Neuro/Psych Flashcards
a psychological term for the observable expression of emotion; common abnormal affects may be “flat” or “blunted”
affect (noun)
a sustained and pervasive state of emotion
loss of consciousness resulting from insufficient blood flow to the brain; commonly known as “passing out”
the symptomatic inability to express oneself through communication such as speaking
a scale used to assess the consciousness of a patient upon physical examination, typically in patients with neurological concerns following head trauma
glasgow coma scale (GCS)
muscular weakness or partial paralysis of the entire left or right side of the body (a neurologic finding/symptom)
total paralysis of the entire left or right side of the body
hemiplegia (-plegia suffix refers to a paralysis, quad is all four extremities, paraplegia is a motor or sensory loss in the legs extending up the trunk)
an indefinite feeling of weakness or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness; feeling generally weak or “wiped out”
malaise (mal- prefix meaning bad)
pain along the distribution of a nerve(s), typically perceived as burning or stabbing in nature
an abnormal sensation of the skin associated with nerve dysfunction; most commonly described as “pins and needles”
abnormal sensitivity to noise commonly associated with migraines
abnormal sensitivity to light commonly associated with migraines
medical term for ringing in the ears
involuntary muscle contraction elicited by percussion of a muscle tendon (the test with the hammer we have all seen before); rated on a number scale with 2+ being normal
deep tendon reflexes (DTRs)
the area on either side of the spine (directly over the spine would be “midline”); typically used when describing tenderness or muscle spasm