Networking Facts Flashcards
What is a network?
- A group of computers that can share information through their interconnections
Network is made up of the following components:
- Computers (aka nodes or hosts)
- Transmission media
- Network interfaces
- Protocols
Transmission Media
- A path for electrical signals between devices
Network Interfaces
- Devices that send and receive electrical signals
- Rules or standards that describe how hosts communicate and exchange data
Networks save organizations money by allowing them to:
- Consolidate (centralize) data storage
- Share peripheral devices like printers
- Increase internal and external communications
- Increase productivity and collaboration
Host Role
- Each host can provide network resources to other hosts or access resources located on other hosts
- Each host is in charge of controlling access to those resources
Advantages if Peer-to-Peer
- Easy implementation
* Inexpensive
Disadvantages of Peer-to-Peer
- Difficult to expand (not scalable)
- Difficult to support
- Lack centralized control
- No centralized storage
Host Role
- Host have specific roles
- EX some hosts are assigned server roles which allow them to provide network resources to other host.
- Other hosts are assigned client roles, which allow them to consume network resources.
Client-Server advangtages
- Easy to expand (Scalable)
- Easy to support
- Centralized services
- Easy to back up
Client -Server disadvangtages
- Expensive server operating systems
* Extensive advanced planning required
Personal Area Network (PAN)
- A very small network used for communicating between personal devices
PAN examples
- Notebook computer
- Wireless headset
- Wireless printer
- Smart Phone
- *** Range is limited to only a few feet **
- Created for Bluetooth
Local Area Network (LAN)
- Small geographic area like an office
* Typically uses wires to connect systems together
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
- An Area that is roughly the same size as a standard LAN
* However it uses radio signals instead of wires to connect systems together
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
- A network that covers an area as small as a few city blocks to as large as an entire metropolitan city
- MANs are typically owned and managed by a city as a public utility
- *** Many IT professionals do not differentiate between a WAN and a MAN as they use essentially the same network technologies
Wide Area Network (WAN)
- A group of LANs that are geographically isolated but are connected to form a large internetwork
- Describes a computer system controlled by a single organization.
- Could be a LAN at a single business or organization. If two companies connected their internal networks to share data you could call it one network
( In reality however it is two networks because each network is managed by a different company
- Portion of a network with a common network address
- All devices on the subnet share the same network address, but have unique host addresses
- Each subnet in a larger network has a unique subnet address
- Devices connected through hubs or switches are on the same subnet. Routers are used to connect multiple subnets
- A network with geographically disperse (WAN) connections that connect multiple LANs is often called an internetwork
- Additionally connecting two networks under different management is a form of internetworking because dat must travel between two networks
- A large world wide public network. The network is public because virtually anyone can connect to it, and users or organizations make services freely available on the internet
- Users and organizations connect to the internet through an internet service provider (ISP)
- The internet uses a set of communication protocols (TCP/IP) for providing services
- Individuals and organizations can make services (such as a website) available to other users on the internet
- A private network that uses internet technologies
- Services on an intranet are only available to hosts that are connected to the private network
- For ex your company might have a website that only employees can access
- A private network that uses internet technologies but its resources are made available to external (but trusted) users
- For example you might create a website on a private network that only users from a partner company can access