Neural Development Flashcards
Embryonic tissues
-3 layers of specialized tissues
Inner layer; primarily becomes internal organs
Middle layer; primarily becomes connective tissues, blood vessels & connective tissue
Outermost layer; become outer layer of the skin (epidermis) and NS
3rd week of development
-Ectoderm thickens and begins to invaginate
-Neural groove
By the end of the 3rd week, edges (neural folds) meet and form the neural tube
-Begins near (what will become) the cervical spinal cord
-Will become the brain and spinal cord
-Cavity within tube will become ventricles (and central canal of spinal cord)
Neural crest cells are left behind as the tube separates fully from the overlying ectoderm
These cells form much of peripheral NS (dorsal root ganglion cells, autonomic ganglia, Schwann cells)
4th week of development
-Sulcus limitans: longitudinal groove in lateral wall of neural tube; present from spinal cord through brainstem
-Separates the tube into a dorsal (alar plate) and ventral (basal plate)
-Alar plate is primarily sensory (dorsal horn of SC)
-Basal plate is primarily motor (lateral & ventral horns of SC)
-At 4th ventricle, alar plate is pushed apart so that it ends up lateral to the basal plate
-Lateral regions of brainstem are more sensory & medial areas more motor
Bulges and bends
Primary @ 4th week, secondary @ 5th week
Primary vesicles
Become secondary vesicles become adult structures
From rostral to caudal in following cards
Prosencephalon (forebrain) –>
Telencephalon–> cerebral hemispheres
–>diencephalon–> thalamus, hypothalamus, retina
Mesencephalon (midbrain)–>
Mesencephalon–> midbrain
Rhombencephalon (hindbrain)–>
Metencephalon–> pons, cerebellum
–>myelencephalon–> medulla
-Cervical & pontine flexures - do not persist
-Cephalic flexure - persists as bend between brainstem and cerebrum
Spina bifida
-Failure of caudal end of neural tube to close/fuse
-Cause unknown, but sufficient folic acid reduces incidence significantly
-Myelomeningocele: no vertebrae form; neural tissue continuous with skin
-Spina bifida often accompanied by Arnold-Chiari malformation (unknown why 2 occur together)
-Cerebellum & brainstem pushed down into foramen magnum; results in hydrocephalus
-Failure of rostral end of neural tube to close/ fuse
-Much/all of cerebral hemispheres fail to form
Holoprosencephaly (spectrum of disorders)
-Failure of prosencephalon to separate into the diencephalon & telencephalon
-Usually fatal
-Usually accompanied by facial abnormalities