Neuro Flashcards
What is the somatosensory system?
Allows us to sense: touch, temperature, propioception, pain
What are teh exteroreceptive sense?
mechanoreceptor: touch
thermoreceptors: warming and cooling
nociceptors: sharp and burning pain
Receptive field?
area in the periphery where application of an adequate stimulus causes response
Stumulus transduction?
At peripheral terminal stimulus activates receptors and ion channels; generates receptor potential; receptor potential strong enough generates action potentials
Intensity of stimulus is encoded by what?
Each neuron through frate code of frequency
in many neurons through number of neurons firing the spatial summation code
what are the different types of nerve fibers?
Aalpha, Abeta (both are large and mylenaited) Adelta (thin and myelinated) C fibers (unmyelinated)
Glaborous skin specializes in what?
Has severl different types of specilalized sensor receptor
Spatial resolution depends on what?
receptive field size and innervation density
What are mechanoreceptors?
mediate tactile/touch sensation, very sensitive to force(low threshold),have myelinated axons, superficial receptors in border between epidermis and dermis
What are merkel disks?
type of mechanoreceptorss: Responsible for fine touch, 2point discrimination, receptive field, multiple small spots, several disks for one axon, slowly adapting response encodes amount of force
What are Meissner’s corpuscles?
[mechanoreceptors] Fine touch, 2-point discrimination. Sense abrupt changes in edges. Help adjust grip. Receptive field: single spot. Corpuscle encloses a stack of flattened epithelial cells. Rapidly adapting responses encodes offset of skin indentation.
What are Ruffini Endings?
Sense stretch of skin, help determined shape of grasp objects. Receptive field: large and diffuse. Ruffini ending is encapsulated. Slowl adapting resposne sto stretching skin
What are pacinian corpsucles?
[mechanoreceptors] Respond to high frequency vibration; MOst sensitve mechanoreceptor even distribution throughout skin.
Receptive field: large and diffuse
Fluid filled capsule wrapped around bare nerve endings filters out sustained stimuli
Rapidly adapting response
What are hair follicle receptors?
[mechanoreceptors], respond tot movement of hairs, receptive field is around base of hair. Bare axon wraps around base of hair follicle; rapidly adapting response encodes velocity of hair
Spatial summation code is what?
OVerall picture in brain is due to sum of information provided by different active and silent fibers
Thermoreceptors are what?
Encode skin temp (warming, cooling). Discharge continuously (steady rate) @ normal skin temp
What are cooling receptors?
[thermoreceptor] increase firing when skin is cooled. Free nerve endings with myelinated axons. Small receptive fields; infrequent distribution
What are warming receptors?
increase firing rate when skin is warmed aboved 32 C. Stop firing when skin is cooled. Free nerve endings with unmyelinated axons
What are nociceptors?
Respond to stimuli that damage or threaten to damage tissue; 70% of DRG are nociceptors and provide almost all innervation to tooth pulp and cornea
What is Mechanonociceptors?
[nociceptor] Adelta axon
Respond to intense mechanical force, sometimes intense heat
free nerve ending
small receptive fields
slowly adapting response
mediate fast initial pain, sharp pricking, easy to localize
What are polymodal nociceptors?
unmyelinated Respond to intesne mechancial force, high heat, noxious chemicals free nerve endings, small receptive fields slowly adapting response mediate slow aching, "burning" pain
What does the DC/ML transmit sensations of?
light touch
What are teh components of the DC/ML system?
3 neurons
1st in sensory ganglion
2nd in spinal cord and/or braiinstem
3rd in thalamus
In the DC/ML system waht is the 1st neurons responsibility?
Peripheral process transmits info from mechanoreceptor
cell body i DRG
Central process transmits info via dorsal root and ascends within ipsilateral dorsal colum
terminates in dorsal column nuclei
What is the role of the 2nd Nueron in the DC/ML system?
Cell body in ucleus gracillis or nucleus cuneatus
terminates in ventral posterior lateral nucleus of thalamus
axon decussates to contralat side and ascends in medial lemniscus
What is the role of the 3rd neuron in the DC/ML system?
Cell body in VPL of thalamus
Axons pass through posterior limb of termial capsule
Terminates in SI cortex (postcentral gyrus, primary somatosensory cortex)
What does the faciculus gracilis contain?
Located medially, contains axons from below T7
What does the faciculus cuneatus contain?
Axons from about T7 in DC/ML system and it’s located laterally
What is the role of Somatotopy in the 1st neuron of the DC/ML system?
Sacral dermatomes located medially, and each level on the way up located progressively laterally helps perserve info about location and nature of stim
What occurs in a unilateral spinal cord leasion in relation to DC/ML system?
Loss of light touch, pressure, vibration and propioception on ipsilateral side below lesion
What happens in posterior cord syndrome?
Loss of light touch, pressure, vibration and propioception from dermatomes below level of lesion but other sensory and motor functions remain intact
What occurs in large central cord lesion?
Loss of everything but sacral region can be spared.
Where are the second neruon cell bodies located in the DC/ML system?
Caudal medulla, axons dessucate as internal arcuate fibers
axons form medial leminiscus through rostral medulla pons ad midbrain
terminate in VPL
What occurs with lesion of medial leminiscus?
Loss of light touch, pressure, vibrationa nd propioception from dermatomes below lesion on cotnralateral side of body (medial medullary system)
The third neuron for DC/ML system are located where?
Cell body in VPL(ventral posterior lateral nucleus) of thalamus
axons pass through posterior limb of interal capsule
terminates in SI cortex
What is teh difference between VPL ad VPM in the THalamus?
VPL(ventral posterior lateral nuclues) sensation from body
VPM (Ventral posterior medial nucleus) sensation from body
Somatotopy occurs how in hte the thalamus?
most medial is face goes to foot as move laterally
How do axons from thalamus fan out?
As the corona radiata, fiibers from VPL and VPM pass to SI cortex
What occus with lesions of thalamus or SI cortex?
Loss of sensation from contralateral half of body
What brodmann area is responsible for limb movement?
area 3a
What brodmann area is responsible for basic tactile information
area 3b
What brodmanna rea is responsible for motion and direction of movment of objects?
area 1
What brodmann area is responsible for limb position, shapes of objects
area 2
What is the relationship between SI and SII cortex?
Located along upper border of Sylvian fissure and insular cortex, SI neurons project to SII cortex
Parietal association corticiess, what is a unimodal association cortex?
vision, auditory or somatosensory and a lesion causes agnosias (inability recognize object)
what is multimodal parietal association cortices?
combine sensation with motivation, attention, relevane
lesions lead to contralateral neglect
Anesthesia means what?
lack of sensation
analgesia means?
lack of pain
hyperalgesia means what?
increased pain from normally painful stimulus
pain froma normally non-painful stimulus
hypoalgesia means what?
Decreased pain sensation
Pruritus means what?
nociceptive pain is what type of pain?
Pain resulting from tissue damage
well localized, throbbing quality
typically responds to NSAIDS
What type of pain is neuropathic pain?
Pain directly from damage to nerves
often has burning, lancinating, electrical qualty
resistant to NSAIDS and opoids
What sensation does the anterolateral system transmit?
Pain and temperature sensation to higher brain levels
What is the input to the anterolateral system?
noxious mechanical, thermal, or chemical stimulus to free nerve endings of Adelta or C fibers of nociceptors
Adelta fibers mediate what type of pain?
Mediate initial pain which is immediate, short-lasting, pricking quality
C fibers mediate what type of pain?
delayed, long lasting, burning quality
Where do central processors of nociceptors enter as part of teh anterolateral system?
Enter spinal cord dorsal horn, and synapse onto second order spinal neurons in lamina I/II. Some nociceptors synapse in lateral endge of spinal cord and a few near central canal.
What chemical synapse is involved at the second order spinal neruon synapse in anterolateral system?
Chemical synapses involves glutamage and substance P
What is the spinothalamic tract?
the majoroity of the second order ascending fibers termiante in thalamus, most prominent pain pathway
What is the Ventral posterior lateral nucleus?
Part of thalamus, 3rd order axons to SI cortex. Principally relays nucleus for discriminatory somatosensory info, localize pain