neural circuits for vision Flashcards
receptive field
area on the receptor surface that when stimulated, affects the firing of that neuron
in ganglion cells
sensory neurons in retina
receive impulses from photoreceptors and transmit information to brain
first to discover receptive fields in visual fields
isolated activity of single nerve cell in optic nerve
light shone onto different areas of retina
single cell only responds when light shone onto small, specific area (receptive field)
converting environmental energy into electrical signals or nerve impulses
when signals are sent from receptors to sensory neurons and from sensory neurons to brain
spatial summation of rod cells
may rods cels converge onto one ganglion cell
means light shining onto area of retina, even two points in same region, can cause single ganglion cell to fire
receptive fields of many geach receptive field made of converging activity of many photoreceptors
ganglion cells overlap so many ganglion cells respond
cells respond differently to light present in centre of field than light on outsider - centre surround receptive fields
some ganglion cells increased firing rate when light shone on centre and reduce when shone on outside
however some had opposite
on/off centre cells
on-centre cells
increasing firing rate when light shone in centre
reduced when shone on outside
excitatory centre
inhibitory surround
off-centre cells
decreased firing rate when light shone in centre
increased when shone on outside
inhibitory centre
excitatory surround
Hubel and Weisel
instead of light shining onto retina
stimuli presented onto screen
cats sedated so eyes didnβt move
recording single neuron electrical activity using electrodes near neuron
measured firing rate/production of action potentials
clicking showed when neurons firing
more firing when light shone on centre for on centre cells
Hubel and Weisel results
on centre cell
firing rate strongest when stimulus presented in centre compared to the surround
off centre cells
firing rate strongest when surround stimulated compared to centre
centre surround antagonism
unresponsive when stimulus covered all receptive field
sum of inhibitory and excitatory input determines response of neurons
cancel each other out
centre surround antagonism of on centre cells
maximally responsive when entire centre is stimulated without any stimulation of surround
when larger stimulus covers surround
inhibitory input cancels out excitatory input
firing rate decreases
off centre cells
maximally stimulated when entire surround stimulated without any stimulation of centre
when larger dot covers centre as well
inhibitory input decreases neuron firing rate
cancels out excitatory input so rat decreases
lateral inhibition
photoreceptors in centre of receptive field transmit excitatory signals to the ganglion cell
photoreceptors in surrounding receptive field transmit excitatory signals to intermediate neurons
intermediate neurons recieven input from surrounding receptive field send inhibitory signals to the ganglion cells
importance of receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells
all visual information sent to brain encoded in responses of cells
ganglion cells form optic nerve
receptive fields extract, capture and enhance features in our vision
each captures from different areas of the receptive field
fundamental for understanding our perception of colour, luminance contrasts and edges
cells in an on centre cell
photoreceptors in centre send excitatory inputs to bipolar cells then ganglion cells
inhibitory input from surround sent by horizontal and amacrine cells
receive excitation from photoreceptors in surrounding areas of retina
send inhibitory input to ganglion cell instead of excitatory