Networking Concepts Flashcards
What type of networks do people use everyday?
Mail delivery
Public transportation
corporate computer network
The Internet
What do you call the start point computer and end point computer on the network?
Start = Source Computer
End = Destination Computer
What does host device mean?
Any device that sends and receives information on the network.
What does peripheral device mean?
Sometimes referred to as auxiliary device. It is a device that links directly to the computer via cable (medium) and uses the computer system resources.
Give examples of host devices on a network. Check your answers against the list on this flash card
- Desktop Computer
- Laptop Computer
- Server
- Tablet
- Smartphone
- Printer
- Camera
- IP phone
- Scanner
What does intermediary device mean?
An intermediary device ensures that data flows from one host device to another host device.
Give examples of Intermediary Devices and check your answers against the ones on this flashcard
- Switch
- Router
- Modem
- Access Point
- Wireless Router
What does network Media mean?
Network Medium provides the channel over which the message travels from source to destination. So communication across a network is carried on a medium. The plural for Medium is Media.
Give examples of Network Media. Check your answers against the answers given here.
- Copper cabling
- Fiber-optic Cabling
- Wireless Connection
- Network Cloud (Internet)
True or False: When data is sent over a computer network, it is broken up into small chunks called packets. Each packet contains source and destination address information. Packets are sent one bit at a time.
What is bandwidth measured in?
The number of bits that can be sent every second. Examples are:
b/s-bits per second
kb/s-Kilobits per second
Mb/s-Megabits per second
Gb/s-Gigabits per second
What is latency?
The time it takes data to travel from source to destination.
Just as a side note. Bytes are larger than bits and is used interchangeably wrong. Click “Tap here to see answer” button and see how different they are.
1 byte is equal to 8 bits, and is abbreviated with a capital B. The capital letter B is normally used when describing size or storage capacity, such as a file (2.5 MB) or disk drve (2 TB).
What are the three different modes data is transmitted over the network?
What is Simplex?
It is a single, one-way transmission. An example would be the signal that is sent from a TV station to your home TV.
What is Half-Duplex?
This is when data flows in one direction at a time. With Half-Duplex, the channel of communications allows alternating transmission in two directions, but not at the same time. An example would be a Two-way radio.
What is Full-Duplex?
This is when data flows in both directions at the same time. A telephone conversation is an example of this. Digital Subscriber Line and Cable both run on Full-Duplex.
This network encompasses a small geographical area. It is typically owned by an individual, such as in a home or small business, or wholly managed by an IT department, such as in a school or corporation. This individual or group enforces the security and access control policies of the network.
This is a LAN Network.
Give a brief description of a Wireless LAN?
A Wireless LAN is a LAN that uses radio waves to transmit data between wireless devices.
What are the two modes WLANs can operate in?
Infrastructure and Ad-hoc modes.
What is Infrastructure mode on a WLAN?
In infrastructure mode wireless clients connect to a wireless router or access point (AP). The AP is connected to a switch, which provides access to the rest of the network and to the Internet. The range for a typical WLAN system varies from under 98.4ft indoors to much greater distances outdoors, depending on the technology used.
What is Ad-hoc mode in a WLAN?
Ad-hoc means the WLAN is created when it is needed. Ad hoc is usually temporary. Example of ad-hoc is a laptop connected to a smartphone through cellular service provider.
What is a PAN?
Personal Area Network (PAN) is a network that connects devices, such as mice, keyboards, printers, smartphone, and tablets within the range of an individual person. All of the devices are connected to a single host and are often connected with Bluetooth technology.
What is Bluetooth?
it is a wireless technology that enables devices to communicate over short distances. bluetooth can connect up to seven other bluetooth devices. Described in IEEE standard 802.15.1, bluetooth devices are capable of handling voice and data. These devices operate in the 2.4 to 2.485GHz radio frequency range which is the Industrial Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band. This standard incorporates Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH) which reduces interference when multiple bluetooth devices are present.
What is a MAN?
Metropolitan Area Network is a network that spans across a large campus or a city. These are usually interconnected through wireless or fiber optic backbones. The communication links and equipment are typically owned by a consortium of users, or by a network service provider who sells the service to the users.
What is a WAN?
WAN connects multiple networks that are in geographically separated locations. The distinguishing characteristic of a WAN is that it is owned by a service provider. Individuals and organizations contract for WAN services. Most common WAN is the Internet.
What type of network consists of: No hierarchy among computers, nor are there any dedicated servers. Each client has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities. Each client is responsible for their own resources and can decide which data and devices to share or install. The network has no central point of control or administration.
This is a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network. They work best in environments with 10 or fewer computers. Even in large networks, clients can still share resources directly with other users without using a network server.
What type of disadvantages do Peer-to Peer networks have?
There is no centralized network administration, this makes it difficult to determine who controls resources on the network.
There is not centralized security. Each client must use separate security measures for data protection
The network becomes more complex and difficult to manage when more computers enter the network.
There might not be any centralized data storage. Separate data backups must be maintained. This responsibility falls on the individual user.
What is a Client-Server Network?
In a client-server network, the client requests information or services from the server. The server provides the requested information or service to the client. Servers on a client-server network commonly perform some of the processing work for client machines. For example, a server can sort through a database before delivering the records requested by the client. On a client-server network, resources are controlled by a centralized network administration.
What are Protocols?
They are a set of rules. Internet protocols are sets of rules governing communication between computers on a network. Protocols require messages to arrive within certain time intervals so that computers do not wait indefinitely for messages that might have been lost.Protocols also initiate alternative actions if the network does not meet the timing rules.
What are some functions of protocols?
Identifying and handling errors.
compressing the data.
Determining how data is to be divided and packaged.
Addressing data packets.
Determining how to announce the sending and receiving of data packets.
What is the OSI Model?
The International Standards Organization (ISO) developed the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) reference model to standardize the way devices communicate on a network.
list the names of the OSI Model, the Layers and Descriptions in that order. One way to remember it is “All People Seem To Need Data Processing” and “Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away”
Layer 7.
Application/Responsible for network services to applications.
Layer 6.
Presentation/Transforms data formats to provide a standard interface for the application layer.
Layer 5.
Session/Establishes, manages, and terminates the connections between the local and remote application.
Layer 4.
Transport/Provides reliable transport and flow control across a network.
Layer 3.
Network/Responsible for logical addressing and the domain of routing.
Layer 2.
Data Link/Provides physical addressing and media access procedures.
Layer 1.
Physical/Defines all the electrical and physical specifications for devices.
What does the TCP/IP Model consist of?
Where high-level protocols such as SMTP and FTP operate
Specifies which application requested or is receiving data through specific ports.
Where IP addressing and routing take place.
Network Access:
Where MAC addressing and physical components of the network exist.
Give details about the origins of TCP/IP Model
Was created by researchers in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). It consists of layers that perform functions necessary to prepare data for transmission over a network. TCP/IP stands for two important protocols in the suite: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP).
What is TCP/IP responsible for?
TCP is responsible for reliable delivery. IP is responsible for adding source and destination addressing to the data. TCP/IP protocol does include many other protocols.
What are Protocol Data Units?
Application data is passed down through the TCP/IP layers, protocol information is added at each level and this is known as the encapsulation process. The form that a piece of data takes at any layer is called a protocol data unit (PDU).
True or False? When sending messages on a network, the encapsulation process works from top to bottom.
True. The “Protocol Operation of Sending a Message” starts at User Data (i.e. email, webpage), then the TCP Segment adds a transport header to encapsulation, IP information is added which involves a network header, then Ethernet information is added and this is where the frame header is added and a frame trailer to close the encapsulation process. Bits are a physical layer of PDU, these are used when physically transmitting data over the medium.
When the “Protocol Operation of Receiving a Message” does the De-Encapsulation, does it reverse the process of Receiving a message?
Yes. This process is reversed at the receiving host. De-encapsulation is the process used by a receiving device to remove one or more of the protocol headers. The data moves up through the layers toward the end-user application.
Compare the OSI Model and TCP/IP Model where are the key similarities?
The similarities are at the network and transport layers.
What is CSMA/CD in ethernet protocol?
This is essentially a set of rules that control how communication occurs on an Ethernet Network. IEEE 802.3 standard specifies that a network implement the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection for a access control method. All devices listen to the network wire for clearance to send data. The first station that detects the collision sends out a jam signal that tells all stations to stop transmitting and to run a backoff algorithm
1) Carrier-
This is the wire used to transmit data
2) Sense-
Each device listens to the wire to determine if it is clear to send data.
3) Multiple Access-
There can be many devices accessing the network at the same time.
4) Collision Detection -
A collision causes a doubling of voltage on the wire, which is detected by the devices’ NICs.
What is DNS and what layer is it a part of in the TCP/IP Model?
DNS is part of the Application Layer (Naming System) and it translates domain names, such as, into IP addresses
What is bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) and what layer is it located in the TCP/IP model?
BOOTP is found in the Application Layer (Host Config) and enables a diskless workstation to discover its own IP address, the IP address of a BOOTP server on the network, and a file to be loaded into memory to boot the machine. BOOTP is being superseded by DHCP
What is DHCP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is located in the Application Layer and it dynamically assigns IP addresses to client stations at start-up. It also allows the addresses to be re-used when no longer needed.
What is SMTP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is in the Application Layer(email) and it enables clients to send email to a mail server, and enables servers to send email to other servers.
What is POP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) is located in the Application Layer of TCP/IP model (email) and enables clients to retrieve email from a mail server and downloads email from the mail server to the desktop.
What does IMAP do and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Internet Message Access Protocol is located in the Application Layer (Email) and it enables clients to access email stored on a mail server, and maintains email on the server.
What is FTP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
File Transfer Protocol is located in the Application Layer (File Transfer). It sets rules that enable a user on one host to access and transfer files to and from another host over a network. It is a reliable , connection-oriented, and acknowledged file delivery protocol. Allows user authentication and uses port 20 for data and 21 for connection dialog
What is TFTP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Trivial File Transfer Protocol is located in the Application Layer (File Transfer) and is a simple, connectionless file transfer protocol. It is a best-effort, unacknowledged file delivery protocol and utilizes less overhead than FTP. TFTP uses port 69 for its file transfer activity. TFTP does not support user authentication. Allows unidirectional (one direction) transfer of files.
What is HTTP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Hypertext Transfer File Protocol is located in the Application Layer of the TCP/IP model (web). It is a set of rules for exchanging text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files on the World Wide Web.
What is UDP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
User Datagram Protocol and is located in the Transport Layer. It enables a process running on one host to send packets to a process running on another host. Does not confirm successful datagram transmission.
What is TCP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Transmission Control Protocol is located in the Transport Layer and it enables reliable communication between processes running on separate hosts. It is reliable, acknowledged transmission that confirm successful delivery.
What is IP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Internet Protocol is located in the Internet Layer. It receives message segments from the transport layer, packages messages into packets, and addresses packets for end-to-end delivery over an internetwork
What is NAT and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Network Address Translation is located in the Internet Layer and it translates IP addresses from a private network into globally unique public IP addresses
What is ICMP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Internet Control Message Protocol is located in the Internet Layer (IP Support). It provides feedback from a destination host to a source host about errors in packet delivery.
What is OSPF and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Open shortest Path First is located in the Internet Layer (Routing Protocol). This is a link-state routing protocol and has hierarchical design based on areas. It is also an open standard interior routing protocol.
What is EIGRP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol is located in the Internet Layer (Routing Protocol). This is a cisco proprietary routing protocol. It uses composite metric, based on bandwidth, delay, load and reliability.
What is ARP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model
Address Resolution Protocol is located in the Network Access Layer. It provides dynamic address mapping between an IP address and a hardware address.
What is PPP and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Point-to-Point Protocol is located in the Network Layer. It provides a means of encapsulating packets for transmission over a serial link
What is Ethernet and what layer is it located, in the TCP/IP model?
Ethernet is located in the Network Access Layer. It defines the rules for wiring and signaling standards of the network access layer.
What is Interface Drivers? What layer is it located in the TCP/IP model?
Interface Drivers are located in the Network Access Layer. It provides instruction to a machine for the control of a specific interface on a network device.
What does the encapsulation process consist of?
Data which is the general term used for Protocol Data Units. Is segmented which