Neuro Flashcards
Cranial nerves optic nerve
Nerve 2
- Pupillary reflexes and accommodation
- visual acuity with Snellen chart (6m away)
- visual fields
- offer fundoscopy
- colour vision
Eye movements are 3/4/6
Which nerves do you test for vision
Cranial nerves 2,3,4,6
How to test trigeminal nerve
- Light and sharp touch sensation in 3 divisions: ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular
- offer corneal reflex (with cotton wool)
- mastication muscles- temporalis, massater, pterygoids
- clench teeth while palpating, then open jaw vs resistance and jaw side to side
How to test facial nerve
Nerve 7
Muscles of facial expression: frontalis, orbicularis oculi, orbicularis oris, buccinators
Eyebrow raise vs res
Eyes tight shut vs res
Show teeth and purse lips
Blow out cheeks vs res
Is Rinne’s test normal in positive or negative test
How to interpret Weber’s test
(If asked positive is normal but unsure)
If sound localises to one ear it means there is either:
- ipsilateral conductive hearing loss
- contralateral sensorineural hearing loss
Confirm with rinne’s test- ipsilateral negative rinne’s test
How to test cranial nerves 9 10 and 12
9= glossopharyngeal, 10= vagus, 12= hypoglossal
- Ask to cough- equal
- Say aaaah- equal rise of the soft palate
- Offer gag reflex
- stick tongue out - look for wasting and fasciculation
- tongue side to side
- tongue in cheek vs resistance
If abnormal the tongue deviates TOWARDS the lesion
How to test nerve 11
Accessory nerve
Trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
Shrug shoulders vs resistance
Turn head to one side vs res
How to interpret tone
- UMN= ‘clasp-knife’ spasticity= initial resistance then sudden reduction in resistance
- basal ganglia= ‘lead pipe’ rigidity= sustained resistance
- parkinson’s= ‘cog-wheel’ rigidity= tremor superimposed on lead pipe
- lower motor neurone/ cerebellar lesion
Which nerves for patella and ankle jerk reflexes
Patella= L3/4
Ankle jerk= S1/2
How to perform and interpret babinski reflex
Scratch lateral side of heel then underneath toes
Usually will flex, if big toe extends then UMN lesion
How to perform and interpret romberg’s test
Stand with eyes open and feet apart
Feet together THEN close eyes
Unsteady= positive= sensory ataxia
If unsteady with eyes open= cerebellar lesion
How to assess and interpret pronator drift
Extend arms with palms up and close eyes
If there is an UMN lesion the affected arm will pronate and fall (positive)
What is the MRC muscle power assessment scale
5= normal
4= active movement vs gravity and resistance but reduced power
3= active movement against gravity (but not vs res)
2= active movement with gravity eliminated
1= flicker/ trace of contraction
0= no contraction