Neuro Flashcards
When is water + baby food recommended
6 months
When can infants have honey
When can whole cows milk be introduced?
15 months
Introduction of whole cow’s milk (and constipation with change discussed) Assess anemia, discuss iron-rich foods →3x birth weight
When can the car seat be forward facing & what else happens at this age?
2 years + Toilet training begins
When can children transition from booster to normal car seat with lap seatbelt?
When can children start sitting in the front seat?
flat facial profile, flat nasal bridges, open mouth, protruding tongue, upslanting palpebral
fissures, folded/dysplastic ears, brachycephalic, prominent epicanthal folds, excessive skin @ the nape of the neck, short neck
Down syndrome
What are physical exam findings in neonates suggestive of down syndrome?
Poor Moro reflex, hypotonia, dysplasia of the pelvis, hypotonia, may develop transient neonatal leukemia
What prenatal screenings are performed to r/o down syndrome?
Biochemical screening: free beta-hCG: abnl high/low ~indicative of chromosomal abnormalities, PAPP-A: low with fetal DS
Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound @ 10-13 weeks – increased thickness can be seen with trisomy 13, 18, & 21
→ If increased thickness, chorionic villous sampling or amniocentesis is offered
Convulsion associated w/ an elevated temperature greater than 38C with absence of CNS infection or inflammation
Febrile seizures
MC seizure disorder during childhood, occur in 2-5% of children 6 months – 6 years
Febrile seizures
Tx of febrile seizures
If more the 5 minutes, treat with an IV benzodiazepine – Diazepam or Lorazepam
Febrile seizure patients have an increased risk of
Increased risk of epilepsy (2% as opposed to 1% in general population)
In pts with Neomycin & Streptomycin allergy what vaccine is avoided?
avoid MMR & inactivated Polio vaccine
What vaccines are given 1-1.5yrs
MMR, Hepatitis A, DTap, H. influenza, Pneumococcal, Varicella
What vaccines are given at 4-6 years
Varicella, DTap, IPV (Polio), MMR
What vaccines are given at 11-12
- *T**daP, Human Papillomavirus, Meningococcal
What vaccines are given at 16-18
Meningococcal Booster
Which vaccines are live attenuated?
MMR, Varicella Zoster, Rotavirus
Smallpox, yellow fever, oral typhoid, oral polio
4 bugs associated with bacterial meningitis
Streptococcus pneumoniae: MCC in adults all ages & children aged 3m-10y
Neisseria menigitidis: MCC in older children (10-19 y/o), 2nd MCC in adults, may be assoc. w/ petechial rash
Group B Streptococcus (S. agalactiae): MCC in neonates under 1m (part of vaginal flora) & infants under 3m
Listeria monocytogenes: Increased incidence in neonates, 50+ y/o, immunocompromised states (hx of glucocorticoid use, alcoholism, pregnancy, AIDS/HIV, chemotherapy)
Sx of meningitis
Meningeal signs: nuchal rigidity, (+) Brudzinski (neck flexion produces knee &/ hip flexion, (+) Kernig sign (inability to extend the knee/leg with hip flexion); look for bulging fontanelle in babies
Dx of Bacterial meningitis
Lumbar puncture + CSF examination = best initial test & definitive diagnosis: decreased glucose (under 45), increased neutrophils, increased protein & increased pressure
Head CT scan = best initial test PRIOR TO LP ONLY if needed to rule out mass effect if any of these are present: papilledema, seizures, confusion, focal neuro findings, 60y/o+, immunocompromised, or history of CNS disease
In bacterial meningitis is protein increased or normal?
Bacterial = Protein increased (protein eats glucose aka bacteria)
Viral = Protein and glucose are normal
Tx of bacterial meningitis
Antibiotics, along with Dexamethasone when indicated – should be started ASAP after LP is to head CT if needed before LP (basically ASAP after blood cultures are obtained or LP done)
• Dexamethasone has been shown to reduce mortality & sequelae of S. pneumo, H. influenza, & N. menigitidis
• Give if suspect H. influenza type B in children – reduces incidence of CN8-related hearing loss
MCC of aseptic or viral meningitis
Enteroviruses = MCC (Coxsackivirus & Echovirus)
Other viruses, mycobacteria, fungi, spirochetes, medications, and malignancies