Neural control of breathing Flashcards
What factors increase to increase total O2 transported?
Ventilation increases alongside cardiac
output to increase total O2 transported
How is O2 delivery increased in healthy, exercising individuals?
In healthy, exercising individuals,
increased O2 delivery achieved by
increasing cardiac output, not PaO2
Which muscle is utilised in quiet breathing for inspiration?
Which muscle is utilised in quiet breathing for expiration?
Elastic recoil
Which respiratory muscle is utilized in increased/forced breathing for inspiration?
External intercostals
Which respiratory muscle is utilised in increased/forced ventilation for expiration?
Internal intercostals
Which respiratory muscle is utilised in increased/forced ventilation for expiration?
Elastic recoil
Internal intercostals
Which accessory muscle is utilised in increased/forced ventilation during inspiration?
Which accessory muscle is utilised in increased/forced ventilation during expiration?
What are the steps involved in the basic breathing pattern?
-The basic breathing pattern is generated by neuronal systems within the brainstem
1. Higher centres in the brain stimulate the pontine respiratory group(PGR)
2. PGR stimulates both DRG and VRG
3. The DRG can also be stimulated by central chemoreceptors and sensory input
4. The VRG is responsible for excitatory output and innervation of upper respiratory tract
5. The DRG is responsible for inspiratory output
How does the central pattern generator determine the rate and depth of breathing?
- Higher brain centers(cerebral cortex-voluntary control over breathing)
- Respiratory centers(medulla and pons)
- Stretch receptors in lungs
- Irritant receptors
- Receptors in muscles and joints
- Central chemoreceptors
-Increased CO2, increased H+ - Peripheral chemoreceptors
-Decreased O2, Increased CO2, Increased H+ - Other receptors like pain acting through hypothalamus
What does the central pattern generator(CPG) do?
The CPG integrates data from various
neuronal inputs to regulate ventilation
What do central chemoreceptors respond to?
Central chemoreceptors respond
(indirectly) to changes in arterial PCO2
Where are central respiratory chemoreceptors present in?
Present in the medulla
Why do the central respiratory chemoreceptors act indirectly to changes in aretiral PCO2?
Although CRC respond to
changes in [H+] within
cerebrospinal fluid, as H+
does not cross the blood
brain barrier, CRC do not
directly respond to changes
in blood pH (except via CO2
What do carotid and aortic bodies respond to?
Peripheral chemoreceptors respond to
changes in arterial O2, CO2, and pH.
What are peripheral chemoreceptors activated by?
Activated by ↓PaO2, ↑PaCO2
and acidaemia.
What do carotid bodies and aortic bodies signal to and via what nerves?
Signal to respiratory centres in
medulla (via sensory nerves) to
increase ventilation (negative
What is proportional to PaCO2 in hypercapnic drive?
ventilation is
generally proportional to PaCO2
What does hypoxic drive stimulate?
Hypoxic drive – hypoxaemia (low PaO2)
stimulates increased ventilation
When does the hypoxic drive kick in?
This drive kicks in only at very low PaO2
What is the transition of ventilation from wakefulness to sleep?
-Ventilation decreases during sleep
1. ↓metabolic rate = ↓respiratory demands
2. Postural changes alter mechanics of breathing
3. ↓SNS & ↑PNS tone = ↓HR, BP & CO.
4. ↓tidal volume, ↓breathing frequency, ↓minute volume
5. ↓SaO2 (≈96%), ↑PaCO2 (≈7kPa)
6. ↓upper airway calibre
What are examples of pathologies that are associated with dysfunction in central processes that initiate breathing?
- Trauma – damage to respiratory centres in the brainstem
- Stroke – ischaemia-induced brainstem tissue injury
- Drugs (e.g. opioids) – suppression of neuronal activity
- Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
- Neonates – incomplete development of respiratory centres prior
to birth - Altitude – control systems unable to cope with abnormal
atmospheric environment (i.e. low O2 and low CO2), e.g. Cheyne-
Stokes respiration
What is sleep apnoea?
temporary cessation of breathing during sleep
What is sleep apnoea characterized by?
Characterised by >5 episodes per hour lasting >10 seconds.
What are the effects on health of sleep apnoea?
- Tiredness (poor sleep quality)
- Cardiovascular complications (stress + ↑SNS tone)
- Obesity/Diabetes (inflammation + metabolic dysfunction)
What is cheyne-stokes respiration?
oscillating apnoea and hyperpnoea
What are the steps in cheyne-stoke respiration?
- Hypercapnia/hypoxaemia
-Pathologies that can induce this are altitude, CR dysfunction, heart failure - Leads to compensatory hyperventilation
- This causes hypocapnia+alkalosis
- This decreases respiratory drive
5.This results in compensatory hypoventilaiton - Repeats from step 1 again hence cycle