Neuro, Melanoma, and Sarcoma Flashcards
CNS tumors which need LP for staging (4)
Primary CNS Lymphoma
CNS Germ Cell Tumors
Grade I Gliomas associated Mutations:
Pilocytic Astrocytoma ->
Pilocytic Astrocytoma -> BRAF/KIAA fusion
SEGA ->TSC gene mutations, respond well to MTORi
1p19q codeletion is a hallmark of what type of brain tumor?
Good or bad prognosis?
Oligodendrogliomas (grade II) and Anaplastic Oligodendrogliomas (grade III)
IDH mutation is usually in what glioma subtype?
Effect on Prognosis?
Diffuse Astrocytoma (Grade II) Anaplastic Astrocytome (Grade III)
Disease defining mutation in diffuse midline dlioma or diffuse infiltrative pontine glioma
H3F3A K27M mutation
Best prognosis in GBM
MGMT methylated
IDH mutant
GBM treatment in the elderly
How do you give RT?
Do you give TMZ?
RT > Palliative care
Hypofractionated RT is equivalent to standard RT
TMZ alone may be alternative for MGMT methylated tumor
Poor PS, MGMT unmethylated-> Hospice
Fried Egg appearing
IDH Mutant with 1p/19q codeletion
PCV+RT after surgery
IDH WT Astrocytoma-> Treatment?
Surgery -> GBM treatment
Melanoma thickness separating T1, T2, and T3
T1= <1mm thickness T2= 1-2 mm T3= 2-4 mm
N1a vs. N1b melanoma staging
What is N1c?
N1a= 1 clinically occult node (detected on SLN) N1b= 1 clinically detected node N1c= Satellite or in-transit lesion
Surgical margin needed based on thickness
In Situ ->
< 2 mm ->
> 2 mm ->
In Situ-> 0.5 cm
<2 mm-> 1 cm
>2 mm-> 2 cm
When is SLN needed in melanoma?
> 1 mm depth (T2)
<1 mm depth but high risk features (ulceration, elevated mitotic rate, signs of regression)
Who needs Complete Lymph Node Dissection in melanoma these days?
macroscopic/clinically detected disease in LNs
Who gets adjuvant treatment in Melanoma?
Patients Grade III or greater (LN disease >1 mm)
No Ipi/Nivo as adjuvant