Motor Control Systems Flashcards
What are the 2 major systems of motor control?
Somatic and Visceral
Somatic motor system
-Controls skeletal muscle
Visceral motor system
-Aka autonomic nervous system
-Controls smooth & cardiac muscle and glands
-Mostly involuntary
Upper motor neurons
From control regions rostral to ventral horn of spinal cord
➢ basically, everything other than the lower motor neurons
Primary motor area
All three motor cortical areas contribute to the corticospinal tract (CST)
▪ CST fibers decussate at pyramidal decussation
▪ influence lower motor neurons
Extrapyramidal systems
Forebrain & brainstem areas that are not part of the CST
➢ vestibulospinal
➢ reticulospinal
➢ tectospinal
➢ rubrospinal
Lower motor neurons
Both α- and γ- motor neurons
▪ in ventral horn of the spinal cord
➢ note differences in UMN & LMN lesion symptoms
Upper motor neuron modulators
Regions that have few, if any, direct inputs on lower motor neurons, but have a significant influence on motor activity
-Basal ganglia
-Association cortex
Corticospinal tract (CST)
Premotor/supplementary/primary motor areas–>from cortex via post. limb of internal capsule–>decussate (pyramidal) at caudal medulla –>SC descend in the lateral funiculus =LCST
Lateral CST
Decussate in pyramids (~85%)
Descend in CL spinal cord in lateral funiculus
Act on more lateral lower motor neurons in ventral horn of spinal cord
Influence peripheral/limb muscles
Medial (anterior) CST
Fibers stay ipsilateral at caudal medulla (~15%)
Travel in ventral funiculus of ipsilateral spinal cord
Decussate low in spinal cord
Influence more medial ventral horn neurons; axial/trunk muscles
Both CST pathways
Project to both α- and γ- motor neurons
➢ alpha = extrafusal; gamma = intrafusal (muscle spindles)
▪ alpha/gamma coactivation
Project directly and indirectly (by way of interneurons)
Premotor cortex and supplementary motor cortex
➢ premotor area is just rostral to primary motor cortex in frontal lobe
➢ supplementary is similar, but on medial surface of hemisphere
▪ both regions are involved with the initiation of voluntary movement
➢ neural activity seen before movement
▪ activity even if movement is just imagined or contemplated
▪ both regions receive inputs from prefrontal cortex (decision making) and somatosensory association areas (spatial/kinesthetic information about body and objects)
Primary motor area
Precentral gyrus of frontal lobe
▪ ‘final output’ from cerebral cortex
Somatotopic: motor homunculus
Ventral horn
α-motor neurons in ventral horn of spinal cord
▪ innervate skeletal muscle (extrafusal fibers)
➢ at least three types of muscle fibers based on metabolic pathways and physiological properties
Organization of ventral horn
▪ medial = axial (proximal) muscles; lateral = peripheral (distal) muscles (limbs)
▪ dorsal = flexors; ventral = extensors
Motor Unit
➢ one α-motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates
▪ function of muscle helps determine the size of the motor unit
Each neuron innervates a single type of muscle (I, IIa, IIb)
Small motor units
▪ relatively few muscle fibers innervated
* as low as 1:3 (!)
▪ allows very small, precise contractions
* e.g., ocular muscles