Neuro Flashcards
Cerebral blood flow in adults:
750 ml/min, 15% of resting cardiac output
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in adults:
140 ml
CSF secretion rate:
500 ml/day
CSF pressure range:
5 mmHg (8-10 cmH2O)
White blood cell count in normal CSF:
0-5 cells/μL
Protein concentration in normal CSF:
0.35 g/l
Na+/K+/Cl-/HCO3- concentrations in CSF :
149/3/128/26 mmol/kgH2O
Glucose concentration in CSF relative to plasma:
~ 2/3 of plasma concentration
Visual acuity in standard terms:
5/5 (m) or 20/20 (feet)
Spatial resolution of the human eye :
Total refractory power of the eye :
60 D
Refractory power of the cornea:
40-43 D
Refractory power of the lens during far accommodation :
17-20 D
Near point distance for human vision :
7-10 cm
Physiologic astigmia in the human eye:
0.5 D
Normal intraocular pressure range :
10-20 mmHg (mean: 16 mmHg)
Critical flicker fusion frequency for scotopic conditions :
22-25 Hz
Critical flicker fusion frequency for photopic conditions :
40-50 Hz
Purkinje shift range :
500-555 nm
Maximum speed of pursuit eye movements :
up to 60 °/s
Speed range of saccadic eye movements :
> 60 °/s (max: 1000 °/s)
Frequency range of human hearing :
20-20000 Hz
Sound pressure level range of human hearing :
0-120 dB
Reference sound pressure level :
20 μPa
Threshold of human hearing :
0 dB
Frequency range of human speech :
250-4000 Hz
Reference frequency of the phon scale :
1000 Hz
EEG wave frequency ranges for delta waves:
0.5-4 Hz
EEG wave frequency ranges for theta waves :
4-7 Hz
EEG wave frequency ranges for alpha waves :
8-12 Hz
EEG wave frequency ranges for beta waves :
13-30 Hz