Neuro: Head and Neck Flashcards
- White patch or plaque, can’t be scraped off
- Gross: single or multiple, sharply demarcated, flat or raised, white patch or plaque
- Can’t be characterized as any other disease
- A/w Tobacco, Alcohol, and Ill-fitting dentures
- Any age, but usually 40-70 y/o
- Buccal mucosa, Floor of mouth, Ventral tongue, Palate, Gingiva
- ~80% are non-neoplastic; ~15% dysplastic; ~3% cancer
- Hyperkeratosis
- Red patch or Plaque
- Can’t be Scraped off
- Can’t be characterized as any other disease
- 90% are pre-malignant or malignant
- Severe dysplasia, Carcinoma in situ, or Minimally-invasive SCC
- Slowly developing Scaly, White-gray Plaque
- Fissuring or Cracking of the mucosa, typically at the corners of the mouth
- A/w Sun Exposure
Actinic Cheilitis
‘Actinic Keratosis’
- Small Round Blue cell Tumor
- Arises from Neuroectodermal Olfactory cells
- Expresses neuroendocrine markers (chromogranin, synaptophysin, CD56)
- Bimodal age: Peaks at 15 & 50 y/o
- Nasal obstruction or Epistaxis
- Tx: Surgery + XRT + Chemo
- Prognosis: (5-year survival)
- Confined to nasal cavity & fully resected → 75%
- Extension beyond paranasal sinus → 40%
(Olfactory Neuroblastoma)
- Benign tumor of the Nasal mucosa composed of Large Blood Vessels and Fibrous Tissue
- Classically seen in Adolescent males only (Fair skinned and Red-headed)
- Presents w/ Profuse Epistaxis (Nosebleeds) and Obstruction
- Posterior lateral wall of Nasal cavity, near roof
- Tx: Surgery
Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
- Arise from & surface lined by respiratory mucosa
- M>F; typically 30-60 y/o
- Nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses
- (3) Types:
- Exophytic / Fungating: Most Common type; **HPV 6 & 11 **
- Endophytic / Inverted: Most Aggressive type; **HPV 6 & 11 **(Benign but locally aggressive) “gopher holes filled with squamous cells”
- **Cylindrical **
Schneiderian Papilloma (Sinonasal)
- Most occur in Adrenal medulla → **Pheochromocytoma **
- Aorticopulmonary parasympathetic chain (near great vessels of the neck) - have a “Bland” appearance but metastasize
- Zellballen pattern: Balls of Round to Oval cells (chief cells) w/ abundant Pink, Granular cytoplasm
- S-100 positive Sustentacular cells, Chromogranin
- Carotid Body: most common location
- Sporadic: Solitary; slow-growing; painless; 5th to 6th decade
- Familial: MEN 2 Syndrome, multiple; earlier
- Tx: Surgery
- Can metastasize and up to 50% are fatal
- One of the most common diseases worldwide
- # 1 cause of tooth loss in patients < 35 y/o
- Pathogenesis: poor oral hygiene
- Bacteria + Acidic product + Teeth = Deminiralization
Dental Caries
- Inflammation of Oral Mucosa surrounding Teeth
- Most Prevalent and Severe in Adolescence
- Pathogenesis: poor oral hygiene
- Accumulation of Dental Plaque
- Mineralization
- Tartar formation (calculus)
- Inflammation of supporting structures of teeth (ligaments, alveolar bone and cement)
- Can lead to infective Endocarditis and Abscesses
- A/w Actinobacillus
- Pathogenesis: poor oral hygiene & alteration of flora
- Normal Facultive Gram Positive Organisms
- Replaced by Anaerobic and Microaerophilic Gram Negatives
- Tx: Fluoride and Hygiene
- **Painful, **superficial Ulceration of the Oral mucosa due to Stress: “Canker-sores”
- Arises in relation to Stress and Resolves Spontaneously, but often recurs
- A/w a mononuclear Infiltrate
- Characterized by a Grayish Base (granulation tissue) surrounded by Erythema
Apthous Ulcer
- AKA “traumatic fibroma”
- Buccal mucosa (along bite line) or on the gingiva
- Caused by repetitive Trauma
- Tx: simple Excision curative
Irritation Fibroma
- Gingiva of children, young adults & pregnant woman
- May grow rapidly; most eventually regress
- Gross: ulcerated, dark red nodule on gingival mucosa
- Histo: consists of highly vascular, granulation tissue
Pyogenic Granuloma
- Vesicles involving Oral mucosa that Rupture, resulting in Shallow, Painful, **Red ulcers, **“cold sores”
- Usually HSV-1 (above the belt), HSV-2 (below the belt)
- Primary infection occurs in Childhood; Lesions heal, but virus remains dormant in the Ganglia of the Trigeminal never (CN V)
- Stress and Sunlight cause reactivation of the virus –> Leads to Vesicles that often arise on the lips
Oral HSV Infection
- White membrane overlying **Erythematous base **
- Necrotic squamous epithelium w/ yeast & hyphae overlying an inflamed submucosa
- Often seen in Immunocompromised individuals as a Yellowish Plaquelike area
- Candida Albicans: normal part of oral flora in 50%
- Most common Fungal Infection in oral cavity
- White Lesion that can be Scraped off
Oral Candidiasis (Thrush)
- Immunocompromised patients
- Usually on Lateral border of Tongue
- Caused by Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
- Confluent, fluffy white patches that can’t be Scraped off
- Hyperparakeratosis, Acanthosis, Balloon cells
Hairy Leukoplakia
- Protrusion of Edematous, Inflamed Nasal mucosa
- Usually Secondary to repeated bouts of Rhinitis
- A/w Allergic rhinitis, Type 1 Hypersensitivity –> “Hay Fever” –> HIGH IgE lvls in the Serum
- A/w Cystic fibrosis and Aspirin-Intoleratnt-Asthma
- ASA-intolerant characterized by the triad of Asthma, Aspirin-induced Bronchospasms, and Nasal polyps (10% asthmatic kids)
- A consequence of repeated bouts of Rhinitis
Nasal Polyp
- Benign neoplasm on True vocal cord
- Caused by HPV types 6 & 11
- May recur but DOES NOT become Malignant
- Usually Single in Adults; often Multiple in Children
- Often spontaneously Regress at Puberty
Squamous Papilloma
- Nodule that arises on the True vocal cord
- Due to Excessive use of vocal cords; usually Bilateral
- Produces “Reactive nodules”
- Composed of Degenerative (Myxoid) Connective Tissue
- Wear and Tear issue and resolves with Rest of Voice
Singer’s Nodules
- Anterior Lateral (along sternocleidomastoid muscle)
- Lymphoid tissue with prominent germinal centers
- Lymphoepithelial cysts
- Remnants of an Embryonic Branchial arch or Salivary gland inclusion in a Cervical lymph node - absence of thyroid tissue
- Tx: Surgical Cystectomy
Branchial Cleft Cyst
- Cyst of the Anterior Midline (foramen cecum to middle of neck)
- Thyroid tissue
- Tx: Cystectomy plus middle 3rd of hyoid bone
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
- Inflammation of the Nasal Mucosa (resp. epithelium)
- Adenovirus is the most common cause
- Presents w/ Sneezing, Congestion, and Runny nose (common cold)
Allergic subtype is due to Type I Hypersensitivity rxn
- Inflammation Infiltrate w/ Eosinophils
- A/w Asthma and Eczema
- Repeated bouts can lead to Nasal polyps
- Extremely common; “Sore throat”
- Edematous, Congested nasopharyngeal mucosa (+/- exudate)
- Viral culprits a/w Rhinitis, plus RSV, Influenza, and bacteria
- Rule out Group A, β-hemolytic strep to avoid complications: (Rheumatic Fever & Post-Strep Glomerulonephritis)
- Rapid Strep Antigen test +/- Culture
- Inflammation of the Upper Airway
- Parainfluenza virus is the most common cause
- Presents w/ Hoarse, ‘Barking cough’ and Inspiratory stridor
Laryngotracheo Bronchitis (‘Croup’)
- Inflammation of the Epiglottis of the Larynx
- H influenzae Type B is the most common; in both Immunized and Non-immunized children
- High fever, Sore throat, Drooling w/ Dysphagia, Muffled voice, and Inspiratory Stridor (airway compromise)
- Risk of Airway obstruction –> Medical emergency
Acute Epiglottitis
- Malignant tumor of Nasopharyngeal Epithelium
- A/w EBV
- Classically seen in African Children and Chinese Adults (young)
- Biopsy usually reveals Pleomorphic Keratin-positive** epithelial cells (poorly differentiated SCC) ** in a background ofLymphocytes
- Often presents w/ involvement of Cervical Lymph nodes
- (3) Histologic variants:
- Keratinizing: well-diff SCC; worst prognosis
- Non-Keratinizing: poorly-diff SCC
- Undifferentiated: syncytium of cells w/ lymphoid background; best prognosis; radiosensitive
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
- Full-thickness defect of Lip and Palate
- Due to Failure of Facial Prominences to Fuse
- During early pregnancy, Facial prominences (One from Superior, Two from the Sides, Two from Inferior) grow and fuse together to form the face (5 total)
- Lip and Palate usually occur together, isolated version is less common
Cleft Lip and Palate
- Recurrent Aphtous ulcers, Genital ulcers and Uveitis (visual disturbances)
- Due to Immune complex Vasculitis involving Small Blood Vessels
- Can be seen after Viral Infection, but Etiology is unknown
Behcet Syndrome
- Malignant neoplasm of the Oral mucosa
- Tobacco and ** Alcohol** are major Risk Factors
- Floor of Mouth is most common
- Desmosomes and Keratin
- Oral Leukoplakia and Erythroplakia are Precursor Lesions
- Leukoplakia vs. Oral Candidiasis = is a white deposition which is easily scraped away, usually a/w immunocompromised states
- Hairy leukoplakia is white, rough ‘hairy’ patch that arises on the Lateral tongue - AIDS, EBV-induced SCHyperplasia - not pre-maliginant
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Pyogenic Granuloma
- Congenital, Non-inherited (somatic), Developmental anomaly of Neural Crest derivatives (Mesoderm / Ectoderm) due to activating mutation of GNAQ gene
- Affects small (capillary-sized) blood vessels
- Port-wine stain of the Face (non-neoplastic “birthmark” in CN V1, V2 Distribution)
- Ipsilateral Leptomeningeal Angioma –> Seizures / Epilepsy
- Intellectual Disability and Episcleral Hemangioma –> Increase IOP –> Early-onse Glaucoma
Sturge-Weber Syndrome
- Sporadic, port-wine Stain
- Tram track Ca2+ (opposing gyri)
- Unilateral
- Retardation
- Glaucoma, GNAQ gene
- Epilepsy
- Hamartomas in CNS and Skin
- Angiofibromas
- Mitral regurgitation
- Ash-leaf spots
- Rhabdomyoma - cardiac
- Tuberous sclerosis
- autosomal dOminant
- Mental retardation
- Angiomyolipoma - renal
- Seizures, Shagreen patches
- Increase Incidence of Subependymal Astrocytomas and Ungual Fibromas
Tuberous Sclerosis
- Cafe-au-lait spots
- Lisch nodules (pigmented iris hamartomas)
- Neurofibromas in Skin, Optic gliomas, Pheochromocytomas (PCC)
- Mutated NF-1 tumor suppressor gene (neurofibromin, a negative regulator of Ras) on Chrom. 17
- Skin tumors of NF-1 are derived from Neural crest cells
Neurofibromatosis Type 1
(von Recklinghausen Disease)
- Cavernous Hemangiomas in Skin, Mucosa, Organs, Bilateral Renal Cell Carcinoma
- Hemangioblastoma (High vascularity w/ Hyperchromatic nuclei) in Retina, Brain stem, Cerebellum and Pheochromocytomas (PCC medulla of Adrenal Glands)
- Autosomal Dominant
- Mutated VHL tumor suppressor gene on Chrom. 3
- Results in Constitutive expression of HIF (Transcription factor) and activation of Angiogenic growth factors
von Hippel-Lindau Disease