Neuro Module 1 Flashcards
99% of neurons are
Interneurons/projection neurons
Glial Cells (“glue”) Function
Supportive role in nervous system
Glial Cells of CNS
- Oligodendrocytes
- Astrocytes
- Ependymal cells
- Microglial cells
Glial Cells of PNS
Schwann cells (connective tissue support)
Forebrain Components
- Telencephalon
- Diencephalon
Midbrain AKA _______
Hindbrain components
- Cerebellum
- Pons
- Medulla oblongata (Myeloencephalon)
White matter
Myelinated nerve fibers that communicate between regions of the CNS (in cerebral cortex)
Bundle or cluster within the cerebral cortex
Commissural Fibers
Cortical connections between right and left hemispheres (in cerebral cortex)
Commissural Fibers Components
- Corpus callosum
- Anterior commissure
Projection Fibers
Connect cortex with lower portions of CNS
- Afferent: INPUT to cortex
- Efferent: OUTPUT from cortex
Association Fibers
Cortical connection within the same hemisphere (in cerebral cortex)
Gray matter
Contains cell bodies and neurons
-COLUMNAR arrangement
Brodmann’s Mapping
System identifying functional regions of the cortex
Area 4 (Frontal Lobe) Function
- Primary motor area
- Homunculus arrangement
- Contralateral voluntary movement
Area 4 (Frontal Lobe) Lesion
-Contralateral hemiparesis (partial motor loss)/hemiplegia (complete loss)
Area 6 (Frontal Lobe) Function
- Pre-motor area/supplemental motor area
- “prep motor area… plan sequence”
Area responsible for simple movement
Area 4
Area responsible for complex movement
Area 4 and 6
Area responsible for imaginary complex movement
Area 6
Area 6 (Frontal Lobe) Lesion
- Inability to plan, sequence, perform purposeful movement
- Contralateral apraxia of involved regions
Inability to execute purposeful learned voluntary movement
Uncoordinated voluntary movement
Gait apraxia
Diminished ability to perform learned movement of walking/standing
Construction apraxia
Inability to draw, construct or copy geometric figures (lesion in NON-dominant parietal & frontal lobes)
Sensory Apraxia (Ideational apraxia, Conceptual apraxia)
Inability to formulate the ideational plan for executing the multiple steps of purposeful voluntary movement
Ideomotor apraxia
Inability to perform a task when asked (comb hair, use a tool)
Area 8 (Frontal Lobe) Function (middle frontal gyrus)
- Frontal eye field
- Conjugate gaze (lateral) to opposite direction (side)
Conjugate gaze
Ability of the eyes to move simultaneously in the same direction
Destructive Lesion to Area 8 (Frontal Lobe)
Eyes deviate TOWARD side of lesion
Irritative Lesion to Area 8 (Frontal Lobe)
- Seizure
- Eyes deviate AWAY FROM the lesion
Areas 44, 45 (Frontal Lobe) Function (inferior frontal gyrus)
- Specific motor association area
- Motor production of language
- Different role if Dominant or NON-Dominant hemisphere
Areas 44, 45 (Frontal Lobe) Dominant Hemisphere Function
- Broca’s speech area
- Motor production of language (speech, writing, signing)
- Serves as pre-programmer to motor cortex
Areas 44, 45 (Frontal Lobe) Dominant Hemisphere Lesion
- Broca aphasia
- “Can comprehend language but can’t speak”
Acquired impairment of the comprehension/production of language
-Can be sensory, motor or both
Difficulty of motor control of tongue/mouth to produce speech
Difficulty with motor function of swallowing
Areas 44, 45 (Frontal Lobe) NON-Dominant Hemisphere Function
- Production of the normal pitch, rhythm and tone in speech
- “Musical aspects of speech”
Areas 44, 45 (Frontal Lobe) NON-Dominant Hemisphere Lesion
- Motor dysprosodia: difficulty of speech in producing the normal pitch, rhythm and tone
- Prosody: Fluctuations in tone, melody, timing, pauses, stresses, intensity, vocal quality and accents of speech