Neuro II (a) Flashcards
cause of Epidural Abscess
Direct local spread from an adjacent focus of infection (e.g. sinusitis, osteomyelitis, etc.)
CF of Epidural Abcesses
Fever, headache and neck stiffness,
but also a variety of neurologic signs, lethargy and
coma if left untreated
Progression and Complications of Epidural Abscess: Extension to the ———– -> ————- –> Mass effect –> ————- of the bridging veins –> Venous occlusion –> Brain Infarction
Extension to the subdural space -> Subdural Empyema –> Mass effect –> Thrombophlebitis of the bridging veins –> Venous occlusion –> Brain Infarction
Epidural Absces –> ————
Subdural Empyema
The 3 forms of Infectious Meningitis
1) Acute pyogenic (bacterial)
2) Aseptic (viral)
3) Chronic (Tbc)
cause of Acute Pyogenic Meningitis in neonants
E. coli, group B Streptococci
Cause of Acute Meningitis in adolescents and young adults
Neisseria meningitidis
Cause of Acute Meningitis in older individuals
Streptococcus pneumoniae and Listeria monocytogenes
CF of Acute Pyogenic Meningitis
1) Positive Kernig’s and Brudzinki signs
2) Neck stiffness
3) Vomiting
4) headache
5) Photophobia
6) Clouding of Consciousness
7) Irritablity
Lab findings of Acute Pyogenic Meningitis
CSF examination:
* Abundant neutrophils
* Elevated protein
* Reduced glucose
Lumbar puncture: Increased pressure
Macroscopic Features:
* Leptomeningeal exudate, over the surface
of the brain
* Engorged and prominent meningeal vessels
Microscopic Findings:
* Neutrophil cell infiltrates within subarachnoid
* Phlebitis and a thrombus
* Gram stain –> Pneumococcus meningitis- purulent exudate
featurse of?
Acute Pyogenic Meningitis
Complications of Acute Pyogenic Mengitis
1) Formation of intracerebral Abscess
2) Development of Phlebitis –> Venous occlusion and haemorrhagic Infarction of the underlying brain
3) Scarring at the site of foramina of Luschka and Magendie –> CSF flow obstruction –> Obstructive non-communicating Hydrocephalus
4) Scarring at the arachnoidal granulations –> Reduction in CSF reabsorption –> Communicating Hydrocephalus
cause of Aseptic Meningitis
Viral infection
CM of Aseptic Meningitis
1) Meningeal irritation
2) Fever
3) Alterations in consciousness
lab findings in Aseptic Meningitis
* Lymphocytosis
* Moderate protein elevation
* Normal glucose level
Macroscopic Features:
* Brain swelling
* subtle Hyperaemia
Microscopic Findings:
* Mild to moderate leptomeningeal lymphocytic infiltrate
features of?
Aseptic Meningitis
cause of Tuberculous Meningitis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
CM of Tuberculous Meningitis
- Headache
- Malaise
- Mental confusion
- Vomiting
lab fidings in Tuberculous Meningitis
Moderate increased cellularity; Mononuclear cells or
a mixture of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells - Elevated protein level
- Moderately reduced or normal glucose content
progression and complications of Tbc Meningitis
Arachnoid fibrosis –> Hydrocephalus
Macroscopic Features:
* Gelatinous or fibrinous exudate at the base of the brain –> Obliteration of the cisterns and wrapping of cranial nerves
* Obliterative Endarteritis of the arteries in the
subarachnoid space
Microscopic Findings:
* Mixtures of lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages
* Well formed granulomas with caseous necrosis (florid cases)
features of?
Tbc Meningitis
causes of Brain Abscess
Bacterial infections
CF of Brain Abscess
- Progressive focal deficits
- General signs related to increased intracranial
lab findings of Brain Abscess
- Increased numbers of white blood cells
- high protein levels
- Normal glucose content
Macroscopic Features:
* Discrete lesion
* Central liquefactive necrosis
* Surrounding fibrous capsule
Microscopic Findings:
* Granulation tissue and oedema around the necrotic core
* Zone of reactive gliosis, outside the fibrous capsule
features of?
Brain Abscess
complications of Brain Abcesse
1) Increased intracranial pressure –> ——-
2) Abscess rupture –> ————, —————–, and ———
1) Increased intracranial pressure –> Herniation
2) Abscess rupture –> Ventriculitis, Meningitis, and Venous sinus Thrombosis
Venous sinus Thrombosis –> ——-
Haemorrhagic Venous infarction
Characteristic Histologic Features:
* Perivascular and parenchymal mononuclear cell infiltrates
* Microglial nodules
* Neuronophagia
* Presence of inclusion bodies
features of?
Viral Encephalitis
Important cause of Epidemic Encephalitis?
ARBO (ARthropod-BOrne) virus
CM of ARBO (Arthropod-borne) disease
- Seizures
- Confusion
- Delirium
- Stupor or Coma
- Reflex asymmetry
- Ocular Palsies
- yellow fever