Neuro cases 1 Flashcards
What are the 3 most common types of headaches? What are basic characteristics of each?
- Migraine: unilateral; patient prefers a dark room, can have n/v associated, photophobia, etc
- Tension type headache: bilateral; waxes and wanes
- Cluster: unilateral beginning at one temple
The ________ criteria could represent a space occupying mass, vascular lesion, infection, metabolic disturbance, or systemic problem
What does SNOOP stand for? s n o o p
Systemic- (illnesses or fevers)
Neuro- (confusion, papilledema)
Onset-(she’s NEW)
Other associated conditions-(head trauma, illicit drug use, worse with Valsalva
P-Previous HA with HA progression or change
What are reasons that an emergency evaluation may be needed for a headache?
- Thunderclap headache
- Acute neck pain or associated -Horner syndrome
- meningitis or encephalitis suspicion
- orbital or preorbital sx
- possible CO exposure
List the things that the dizziness specific history should include
History of trauma Frequency Severity Associated symptoms (blurry sx, syncope, N/V, hearing loss) personal and family hx of similar sx review of meds
Define vertigo
a sensation of self motion when no movement is occurring or a self distorted movement with head turning
What are some possible causes of vertigo?
Asymmetry in the vestibular system
disorder in the peripheral labyrinth
What does TiTrATE stand for in the evaluation of dizziness
Ti-Timing of the symptom
Tr-Triggers that provoke the symptom
Ate-And a Targeted Examination
What are the three clinical scenarios that dizziness can fall under?
Episodic triggered sx
Spontaneous episodic sx
Continuous vestibular sx
Describe the Dix Hallpike Maneuver
This test consists of a series of two maneuvers:(A)With the patient sitting on the examination table, facing forward, eyes open, the physician turns the patient’s head 45 degrees to the right.(B)The physician supports the patient’s head as the patient lies back quickly from a sitting to supine position, ending with the head hanging 20 degrees off the end of the examination table. The patient remains in this position for 30 seconds. Then the patient returns to the upright position and is observed for 30 seconds. Next, the maneuver is repeated with the patient’s head turned to the left. A positive test is indicated if any of these maneuvers trigger vertigo with or without nystagmus
_____ occurs with the loose canaliths “get stuck” in the semicircular canals
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
What are the treatments that are used for BPPV?
Epley maneuvers in the office or Brandt Daroff exercises at home
Describe Meniere’s disease
vertigo with hearing loss with or without tinnitus
vertigo that requires bed rest
What are the classifications of syncope?
Neurally mediated
Orthostatic hypotension
What are the THREE Things that the history portion of a syncope reaction should focus on?
- Is there LOC?
- hx of CVD?
- clinical features that would signify why there was syncope?
Review these cases for a bit to get more info on the plans and stuff to get a feel for what she wants, just in case. I thought it would be a lot to do flashies on them
K thanks bye