Biostats Flashcards
true positive/ (true positive + false negative)
probability that a patient with a disease will have (+) test result
Sensitivity (sensitive test rules out)
true negative/ (true negative + false positive)
probability that a patient w/out a disease will have a (-) test result
Specificity (specific test rules in/ confirms)
true positive / (true positive + false positive)
PPV (positive predictive value) = probability of disease
A/(A+B) - C/(C+D) =
Attributable risk (disease in exposed/all exposed - disease unexposed/all unexposed)
new cases/ pop at risk
existing cases/ pop at risk
study that compares group with a disease to group without disease
case control
compares group with a given risk/exposure to a group without that risk/exposure
Relative Risk (risk of + in exposed/all exposed / risk of + in unexposed/all unexposed)
(disease in placebo/all placebo) - (disease in tx/ all tx)
Absolute Risk Reduction
1/Absolute Risk Reduction
Number Needed to Treat
bias in which early detection can be confused with increased survival
lead time bias
bias in which subjects in different arms of a study are systematically treated differently
procedure bias
95% of data is within how many standard deviations?
Odds ratio