Neuro Examination and History Flashcards
How to take a Neuro History
History of presenting compliant
- What have you come to see us with today?
- Do you have any other symptoms?
- How are you feeling at the moment
- How long has it gone on for
- Has this happened before and when did it start
- was the start of this pain associated with a specific event
- What does it (pain) feel like
- Do it start suddenly or a gradual onset
- Where speficially is the pain and does it spread
- What is the character of the pain
– does anything make it better or worse
- What treatments has this responded to
- can you rate the pain on a scale of 0-10
- How are you generally – are you fit and well
Then go into more specific questions about symptoms:
- What were you doing before the blackout, can you remember what happened during the blackout and what happened after the blackout
- in what position was the patient - lying, standing, seated
- where you sleep deprived or have drunk a lot o alcohol
- have you had any recurrent episodes and what were you doing when it happened
- in the case of vertigo - is there recurrence on turn gin the head or sitting up from lying flat - indicate benign positional vertigo
- availability of thrombolysis for stroke means that the time of onset of symptoms need to be noted
- what are triggering factors
- patterns of episodes over time
Ideas Concerns Expectations
- Do you have any idea of what might be going on
- Is there anything that is worrying you specifically
- What were you hoping id be able to do for you today
Past Medical history - Do you have any medical conditions - Have you seen anyone for this before Specific questions - Have you had contact with those that are unwell recently -
Drug history and allergies
- What prescribed medication do you take
- What over the counter medication do you take
- Have you taken any illicit substances?
- Do you have any allergies?
Social history
- What do you do for a living
- Do you smoke – how long have you smoked, how many cigarettes do you smoke a day
- Do you drink
- Where do you currently live
- Do you have a support network that helps you
- Do you require any assistane in day to day life
- How much exercise do you do – how often and what type
Family History
- Has your family had any significant illness
- Are they well and still alive
Systematic review
Now just before we finish I just have some quick general questions to ask
- Have you had a fever
- Any weight changes
- Do you fill fatigued
- Have you had a cough?
- Do you get any stomach pain or nausea and vomiting
- Are you going to the toilet as usually?
- Have you had a headache, any visual changes, or motor and sensory disturbances
- Any chest wall pain, or trauma
- Do you have any rashes or other skin problems
Before I examine you is there anything else that you would like to add or think that I have missed
what should you seek to answer in a neurological history examination
- which part of the nervous system is affected and where is the lesion
- is it a single lesion or is there multiple lesion
- what is the underlying pathological process
- is this a purely neurological problem or a neurological manifestation of a systemic disease
what other history is good to have
- a collateral history from a caretaker should be sought
- but permission should be asked before hand
why is hardness important to know
- almost all right handed individuals and at least 3/4 of left handed ones are left hemisphere dominant for language
- this information is important when localising al lesion
the more left handed the patient the more likely they are to be …
- the more left handed the patient is the more likely they are to be right hemisphere dominan
why should you look at levels of severity
- MS - patterns and symptoms are important in determining the nature of the disease - e.g. primary progressive, relapsing remitting or secondary progressive
what suggests cortical pathology
- epileptic seizures
- disturbances of consciousness
- cognitive and psychiatric symptoms (e.g. dementia)
- organic psychoses
- hemiparesis
- hemisensory disturbance
- visual field deficits (homonymous hemianopia).
What are the pathological processes that commonly affect the cortex
- vascular disease
- tumour
- abscess
- trauma
- atrophy/infection of the temporal lobe
what are frontal lobes important for
- important for planning and executive function
what happens if there is damage to the frontal lobe
- may be disinhibited or flippant
- check there attention span - ask them to recall a string of numbers
- be ware that they may lack capacity and need a moral assessment of their ability to consent for investigation and treatment
- changes in personality, mood, insight and urinary incontinence
what happens if there is a lesion to the parietal lobe
- can be difficult to identify
- loss of function such as temperature or proprioception suggests a lesions low down the chain
- disorders such as agnosia and apraxia or inattention suggest cortical pathology
what happens if there is a lesion to the temporal lobe
- speech and language is affected if the left/dominant temporal lobe is involved
- memory (particularly episodic memory) is affected
- the hippocampus and temporal lobe are needed to form new memories and are sensitive to anoxia
- seizures that begin in the temporal lobe may be preceded by a sense of deja vu or a strange smell
- medial temporal lobe is commonly involved in viral encephalitis and acute temporal lobe symptoms associated with headache in young patients should suggest this diagnosis
How do you know of damage to the occipital lobe
- visual deficits
- scotoma
- ask western symtpoms are bilateral and in particular ask if there is any history of trauma - after sudden deceleration injury
- contra-coup injury may damage both occipital poles simultaneously
what is a scotoma
a scotoma is when there is a black spot in the visual field where the macula which is rich in photoreceptors is located
list some extrapyramidal disease characteristics
- parkinsons - stiffness and slow movement
- hypokientic syndromes due to lesions in the palladium or substantially nigra
- tremor
- putamen and caudate lesions can lead to hyperkinetic disorders in which tone tends to decrease
- sub thalamic damage - ballismus - more violent and less smooth involuntary movement
what does a transection of the cord in the cervical spine result in
- spastic paralysis of all four limbs (tetraplegia)
what does a transection in the thoracic or lumbar spine affect
- just the lower limbs - paraplegia
what indicates damage to the conus and caudal equine
involvement of the perineum with or without associated autonomic dysfunction (such as urinary retention) may indicate pathology in the conus or cauda equina
is brown sequard unilateral or bilateral
what are the causes of brown sequard
trauma, vascular insult and tumour compression
what happens when you have an anterior cord infarction due to spinal artery occlusion
- symptoms may spare the posterior columns - so you will still have touch, vibration and proprioception
what is extrinsic compression suggested by
- neck or back pain
- malignancy may have metastasised to the vertebrae and recent procedures such as epidural anaesthesia or facet injection
what do peripheral nerve lesions give rise to
- weakness, wasting and sensory disturbances
- causes symptoms such as tingling and dysaesthesia or negative symptoms such as numbness or lack of sensation
- symmetrical polyneuropathy affects the feet more than the hands because the nerves are longer
what is myopathy
Muscle disease is a purely motor condition (without sensory symptoms), as is motor neurone disease.
- important to enquire about drug history as corticosteroids or statins may be implicated
where does proximal myopathy commonly present
- presents with difficulty climbing the stairs, rising from a allow chair or reaching up for things on a high shelf
what does myasthenia gravis do
Myasthenia gravis causes fatigability with increased weakness after activity or later in the day.
what suggests an inflammatory myopathy
- pain and tenderness of the muscles may suggest an inflammatory myopathy
what are the commonly prescribed drugs that may cause peripheral neuropathy
- Amiodarone
- Amitriptyline
- Dapsone
- Disulfiram
- Gold
- Hydralazine
- Isoniazid
- Lithium
- Metronidazole
- Nitrofurantoin
- Phenytoin
- Pyridoxine
- Reverse transcriptase inhibitors (as part of antiretroviral
therapy) - Thalidomide
- Vinblastine
- Vincristine
what other questions should you ask in a history
- are bladder, bowel and sexual function normal - autonomic nervous system
- infections - sepsis, sore throat, myocarditis
- rash or joint problems - vasculitis
- cardiac symptoms are important when diagnosing loss of consciousness
- sleep disturbance may indicate a brainstem lesions
- features of malignancy
- close with are there any other relevant symptoms that you wish to disclose
Describe how to do a cranial nerve examination
- wash your hands
- introduce yourself
- permission and check if they are in pain
- expose the patient
- reposition the patient
ask whether they are right or left handed
- hand dominance signals cerebral hemisphere dominance
test for aphasia receptive - puff out the cheeks - close and open the eyes expressive - ask them what a cup is - and list common objects
Test dysarthria
- ask them to say something such as prince regent street
mental state
- perform a simple knowledge test
- perform a simple memory test
Cranial nerve examination
1. olfactory nerve - ask them to smell something common with there eyes closed
- optic - get them to read something - small print at near vision and large print at a distance
- test pupil reflex reaction - test one eye at the time
- use an ophthalmoscope to look at the fundus
- assess the visual fields - use the bunny hands - oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens
- test for eye movement - H sign and get them to follow
- hand on their chin
- observe for nystagmus
test accommodation - look at a distance and then focus on the finger as you bring it in - trieminal nerve - has both motor and sensory function
- touch over the three divisions of the nerve - ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular
- clench there jaw why you feel over the master muscle
- test jaw jerk with the patella hammer
- test the corneal reflex is present
7, facial nerve
- get them to tightly close there eyes and see whether the eyes can be open
- ask them to frown
- ask them to blow out there cheeks
8, auditory nerve
- test the hearing initially by whispering into each ear
- then find if it is due to conductive or perceptive deafness
- rinnes test - differentiates between nerve perception and air conduction deafness - placed on mastoid
- webers test - nerve perception and air conduction deafness - placed on centre of the forehead
9 and 10. glossopharyngeal and vagus never
- uvula is central
- test gag reflex
- accessory nerve
- SCM and trapezius
- ask them to shrug there shoulders and push down
- push hand away with the jaw - hypoglossal
- look for washing and abnormal movements of the tongue
- look for tongue deviation
Describe how to do a lower limb PNS
- wash your hands
- introduce yourself
- permission and check if they are in pain
- expose the patient
- reposition the patient
Observe the gait as they walk into the clinic
- whether there is evident weakness in the lower limb
- whether they swing there arms normally
- coordination - by testing if they can walk heel to toe
perform a rombergs test
- put feet together
- stand still and look a head
- firstly with there eyes open and then with there eyes closed
- position the patient on the bed
ask whether they are right or left handed
- hand dominance signals cerebral hemisphere dominance
test for aphasia receptive - puff out the cheeks - close and open the eyes expressive - ask them what a cup is - and list common objects
Test dysarthria
- ask them to say something such as prince regent street
mental state
- perform a simple knowledge test
- perform a simple memory test
- observe musculature
- muscle wasting - reduction in bulk and flabby appearance
- involuntary movement
- tremor of the fingers
- move all the limbs in the direction to confirm flaccidity or increased tone
muscle strength (power)
- each movement should be compared with own strength
- start from the shoulders and work down
- left the leg up and push into the couch
- left the leg down and push up
- bend the knee and pull heel up tot he bottom and try to push it forward
- try to push it backwards
- try to push feet down
- try to push feet out
- knee jerk
- ankle jerk
- if the reflex is absent - ask them to grip there teeth or clench there hands
- test for clonus - if clonus is present the foot continues to jerk backwards and forwards
- plantar reflex - babinski response - firm pressure usually with the finger nail along the lateral border of the dorsal of the foot - in normal circumstance it flexes but in UMN it shows an extensor response
test for coordination
- run there heel down the shin
light touch
- cotton wool - supplied at a single point with the eyes closed
- placed sternum so they know what it feels like
- use a neurotip - test that they can feel the stimulus on the sternum
- then go to the dermatomes
- tuning fork
- can see if the digit is moving up or down while there eyes are closed
- look for bony defects or swelling
- palpate for spinal tenderness and movement
- listen for burins
examination skin for vascular malformations, neuromas, and cafe au laits spots
Describe how to do an upper limb PNS
- wash your hands
- introduce yourself
- permission and check if they are in pain
- expose the patient
- reposition the patient
- move all the limbs in the direction to confirm flaccidity or increased tone
muscle strength (power)
- each movement should be compared with own strength
- start from the shoulders and work down
- push shoulders against moving up and down
- push arms against moving up and down
- push hands against moving up and down
- push wrists against
- push spread out fingers against
- biceps reflex
- triceps reflex
- supinator reflex
test coordination
- finger to nose test
test for dysdiadochoknisa
- rapid repeated movements
light touch
- cotton wool - supplied at a single point with the eyes closed
- placed sternum so they know what it feels like
- use a neurotip - test that they can feel the stimulus on the sternum
- then go to the dermatomes
- tuning fork
- can see if the digit is moving up or down while there eyes are closed
name the spinal level for - biceps - supinator - jaw - gag - triceps - knee - ankle - abdominal - anal - plantar reflex
- biceps = C5, C6
- supinator = C5,C6
- jaw - 5th cranial nerve
- gag - 11/12th cranial nevre
- triceps - C7,C8
- knee - L3,L4
- ankle - S1
- abdominal - T7-T12
- anal - S4 S5
- plantar - S1
what common investigations are used in a neuro examination
- FBC - anaemia, hypothyroidism, excessive alcohol consumption
- erythrocyte sedimentation rate and or C reactive protein
- Vitamin B12 and folic acid levels
- thyroid function tests
- fasting blood glucose
- serum calcium and electrolytes
CT - carotid doppler scanning
- echocardiography
what happens in an antaglic gait
- gait adjusts to try and minimise pain in a joint
- usually secondary to osteoarthritis of the hip
- patient leads towards the affected side and takes a rapid step on that side followed by a slower step on the contralateral side
what happens in a drunken gait
. Wide-based gait or reeling gait on a narrow base
. Feet are often raised too high and placed over carefully with the patient looking ahead
. If a cerebellar lesion, the patient falls to the side of the lesion
- could be due to being drunk or a cerebellar lesion
what happens in foot drop
- walk with a high stepping gait
- Common peroneal palsy, e.g. due to trauma – normal ankle jerk
- Sciatica – ankle jerk absent
- L4, L5 root lesion – ankle jerk may be absent
- Peripheral motor neuropathy, e.g. alcoholic – ankle jerk weak or absent
- Distal myopathy – ankle jerk weak or absent
- Motor neurone disease – increased ankle jerk
what happens to the gait in frontal lesions
Marked unsteadiness – the feet appear stuck to the floor causing a wide-based, shuffling gait
What happens in an hemiplegic gait
Style of walking seen in patients with UMN lesions. Features:
- Arm adducted and internally rotated, elbow flexed and pronated, sometime with associated
finger flexion
- Foot is plantar flexed and the leg swings in a lateral arc
What happens in a parkinsonian gait
Seen in patients with Parkinson’s disease and other causes of Parkinsonism.
- Akinesia: Hesitation in starting walking (may be relieved by placing a line on the floor for the
patient to step over)
- Marche au petit pas: Small, shuffling steps
- Festinant gait: Flexed posture as if hurrying to keep up with feet
- Lack of normal arm swing
- Kinesia paradoxica: Patients can perform fast or energetic movements more easily than slow
ones, e.g. running may be easier than walking
what happens in a scissor gait
As the name implies, the patient walks as if his/her legs were like a pair of scissors. Associated with spastic paraplegia:
- Both legs are held rigid with plantar flexion of the ankle, extension of the knee and
adduction/internal rotation of the hips
- The patient walks on tiptoe and the knees rub together/cross during the walking cycle
- Often accompanied by complex movements of the upper limbs to assist the walking movements
What happens in a sensory ataxic gait
Loss of proprioception due to peripheral neuropathy or spinal cord disease (e.g. cervical spondylosis, multiple sclerosis, syphilis, combined degeneration of the cord) results in an ataxic gait similar to that seen with cerebellar disease.
Check Romberg’s test.
- Broad-based gait with a tendency to stamp feet down clumsily
- The patient tends to look at his/her feet throughout the walking cycle
- Romberg’s sign is positive
describe waddling gait and who it is usually seen in
- patients with proximal myopathy - e.g. due to muscular dystrophy
- other causes pregnancy, congenial dislocation of the hip
- Broad-based gait in which the pelvis drops to the side of the leg being raised; the patient
moves body and hips to accommodate this resulting in a duck like waddle in the swing phase
- Commonly accompanied by increased forward curvature of the lower spine
what is kernig’s sign
- lie on back with knee at 90 degrees and then ask them to extend there leg and if they can’t its a sign of meningitis
what can you do to test meningitis
- chin to chest - neck movements
- kernig’s sign
- check temperature
- sensitivity to light
- generally assess how they look
- check if they are experiencing double vision
if there is a bacterial meiginitis what does the CSF look like
- cloudy/turbid