Neuro/Psych Flashcards
most common childhood supratentorial tumor, benign
malignant cerebellar tumor in children
neuroendocrine tumor, is radiosensitive
common, benign, posterior fossa (infratentorial) tumor in children
pilocytic astrocytoma
presents w/drowsiness, ataxia, N/V, cranial neuropathy
tx Bells palsy
steroids +/- acyclovir (HSV association)
headache associated with jaw pain when chewing
temporal (giant cell) arteritis
headache with lacrimation, rhinorrhea
responive to 100% O2
patient produce false signs of illness to receive sympathy or medical attention
factitious disorder
treat torticollis
antihistamines (benztropine, diphenhydramine)
treat Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
stop med
supportive care
bromocriptine/ amantadine
personality disorder with lifelong social withdrawal, indifferent to relationships or praise/criticism
personality disorder with few friends/ social awkwardness and eccentric appearance, behavior, or thinking
personality disorder with social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, fear of criticism/ embarrassment
vision loss, pain w/eye movement, ophthalmoplegia
preseptal or orbital cellulitis?
orbital cellulitis emergency
gradual vision loss with multiple small yellow spots in bilateral maculae
age related macular degneration
tx: vitamin supplements
sudden vision loss with floaters/ flashers followed by a “curtain coming across”
retinal detachment emergency
acute, painless vision loss in one eye with cherry-red spot in macula on fundoscopic exam
central retinal artery occlusion
progressive vision loss starting at periphery, cupping of optic disc on fundoscopic exam
open angle glaucoma
painful vision loss in one eye with relative afferent pupillary defect
optic neuritis (suspect MS)
arm pain with neuro symptoms (dizziness, blurred vision, unsteady gait)
subclavian steal syndrome
dx: doppler U/S, MR/CT angio
tx: bypass
(thoracic outlet: just arm pain)
eye pain, constricted and irregular pupil, leukoyctes in anterior segment on slit lamp
iritis (anterior uveitis)
syndrome w/hypopigmented cafe au lait spots, bilateral acoustic neruomas
Neurofibromatosis II
syndrome w/cutaneous neuromas, axillary freckles, unilateral acoustic neruoma, pheochromocytoma, optic glioma
Neurofibromatosis I
first line therapy for insomnia in elderly
symptoms of phenytoin toxicity
horizontal nystagmus
(diplopia, ataxia, slurred speech, lethargy)
tx: reduce dose, monitoring alone is NOT appropriate
tx Guillan Barre
plasma exchange/ IVIG
frequent underlying cause of restless leg syndrome
iron deficiency anemia (test ferritin)
first line therapy for restless leg syndrome
pramipexole (dopamine agonist)
tx OCT
exposure and response prevention therapy (type of CBT)
tx ocular melanoma
if <10mm wide and <3mm thick, monitor Q3 mo
if larger, radiotherapy
dementia w/h/o alcohol use disorder. addtl screening beyond B12/TSH?