Neuro Anatomy (Felts) Flashcards
What makes up the Diencephalon?
The Thalmus and Hypothalmus
What structures make up the brainstem?
- Midbrain
- Pons
- Medulla Oblongata
What are the 4 major types of Glial cells in the CNS?
- Astrocytes
- Oligodendrocytes
- Microglia
- Ependymal cells
What is the role of Astrocytes in the CNS?
Maintenence of the blood-brain barrier
Environmental homeostasis
What cells are responsible for the production of myelin in the CNS?
(Schwann cells in the PNS)
What is the structure shown?
Node of Ranvier
Periodic gap in the myelin sheath. Allows APs to jump from one node to the next.
What is the name of the immune and antigen presenting cells in the CNS?
What are Ependymal cells?
Cells that line the ventricles of the CNS
Ciliated cuboidal/columnar epithelium
What is the difference between a fissure and a sulcus?
A fissure is deeper
Within the brain, where is grey and white matter found?
Grey matter on the outside
White matter in the medullary centre
Within the spinal cord, where is grey and white matter found?
Grey matter on the inside in an H shape
White matter on the outside
What does the insula do?
The insula plays an important role in the patient’s experience of pain
What are the layers of the meninges of the brain from superficial to deep?
- Dura Mater
- Arachnoid Mater
- Subarachnoid space contains CSF
- Pia Mater
How does blood from the brain drain?
Drains into a system of Dural Venous Sinuses
The dural venous sinuses drain into the internal jugular vein
What are the denticulate ligaments?
A ligament formed of pial and arachnoid tissue that anchor the spinal cord, along its length at each side, to the dura mater.
What are the lateral horns and at which spinal level are they found?
Contain the preganglionic sympathetic neurons
Describe the arterial supply to the spinal cord
- 3 major longitudanal arteries- 1 anterior, 2 posterior. Origninate from vertebral arteries and run full length of cord
- Segmental arteries- derived from vertebral, intercostal and lumbar arteries
- Radicular arteries- travel along dorsal and ventral routes
What is the epidural space?
The space between the dura and the bone which contains adipose tissue and anterior and posterior epidural venous plexuses.
Describe Ascending tracts
Ascending tracts carry sensory information from the body to the brain. A good example is pain perception.
Describe descending tracts
Descending tracts carry motor instruction (e.g. to move the arm), down the spinal cord to the body
Give examples of ascending tracts
Dorsal Column (medial lemniscus system)
Spinothalamic Tract
What is the role of the Dorsal Column/Medial Lemniscus System and where do the fibres cross?
Fine touch and proprioception
Fibres cross in the medulla
What is the role of the spinothalamic tract and where do the fibres cross?
Carries pain, temperature and deep pressure
Fibres cross segmentally
Does this region of the brain pick up sensory or motor signals?
This image shows the sensory cortex located in the parietal lobe, just posterior to the central sulcus
Where is the motor cortex located?
An area of the frontal lobe, immediately amterior to the central sulcus
What is the role of the corticospinal/pyramidal tract?
Motor tract
Role in fine and precise movement, partcularly in the distal limb muscles (e.g. digits)
Describe what happens at the decussation of the pyramids in the medulla
Arount 85% of the fibres of the corticospinal tract cross at the caudal medulla at the decussation of the pyramids
Crossed fibres form the lateral CST
Uncrossed fibres form the ventral CST which cross segmentally
What are some of the motor tracts known collectively as the ‘extrapyramidal system’ and what do they do?
- Tectospinal Tract- Mediate reflex head and neck movement due to visual stimuli
- Reticulospinal Tract- Influences voluntary movement and reflexes
- Vestibulospinal Tract- Excitatory input to ‘antigravity’ extensor muscles
What are the lobes of the cerebellum?
- Anterior lobe
- Posterior Lobe
- Flocculonodular Lobe
How is the cerebellum attached to the brainstem?
Via 3 cerebellur peduncles- superior, middle (largest) and inferior