Neuro skills Flashcards
Full order
Check for danger
Global overview
Interventions (if necessary)
Medical model
FAST & pronator test
Eyes & vision
Hearing & balance
Mental test
Kernigs sign if necessary
FAST test
Check for facial drooping/ weakness
Pronator test (hold hands palm up for 30 seconds with eyes closed)
Repeat phrase to check for slurring (Slow and steady wins the race)
Smell test
Ask if any recent changes to smell
Eyes (Cranial nerves 2,3,4,6)
Changes to vision (read something far)
Check visual field
Pupils reaction to distance (look in distance)
Eyes (Cranial nerves 3,4,6)
Follow H formation and close up
(checking for asymetrical movement, double vision or wobbling)
Facial (cranial nerves 5,7,11)
Check sensation on forehead, cheekbone and jaw
Feel jaw muscle on clenching
Feel strength turning head and shrugging shoulders (checking for muscle wastage
Hearing & Balance (cranial nerve 8)
Check if any recent changes to hearing
Hearing test (cover ears if necessary)
Romberg test (stand feet together with eyes closed for 30 seconds)
Mouth (cranial nerves 9,10,12)
Check mouth for uvula deviation
Ask if any recent changes to voice
Ask if any problems swallowing
Poke out tongue, check if straight
Test strength of tongue against cheeks
Check for muscle wastage
Check for pushing/ pulling strength
Check shoulder strength
Check coordination finger to pen to nose and heel to shin
Check sensation of arms and legs
Mental test
What is age?
what is approx time?
Remember address (42 west street)
Current year?
What is current address?
Recognize 2 people
Date of birth?
What years was WW1?
Current prime minister?
Count backwards from 20 to 1
Recall address given earlier
Kernigs sign for meningitis
Bend knee to 90 degrees then slowly straigten
If pain in neck or head worsens it is a positive indication of meningitis
Brudzinski sign for meningitis
Patient lies flat. Manually move head towards chest and if knees flex it is positive.
Speech disorders
Disarthria - slurring
Disphonia - change in sound
Dysphasia - difficulty finding appropriate words