posterior basion (superior cruciate ligaments [E]) and posterior body of C2 (inferior cruciate ligaments [F]). Th e dentate ligaments (C) are bilateral extensions of pia connecting the lateral spinal cord to the dura.


Between C1 lateral masses
A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament


A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament

Th e tectorial membrane (D) is the rostral extension of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The anterior atlanto-occipital membrane (G) is the rostral extension of the anterior longitudinal ligament. The apical ligament (A) extends from the tip of the dens to the basion. The alar ligament (B) exten d s from the dens to the lateral foram en m agnum . The transverse ligament (H) extends between the tubercles of the lateral masses of C1 and holds the dens against the anterior arch of C1. The cruciate ligaments emerge from the transverse ligament, connecting the transverse ligament to the posterior basion (superior cruciate ligaments [E]) and posterior body of C2 (inferior cruciate ligaments [F]). Th e dentate ligaments (C) are bilateral extensions of pia connecting the lateral spinal cord to the dura.


Transverse ligament to basion
A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament


A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament

Th e tectorial membrane (D) is the rostral extension of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The anterior atlanto-occipital membrane (G) is the rostral extension of the anterior longitudinal ligament. The apical ligament (A) extends from the tip of the dens to the basion. The alar ligament (B) exten d s from the dens to the lateral foram en m agnum . The transverse ligament (H) extends between the tubercles of the lateral masses of C1 and holds the dens against the anterior arch of C1. The cruciate ligaments emerge from the transverse ligament, connecting the transverse ligament to the posterior basion (superior cruciate ligaments [E]) and posterior body of C2 (inferior cruciate ligaments [F]). Th e dentate ligaments (C) are bilateral extensions of pia connecting the lateral spinal cord to the dura.


Transverse ligament to axis
A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament


A. Apical ligament
B. Alar ligaments
C. Dentate ligaments
D. Tectorial membrane
E. Superior cruciate ligaments
F. Inferior cruciate ligaments
G. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
H. Transverse ligament

Th e tectorial membrane (D) is the rostral extension of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The anterior atlanto-occipital membrane (G) is the rostral extension of the anterior longitudinal ligament. The apical ligament (A) extends from the tip of the dens to the basion. The alar ligament (B) exten d s from the dens to the lateral foram en m agnum . The transverse ligament (H) extends between the tubercles of the lateral masses of C1 and holds the dens against the anterior arch of C1. The cruciate ligaments emerge from the transverse ligament, connecting the transverse ligament to the posterior basion (superior cruciate ligaments [E]) and posterior body of C2 (inferior cruciate ligaments [F]). Th e dentate ligaments (C) are bilateral extensions of pia connecting the lateral spinal cord to the dura.


Which hypothalamic nucleus is the principle source of hypothalamic descending bers responsible for autonomic control?
A. Mammillary nucleus
B. Medial preoptic nucleus
C. Paraventricular nucleus
D. Periventricular nucleus
E. Supraoptic nucleus


A. Mammillary nucleus
B. Medial preoptic nucleus
C. Paraventricular nucleus
D. Periventricular nucleus
E. Supraoptic nucleus

Descending hypothalamic autonomic bers arise from multiple hypothalamic
nuclei, but the principle source of these descending autonomic bers is
the parvocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus (C). Some of the
paraventricular neurons project to both sympathet ic and parasympathetic
targets. The mammillary nucleus (A) is associated with the processing of information
related to emot ional expression. The medial preoptic nucleus (B)
regulates the release of reproductive hormones from the adenohypophysis.
The periventricular nucleus (D) produces hypothalamic releasing and inhibit
ing hormones. The supraoptic nucleus (E) cont ributes to the production of
ADH and oxytocin.1


All of the following targets of descending hypothalamic autonomic bers participate in parasympathetic control except
A. Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
B. Edinger-Westphal nucleus
C. S2-S4 nucleus
D. Superior and inferior salivatory nuclei
E. T1-L2 of the spinal cord


A. Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
B. Edinger-Westphal nucleus
C. S2-S4 nucleus
D. Superior and inferior salivatory nuclei
E. T1-L2 of the spinal cord

Th e h yp ot h a lam u s se n d s d esce n d in g au t on om ic p roje ct ion s t o a va r iet y of structures. Fibers from the posterior and lateral hypothalamus project to the preganglionic sympathetic neurons from T1-L2 of the spinal cord to provide sympathetic control (E is false). Fibers from t h e an terior an d m ed ial hyp othalamus project to the Ed i n g e r-We s t p h al n u cle u s (B) , t h e superior and inferior salivatory nuclei (D), t h e dorsal motor nucleus of vagus (A), an d the S2-S4 parasym path e tic n u cle u s (C) to drive parasym path etic con t rol. 1


Anterior and medial hypothalamus
A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e h yp ot h a lam u s se n d s d esce n d in g au t on om ic p roje ct ion s t o a va r iet y of structures. Fibers from the posterior and lateral hypothalamus project to the preganglionic sympathetic neurons from T1-L2 of the spinal cord to provide sympathetic control (A). Fibers from t h e an ter ior an d m ed ial hyp ot h alam u s project to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the superior and inferior salivatory nuclei, the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, and the S2-S4 parasympathetic nucleus to drive parasympathetic control (B). 1


Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e h yp ot h a lam u s se n d s d esce n d in g au t on om ic p roje ct ion s t o a va r iet y of structures. Fibers from the posterior and lateral hypothalamus project to the preganglionic sympathetic neurons from T1-L2 of the spinal cord to provide sympathetic control (A). Fibers from t h e an ter ior an d m ed ial hyp ot h alam u s project to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the superior and inferior salivatory nuclei, the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, and the S2-S4 parasympathetic nucleus to drive parasympathetic control (B). 1


Edinger-Westphal nucleus
A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e h yp ot h a lam u s se n d s d esce n d in g au t on om ic p roje ct ion s t o a va r iet y of structures. Fibers from the posterior and lateral hypothalamus project to the preganglionic sympathetic neurons from T1-L2 of the spinal cord to provide sympathetic control (A). Fibers from t h e an ter ior an d m ed ial hyp ot h alam u s project to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the superior and inferior salivatory nuclei, the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, and the S2-S4 parasympathetic nucleus to drive parasympathetic control (B). 1


Posterior and lateral hypothalamus
A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e h yp ot h a lam u s se n d s d esce n d in g au t on om ic p roje ct ion s t o a va r iet y of structures. Fibers from the posterior and lateral hypothalamus project to the preganglionic sympathetic neurons from T1-L2 of the spinal cord to provide sympathetic control (A). Fibers from t h e an ter ior an d m ed ial hyp ot h alam u s project to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the superior and inferior salivatory nuclei, the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, and the S2-S4 parasympathetic nucleus to drive parasympathetic control (B). 1


Preganglionic neurons from T1-L2 of the spinal cord
A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e h yp ot h a lam u s se n d s d esce n d in g au t on om ic p roje ct ion s t o a va r iet y of structures. Fibers from the posterior and lateral hypothalamus project to the preganglionic sympathetic neurons from T1-L2 of the spinal cord to provide sympathetic control (A). Fibers from t h e an ter ior an d m ed ial hyp ot h alam u s project to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the superior and inferior salivatory nuclei, the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, and the S2-S4 parasympathetic nucleus to drive parasympathetic control (B). 1


S2-S4 parasympathetic nucleus
A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e h yp ot h a lam u s se n d s d esce n d in g au t on om ic p roje ct ion s t o a va r iet y of structures. Fibers from the posterior and lateral hypothalamus project to the preganglionic sympathetic neurons from T1-L2 of the spinal cord to provide sympathetic control (A). Fibers from t h e an ter ior an d m ed ial hyp ot h alam u s project to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the superior and inferior salivatory nuclei, the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, and the S2-S4 parasympathetic nucleus to drive parasympathetic control (B). 1


Superior and inferior salivatory nuclei
A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither


A. Sympathetic system
B. Parasympathetic system
C. Both
D. Neither

Th e h yp ot h a lam u s se n d s d esce n d in g au t on om ic p roje ct ion s t o a va r iet y of structures. Fibers from the posterior and lateral hypothalamus project to the preganglionic sympathetic neurons from T1-L2 of the spinal cord to provide sympathetic control (A). Fibers from t h e an ter ior an d m ed ial hyp ot h alam u s project to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the superior and inferior salivatory nuclei, the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, and the S2-S4 parasympathetic nucleus to drive parasympathetic control (B). 1


Which of the following answer choices best describes the decussation of the dorsal column–medial lemniscal system?
A. Second-order neurons as the anterior white commissure
B. Second-order neurons as the internal arcuate fibers
C. Second-order neurons as the lateral lemniscus
D. Second-order neurons as the medial lemniscus
E. Second-order neurons as the pyramidal decussation


A. Second-order neurons as the anterior white commissure
B. Second-order neurons as the internal arcuate fibers
C. Second-order neurons as the lateral lemniscus
D. Second-order neurons as the medial lemniscus
E. Second-order neurons as the pyramidal decussation

In t h e d orsal colu m n –m ed ial lem n iscal system , rst -ord er n eu ron s ter m in ate in the nucleus gracilis and cuneatus, w here the cell bodies of second-order neurons are located. These second-order neurons form the internal arcuate bers (B) that curve ventromedially and decussate through the reticular for m at ion . Th ese sam e secon d -ord er n eu ron s t h en ascen d in t h e cau d al medulla as the medial lemniscus (D), u lt im ately syn ap sing w it h t h ird -ord er neurons in the ventral posterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus. Fibers of the spinothalam ic tract decussate as second-order neurons in the anterior white commissure (A) of the spinal cord. The lateral lemniscus (C) contains both second- and third-order neurons, and is the major ascending auditory pathway in the brainstem. The pyramidal decussation (E) is associated w ith the descending motor system. 1


Melanocytes are most often found in which of the following anatomical locations?
A. Basal forebrain
B. Leptomeninges of the cerebral convexities
C. Leptomeninges of the ventral medulla
D. Substantia nigra
E. None of the above


A. Basal forebrain
B. Leptomeninges of the cerebral convexities
C. Leptomeninges of the ventral medulla
D. Substantia nigra
E. None of the above

Melanocytes are most often found in the leptomeninges of the ventral medulla (C) an d cer vical cord . Th ese are t h e p resu m ed cells of or igin for focal or disseminated CNS melanoma when there is no history of a primary skin lesion. The pigm entation in the substantia nigra (D) is due to accum ulation of neuromelanin, a catecholamine waste product, in dopaminergic neurons. Th e ot h e r resp on ses a re in cor re ct .


All of the following features are associated with injury to the nondominant hemisphere except
A. Anosognosia
B. Contralateral hemineglect
C. Disorientation to time and direction
D. Global aphasia
E. Visuospatial de cits


A. Anosognosia
B. Contralateral hemineglect
C. Disorientation to time and direction
D. Global aphasia
E. Visuospatial de cits

Th e d e cit s se e n in in ju r ies t o t h e n on d om in an t h e m isp h e re m ay b e d u e, in part, to de cits of perception and attention. These patients may be unaware of their de cit (anosognosia [A]). Th ey m ay also n eglect object s an d p erson s on the contralateral side of their body or contralateral visual eld (contralateral hemi-neglect [B]). Disorientation to tim e and direction (C) is characteristic, and m ay even occur w hen the patient is oriented to person and place. Vis u o s pat ial pro ble m s (E) are common including di culty remembering shapes and even faces (prosopagnosia). True aphasias are associated with injury to the dominant hemisphere (D is false). 7


Which of the following statements is true regarding the anterolateral system ?
A. First-order bers decussate in the anterior white commissure of the spinal cord.
B. Projections of rst-order neurons form Lissauer’s tract (dorsolateral fascicu lu s).
C. Second-order interneurons project to Clarke’s column conveying pain and temperature sensation.
D. Thinly myelinated C bers are fast conducting bers.
E. Unmyelinated A-delta bers are slow conducting bers.


A. First-order bers decussate in the anterior white commissure of the spinal cord.
**B. Projections of rst-order neurons form Lissauer’s tract (dorsolateral fascicu lu s). **
C. Second-order interneurons project to Clarke’s column conveying pain and temperature sensation.
D. Thinly myelinated C bers are fast conducting bers.
E. Unmyelinated A-delta bers are slow conducting bers.

Th e an t e rolat e r a l syst e m t r a n sm it s in for m at ion a b ou t p a in , t e m p e rat u re, a n d crude touch to the brain. The rst-order bers consist m ainly of thinly myelinated, fast conducting A-delta bers (E is false) an d unmyelinated, slow conducting C bers (D is false). Th ese rst -ord er p seu d ou n ip olar n eu ron s enter the dorsal horn and form the tract of Lissauer or dorsolateral fasciculus (B), w h ich ascen d or d escen d on e to th ree sp in al levels. Th e second-order neurons then decussate in the anterior white commissure (A is false) before ascen d in g to t h eir t arget s. Th e anterolateral system does not interact with Clarke’s column (nucleus dorsalis), w h ich is located in lam in a VII of spinal cord levels C8-L2,3 and is involved in proprioception (C is false). 1


Proprioception from the lower extremities is mediated by
A. Dorsal column–medial lemniscal system
B. Clarke’s column and dorsal spinocerebellar tract
C. Nucleus cuneatus and cuneocerebellar tract
D. Nucleus gracilis and dorsal spinocerebellar tract
E. Nucleus of Clarke homologue and rostral spinocerebellar tract


A. Dorsal column–medial lemniscal system
B. Clarke’s column and dorsal spinocerebellar tract
C. Nucleus cuneatus and cuneocerebellar tract
D. Nucleus gracilis and dorsal spinocerebellar tract
E. Nucleus of Clarke homologue and rostral spinocerebellar tract

Proprioceptive inform ation from the trunk and lower lim b is carried by rstorder pseudounipolar neurons to the nucleus dorsalis (Clarke’s column), which is located in lamina VII of spinal cord levels C8-L2,3. Clarke’s column contains second-order neurons that project rostrally to form the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (B). Low er lim b p rop r iocept ion is car ried in th e lateral Cla r ke ’s co lu m n n e u r o n s , n o t in t h e posterior columns (A). Th e nucleus cuneatus and cuneocerebellar tract (C) car r y p rop r iocept ive in for m at ion from the neck and upper limbs to the cerebellum. The nucleus of Clarke homologue in the cervical region and the rostral spinocerebellar tract (E) carry proprioceptive information from the head and upper limb to the cerebellum. Ch o i c e B is a bet ter an sw er th an choice D. 1,3


All of the following statements regarding the mammillothalamic tract are true except that it
A. Is also known as the tract of Vicq d’Azyr
B. Is a part of the proposed Papez circuit
C. Is a thin bundle of unmyelinated bers
D. Projects from the mammillary body to the anterior nuclear group of the thalamus
E. Serves as a landmark for deep brain stimulation implantation


A. Is also known as the tract of Vicq d’Azyr
B. Is a part of the proposed Papez circuit
**C. Is a thin bundle of unmyelinated bers **
D. Projects from the mammillary body to the anterior nuclear group of the thalamus
E. Serves as a landmark for deep brain stimulation implantation

Th e m am m illot h alam ic t ra ct , also kn ow n as t h e tract of Vicq d’Azyr (A), is a heavily myelinated (C is false) bu n d le of bers t h at p roject s from th e m ed ial and lateral mammillary nucleus of the mammillary body to the anterior nuclear group of the thalamus (D). Th e Papez circuit (B) consists of the hippocampus, fornix, mammillary body, mammillothalamic tract, anterior nucleus of the thalamus, and cingulated gyrus. The mammillothalamic tract can be a useful landmark during planning for subthalamic nucleus targeting (E), as it is u su ally sit u ated at th e level of th e an ter ior bord er of t h e STN.


The membrane of Liliequist separates which of the following subarachnoid cisterns?
A. Ambient cistern and crural cistern
B. Ambient cistern and quadrigeminal cistern
C. Interpeduncular and chiasmatic cistern
D. Interpeduncular and prepontine cistern
E. Lamina terminalis cistern and interpeduncular cistern


A. Ambient cistern and crural cistern
B. Ambient cistern and quadrigeminal cistern
C. Interpeduncular and chiasmatic cistern
D. Interpeduncular and prepontine cistern
E. Lamina terminalis cistern and interpeduncular cistern

On pn eum oen ceph alogram , air is preven ted from ascen ding in th e subarach noid space around the optic chiasm by a thick layer of arachnoid, Liliequist’s membrane. The two cisterns separated by the membrane of Liliequist are the chiasmatic cistern and the interpeduncular cistern (C). 10


Lamina terminalis cistern and third ventricle
A. Choroid ssure
B. Foramen of Luschka
C. Foramen of Magendie
D. Lamina terminalis
E. Velum interpositum


A. Choroid ssure
B. Foramen of Luschka
C. Foramen of Magendie
D. Lamina terminalis
E. Velum interpositum

Th is is a list of st r u ct u res t h at se p a r at e p or t ion s of t h e ve n t r icu la r syst e m from the subarachnoid cisterns. The crural cistern and tem poral horn of the lateral ventricle m eet at the choroid ssure (A), w h ere t h ey are sep arated by the arachnoid and a single pial layer—the anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries traverse the choroid ssure to supply the choroid plexus. The lateral recess of the fourth ventricle opens into the lateral cerebellom edullary cistern through the foram en of Luschka (B); a ne incomplete arachnoid membrane is present here. The fourth ventricle opens in the midline into the cisterna m agna via the foram en of Magendie (C). A t h in m em bran e containing neural elem ents, the lamina terminalis (D), sep arates th e lam in a terminalis cistern from the anterior part of the third ventricle. The cistern of the velum interpositum and third ventricle are separated by arachnoid and ependyma (the velum interpositum [E]). Th e velu m in ter p osit u m cister n contains the m edial posterior choroidal arteries and internal cerebral veins. 10


Crural cistern and temporal horn of lateral ventricle
A. Choroid ssure
B. Foramen of Luschka
C. Foramen of Magendie
D. Lamina terminalis
E. Velum interpositum


A. Choroid ssure
B. Foramen of Luschka
C. Foramen of Magendie
D. Lamina terminalis
E. Velum interpositum

Th is is a list of st r u ct u res t h at se p a r at e p or t ion s of t h e ve n t r icu la r syst e m from the subarachnoid cisterns. The crural cistern and tem poral horn of the lateral ventricle m eet at the choroid ssure (A), w h ere t h ey are sep arated by the arachnoid and a single pial layer—the anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries traverse the choroid ssure to supply the choroid plexus. The lateral recess of the fourth ventricle opens into the lateral cerebellom edullary cistern through the foram en of Luschka (B); a ne incomplete arachnoid membrane is present here. The fourth ventricle opens in the midline into the cisterna m agna via the foram en of Magendie (C). A t h in m em bran e containing neural elem ents, the lamina terminalis (D), sep arates th e lam in a terminalis cistern from the anterior part of the third ventricle. The cistern of the velum interpositum and third ventricle are separated by arachnoid and ependyma (the velum interpositum [E]). Th e velu m in ter p osit u m cister n contains the m edial posterior choroidal arteries and internal cerebral veins. 10


Velum interpositum cistern and third ventricle
A. Choroid ssure
B. Foramen of Luschka
C. Foramen of Magendie
D. Lamina terminalis
E. Velum interpositum


A. Choroid ssure
B. Foramen of Luschka
C. Foramen of Magendie
D. Lamina terminalis
E. Velum interpositum

Th is is a list of st r u ct u res t h at se p a r at e p or t ion s of t h e ve n t r icu la r syst e m from the subarachnoid cisterns. The crural cistern and tem poral horn of the lateral ventricle m eet at the choroid ssure (A), w h ere t h ey are sep arated by the arachnoid and a single pial layer—the anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries traverse the choroid ssure to supply the choroid plexus. The lateral recess of the fourth ventricle opens into the lateral cerebellom edullary cistern through the foram en of Luschka (B); a ne incomplete arachnoid membrane is present here. The fourth ventricle opens in the midline into the cisterna m agna via the foram en of Magendie (C). A t h in m em bran e containing neural elem ents, the lamina terminalis (D), sep arates th e lam in a terminalis cistern from the anterior part of the third ventricle. The cistern of the velum interpositum and third ventricle are separated by arachnoid and ependyma (the velum interpositum [E]). Th e velu m in ter p osit u m cister n contains the m edial posterior choroidal arteries and internal cerebral veins. 10


Lateral recess of fourth ventricle and lateral cerebellomedullary cistern
A. Choroid ssure
B. Foramen of Luschka
C. Foramen of Magendie
D. Lamina terminalis
E. Velum interpositum


A. Choroid ssure
B. Foramen of Luschka
C. Foramen of Magendie
D. Lamina terminalis
E. Velum interpositum

Th is is a list of st r u ct u res t h at se p a r at e p or t ion s of t h e ve n t r icu la r syst e m from the subarachnoid cisterns. The crural cistern and tem poral horn of the lateral ventricle m eet at the choroid ssure (A), w h ere t h ey are sep arated by the arachnoid and a single pial layer—the anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries traverse the choroid ssure to supply the choroid plexus. The lateral recess of the fourth ventricle opens into the lateral cerebellom edullary cistern through the foram en of Luschka (B); a ne incomplete arachnoid membrane is present here. The fourth ventricle opens in the midline into the cisterna m agna via the foram en of Magendie (C). A t h in m em bran e containing neural elem ents, the lamina terminalis (D), sep arates th e lam in a terminalis cistern from the anterior part of the third ventricle. The cistern of the velum interpositum and third ventricle are separated by arachnoid and ependyma (the velum interpositum [E]). Th e velu m in ter p osit u m cister n contains the m edial posterior choroidal arteries and internal cerebral veins. 10


Fourth ventricle and cisterna magna
A. Choroid ssure
B. Foramen of Luschka
C. Foramen of Magendie
D. Lamina terminalis
E. Velum interpositum


A. Choroid ssure
B. Foramen of Luschka
C. Foramen of Magendie
D. Lamina terminalis
E. Velum interpositum

Th is is a list of st r u ct u res t h at se p a r at e p or t ion s of t h e ve n t r icu la r syst e m from the subarachnoid cisterns. The crural cistern and tem poral horn of the lateral ventricle m eet at the choroid ssure (A), w h ere t h ey are sep arated by the arachnoid and a single pial layer—the anterior and lateral posterior choroidal arteries traverse the choroid ssure to supply the choroid plexus. The lateral recess of the fourth ventricle opens into the lateral cerebellom edullary cistern through the foram en of Luschka (B); a ne incomplete arachnoid membrane is present here. The fourth ventricle opens in the midline into the cisterna m agna via the foram en of Magendie (C). A t h in m em bran e containing neural elem ents, the lamina terminalis (D), sep arates th e lam in a terminalis cistern from the anterior part of the third ventricle. The cistern of the velum interpositum and third ventricle are separated by arachnoid and ependyma (the velum interpositum [E]). Th e velu m in ter p osit u m cister n contains the m edial posterior choroidal arteries and internal cerebral veins. 10